Amber Portwood left the Teen Mom world stunned in the early morning hours of Christmas Eve by hurling some scathing accusations against her baby daddy Gary Shirley.
The Teen Mom star— who has been spending hours on TikTok Live every day for the past few weeks— was angry at Gary, who has forbidden Amber from seeing their 16-year-old daughter, from whom Amber is estranged. Earlier in the day, Amber spoke about being at peace (for now) with where her relationship with Leah currently is. However, when she came back online around 3 a.m. Indiana time, Amber went for Gary’s jugular, accusing him of rape, as well as blackmailing her into getting an abortion, being a bad dad and more.
Amber appeared to be set off my something that happened earlier that night, seemingly with Gary telling her that she was no longer welcome in Leah’s life. After that, she hit TikTok Live to reveal “secrets” she claimed to have been holding in for years.
“I’m being told that my daughter will be completely taken away from me,” Amber said. “I can’t see her anyway. She wants nothing to do with me. And then you have the other person [Gary] lying, saying you never, ever tried to help with your child. It’s becoming too much for me to keep inside because of this. I never thought I’d ever say this, ever, but I never thought that any of this was going to happen. I thought he would at least try to keep it cool.”
During the Live, Amber accused Gary of rape–seemingly statutory rape. She pointed out that she was young– about 14 or 15— when she began dating Gary, who was about 18 at the time. She claimed that she only stayed with Gary because she got pregnant at 17 with Leah.
“You’re a rapist. You’re lucky that you have our daughter,” Amber said to Gary, who was not on the Live. “And if you want to come at me for this, because I’ve never told anybody. Not once. I’ve never told anybody…You guys, I’ve kept my mouth shut for 17 years. I went through everything that I went through everything that I could to keep this at bay. Even though other people knew about this, OK?”
“I’m not stopping, don’t tell me to stop!” Amber snapped at her TikTok followers who told her to stop and think about what she was putting out on the Internet. “Don’t dare try to silence me when I’m talking about real stuff. I don’t care what happens after this because I’m stuck with just bullying.”
Amber claimed she was so violent toward Gary in the past because of what she claims he did. (As ‘Teen Mom’ fans know, Amber was arrested for domestic battery against Gary in the early years of ‘Teen Mom.’ Years later, she was arrested for domestic violence against her other baby daddy Andrew Glennon.)

“I was abusive for a reason. A lot of shame, a lot of pain. So many things,” she said. “…I did a lot of bad things, but I had my reasons.”
Amber then claimed that Leah is close to her stepmom, Kristina, because Gary has pushed her toward her as a way to attempt to silence Amber. (Amber did not, however, acknowledge all of the times that Kristina has been a mother to Leah while Amber was in a relationship or unable–or unwilling–to be an active parent to Leah herself.)
“Gary’s not a good dad….at all. It’s absolutely disgusting….there’s a reason why he’s pushed my daughter towards Kristina so much,” she said, later adding that she wishes she could speak to Leah privately.
“I would love to go talk to my daughter,” Amber said. “I would love to have my kids with me. I would love to talk to my daughter…neither one of them live with me but I take care of both of my children.”
(This is likely a reference to claims Gary allegedly made recently about Amber owing him years’ worth of child support, something Amber has denied.)
Amber talked about the “amazing” relationship she currently has with her son James, and blamed Gary for the fact that she has no relationship with Leah.
“And then you have on the other side Gary Shirley, who you could do everything perfect and he will always do something in order to make money,” Amber said. “He will always do something in order to make himself look better. He’s that type of person. One thing is I can admit my faults but that man can never. And there’s some things that are so hidden and he’s lucky.”
Amber then accused Gary of being a “f**king pedophile.”
“He’s also a rapist. So, merry Christmas. To the guys who have been following Gary, who raped me— you guys are welcome for this franchise!” Amber said, seemingly taking credit for creating the ‘Teen Mom’ shows.

