David Eason’s Baby Mama Olivia Leedham Awarded Sole Custody of Son Kaden; Judge Calls Jenelle Evans’ Testimony About 911 Call “Not Credible”

Raise your hand if you’re not going to The Land!

Looks like there’s going to be one less child making required visits to The Land…at least for the next eight months or so! 

According to Radar Online, David Eason, the husband of former Teen Mom 2 star Jenelle Evans, has lost his battle for custody of five-year-old Kaden, the son he shares with ex-girlfriend Olivia Leedham. The site reports that Olivia was granted sole legal and physical custody of Kaden on June 29, 2019. 

This news comes days after Olivia created a GoFundMe seeking financial help in her fight to keep Kaden away from David. The custody case is set to be reviewed in eight months to reevaluate David’s visitation rights, which may explain Olivia’s reason for creating the fundraiser, as future legal fees will presumably incur. 

As The Ashley previously reported Olivia’s GoFundMe surpassed its $5,200 goal in less than two days of going live, with donations exceeding the $6,000 mark. Unfortunately for David and Jenelle, their attempt to retaliate with a GoFundMe of their own proved to be unsuccessful, raising just $135 of the $3,500 goal before the campaign stated that it was no longer active.

Jenelle’s failed attempts to promote her and David’s fundraiser on social media…

Court documents obtained by Radar from the New Hanover District Court state that Olivia was first awarded sole legal and physical custody of Kaden in September 2014 and David was, at that point, denied any contact with his son. 

“The Defendant has committed acts of domestic violence on the Plaintiff during the course of the relationship and that he had endangered the life of the child by pushing Plaintiff when she was eight months pregnant and by leaving her in the middle of the road at night when she was seven months pregnant,” the papers claim. 

“All y’all kids come ‘er now!”

In January 2017, Olivia and David allegedly came to an agreement in mediation that allowed David to once again have contact with his son on an incremental basis. In January of the following year, David was granted every-other-weekend custody of Kaden. However, in July 2018, Olivia claimed that Kaden “began displaying a series of alarming behaviors” related to his visitation with David, which Olivia claimed continued through the summer of 2018. In November, David’s visitation with Kaden was suspended. 

Recent court filings cite Jenelle’s 911 call, in which she accused David of assaulting her while four children (one of whom, Olivia claimed was Kaden) were sleeping in the home as a cause for concern, along with a video of David showing off his collection of firearms and other weapons. 

Court docs obtained by Radar state that Jenelle was required to testify about that October 2018 “collarbone” 911 call during David’s custody court battle. The docs state that Jenelle told yet another version of events of what happened the night of that call.

“There was a hole! A big hole, honest!”

“At trial, Ms. Evans testified that she slipped in a hole in the ground after she has been drinking and the children, including Kaden, were asleep as she and Defendant were outside next to a bonfire,” the docs read, adding that Jenelle said she then slipped in a hole and David “came crashing to the ground, and she was confused. She stated that [she] was ‘blacked out’ due to her drinking, and that she cannot remember calling 911 or what she said to any emergency services personnel.”

While Jenelle’s mom, Barbara Evans, may have pretended to believe Jenelle’s “slipped in a hole” story during an episode of Teen Mom 2, the custody case judge wasn’t buying it, stating that what Jenelle told the 911 operator about being assaulted by David was likely the actual truth.

“The court does not find this testimony credible,” the papers state in regard to what Jenelle said. “The court finds that Ms. Evans’ statements made to 911 emergency services on or about October 12, 2018 were the accurate and credible account of what happened that night and that Defendant had assaulted Ms. Evans while there were children in the home, including Kaden.”

“Whatever dude, The Land is safest place in town… I mean, the cops are on the premises almost weekly!”

The court docs also confirmed that David has reportedly been allowed to contact Kaden via Skype twice a week since November; however, “he did not take full advantage of even the limited amount of time he has been allowed,” court documents claim. 

Shortly after the news of Kaden’s custody began circulating on Friday, Jenelle took to Instagram to share part of the custody documents, likely in an attempt to prove that David still has some leeway when it comes to parenting Kaden.

Jenelle Evans David Eason Olivia Leedham Teen Mom 2

“The parents will have joint legal custody of Kaden,” the document reads. “All major decisions concerning Kaden’s education and non-emergency medical and dental treatment that are not considered routine will be mutually discussed and agreed upon by the parents.” 

