‘Sister Wives’ Star Janelle Brown Says She Had “Nothing Financially” After Leaving Husband Kody: “I Have Done This Very Dumb Thing”

“I spent a life dealing with Kody and all I have is a cruddy empty lot where we go to film and yell at each other…”

Janelle Brown had to face her future— and the consequences of her bad financial decisions— on Sunday’s episode of Sister Wives. Viewers watched as Janelle decided to leave her husband Kody, only to then realize that her allegiance to Kody and his polygamist family has left her alone— and broke.

After a heated screaming match erupted between Kody and Janelle, ending with Kody leaving, Janelle told cameras that she believes this is the end of her decades-long marriage.

“We were throwing accusations at each other about what’s going on and it was shocking…I was really upset when he left because, like, there’s a finality to it and now I’m worried about what happens to me,” Janelle said. “Moving forward, do I live here? Do I build? It feels like Kody and I are no longer going to be a couple. It really does. It was that dramatic.

“There had been so much build-up and then, not so much the words. Yes, the words were very harsh, but just the feeling was like, ‘We’re done.'”

“F**k off, frizz head!”

The former Mrs. Kody Brown #2 then realized how bad her financial situation is if she leaves Kody and the family.

“So after I kind of got over the shock after Kody left, I thought, ‘Oh my heck. Like, I have nothing financially,'” Janelle said, adding that basically all of the money she has is invested in the Brown family’s Coyote Pass property.

“And I put up with that visor-wearing ego-maniac for like 25 years!”

“I am tied up in this property, everything as far as my estate goes,” she said. “Any kind of savings, money, anything is tied up in this property.

“I am a smart woman and I have done this very dumb thing.”

In a previous episode, Janelle revealed that she handed over the money she made from selling her home in Las Vegas to Kody and his fourth wife, Robyn, so they could purchase their Arizona home. Kody’s first wife Meri Brown stated that she did the same, explaining that up until recently, the Browns had pooled their money and used it wherever it was needed. Meri went on to claim that the family had “always worked together” financially.

That “working together” plan meant that Janelle and Meri contributed their Vegas home earnings, as well as money from the family pooled account, to buy Robyn’s home.

“How could we have let ourselves be swindled by a guy whose hair looks like Top Ramen?!”

During Sunday’s episode, Janelle elaborated, stating that she had made the financial decisions that she had because she believed she would be taken care of by Kody and their polygamist family.

“I trusted in this family structure, but now I’m really stuck,” Janelle said. “And I’m like, ‘Oh my hell. I’m 50, and I have nothing.'”

As fans know, Janelle confirmed in December 2022 that she and Kody had split. (A month or so later, Meri and Kody announced that they were “permanently terminating” their marriage.) Currently, Kody is only married to Robyn.

‘Sister Wives’ airs Sundays on TLC. You can read The Ashley’s latest ‘Sister Wives’ recap here!

(Photos: TLC) 

11 Responses

  1. When I’m 50 I hope my life is full enough that I don’t need a man.. especially if that man is kody brown. Janelle has never needed kody anyways. She has her kids and grandkids to fill her life. Kody is a bad dad. Good riddance tbh. Live large janelle, travel the us in your rv, visit your kids.once savannah is out of school. The world is yours

  2. Seriously, Janelle (and Meri, for that matter) Get an attorney and sue. Everything has played out on-screen. A good attorney could possibly help to recoup at least the portion given from the sale of the Las Vegas homes. There has to be a money trail, somewhere, right??

    Incidentally, I’ve watched the show since the.beginning. too. Yeah, I remember when it came out that Meri and Janelle had each given proceeds from sale of their Vegas homes towards Kody/Robyn AZ mansion.

    Producers panned to Robyn sitting on the couch saying “Yes, we always give money to whomever needs it. Like, for the kids and stuff…”

    Lmao No mention of how SHE benefited. Please Robyn you done got caught *eye roll* fake. Fake. Fake.

  3. She’ll be alright. A tell all, a Series “after sister wives” and speaker about polygami, she’s get 10x dollars than she would ever have with Sobyn og Kody. Guess Robyn actually have something to cry about now

  4. This is a common situation a lot of women find themselves in late in life and it’s very sad. Janelle has always been the breadwinner of the family and took care of the families finances. It really really sucks that Janelle is leaving with nothing while Robyn came into the family with tens of thousands of dollars worth of debt but is sitting pretty on her 4 acre mansion.

    Also, can we pause for a moment and talk about how gorgeous Janelle is?!! She is positively glowing in her couch segments! Leaving Kody has done wonders for her physically

  5. I’d be living my best life on a park bench rather than bow to those two ( Sobin and Kody).

  6. I wonder if she could argue in court to a “contract” being made when she put that money into Robin’s home? I realize that they were not legally married, however they made a verbal contract. They would have all these past episodes as proof of being duped. The sad thing is, that so many women are raised in this patriarchal world and taught to believe they should rely on a man and polygamy. It has only opened them up to pain and abuse. This man is so evidently a narcissistic sociopath who spent a lifetime coercively controlling these women.

  7. What would you have rather: An egotistical husband and financial security or freedom from this maniac but being broke? I know what I would choose. You were young and stupid, Janelle. Now you are older and wiser. Not to mention the amount of literal weight of a dead marriage has been lifted off your shoulders. You do you, Janelle, good luck, you will find someone who won’t think of you as just someone who is supposed to be around forever. (Not to mention Robyn with her “I thought we would all sit on a porch and be together”…narcissistic just like him. These two deserve each other)

  8. I’m happy that Jenelle has finally left Kody and it is devastating to have to start all over again. She truly believed that everyone in the family had her best interests at heart and she would be financially secure. Unfortunately it looks like Robyn and Kody are the only ones that prosper. I definitely wouldn’t want to build on Coyote Pass (if that ever actually happens). And let’s be real Robyn and Kody did not need to buy a house that was nearly 1 million. Especially considering the hefty chunk of change that Jenelle and Meri put into it when neither reaped any benefit whatsoever.

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