VH1 Pulls ‘Hot GRITS’ from Schedule After Only Two Episodes: Cast Members React

Things are gettin' gritty at VH1...
Things are gettin’ gritty at VH1…

Bad news for those of you who enjoyed all the food throwin’ fun that VH1’s Hot GRITS offered: the show has been “postponed” indefinitely by the network!

VH1 pulled down the ‘Hot GRITS’ site, but did not issue any sort of official cancellation notice (yet) on its press site. However, the show’s cast members have been vocal about the show being ditched by the network.

On Saturday, cast member Jenna Tatum posted what appears to be a text message from a producer to her Instagram account, explaining what has happened to the show.

“‘Hot GRITS’ will be off the air for a bit,” the posting reads. “There’s no answer as of yet for when it will re-air, or if it will be back on the same network.”

Whoever wrote the message assured the cast that the show hasn’t been officially cancelled– yet.

“The show hasn’t been cancelled for lack of ratings alone…the network believes that the combination of new shows on Wednesday nights are not flowing so they’re putting a pause on things until it is sorted out.”

The message goes on to state that we may see ‘Hot GRITS’ again, but perhaps on a different network, such as CMT, to “really take full advantage of the potential we have for a fun series.”

In the meantime, the show’s cast members have responded to the bad news.

“This is disheartening. Yes #HotGRITS is cancelled but hopefully it will re-air very soon,” Jennifer Jenkins posted. (She’s “the pregnant gal.”)

“Get your s**t together and give #HotGRITS a proper marketing campaign,” Sarah Hernandez retweeted. “The girls deserve better.”

The Ashley has reached out to VH1 for more details but has not yet heard back. She will update this story when more info becomes available.

Until then….can Dee-Wayne have his own show?

To read our recaps of the first ‘Hot GRITS’ episodes, click here.


27 Responses

  1. Any updates on this show? I just discovered and now I’m so sad to find that only 2 episodes are available (even to buy) – plus VH1 has literally wiped all proof of its existence from their website. Does that mean it’s moving to CMT?

  2. The cast were all HOTTIES – sux VH 1 is pulling the plug on them…guess they want to play more crappy re-runs of R & B music that sucks butt.

  3. I liked the show. The girls were HOT! They wore bikinis the 1st episode and that sold me. Sexy girls like that should never take off those bikinis unless…you know…. They can talk all they want but if they’re wearing bikinis then I can’t hear a word they utter. BTW, did I mention they wore bikinis on the 1st episode? The only people that want the show to be cancelled are gays and jealous women. Guys who love to see women in bikinis would like the show more if there was more bikinis and fewer food fights and less talking about guys. More bikinis would be great too — just sayin’.

  4. I enjoyed the show. They didn’t really get to showcase anything really. as for reality show Sarahs beautiful little girl when it comes back. She is truly a grit!

  5. Dewayne. Stop looking at this bs. You are better than this. I bet ya one quarter of the wind up with a VD this month if not already.

  6. Hey! #teamdewayne!!!!! Just another fake reality show. That mess could ruin a family man’s livleyhood . think folk’s,!!

  7. I don’t believe any of them are actually from Valdosta. Moultrie or Quitman maybe and using Valdosta because you can’t find their city. Plus, I can’t stand that one girl who say, “I hate Valdosta. There ain’t nothing here to do.” Well.. LEAVE!! Wild Adventures, Rug-Rat Zone, Jumpin Jacks,Valdosta High,Lowndes High, Valdosta State,Valwood, Georgia Christian Sports, work and Church keeps my family and I pretty entertained. GOOD RIDDANCE!!

    1. Yeah its fake. I grew up two houses away from Dewayne. We didn’t get along that well as kids. Little shit put a dead rattle snake I’m my fort/ play house. But he is truly a good guy. And a hell of a bussiness man. Reality TV is just that made for TV.

      1. im just now seeing all this…I think that was Darrel, I don’t remember doing that. but thx for sticking up for me brother.

    2. It’s a stupid show but the girls really are from there. I went to high school with Emily in Moultrie.

  8. the two shows I watched were two hours of my life I will never get back. Such a dumb show! Sad representation of Valdosta! So glad it’s off. Hope it stays cancelled.

  9. There were no advertisements or commercials for this show at all…how would anyone even know it was on?

  10. I live in Valdosta, these girls on this show aren’t nothing like us girls really living and raising families in this town. We are more about God and loving friends and family, being there for one another when someone needs you most. The ones who stay home take care of the house, kids, and make sure our men have food on the table when they get home. This show is totally fake and represents Valdosta in a bad way.

    1. Valdosta is a backwoods garbage heap. It’s is pretty awful without a show, and I haven’t met any of the people you have described here.

  11. Aw ..I was just getting into it! That sucks..I could think of a lot more shows that need to be canceled instead of them

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