Catelynn Lowell’s Brother Slams Tyler Baltierra For Mistreating Catelynn; Says He Doesn’t Like Who Catelynn’s “Become Over the Years” Due to Tyler’s Influence

“Here I come again, guys!”

Catelynn Lowell‘s family feud rages on!

Just a week or so after Catelynn blasted her mom April, teen brother Nick and grandma Judi on social media, Nick released a new video directly addressing his sister— and revealing why he dislikes Cate’s husband, Tyler Baltierra.

Nick’s new video— which was posted to his YouTube channel on Wednesday— also defends April, and doubles down on the accusations he made last week about Ty and Cate taking their kids’ money, and about Tyler’s sexuality. 

“Last week my family— and all of our problems— went viral on social media after my sister leaked screenshots out of context, that [were] posted to her Instagram with nearly 5 million followers,” Nick begins his video.

It’s giving “sitting in a cave, being held hostage” vibes…no?

He states that he said some things about his sister’s finances and about Catelynn’s husband Tyler Baltierra that he regrets. (Nick basically stated that Cate and Ty took money from their kids’ bank accounts to pay off their nearly $1 million tax debt. He also stated that Tyler has a boyfriend in Arizona. Click here to read everything Nick said.) 

While Nick said he regrets making those statements, he insists he was telling the truth.

“While I maintain that the things that I said were true, it wasn’t my place to talk about, so I wanted to start off this video by apologizing to my sister,” Nick said. 

Here’s a breakdown of some of the other topics Nick discussed in his video.

On why he doesn’t like Tyler & the person he says Catelynn’s become because of Tyler:

“I love my sister. I just don’t like who she’s become over the years, and I don’t blame her,” he said. “I want to make that very clear. The problem isn’t my sister, it’s the person she’s married to.”

“Whatever, dude.”

“I used to love Tyler, but I feel like Tyler doesn’t like us and he’s never really tried to hide that. Recently, my feelings toward Tyler have changed. I don’t like Tyler because of the way he treats my sister.”

Nick then placed a few quick clips of Tyler insulting Catelynn’s weight (including the infamous “I don’t want no heifer for a wife” scene.) 

“I can’t and won’t respect a man who tells my sister that he’ll love her no matter what, then proceeds to call her a heifer; a person who says he doesn’t care how she feels, a person who would constantly drag her down about her weight, and make her cry herself to sleep,” Nick said. 

“I’m just saying, it was a big quesadilla to only be 7 Weight Watchers points! That’s a hill I will die on!”

“She couldn’t even slice a pizza without Tyler telling her he’s afraid of how big she’ll get,” Nick said, adding that Tyler has allegedly made comments about how people with weight problems “disgust him.” 

“If he can say these things in front of MTV cameras, what does he say behind closed doors?”

“The truth is, I miss my sister. Well, the person that she used to be,” Nick added.

On fans’ claims that Nick & April use Catelynn for her money: 

Cate has banked literally millions in ‘Teen Mom’ cash over the years, but Nick insisted that, despite what people say, their family feud has nothing to do with money. 

“My mother and I have made our own money off of MTV and ‘Teen Mom’ and we have never, and will never, need her money,” Nick said. 

On Catelynn’s relationship with April:

Well…that’s about the understatement of the millennium…

Nick stated that the majority of the family’s issues are between Catelynn and April. (As The Ashley previously reported, Catelynn was angry last week that April drank while she was with Cate and Ty on their recent visit with their biological daughter, Carly. April’s drinking has caused a lot of problems between her and Cate over the years.) 

“I don’t like our mom being vilified when she had one beer when everyone else around her was drinking, which you know is a trigger for her,” Nick said. “Mom loves you, and your children. She even babysits them whenever you want her to. All she asks in return is for you to not vilify her on TV or social media. 

“She has done everything that she can to repair the relationship she once had with you that was ruined because of TV.”

Well, TV and of course saying things like this to her teen daughter….

“I love my mom and I’m so proud of all the progress she’s made over the years,” Nick said. “Was she a perfect mom? No. Does she have a lot of regrets when it comes to her children? Of course.”

Nick went on to say that, because she’s been on ‘Teen Mom’ for so long, it’s easy for fans to “villify” April without really knowing her.

“My mother used to struggle with mental health and depression. She has since pulled herself away from that,” he said. “So whenever I see someone trying to bully her, I take offense to that. My mom is literally my best friend, and I’ll go toe-to-toe with anybody for her, because she’s not the person that social media thinks she is. I wish you guys knew that.” 

On Catelynn & Tyler’s claims that he stole from them:

At this point in the video, things get a bit weird.

Nick addresses Catelynn’s claim that Nick stole from her and Tyler. He states that he has never stolen from them, and that the item that was allegedly stolen from the Baltierra home was some sort of microphone. 