Amber also claimed that Gary once took her to get an abortion and that he told her if she didn’t get it she wouldn’t be able to see Leah, who was three at the time. (For those who haven’t been following the show for as long as The Ashley has, Leah was three when Amber lost custody to Gary for her drug-related offenses. Leah was also three when Amber went to prison. In her latest book, Amber discussed her heavy drug use during this time.)
Amber claimed she stayed silent about all this “to protect her daughter.”
“I can’t believe all the things I have gone through because of this person [Gary],” she said. “If I would have known that my daughter was going to be taken away from me. If I had known I was going to be attacked right now with lies about money. If I had known that I was going to be used just the way I have been, I would have never kept my mouth shut actually.”
During another part of the Live, a sobbing Amber claimed she was “attacked” by someone, who we can assume was Gary.
“I was trying so hard for Leah and having her taken away from me in every possible way,” she said. “…I didn’t do anything to my daughter. I’ve kept my mouth shut for 17 years for her, guys. But if the man is going to keep on attacking me with his insane things and tell me I’m not wanted in her life anymore, fine. Ok. But this is what I’ve done in order for her to have a regular life.
“…I’m getting attacked on Christmas Eve, as I always do, for the last 17 years. This time I’m done. Because it’s specifically because of this one person [Gary]. I can’t go on like that. I have to be strong and I have to just do what I need to do. But that’s the truth. I’m sorry if it hurt anybody. I’m sorry if it made anybody feel a certain way… I’m going into this new year and I’m changing my life, and I am finally free. I feel like I’m finally free.”
Amber seemed very concerned that she was going to get in trouble with MTV for going on Live and saying this stuff. It appeared that she thought the show would be cancelled because of it.

Although Amber never apologized to Leah for publicly making these statements (on Christmas Eve), she did say she was sorry to the other cast members.
“Sorry to the show, sorry to the girls, sorry to everybody…Do you guys know how much trouble I’m going to get into?” she sobbed. “…I’m so sorry to the rest of the girls! But I can’t be bullied anymore….If something happens [with] my career [on the show]…I’ve loved everything that I’ve experienced from my career. I guess I’ll see what happens.”
Amber said she was worried because she knew she was “going to be yelled at by a lot of people because it wasn’t supposed to get out.”
She also seemingly implied that MTV covered up incidents to protect Gary and the show.
“I can’t keep getting bullied by this person [Gary] and treated as if every single thing is my fault,” Amber declared. “It’s been on for too long. I don’t know what’s going to happen next….I’m putting my whole career on the line right now, but I can’t keep it in. I’ll deal with whatever comes my way.
As of press time, Gary has not commented on Amber’s claims. MTV has also not addressed what Amber said during her rant.
You can watch a portion of Amber’s Christmas Eve TikTok meltdown below.
The Ashley will continue to update this story. Stay tuned…
(Photos: MTV; TikTok)
79 Responses
Can someone please explain to me why she continues to see a CHILD/ADOLESCENT psychiatrist? I’ve always wondered why this has never been discussed. Clearly he isn’t doing his job. The fact that MTV hasn’t fired this witch after the MULTIPLE things that she has done that would have gotten anyone else fired is inexcusable. If they continue to ignore this kind of thing and don’t fire her, then they should be forced to explain why she is still on the show.
And THAT is exactly why Leah wants nothing to do with Amber. Does she think attacking & slandering Leah’s father is going to fix things? Ambers problem is she could never learn to be a selfless parent, it’s all about Amber and her perceived injustices at the expense of her kids. She put hands on James’ dad too and lost that child as well. She’s awful. Kristina was the mother Amber refused to be and she should be grateful. I hope Leah severs that relationship indefinitely. She deserves better.
Who wants to bet MTV will STILL keep her around? Wielding a machete at her ex holding their baby wasn’t enough. Being abusive and neglectful wasn’t enough. Not having her kids wasn’t enough. The first rape claim to Andrew on those recordings when she claimed he got her pregnant when she didn’t want to be so therefore it was rape 😒 THAT wasn’t enough. Everyone in her life coddles her for some reason. MTV pays her to be a POS. Even the therapist gives her whatever meds she wants and tells her whatever she wants to hear. God forbid any actual accountability, growth, or real treatment for a mental health issue. Amber is the luckiest loser in the USA apparently lol.