David also hit up social media to give his thoughts on Radar’s story and Olivia’s successful fundraiser.

“So if Olivia took all custody from me in June then why is everyone donating to her for attorney fees to take all custody from me?” he wrote on Facebook. 

The Ashley will continue to update this story.

RELATED STORY: Former ‘Teen Mom 2’ Stars Jenelle Evans & David Eason Ask Fans for Donations to Help David Fight for Custody of Son Kaden

(Photos: MTV; GoFundMe; Instagram) 

142 Responses

  1. @Audry
    While I 100% agree that these 2 are TRASH …. one must ask… how on earth do you have so much time to constantly dig into and report these idiots??
    At this point you have become a cyber bully and are no better than them!!
    Get a life & move on!!

    1. I have a life.I also shelter elderly cats and have a job. You are a dumb bitch and I don’t give a shit what you have to say. I will not stop until they suffer. You make time to do things you love…and I am loving trying to take them down. I won’t stop until they pay for what they did to Nugget and what they are doing to those children!

  2. Jenelle’s makeup site is ridiculous. Y’all read the novel of the “Terms.” I read the terms of her “shop” page last week and it is crazy. What they do with your info. Hell no, would I ever buy from someone or a site with those whack terms!!! I wouldn’t buy anything from her period. It’s almost like they are scamming to just in get your real info to keep you trapped in some creepy deep internet prison. It’s disturbing.

  3. HOW is someone who admittedly gets blacked out drunk (with an arsenal of firearms) while their kids are inside asleep even allowed to parent children? I hope that comes back to bite her in the ass. For ONCE. FFS NC get your shit together!!!

    1. Evans has also launched a new website, likely in an attempt to revitalize her image. JenelleLaurenEvans.com, house several photos and allows fans to meet the team behind her recent business ventures. There is no mention of her time on Teen Mom 2 on the website, likely because she was jettisoned from the lineup after her husband, David Eason, shot and killed the family dog.

      Jenelle’s website does have one giant error
      While Evans’ has been hard at work attempting to fix her image, her site contains one glaring error; the shop link still takes fans to a URL that she no longer owns. An animal rights group has since purchased the domain name.
      Instead of finding Evans’ products for sale, fans will find information about how to rescue animals. There is also a running feed about Jenelle’s biggest media spectacles, including the death of her dog and the child custody battle that ensued after.

      It is unknown where Evans plans to sell her products, but an online shop is likely going to be necessary. With the JECosmeticsinc.com domain now taken over; her team will need to think fast to find a new home for the shop. Evans, however, doesn’t appear to have any plans to change the brand name.

      Will people buy her products?
      Evans is pushing hard for her makeup brand to a be a success, but will fans actually purchase the products? While the mother of three might have a few fans left, the vast majority of people who follow her aren’t really on team Jenelle. According to Pop Culture, fans have been flooding the business’ Instagram to hate on the former TV personality.

      (I found this another web site.)

      1. LOL Audrey! I checked out the new car crash site JenelleLaurenEvans.com:

        “Go deeper with me
        I want to invite you into my world. I want you to see the truth beyond the headlines

        KNOW ME”

        Filled with pics of white trash covered with prison tats and sucking in the gut, trying desperately to appear sexy. Chinelle will have no idea how to maintain this. I predict a complete failure here, as it is already on that path……

      2. Want to hear something funny…if you just go to JenelleEvans.com, it takes you to the People of Walmart website! ??? How appropriate for them.

      3. That website is old. It’s been up forever. She never updates it either. I did notice the small box that shows up in the bottom left corner tho. It’s to certify the account can take payments. Then, I checked out the terms in her shop page section. ? Her makeup site is her brand name minus ‘inc’ with ‘store’ added at the end.

    2. Some of us have turned her into PETA. It is a crime to leave an animal behind or not try and give it shelter during a natural disaster.

      1. This is my email from PETA after I turned her in. She will not protect those animals from this storm, so they need to be removed.

        Thank you for reaching out about your concerns for this situation, and for your compassion. Please know we’ll make sure the right people see this.
        Thank you again,
        Maura McKeon, PETA
        Also, I made sure they saw the #justicefornugget petition link.

