EXCLUSIVE! ‘Teen Mom OG’ Producers Ambush Andrew Glennon on Phone After He Complains About Amber Portwood’s Reunion Interview

“What in the Sam Hell?!”

Andrew Glennon didn’t get a chance to speak out (on TV at least) about what his ex, Amber Portwood, said about him on the recent Teen Mom OG Reunion. However, MTV decided that Andrew was going to take part in filming the next season— with or without his permission!

The Ashley can exclusively reveal that a ‘Teen Mom OG’ producer called Andrew last week and asked him if they could come over to Amber’s house (where Andrew and their son James are currently staying) and film.

“[A producer] called Andrew and asked if they could come and film at the house,” The Ashley’s production source tells her. “It was messed up though because Andrew had no idea they were going to call, and as soon as he answered the phone, they told him that the call was being recorded to be used for the show, so he had no heads-up or anything.”

The Ashley’s source tells her that Andrew’s recent unleashings on Instagram made them realize that they were missing out on a lot of material by not including Andrew.

“Some of us thought that was really wrong, to ambush him like that,” the source added. “If a call is going to end up on a show that is aired for millions to watch, the guy should have at least been able to prepare himself. But he’s still under contract, so there’s nothing he can do about it really.”

Production sources tell The Ashley that no footage of Andrew has been shot (yet); however, The Ashley is not sure if this was because Andrew turned them down or if something is in the works to be filmed at a future date. 

“They did tell [Andrew] that his contract forbids him from criticizing MTV,” the source added. “They were not happy about some of the stuff he was posting on Instagram.”

“I won’t be silenced!”

The Ashley is unaware if Amber knows that Andrew was contacted to film. The former couple is in the middle of a bitter battle for custody of their one-year-old son, James. Currently Andrew has custody, and is trying to get the courts to OK a relocation back to his home state of California. Amber recently filed a response to Andrew’s relocation request, asking the court to forbid Andrew from taking their son to California.

The Ashley will update this story when she has more information…

RELATED STORY: Andrew Glennon Claims ‘Teen Mom’ Amber Portwood Has Physically Abused Their Son; Was Unhappy About Getting Pregnant

(Photos: MTV) 

71 Responses

  1. MTV is a has been in my house. It is allowed to be on and it has been dropped from my channel line up. They are the most unethical, unprofessional network I’ve ever seen.

  2. [* Shield plugin marked this comment as “Trash”. Reason: Failed Bot Test (token) *]
    Dr Drew needs to apologize to Andrew for believing Amber’s lies!

  3. I think amber got the bad deal i mean he he adter her money and is living vhf in her house amber good person need support she love her kids andhe was try get her money and he has girldriend all this time

  4. [* Shield plugin marked this comment as “Trash”. Reason: Failed Bot Test (expired) *]
    Andrew’s story seems to change a lot
    I don’t see any vlogs reporting on the restraining orders against him. His alcohol and drug addictions one being heroin. He was ordered to see a psychiatrist. He isn’t supposed 5o be drinking. Many online websites and YouTube reality commentators seem one sided by bashing Amber and being quiet about Andrew. I am concerned about James on his care This is not about pro Amber, this is about relating truth about each of them and what is in James interest. I would like to read or hear an objective and fair article or video. Enjoy your evening.

  5. Wow. Amber and her ten fans are sure hitting the comments section hard on this article. ?

    Look at your down votes you idiots. No one with an IQ over 40 is buying ANYTHING you’re selling Amber. Go back to your couch. And, Andrew, for the sake of your son STAY OFF SOCIAL MEDIA. Let the courts handle this and shut up. This doesn’t need to be played out in public. James WILL be able to read one day…well, if Andrew’s the one raising him and not Amber.

  6. [* Shield plugin marked this comment as “Trash”. Reason: Failed Bot Test (expired) *]
    His fat ugly ass is living in HER house. This piece of shit needs to fucking man up and stop being a pussy

    1. Nope. Yes, he’s living in her house. Yet, HE DOESN’T WANT TO! That’s why he wants to take James to California. He comes from MONEY! He doesn’t need Amber!

      Let me tell you something, sweetie. I have bipolar one disorder as does my older sister. I chose to ADOPT my children and I don’t drink or do drugs. Not even a glass of wine EVER because it puts me on Ozzy’s Crazy Train. You don’t live with bipolar. If you do not get help and KEEP seeking it… you’re screwed. Amber has ADMITTED she won’t take her meds when she wants to drink. YOU CAN’T DRINK PERIOD!

      If Amber cared she would stop half assing her treatment!