Wait she accused her other baby daddy of rape to????
Going by the laws in their state, it’s not classed as statutory rape.
As they have a Romeo and Juliet law which Allows consensual sex between people who are in a dating or ongoing personal relationship and are no more than four years apart in age. they are 3 years and a bit apart in age. Which is why he hasn’t been arrested.
MTV is the worst possible enabler. I don’t know how the producers live with themselves. I guess they’re just part of Hollywood that is sinking rapidly in the morass. That being said, I do appreciate the fodder it provides for The Ashley’s weekly snark.
Forever the victim in the made up fantasy land that is her brain. She just destroyed any future with her daughter in one tik tok. To think of this dumpster fire as a career is baffling. Things don’t go her way so she twists the narrative to keep the target off of her, but it just makes it that much bigger. She’s worse than Farrah. Just as bad as Jenelle.
There is a time and place for everything and Christmas Eve is not the time to bring up these allegations against your daughters father. I can’t imagine being a 16 year old girl and waking up to this on Christmas.
So now, it’s rape? But it was okay for YEARS to “cover up” because you were raking in the MTV money and were still seeing Leah? Sure, Jan
She made her bed, so she can lay in it. She has went downhill and it says it all when she made accusations like that. She needs to ley her stepmom adopt Leah since she is the only female in her life. If I were a kid, I would be mortified and would not want to have a relationship with her. She needs to go get help for whatever she is going through. She acts like she is a manic person who cannot control her temper. She loves to accuse people of stuff that supposedly happened many years ago. Grow up and go get inpatient treatment.
Oh, sweet baby teeny tiny Jesus….. you are an absolute mess, Amber. Seek further counseling & hit up your local rehab center.
That was supposed to be a thumbs up 👍
The age gap really isn’t the big secret she thinks it is. A lot of the teen moms had age gaps too like Jenelle and Maci. But to call Gary a r@pist and ped0 over it is disgusting. She is clearly saying this to hurt him and try to make their daughter hate him so she’ll coming running to her. Amber only has herself to blame for Leah not wanting a relationship with her not gary, if anything he’s the only reason Amber was able to stay in her life for as long as she did. She should be thanking Gary and Kristina not throwing temper tantrums.
If Gary didn’t get her pregnant, she wouldn’t be laughing her way to the bank with all the REAL money she made from teen mom. LOL
“I don’t care what happens after this because I’m stuck with just bullying” yes we know you don’t care about repercussions amber. It’s always some sort of drama with her.
Well she was under age and he wasn’t, he always seemed to behave in a way to purposely aggravate and push her but….. She’s ruined any chance she may have had with this rant. I mean technically she killed it long ago and I do feel she believes she’s at a point where nothing will change no matter what so she’s done this video. But now she guaranteed nothing’s ever going to change.
Always felt there was more to the relationship other than age and her anger. Two sides to every story and we’ve only seen her as bad and him as good. I can’t think of anything good out of her but I never felt Gary was showing off his true colors either.
I really don’t think there’s another side to Gary. He was very young when he got into into with amber about letting her weird boyfriends change Leah’s clothes/diaper and he wanted for her to have clean clothes. Gary also outed Matt knowing amber would be enraged. I truly think he does have/had good intentions.
I disagree. Gary went on to have a happy, successful marriage to Kristina who is an amazing mother to Leah while Amber has gone on to get arrested for DV AGAIN, lose custody of a child AGAIN, have voliatile relationships, engagements and constant instability. There’s a clear pattern, and the problem isn’t Gary.
During the crystal ball sound bytes of amber freaking out on Andrew, she openly states that she absolutely did NOT want another child after Leah. I would really like to know if James actually stumbles across it when he’s older. It absolutely breaks my heart knowing these poor children have access to all the cruel things she’s said and done.