        1. You’re not a stalker lol you’re passionate. Maybe this is one thing that really got under your skin. Don’t let people compare you to them. Being a little nosey, such as myself, doesn’t make us kill animals or beat women and children. Im not sure to whom that was referring to but if you ignore it. Much love✌️

      1. Hah his ‘dagger’ has an fyi at the bottom of the description saying that it isn’t a weapon after saying can be used as a knife and is very sharp and will remain so for a long time doing normal things

    1. I put it up but Miss Ashley has me awaiting moderation. Here is the name of his shop: BlackRiverMetalnWood it’s on ETSY

      1. Thank you. Everyone needs to leave one. I want to make the dog murderers life as miserable as I can. #justicefornugget

  4. David never needs to be around kids,animals.or people.Well except for that dumb one he is married to.She is just as low as he is
    Maybe they will both sink on The Land with there nasty trailer

    1. And now she has posted on facebook to pray for them because of the hurricane. I’ll pray for her innocent children and the innocent animals, but I wouldn’t spit on either of them if they were on fire! I wonder if the monsters will shelter the animals from the storm or will they just leave them outside to fend for themselves? And I am in Charleston , SC in the path of Dorian and I’ve been prepping and getting all my elderly shelter cats ready to hunker down. And I have 10 of them.

  5. I just looked at his Etsy shop and never laughed so hard! Is he seriously making bracelets and keychains??????? His personal description at the bottom is pure comedy gold!

    1. Don’t forget the railroad spike knives. I mean, can you get any more white trash, hillbilly than that?! Lol I’m sure it proved to be a great lesson for “teaching the kids some.” Working full time my ass! What a joke ?

  6. I’m glad for Olivia, and this is right for Kaden, but it’s all too sad to even comprehend. She dated David, had a kid with him, stayed with him, there’s something clearly off about her decision making skills.

    Between in Lurch and Jenelle’s immediate sphere there are 8 kids with adults. Probably more it Nathan’s other baby mama has kids with some other dude, or if Olivia’s other baby daddy has kids with some other woman, or Myrissa’s moms other baby daddy has kids with some other woman, or if…you see where I’m going with this.

    These people all keep having kids with different losers, over and over, in an alarming train wreck cycle. “I have a half brother and a half sister, and they each have two half brothers that aren’t related to each other, and they each have a half brother and sister…”

    There are no winners here.

    1. I tried to figure it out once; then learned Maryssa’s mom has two kids-including a son named Jace!-with another guy.
      Yes, Maryssa has 2 half brothers named Jace, who don’t even know each other.

      1. I’m just going to say it’s the age thing. Ex-Teen Monster Mom is only in her late twenties, and she’s done some disgusting crap for this short amount of her life and has contributed nothing to society or donated,or volunteered…NOTHING!She just causes mayhem and harm to others no matter who you are. Those poor children! The poor animals! She is one of the most horrible persons on this earth, and the sooner the innocent are away from the monster and the dog murderer, those two can kill each other. I don’t give a shit!!! But, they are so selfish and self-centered, I’m afraid of the fallout. It won’t be nice because they know nothing about being nice or kind.

    2. The really sad thing is that each and every one of those children has so much stacked against them before they’re even born. Statistically, one of them will make it out and the rest will be stuck in the same cycle of poverty, abuse, young and unmarried parents, and nominal education.

      It’s a sad truth we as a society don’t like to admit because so many children are born to unwed and single parents, but the truth is that those children are much more likely to grow up in poverty, never graduate high school (let alone college), end up in jail, have serious emotional problems, be victims of domestic abuse, and become teen/young unmarried parents themselves.

      While there’s exceptions to every rule, children born to married parents that grow up in a two parent household are much more likely to grow up to be college educated, gainfully employed members of the middle class (this is true even if the married parents are low income or fall below the poverty line).

      Stability is the most important thing for a child, as study after study after study has shown. As the number of single and unmarried parents grew, researchers have sought out statistics that show a strong, stable mother is enough. While it may be enough in some cases, these are the exceptions. All available research indicates that children have better outcomes, across the board, when they’re born to stable, married parents.