I know it’s probably a mic for filming, but I’d like to believe it’s a microphone Tyler used to rap about teen dad issues…

Nick goes on to claim that he’s “95 percent innocent” of the theft crimes he’s been accused of. (Um…?) He then claims that he was “threatened by the person who stole it” at knifepoint (as you are…)

“I was told that if I ever told anybody about it, he would un-alive me,” Nick said. “He then forced me to text this guy and mess with him for about a month, which I stupidly did.”


“But when they accused me, I tried to tell them what actually happened, and even went out of my way to prove my innocence,” Nick continued. 

While he doesn’t reveal who the knife-threatening thief is, he does state that he’s allegedly someone who is related to Tyler.

Nick’s story gets wild, bringing in fake cops and lie-detector tests, naturally.

Thankfully no Tupperwares of urine were brought into the conversation this time…

“[Tyler] convinced [Catelynn] that I was lying, and even went out of his way to make me look guilty,” Nick said. “First, a friend of theirs even impersonated a cop and interrogated me over the phone. And then they went out of their way to pay for a lie-detector test that came out inconclusive.” 

(Last week, Nick showed screenshots of texts allegedly between him and Catelynn that talked about the lie-detector test.) 

“I’ve never lied to my sister and I’ve never stole from her. To have something like this hanging over us to a degree where I’m not allowed to see my own niece hurts more than anything Tyler could say about me.”

Nick claimed he only made the video because he wanted Catelynn to see it, and she has blocked him from communicating with her other ways.

Cate and Ty have yet to publicly respond to Nick’s new video.

You can watch Nick’s full video below.

RELATED STORY: Catelynn Lowell’s Brother Nick Claps Back After Catelynn Posts About Feud With Her Family; Nick Claims Catelynn & Tyler Baltierra Took Money From Their Kids & More

(Photos: MTV; YouTube)

40 Responses

  1. LMFAO! Somebody stop this turd. I totally remember clear as day when Tyler bought a horsey and tried to not be a parent for the third time! OMG that was so shitty of him to do to Catelynn! Oh wait it was Catelynn who decided to check out of life for their first two kids and play with a horsey all the while Tyler was shoving vaped pot smoke into her lungs lol. Neither are perfect but imho Tyler has really kept it together through it all with her bailing on parental duty, pissing away money, and somehow trying to keep his idiot dad sober and her equally useless family away. I guess brother needs to pay his dealer lol.

    1. I agree w/ you.. tyler has kept it together.. but his mom raising him probably had a lot to do with that. Cate didn’t have a mom or dad that she could look up to and learn positive behavior from. All she knows is toxic.. She’s been learning as she goes..

  2. Give me a break cate is no victim and no better then Tyler and the whole trash family they are lazy trash

  3. The fact he said proudly that him and his mom have made their own money off of Teen Mom is funny because WITHOUT CATE AND TY there never would have been money to be made in the first place. They’ve been making a living off the back of the sister and daughter they drag publicly.

    1. I know. That made me chuckle. Like yeah, he really thought ge did something there, didn’t he?

      maybe don’t bite the hand that feeds you, you might not get asked back to make your own money.

  4. You can tell he’s only 17. He’s really trying to gaslight us into thinking April is an angel when we have all seen her be downright cruel to Catelynn. The way she treated Cate on 16 & Pregnant, and the first few seasons of Teen Mom would make anyone resent April for the rest of their lives. And NO, it’s not ok that April was drinking 1 beer, even though everyone else around her was drinking. April is an alcoholic, and her alcoholic rage played a huge role in Cate and Tyler’s decision to give Carly up for adoption. He doesn’t like the way Tyler treats Catelynn, so he pulled up that heifer clip from years ago, but failed to pull up the clip of April and Butch screaming their heads off at Cate when she was still a kid, pregnant, and making one of the most selfless, heartbreaking decisions of her life.

    Whew! this family is so toxic!!

    1. I especially liked his bit about how a TV show ruined Cate & April’s relationship…Right above the screenshot of April absolutely verbally eviscerating a teenage Cate while prom dress shopping. wowkkayy buddy

      1. The abuse Catelynn endured at the hands of April and Butch ON CAMERA, April is lucky to have a relationship with Catelynn at all! You’re right, she used to verbally EVICERATE poor Catelynn, to the point I would get upset for Catelynn, and Cate would just sit there and take it. Nicks talking about if Tyler said this to Catelynn on camera, what does he say when the cameras are off….ummmm if April would abuse her daughter on camera, what was she doing to Catelynn when the cameras were off? Such a mess.

    2. Ever seen what happens when a gaslighting, piece of shit, drunk, drugged-out narcissist raises a kid? Nicki. That’s what.

  5. Sorry Nick, who shall we believe our lying eyes or your lies? April has never appeared to be a decent or sober person. I am not a fan of Tyler or Cate by any means but Nick’s evaluation of April I believe is less than truthful.