Oh. My. Gosh! 😬
Amber, we all know you would have came out with all of this years ago if it were true. I hope this time you’ve derailed the gravy train for good.
Yeah, there’s an age gap, several of the other girls also had one and, to be frank, it wasn’t anything abnormal back then as long as it was just a few years. Doesn’t make it right, but it also doesn’t qualify Gary as a p***phile and she’s disgusting for saying that.
Also, did Andrew also r**e her? I mean, if that’s the only reason she’d abuse somebody….
Props to The Ashley for throwing in that bit about Amber not mentioning all the actual mothering Kristina did while Amber laid on her couch or in bed with soulmates.
**not sure what gets flagged, so censored whatever seemed iffy**
She wouldn’t be wrong to feel taken advantage of looking back at the age gap in their relationship and the power imbalance there was because of it. I don’t think that’s actually what is going on here though. She’s clearly calling him a rapist because she’s mad at him and not because she truly believes he assaulted her. He’s not catering to her b.s. at the moment and is to trying to make him suffer for it. That’s basically all that is going on here. Amber doesn’t really care about her daughter, just the implication that she doesn’t pay child support and is therefore a complete deadbeat parent.
This woman appears to be suffering from something. Whether it be mental illness, drugs, and/or a personality issue.
I hope Gary sues her, files for full custody, and stops all contact immediately between daughter/mother. Her behavior is unhealthy for so many reasons, and she is only going to push her daughter away more.
This mother has had WAY too many chances to make her life right, and has failed to launch in all of them.
How many Americans would have benefitted from the resources this woman has been given, and she has learned absolutely nothing from any of them.
I mean look up the age difference with Maci and Ryan .. but although most viewers knew the age difference this doesn’t erase her history of choosing everyone but her child. What I think is sad is she can’t convince the public to side with her and Leah has completely shut her out. So how do Les she get back at her? Stopping her college fund by accusing her dad of SA. Amber you are only using this now because you have no other options. If Gary’s history with you supports your abuse of him.. what did Andrew do? How is you lost custody of BOTH kids. She is an absolute monster and I will never understand why she hasn’t joined the unemployment line with Jenelle. She is just as bad as she is.
I wonder if Jenelle would be child less if she lived in Indiana.
This sounds like a typical Bait and Switch episode of Ambers life! LOOK at this here insert ( rape story) { even IF it’s true} she NEVER mentioned it her book PERFECT opportunity~ I totally she needs an Adult therapist! The switch is she NEVER wants you to LOOK at the honest and real her~ Which we see right through the whole façade….. It’s truly maddening, Mainly because Leah is always on the losing end when comes to HER mom Thank goodness For Gary and Kristina for standing and stepping up when and how they did for Leah! Kristina is a wonderful bouns mama I truly hope she does adopt Leah when she’s 18 because Amber can’t say or do Jack shit!
Can you imagine if they keep Gary and Kristina and fire Amber?
Gary 2.0 dodged a bullet.
Well here’s your proof to get a restraining order from crazy. She is completely delusional.
This woman needs to be in an inpatient facility with all devices taken away from her and medication monitored around the clock. And also could she just be fired at this point?
This is the same kind of stuff my mom pulled for many days weeks before she ended up taking her own life. Something is obviously mentally wrong with her but I don’t know if she can be taken into a rehab or something. We tried that for my mom and they let her go even though we told them something isn’t right. Everything is everyone elses fault and she is truly spiraling.
I’m so sorry that happened to you.
Nothing happened to her. She has had choices and she has made the wrong ones especially concerning her children.
Are you trolling? The commenter literally said her mother took her life…
One way to actually know who’s telling the truth and who’s lying would be a lie detector test.
Ugh…. What a mess
Leah-Girl, you’ve got this. We are all rooting for you.
Kristina -God Bless You. You have a huge heart to accept this young girl under your wings.
Gary-You know what needs to be done. Do it.