      I understand there’s always going to be exceptions, before anyone points it out. Obviously one or both parents being abusive changes things. Domestic violence means it’s not a “stable” home, and the same statistics don’t necessarily apply. Sometimes a parent dies. There’s situations that throw a wrench in things. I just think it’s important that we, as a society, focus on providing children a stable environment to grow up in.

      1. That’s what makes this whole situation the worse. The Monster Mom had the money to do everything she could to get these children on the right path. This is on her. I will never forgive or forget what that dog murderer did to Nugget, and I can never forget that the bitch Monster Mom took that beautiful Maryssa’s toothbrush and scrubbed a toilet with it, and I will never have anything to do with MTV because they had a big hand in all this. Dr. Drew has never come forth to help counsel these young mothers. The bottom line is…It’s all about what makes ratings and money. And that dog murderer has resources to so much money that he thinks he is invincible as well as she does. So the children suffer and the animals are beaten, abused then killed. AND THIS IS A TRUE STORY!

      2. Common sense and I totally agree. I had my first/only child in my mid 30’s. I am sure, now looking back, had I had a child very young it would be doomed from the womb. His father and I don’t always like each other but we respect each other and share the common goal of raising and good kid. We chose daily to make it our priority. Trust me most days I’d rather be drunk and passed out lol. What’s wrong with birth control???

          1. Between the ad pop ups and the flickering screen it’s hard to post anything lol. Not offended ✌️??

  7. I think only via Skype 2x/week. The police said Jenelle lied about Nugget and suddenly they have 2 new huge dogs. Maybe she ditched the dog (Nugget)to get the big dogs. I could see her spinning that into a lie. I don’t doubt David killed Nugget but I also don’t doubt it was to get new dogs. She’s always onto something new, a new kid, a new dog, a new country living style. She’s a liar so is David evil IDK but he plays the part perfectly, which is just as bad. She is trash and bringing the worst out of that swamp monster. Just a different idea to make sense out of the police reports, DHS, and Jenelle & David’s reports. It’s a theory?

      1. I think it’s very likely Jenelle actually donated to herself. The first $50 donation was from a very clearly fake profile. It’s possible a few people donated $5, but it wouldn’t surprise me if all of them were Jenelle donating to herself (or maybe giving a “friend” the cash and having them send it).

  8. When you think admitting to being black out drunk while caring for 4 kids is better than admitting your spouse assaulted you. ?‍♀️

    1. Next time, if she has bruises on her arms, she could say “it’s not my violent husband, it’s just heroin needdle mark !”
      Another perfect excuse to say to a judge.

  9. If you recall she claimed Davids business sponsored Kaiser’s football team (It’s his business of friendship bracelets). She referred to the company/business as a third party? She tried to imply that a big company is donating to the team nut really they paid the enrollment fee…maybe? She lies so much I think she’s the one who ruined David’s rep or they’re both the scum of the Earth?! Everything we have about David, Jenelle shared it with us. Jaenwlle we hate him and you because you share all your personal ugliness for the world to judge. Judge we will and if you don’t like the criticism stop giving the storyline. She’s such a borderline yikes! David might be better off dumping her and sinking back into his swamp. Shrek and Fiona… Smh

      1. It’s been that same f&$!ing Jenelle’s hairstyle video for 2 or 3 months. If I was going to watch it, I would have done it about 147 popups ago….

  10. [* Shield plugin marked this comment as “Trash”. Reason: Failed Bot Test (checkbox) *]
    Bahahahabaha!!!! I love it! Janelle or David doesn’t deserve the chance to screw up more kids!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  11. Go on etsy and report him. I just did. I said I refuse to order anything until this serial abuser is gone. I told them they should do there research before allowing people to sell there crap on there website. I really hope if enough people report him they will stop working with him. He should get off his stupid fat ass and be a man and stop making friendship bracelets and get a job. Loser

      1. I didn’t find it on Etsy, maybe too much people already reported him?
        I wanted to report too.
        And I wanted to laugh while watching his shits, made like a kid’s work!

        1. It’s still up. Google ETSY and here is the names of the site / BlackRiverMetalnWood I would put the link, but they don’t go through on The Ashley.

          1. It’s still there. The “Report this shop” is now on the left side of the page, half way down. I asked again why is this dog murderer still on her? Etsy is for talented artists to sell their wares…not dog murderer child abuser to sell prison shanks that he will most likely kill his family with.