    Carley hit the adoption lottery getting out of this mess. I do not blame Brandon and Theresa one bit for keeping their distance from this family. Toxic from start to finish.

  6. Nicki proving he’s complete garbage & regurgitating the shit his momma & grama say. Garbage people. Cate & Ty so much better off without those losers.

  7. I feel like Nick is too young to really understand what he’s doing.

    If seeing people drink makes someone want to drink, that’s a problem. She was asked to not drink, not one beer, not a half, not a sip, nothing. And if she can’t control it, then maybe she needs to realize that’s a problem and go to AA.

    If being around people drinking “triggers” her, then SHE needs to get up and walk away. Call her sponsor.

    Because with April, it’s never just one beer, it’s on beer, and then another and another and another, and then it’s screaming about how Carly is their’s, and she’s ruined her life giving Carly away, etc. It’s then the verbal and physical abuse.

    This makes me even more sure, that it wasn’t Cate’s rule. It was B&T’s rule. They saw the show. They knew that April had dependency issues. They don’t want that around their kids.

    If this is all stemming from her drinking, then she’s the problem. Period. She doesn’t need Nick to fight her battles or her mother no one. Like if you have to explain why you couldn’t go 5 hours without a beer, maybe you need to stop drinking.

    Also, Tyler could have an open marriage, could be bi, could be closeted. Maybe everything Nick said is true. But that’s not for Nick to talk about. it’s like he’s channeling Perez Hilton circa 2008. This is for Cate and Tyler to deal with and make decisions on.

    I love Nick being like we don’t need them for money, just the only reason we have it is because of them. Like yeah, we know… but not any longer…

  8. Changed from what?! He was a baby! a baby! She was a much better person before Tyler. I remember I was 2 months old and then Tyler came along…

    1. RIGHT. Like I that “I don’t want no heifer for a wife”, when Cate did weight watchers, in like 2016. 7 years ago. Right after she gave birth to Nova, and wanted to lose the baby weight.

      What was Nick like 7?

      Cate and Tyler have been together since middle school, since before Nick was even born.

      I think Cate was living with Tyler’s mom by the time Nick was born. Like Nick is about the same age as Carly.

      Clearly hearing things his mom and grandma are saying and just repeats it like he knows what’s up. lol.

          1. @Roast Beef— No, Butch is not Nick’s dad. April got with Butch a little bit after Nick was born (from another rando guy). -The Ashley

          2. @ROAST BEEF

            No thank god.

            It’s this guy with blond hair and a mullet. He’s pictured on Nick’s insta. But he hasn’t been in Nick’s life for almost all of it.

  9. Why do I feel like April is holding up cue cards for Nick to read? It doesn’t sound like he is actually talking, it sounds like he is reading.

  10. Oh shocker, looks like somebody realized he messed up last week by trashing his sister spreading rumors about her & her family just to get a little internet attention………not that he regrets it for any reason except he knows he’ll miss her money and gifts.

    Sadly Cate will probably forgive him even though she should cut off her entire cruel family.

    He’s so embarrassing and transparent.

  11. This kid is full of BS. Cate needs to stop addressing his “claims” publicly. He just want clout

  12. This all sounds like addict behavior. I would bet a million bucks that Nick is an addict.

  13. He is claiming the TV/media/Sm ruined a plethora of things…yet…is on a screen airing out family issues?! Lol. No thanks dude, you’re off your rocker.

  14. When both my husband and I started changing, setting boundaries, and moving away from staying in the toxic cycles we were all stuck in our families behavior was the same as Cate’s. Cate Nd Tyler are far from perfect but they can’t do the work for their family and it is time to cut all tirs.

  15. Cate is never going to leave Tyler. Should she? Probably, but at this point it’s not going to happen. Nick doesn’t really have any room to talk though- Cate learned dysfunction from her own family.

    1. If anything, this is probably the longest marriage/ relationship in her ENTIRE family.

      If anything she’s the opposite of her family for staying this long. But she probably learned some really unhealthy coping mechanisms and co-dependency to Tyler which is why she will probably never leave.

      If anything, He will be the one to leave.

      If he does, it will be after his kids are 18 or I don’t see him leaving when he’s still on the show. I mean they are also a brand now. It’s not healthy, but they are a brand together.

    2. Haven’t seen dysfunction lately. Tyler doesnt insult her but applauds her. They both had issues to work trough perhaps.
      And they go to Detroit together, perhaps to stop the rumors too.
      I don’t watch anymore but I really hope Tyler stopped nagging and shitting on Cate with his mom too. His mom has toxic traits too.

      It would be out of the ordinary, special or fake when they wouldn’t have (relationship) issues to work trough after the way they grew up (nature, nurture, experiences), grew up together, gave a child up, TV camera’s and fame, finding other jobs/ income, etc.
      Good for them for adressing it all.

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