She’s going down that same bitter road as Cate and Tyler. They all can’t accept that it’s their own behavior that has gotten them expelled from their d
Daughter’s lives.
Sorry(not), Amber, no one is going to believe crazeeeee.
Poor Leah .
I mean in fairness, I thought we all knew amber was way too young when Gary got with her. Still doesn’t make her current behavior okay
Her career? Please excuse me while I try to stop laughing. Career. Jeezaloo.
Exactly my first thought😂😂😂. Amber should work harder on keeping her legs together as well as her mouth.
Tell me you’re crazy without telling me you’re crazy.
On a serious and more respectable note, I can see the mental disorders here. I would never make fun of that. That being said, rather than get help she tries to blame it on Gary. You have to help yourself girl! Poor Leah, exposed to all of this for the world to see 🙁 It really solidifies the reason why Leah wants nothing to do with her
What are you talking about… she has a very serious CHILD psychiatrist she sees for her mental disorder. Since her mentality is that of a child, throwing temper tantrums when she can’t get her way.
On a serious note, she needs in patient help at this point. The problem for so many people who have serious mental health disorders, they start taking meds to feel better, then they get better, then they stop taking the meds because they don’t need it, but not realise the reason they are better is because of the meds.
Leah has already admitted that see all the sh*t Amber posts. Leah has openly said she didn’t want to see Amber after she went after Kristina.
Leah is seeing Amber’s sh*t all the time, and going after Leah’s parents (aka Gary & Kristina) isn’t the best way for Amber to try to foster a better relationship with Leah.
Leah only really saw Amber at all because Gary made her, now I go back and forth if that was the right decision, but it happened. So going after her one parent who was willing to work with you for years isn’t going to get you more custody time.
Congrats, Amber! You just hit the last nail on the coffin that’s your relationship with Leah.
I hope she finally gets fired this time.
I wonder if the same petitions to fire Jenelle would work for Amber.
Leah doesn’t need to be on TV.
The drama of Leah’s parents doesn’t need broadcast for the world anymore.
MTV could cut loose some of the dead ends on that show and keep the ones who have inspirational stories.
Or find new inspirational stories, I mean.
As if amber wouldn’t have tried to play this card years ago. Now it comes out?? Please. This kind of stuff makes it so much harder for REAL victims to come forward and that pisses me off. I’m a victim of SA and so is my mother. This is low even for amber. I cannot even believe she’s trying to push this narrative. Disgusting. Leah is going to read/find out about this.
Crap like this is why I don’t agree with the #metoo movement on the whole “believe all women” thing. No. Women like Amber have ruined that. It should be LISTEN to all women (actually everyone, not just women. Men are abused too) and INVESTIGATE all claims. I’m sorry for what happened to you and your mom. And I’m sorry women like Amber make it harder to be believed. You don’t deserve that.
Everyone who watched to show heard from Leah’s own mouth that she don’t want to see or have anything to do with amber.
We’ve heard Leah say the only time amber wants anything to do with her is when amber’s single, because when amber is in a relationship she only wants to be with the guy.
We’ve heard Leah say that amber is hurting her every time amber attacks Kristina and Gary on social media
All amber cares about is amber and if she really thought this when she was younger then she would’ve done everything in her power to make sure Gary doesn’t get full custody of Leah.
The fact amber is putting all the blame on Gary is belittling Leah, she’s making out Leah don’t have her own mind or maturity to make her own decisions.
Leah is more mature than amber will ever be, Gary and kristina have done a excellent job raising Leah.
Gary, Kristina and Leah should all get a restraining order against amber.
Can’t Leah divorce amber?
I was watching reels yesterday and a video popped up of Leah talking about wanting to be with Gary and Kristina because “mom” isn’t a good “mom.” She was maybe 9 years old?
Then when she was little and refused to stay with Matt and amber because “mommy” sits around and Matt does “everything” for her. She was really small in that one too.
The unfortunate truth is that Leah has known who amber is the whole time.