      2. I have filled out another complaint and I asked why is this monster, dog murderer, child abuser still allowed to sell on ETSY. I also told them, that next email I get from a seller, that I will tell them that I can’t buy from them because you support this monster. It makes me sick when I see it. Did you see the wedding pics that the monster baby maker put on facebook? Who would invite them to a wedding?

      1. Go to his ETSY page (BlackRiverMetalnWood) and scroll all the way down till before it turns blue. On the bottom right corner is a small note that says “Report this item to ETSY” Click on it, then a white box will come up and it says “What’s wrong with this listing?” Then click on the one that says “I don’t think it meets ETSY policies” I click on the 4th choice, and then at the bottom is a blank square. That’s where I write that he is a dog murderer, child abuser, and I have put the link to the Change, petition #justicefornugget. You can google that. It comes right up. PLEASE!!! FILE A COMPLAINT!!! I WILL NOT STOP UNTIL THEY HAVE NO MONEY LEFT AND SUFFER!!!

        1. I went to Etsy also, My other concern (is anyone feeling this way?) is of we shut down his employment opportunities will he retaliate on the kids? Or pregnant women or worse a crowd? I did it but I’m feeling either regret or fear? I think it’s fear. Im staying away from NC for a while… Yikes!

          1. They are monsters. They already do not have that 6 figure salary. That will be the breaking point. They are driving a brand new $60,000.00 car. They never stop spending. His little pittance of a $30.00 shank is not going to break him to go crazy. He went crazy on an innocent 11 lb. dog. None of us made him do that. Do you really think he belongs on ETSY? That is a place for creative artists to sell their wares…Not this psycho who abuses women and children and beat near to death a small dog, then shot it. I just don’t want you to feel bad in your heart. They deserve nothing that the normal, kind, decent person does. What he does next is not on you or any of us.

          2. You’re totally right, I fear for those kids (particularly Jace due to less of a bond and a hated of her mother. Etsy is never going to be a cash cow. Your right, probably a publicity stunt for clickbait. I agree fully on how utterly disgusting they are I fear the rage if his little feeling are hurt. He looks like he can dish but not take. No the faults of another are not ours I just think he’s dangerous and about to really go off.

          3. I didn’t get him off the coaching (supposedly) position. I wouldn’t even know who to get in touch with. Those people didn’t want him there. And YES, HE IS INSANE!!! And I don’t think any of this will have a happy ending. But I have gotten in touch with judges, law enforcement, Animal welfare, even PETA, and crickets. No one wants to do anything so if something happens, it’s blood on the authority’s hands. None of ours. All those signatures to get justice for Nugget failed. So if this ETSY gig is all about his happiness and thinking he’s a big dog, then I want to take this from him.

          4. Your efforts to stop then and get Justice for Nugget is admirable. I’m shocked no one is listening to you or the petition. So we aren’t affecting their lives because law enforcement is giving a free pass??? That is sick uttter crap! They should be heavily monitored. So “see something say something” was useless? Thank you for trying and being persistent. I don’t feel guilty for telling Etsy however I fear, like you, for the day he pops.

        2. I have sent in my complaint to Etsy telling them that they need to do their research on these people, and that I would no longer support them until they cut ties with him. His lazy ass needs to take his new found woodworking and blacksmithing skills and get a REAL JOB!! He’s being a little pu**y selling his junk on Etsy with all the women’s jewelry and home decor items. Although I’m sure that’s where he feels most comfortable. He’s too damn insecure to actually get out in the real world and work like a real man does!

          1. He thinks he’s a talented knife maker. He probably learned that in jail. HOW TO MAKE A SHANK 101.

      1. I just got a big sale ad from ETSY and I contacted every seller and said, I am sorry but I am boycotting ETSY until you take off that dog murderer, child abuser. He is making weapons that he will most likely kill someone or an animal with. (Here is where I put in the links for the Change. petition / #justicefornugget and the link to the dog murderer, child abuser’s weapons. I bet the dog people won’t like this.)

        Do your research on this man and his wife.

