‘Arranged’ Stars Christian & Maria Miller Announce They’re Expecting During Season Finale

"As soon as that baby's born, we're gelling his hair!"
“As soon as that baby’s born, we’re gelling his hair!”

Arranged stars Christian and Maria Miller are going to be parents!

The couple celebrated their one-year anniversary on last night’s ‘Arranged’ Season 2 finale, and found out the happy news on the day of their anniversary. (The footage was filmed in September). Maria delivered the big news to her husband while he was (of course) getting his haircut at the barber shop. Christian seemed shocked and thrilled by the news and was eager to tell his parents, Nina and Michael.

The baby news comes after a tough year for 18-year-old Maria and 19-year-old Christian. The couple, who barely knew each other when they got married via an arrangement through their Romani gypsy parents, did not get along in the first months of the marriage, with Maria even threatening to leave her new husband due to his poor treatment of her. During Season 2, however, the couple seemed to adjust to life as a married couple.

“I’m very happy that [the pregnancy] is happening now instead of earlier in our marriage,” Maria told the cameras.

“We’re in a better place now,” Christian added.

No caption needed for this one...
No caption needed for this one…

It’s not known how far along Maria is in her pregnancy, and the couple has yet to announce whether they’re having a boy or a girl. The couple did take to their joint Twitter account last night, however, to thank ‘Arranged’ fans for their well wishes.

“Maria and I would like to thank all the #arranged fans for congratulating us,” Christian tweeted. “God bless yous.”

(No, that’s not a typo and yes, we love that he says “yous.”)

Anyway, the couple appears to be still living in Christian’s parent’s basement. On last night’s episode, Christian expressed that he would like to move out and get a home of his own someday.

“I love my mom and dad but we want to be independent,” Christian said. “If I had to choose between having a family or having a new house, a family is always better. In the gypsy culture, you usually have a family while you’re at your family’s house. In gypsy culture, whatever God has in store for my life, and for our life, I’m willing to accept it.”

(Photos: FYI)


13 Responses

  1. I cannot believe how badly Christian treats Maria! I wouldn’t care if it is Gypsy tradition, I would never treat my partner that badly. He talks about honouring tradition and respect but treats Maria like a dog. You deserve do much better Maria!

  2. Just finish watching the complete first season and I must say that I was really disappointed with the way Christian was treating his wife Maria. Completely disrespectful and just childish but I guess that’s to be expected from an 18 year old man. And Maria on the other hand, was quite impressive on how much she tolerated of his crap. I wish I could find a woman like her for real because not only is she gorgeous but very submissive to her husband. So hard to find that anywhere today. Maybe I need to become part of the gypsy culture in order to find a woman like Maria..beautiful, submissive, loving and willing to please he husband. The difference is that I would show more respect to my wife then with Christian was showing but again I think that will change as he gets older and becomes more mature. Hopefully at least.

  3. I think that maria, Christian make good parents to there first child, i think josh should be nice to his wife meghan, they need to movie back to there home town, think that they should come back for a third season of arranged, i like that show

  4. We got to see and learn about Maria and Christians culture. I have totally enjoyed the Arranged reality show. I hope there is more to come. Why not their own reality show? There has to be enough people out there to watch.

  5. I respect Christian and Marias culture!!♡ actully…its,all about respect!♡ good luck to my favorite couple on arranged!!!

    1. I am all for Christian and Marie having their own show, me and my daughter were just wondering why they don’t have one. We miss seeing them and love imitating their unique way of navigating the English language. They were refreshing, I know we are not the only ones who miss them.

  6. Maria n Christian I have grown to loved you both as episodes of arranged has gone by. Can wait to see your belly grow on TV or pic’s. Blessing to you and your marriage and growing family.

  7. Being of Zhutane gypsy descent,there are rules that must be followed,or else. There are different gypsy sects.
    My grandparents were arranged. He was a shady dude and it was an unhappy marriage for her. They had no options back then. She died too young and had a hard life. It is thru her that my pyschic abilities come,which were hidden. This young couple have challanges. Its up to the wife to everything right and honor his family. I wish them well. Early marriages are not unusual.

  8. ‘Yous’ is a very NY centric thing, not a gypsie thing. Unfortunately these gypsies are lucky to live in the most diverse, glorious place in he world (NYC) but are practically forbidden to appreciate the culture and diversity around them. There is so much more to do than get married at 17, and then have a baby, and remain uneducated. Poor kids.

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