MTV has to do something here, and sending Amber to rehab isn’t going to cut it. Polishing the turd that is Amber Portwood isn’t going to work anymore. This abuser has gotten away with way too much over the years and enough is enough. The show survived last season with very little Amber and it proves that nobody needs her around.
Leah is old enough to decide for herself if she wants to deal with Amber’s drama or not. To put everything on Gary and blame him is absurd. SHE is the one who’s been back and forth with drugs, abuse, rehab, mental health treatment, boyfriends, etc. for the entirety of Leah’s life. She really thinks it’s some kind of conspiracy against her when the reality is that her kid is probably just sick of her shit.
As for the age difference, EVERYONE KNEW. Was it weird? Yeah, maybe a bit. Gary really had no reason to be hanging out with her at that age. But to call him a pedo for a legal relationship is insane. At this point, Gary needs to get a restraining order against Amber to protect Leah. Is absolutely astounding that Amber really thinks she has nothing to do with Leah choosing to be estranged from her.
Wasn’t Gary friends with her brother?
And that’s how they met?
Coming out of my little retirement for this one.
Amber is obviously off her meds, on some drugs, and currently on a bender. This is textbook Amber, she’s done this before.
She’s a hideous piece of shit, not getting the attention she thinks she deserves, now she’s hurling these accusations publicly without any consideration for her daughter whom she claims that she loves & is a ‘damn good mom’ to.
Bet Gary now wishes he’d cut fucking communication with her long ago & allowed Leah to terminate communication with Amber, too. I’d be suing the fuck out of Amber for defamation & slapping a restraining order on her so quick it’d make her head spin. God she’s such a fucking cunt!
It’s not illegal in Indiana to have CONSENSUAL sex with someone who is 19 when you are 15. The Romeo and Juliet laws in Indiana are a 4 year age difference starting at 14.
So a 14 & an 18 year old would be considered LEGAL. Not maybe ethical, but LEGAL.
I do think it’s predatory that Gary preyed on a younger girl for many reasons.
But at this point, that happened 20 years ago (literally), and Amber’s only bringing it up so that she can try to hurt Gary because she’s mad that Leah won’t see her, and she thinks it’s Gary keeping her.
I’m sure that next year when Leah gets her driver’s license and still doesn’t see Amber, Amber will throw another temper tantrum. And do more of the same, sh*t.
I wouldn’t be surprise if Amber tries to get Leah a car, thinking she can control her or force her to come over, and Leah seeing right through that and refusing the car. I can see Amber calling the police and claiming Leah stole her car because she refuses to see Amber.
Amber is psychotic! Rape?!?! She was 3 months away from 18 when she laid down & got knocked up. That isn’t a naive little girl age to be claiming rape. Amber is beyond mentally ill. Put her somewhere & throw away the key. My heart goes out to Leah. She never had a mother, she had an egg donor. Thank God for Kristina. Amber needs to shut her mouth & be glad that Kristina stepped up & gave Leah some stability. Amber is a POS. Plain and simple. Talking on TT like that. She needs to be canceled!
That’s when she got pregnant. I think she’s saying they started sleeping together before that. Which I think was addressed on 16 and pregnant. I don’t know Indiana laws, but she was about 14/15 when they started. I know she was born in 1990 and Gary is my age so he was born in 1986. Ambers a trash parent. A trash person. But that doesn’t mean she wasn’t taken advantage of as a child. Idk why she’s bringing it up now though. Leah can see it all on Tv for herself. Doing it on TT live is likely just going to drive her daughter further away.
Its 4 years, which could be a little close since she was born in May and him November (lol not a May- December romance, but a May-November Romance)….
So it’s like 4 years + 6 month age gap, so depending when they start it could have been close.
But yeah, she’s just trying to stir up shit. Also, what sh*t parents she had. Like Amber’s mom yelling at Carol for them having sex at her house, GORL you don’t know where you’re 15 year old daughter is, maybe you should have been watching her better, and making sure she wasn’t dating a 19-year-old. Gary was 18/19, what was Carol going to do about it?!?! You’re the one who wasn’t looking after your minor daughter.