  12. Jenelle and David are like yeast infections from hell. They just keep coming back.

    As fucked up as these two are, they’ll continue with the antics, negative or positive, because either one nets them attention and ultimately, that’s what they want. It’s how they make their living, what, with David’s devastatingly disabling vitiligo and crushingly painful brain injury (you know it’s gotta hurt to be that fucking stupid) and Jenelle’s jaw crippling esophageal spasms and blinding molecule sightings, there’s no way they can be expected to do anything than live off click bait profits generated by the drama they create. Oh, yeah, and The Land, Jesus God Leah, may they always have The Land. Wait, scratch that idea. That glorified trailer is sinking into the swamp from whence Uncle Bad Touch came faster than Jenelle can scream, “LEAVE ME ALOOOOONE!” ?

    Jenelle- I hope that someday you wake the fuck up and realize that your little girl is going to turn out a heap worse than you, and that’s fucking saying something, cause you’re wrecked. You seriously can’t be so dick-stunned that you don’t see that you’ll lose everything because of him. Your job- gone. Your kids- soon to be gone. Your home and cars- yup, kiss that shit goodbye. It’s like that scene in “Carrie” when Margaret White tells her daughter, they’re all gonna laugh at you. Yup, Jenelle, we’re all gonna laugh at you. Hard. While pointing even.

    David, you’re just too fucking dumb to address using “talking words” so I’ll make it easy for your wee little mind to grasp. David = monster. Your daddy should have tossed off in a napkin and saved the world from your existence.

    Olivia, go you, girl. Keep that child as far away from that beast as you can.

    1. ????????????????????????????????????????
      Excellent comment.

      David Eason
      United States

      Blackriverforging @

      1. Do you know them? I’d love to know lol. Are you an old friend of theirs from the past? I love that you just put it out there… Daaaammmmnnn!

    2. Bruja, your comments are always spot on.
      I have never believed that Jenelle is dickmatized though, she’s an empty shell IMO, literally unable to live without someone to reflect. Since she’s straight, that means a man.

      1. Dickmatized! I LOVE it! ???

        Thank you! ? You have good point in that it seems she sort of body-snatches the thoughts, feelings and beliefs of whoever her current soulmate is. It’s a shame that it seems she literally can not function without a man in her life. If her soulmate is anti-gun, so is she. If her soulmate is pro-gun, she’s right there with ’em.. same with her opinions on abortion (which is hilarious given the leftover abortion episode). It goes on and on.

  13. So in order to look like a competent adult capable of looking after children, Jenelle thought that they would look better leaving the house with the kids sleeping to get blackout drunk outside with her husband and start falling over each other, rather than the actual story of him assaulting her to the point she has to hide in the house and call 911.

    she’s a bad mom and he’s a worse father

  14. Easons, this is all vindictive moves. You just bought a new $50,000.00 Toyota sequoia and JE made almost $600,000.00 a year on tv and also makes at least $10,000.00 from her social media click bait sites. You have 4 children at home with 1 p.time that you had inside police sources tip you off so you could remove your artillery, weapons when they had a visit.

  15. Not for nothing jenelle is jealous of olivia. Shes beautiful! jenelle is ugly inside and out. Shes jealous the same way pube beard is jealous of nathan. Shes a thin lipped jay Leno chinned moon face. And david is a vitiligo ridden sasquatch with dick sucking lips and big fat chipmunk cheeks. 2 ugly motherfuckers. Inside and out. And nice touch putting tattoos over your vitiligo so no one would see little bitch!

    1. Oh I almost forgot. David also has a hideously deformed jaw. That’s why he grew his pube beard. What an insecure little bitch. That’s why he picks on woman and children and tiny animals. K I’m done now.

    2. Drugnelle is obviously jealous of David’s ex and David is obviously jealous of Nathan. These two should be glad they found each other….nobody else wants them. Unfortunately we still have to read about their utter stupidity and absolute disgusting behavior.

    3. Uhh the exact opposite. Idiot. All the people wishing terrible on her are jealous including Olivia, piggybacking of the fame of jenelle and David. You are so turned around its insane.why tf do you think she had to put his and her name on there. The last chance she had while they are lying low and off of MTV. You all keep troubling and surveilling them. Not the other way around. Sure shows the type of people you are. You think your idiot internet rants will ever matter. None of them need any advice for you and their kids want you to leave their names out of your mouth. They dont want or need anybodies help. Fuckin idiots living in this fake news edition of life.