This all happened 20 years ago. Amber needs to call up her child psychologist to see if he’s available for a emergency session.
No, she was with him from when she was 14/15. But in Indiana, the law still says it’s fine because he was not more than extra older.
Someone is off her medication and is having another manic episode. Or on drugs again .
I knew from her manic tik tok’s of joy and happiness that her crash would happen soon & I figured she would attack Gary and Kristina online as she has multiple times. Leah doesn’t want to be around Amber because she is a useless POS. If Andrew is stupid enough to trust his machete wielding ex with James that’s on him. I hope & pray that James doesn’t get hurt by Amber because Andrew is allowing Amber to be in James’ life.
Do I really believe that Gary would demand Amber get an abortion and Amber actually do it because Gary wanted her to and she didn’t want an abortion? That’s a big fat no! There is no one that is going to force Amber to do something she doesn’t want to do. She prides herself on that shit. Now we are supposed to believe she sacrificed being a mother again because she didn’t want Leah taken? The tapes of Andrew and Amber that circulated online have her screaming at him that she didn’t want a baby and he impregnated her against her will. She said he “raped” her because Andrew had sex with her knowing she didn’t want another child. I don’t know about anyone else but if I know I don’t want to have another child I take birth control and/or won’t have sex if the guy isn’t wearing a condom. We all know how babies are made. Didn’t MTV and these teen moms try and take credit for teen pregnancy being lowered?🤣
As far as their ages? Everyone involved knew their ages. Bubby introduced Gary & Amber knowing both of their ages. Amber’s mom consented to her minor daughter to live with Gary. Amber also said on a live that she was 14 and Gary was 20 when they first got together. She changes their ages based on whether she is manic or not. I never liked the fact that there was a 3 year 5 month age difference but no one in Amber’s family had a problem with it.
Can you imagine Leah waking up to this bullshit on Christmas Eve? Thanks once again Amber for violating your daughters online the day before Christmas. Leah doesn’t want to be around Amber because Amber does this shit. In the end Amber is the one who lost because Leah is a sweet kid.
This! Can I double like?
Are you to tell me didn’t work to help these Teen Moms learn about how babies are made?!!?
well, color me shocked!?!?
Prayers for Leah 🙏
No children.
No job.
Paid hundreds of thousands a year to do nothing and the junkie spent Christmas high on drugs, bitching online.
What a life.
Amber? Go. To. Hell. Your daughter doesn’t want to see you because you’re a lazy, narcissistic liar and drama factory who treats her like shit when she won’t be a prop for you. You don’t deserve to have her in your life and she sure doesn’t deserve to be forced to interact with you. And your mental health journey that you were talking about? Check your GPS because taking that journey requires that you peel your crazy, abusive ass off of the couch. Sit down. Shut up. Go away.
She needs help. A recovered person takes accountability. They don’t say “I had my reasons for becoming violent with my partners.”
Also if she’s paying CS and is current, why wouldn’t she just drop receipts?
More than likely this was only the final nail in the coffin for her relationship with Leah and the Teen Mom franchise.
Amber has had all the resources possible to get better. I think she likes playing the “victim.” Bpd is extremely hard to treat. But it can be done if you get serious about it. I take like 7 meds a day. It also treats the other issues I have. But I’m never violent or crazy or anything like that. Some days I get a bit down in the dumps just like everyone else. But meds and therapy and not using will help you live a pretty “normal” life. It is weird and uncomfortable not having the “noise” in your head at first. But it gets so much better. Amber just doesn’t seem to want that though.
Amby’s just pissed we all know she is a POS mother and human
Yeah. She’s sober and changed. She’s regular with her meds and done so much therapy and is a totally different person, ya’ll.
Totally. 😒
Unfortunately, there are plenty of idiots who will still support her because they see themselves in her. I guess we can hope that even just one person saw her live and decided to change his/her own life to avoid becoming just like Amber.