  16. I love that Jenelle is running around screaming that Olivia is an alcoholic, but she literally testified that she was blackout drunk with four children in the house. She’s so delusional (sorry, Delujenelle) that she doesn’t even realize what a hypocrite and moron she is.

    Olivia posted on Facebook back in June about her baby being safe, and it was assumed to be about Kaden. Guess that was correct.

    Meanwhile, two judges (this one and the first judge in the CPS case) found that David and Jenelle were unfit and yet…Judge Hawkins…? Yeah, it makes no sense

  17. What year is that document from? In other articles Jenelle is stating David has legal representation and will be back in court. These two meatheads were certainly emboldened when that wack job judge handed back the kids. Olivia needs money for another court battle. Poor job trying to cast doubt on her go fund me plans

  18. Although my opinion on that 911 call differs from the judges. I find it funny how once again another judge deemed them unfit to have a child.
    Judge Hawkins is a POS.

  19. Dumbasses, show the part that says she has sole physical custody. Not the part that give you permission to know about schools or medical conditions.
    Please someone shut these 2 up. I can’t take to much more of their mouth. I’m about to go Postal.

  20. If David and Janelle are doing so great why the need for a gfm wat the well ran dry you 2 are nothing more then hillbilly trash

  21. Jenelle and David lie like the sorry azz people that they are. I wouldn’t Expect anything else. I hope they keep Lying so their children will see what pieces of shitz they are. Jace and Maryssa already know.

  22. At least there’s 1 competent Judge in NC that recognizes addict behaviour and child endangerment when it’s screaming in his face. Dumb and Dumbest are so manipulative, narcissistic, and selfish that their only concern in all of this is losing the few delusional Stans they have left. Loving parents who are truly concerned about the welfare of their children would NEVER share any of this on social media for fear of sabotaging their only chance at regaining custody to begin with.

    1. Exactly even Nathan has been quite, it’s the first thing they tell you to do.

      Hey David!! Why did you need a GFM?
      Freaking Morons.

  23. So David doesn’t even use the time he is allowed to speak to his son?!

    They are only doing this to make themselves look better.
    They have this fantasy their lives are okay and that they are great parents, it’s just the government, big brother.
    Jenelle said ‘Oh, but Jace is next’. Let’s hope he is, let’s hope all the kids get a fair judge like Kaden got so they will be safe.

  24. You would think she would be a professional….with all of the lying she does she should be able to lie her way out of anything.

  25. David Eason, Take that $50,000.00 new toyota seqoia you just bought and get a job. Your wife made almost $600,000.00 previously, her social media click bate makes her around $10,000.00 per month.

  26. The fact that she claimed that she and David were black out drunk while there were children asleep in the house is just as bad as her former claim that her swamp beast of a husband assaulted her. The constant lies she tells to try to make herself look better end up making her look worse. I don’t think she’s capable of speaking (or understanding) the truth at this point. The judge who allowed the rest of those children to return to The Land of Horrors needs to be tossed off the the bench! I hope Kayden never has to go back to David again.

    1. Thank God this judge saw the truth!
      Yes, that part has been kinda swept under the rug” well your honor, it doesn’t count, we were really just black out drunk”. And the two of them are always the “victims”, they make me sick with their continuing lies. So happy their GFM was a miserable failure.

  27. Oh, wow, Jane! Are you kidding? That’s beyond disgusting! I hope Olivia sues them blind.?? I HATE them. Okay, I’ll calm down now. Sorry about the rant.

      1. Please, SOMEBODY start a GoFundMe account to permanently sterilize these two shit-stains so no child ever needlessly is born into this hell.

  28. Is anyone else as disturbed as me at all the people who are actually supporting this swamp creatures arts and crafts page on Instagram? I don’t care if his “work” was amazing and I actually wanted it for myself, I could never support a wife, child and animal abusing, dog murdering, racist, homophobic, piece of shit like David, ever.

      1. Good call, I love Etsy but will happily boycott until they remove this shit stain’s products.

        1. Just go to David’s ETSY page. On the right side down by the bottom, there is this: REPORT THIS ITEM TO ETSY. Click on it and check the choice that you don’t think it meets ETSY’s policies. Then they leave you a space and I put that these are weapons and he is a dog murderer. Then I put the link to the change petition #justicefornugget

          1. Google ETSY and put his page name Black River Metal and Wood We must take him down!

          2. I went on etsy and put that in and there is nothing. He isnt selling anything. Unless they took him down and listened to people. That would be amazing. Pube beard may actually have to get his poor little hands dirty and work.

        2. @Jane His Etsy page is Black River Metal in Wood (not and wood as I made the mistake earlier). I left a very lengthy report on him and stating that I would no longer support Etsy if they continue to affiliate themselves with him. The more people that report him, the better!!!!

      2. My reply off Etsy

        Thank you for letting us know about this. Your report will be reviewed by our Marketplace Integrity team. You may also want to visit our House Rules for more information on what qualifies to be sold on Etsy.

        Riegelwood, North Carolina<—-

    1. If you look at his Etsy page, he has only sold 10 items (10 too many in my opinion). Click on any item for sale and scroll down to the “about seller” section – it shows the total sales.

  29. It’s unfortunate that a judge will find Jenelle’s testimony not credible for visitations, but they think the are good enough parents to have custody of 3 children, including one that testified against them. So confusing to me.

    1. I still think Jenelle paid off the judge in their custody case this summer. There’s no way these other judges see them unfit, then the second they get the judge changed in the kids custody case, the case was dropped by the same judge that let Jenelle off in this past? No way that’s a coincidence.

      1. Oh yes she did cus how come they ask for a diffrent judge how is that even possible that’s why they are on gfm cus it took all the tm2 money a ND David can’t Leach off her he has to get a job

      2. [* Shield plugin marked this comment as “Trash”. Reason: Failed Bot Test (expired) *]
        Its not blackrivermetalandwood, its blackrivermetalnwood. N wood. Not “and’wood. I reported it too. Must click on a dagger..say its a weapon and he is a violent dog killer. He needs to have that etsy page gone!! We can do this! Share share share. #Justicefornugget

      1. Because man bitch and mommy dearest like to downvote people. They dont have lives or jobs and they dont take care of there kids so what else are two scumbags to do with there time.

        1. Anyone who down votes, are the same people who helped them get $135.00 on their GoFundMe page. These are the people who are her followers, which makes them undesirables. Who thinks beating and killing an innocent dog okay? Satan the devil or Ex-Teen Monster Mom and the Dog Murderer himself. Don’t give it a thought. I don’t look at those or care. I hope both the monsters are reading all this!

  30. David I would donate money to a TREE if it meant it didn’t have to live within 50 miles of you.

    That’s how repellant you are.

  31. So it’s okay for Jenelle to be blackout drunk while several of their assorted children are in their care, but it’s not okay for Olivia to attend AA? And it’s okay to blast Olivia for drinking and attending AA? Jenelle, by this “story” you told, it sounds like YOU are the one with the drinking problem..among a hundred other problems. Good grief this is unreal, even for Jenelle’s standards.

  32. Wow so Jenelle thought her being black-out drunk while having a bonfire at the same time FOUR CHILDREN were under the care of herself and her husband would be the best scenario to tell in a custody trial? That’s 50 shades of messed up right there.

  33. ‘So if Olivia took all custody from me in June then why is everyone donating to her for attorney fees to take all custody from me’
    Because everyone knows how you are David and they dont want that child around you ever.

  34. Is it true that david and jenelle posted nude photos of olivia on her go fund me page??? I heard this today. If that is correct that’s revenge porn and they should be prosecuted. What a bunch of pea brained, ugly inside and out lowlifes. I never wish harm on other people ever. But i dont even consider them human. if something were to happen to them not gonna lie. I would be ok with that.

    1. I wish them the worse! I don’t think I have ever come across monsters like this. I saw those photos and I thought that was so wrong. They were gone as quick as they were put up. I don’t think GoFundMe deals in that kind of stuff.
      Way to go Ex-teen monster mom…telling a court that you were blackout drunk? You have no brains what so ever!

    2. Yes it’s true they both also left bad reviews for her at her place of employment.
      And signed their names.
      Can’t fix stupid.

  35. Funny how jenelle’s “black out” drinking is never an issue but everyone else’s casual drinking should be the front and center cause for them to lose everything.

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