      Now go ahead honey, insult me but provide no recipes. Let me guess…you’re bipolar too? Yeah right. A woman staying in an abusive ex’s house would be totally okay to you right? #MeToo isn’t just for women asshat. Women can be agressive too. Amber is a SERIAL abuser. Just like my sister who won’t keep on her meds. Guess what? She’s alone and my parents raised her kid. That’s Amber’s future. My niece calls to check that her mom WON’T be at a family gathering before she attends. That’s Amber’s future…and yours too if you actually believe her.

  7. I have a 1 year old son, and you better believe I would do anything in my power to keep him away from Amber. I absolutely believe that Amber has the capacity to hurt her kids. She’s already proven herself to be prone to violent outbursts and has a hair trigger. I don’t want my kids around anyone like that, and I don’t for a second blame Andrew for feeling the same way.

  8. [* Shield plugin marked this comment as “Trash”. Reason: Failed Bot Test (checkbox) *]
    To be honest when i watched teen mom amber looked so happy when she found out that she was having a baby i really do think that amber should get full custody of her son. Has a mom why would she hurt her son like come on now i really dont like Andrew. Amber is wonderful person and mother so i think that the court should give amber full custody she meesed up when she was young so i think that she should have a second chance

    1. Are you for real?? She’s stated she doesn’t and didn’t want James.
      A good mother doesn’t laze in bed until 2pm.
      A good mother wouldn’t whine about having to parent her do.
      A good mother wouldn’t chose men over her daughter, a good mother would make an effort to see their daughter more than 3 times in the summer schoo break.
      Stop making fucking excuses for this lazy vile nasty pos.

      Your as deluded as amber is.
      Victim shaming whilst supporting the abuser.

    2. Are you for real?? She’s stated she doesn’t and didn’t want James.
      A good mother doesn’t laze in bed until 2pm.
      A good mother wouldn’t whine about having to parent her son.
      A good mother wouldn’t chose men over her daughter, a good mother would make an effort to see their daughter more than 3 times in the summer schoo break.
      Stop making fucking excuses for this lazy vile nasty pos.

      Your as deluded as amber is.
      Victim shaming whilst supporting the abuser.

  9. I’m not doubting that amber isn’t guilty of some things but Andrew is full of crap and is reaching for any ounce of sympathy he can get. Bottom line.

    1. after hearing the audio released i retract my comment. im baffled. i will say he is going about all of this the wrong way though.

  10. [* Shield plugin marked this comment as “Trash”. Reason: Failed Bot Test (expired) *]
    Well, the cast is getting paid! That’s the price you pay for signing the contract and taking MTV’s money. So they get no sympathy from me. Yes, MTV does care about ratings, after all that’s why they are paying the cast so they can catch all the drama and that makes good TV. If they were sensitive to their privacy then the show would more than likely fail.

  11. [* Shield plugin marked this comment as “Trash”. Reason: Failed Bot Test (expired) *]
    He’s so extra, we already got “his side” of the story, it’s been in the tabloids for months! Why is he crying? Everyone is already on his side!

  12. His contract forbids him from criticising, the company that has exploited this situation.

    Mtv have no shame, they’ve just admitted, they don’t give a shit about anything, other than ratings,

    Mtv,,,,,, manipulative treacherous vermin.

    1. Seeing as they stopped regularly playing music 20 years ago and the VMAs were a ratings disaster this year…yeah, what you said.

      My sixteen-year-old was honest to God SHOCKED when I told her that MTV stood for Music Television. “But Mom, they don’t really play music. I watch music videos on YouTube, not MTV.” I couldn’t help but laugh. She thought I was kidding when I told her that during my childhood all MTV really played was music videos and shows about music. Blew her mind.

  13. Amber has always been dramatic and it’s all about her. If it’s not, shes gonna make it about her. She has anger issues that’s what she has. And u cant fix what you dont acknowledge. Yes that’s from Dr. Phil. And she hates to acknowledge that’s shes the problem. Another one of MTVs little girls gone wild.

  14. Andrew get a good lawyer and let them deal with MTV. There hadvto be something that can be done to get out of that contract. Like Amber attacked you and your son and a legal suit is being brought forth. Man MTV is really getting pretty scummy with how they are doing nothing to help, all for ratings.

  15. I think Andrew is looking to be the 6th teen mom OG just saying…
    On that note Amber let’s be real whether James is in Indiana or not you will see him a couple times a month so don’t fight the move. Let James be around family, take some time truly work on yourself and maybe in the end you can come out of this a better person which will make you a better mom. I think amber needs to fall back COMPLETELY from social media, no one is perfect and I am not defending Amber however, being in the spotlight at such a young age with so many issues isn’t going to help anyone. On top of that she has made horrible choices and they are played back and thrown into her face constantly which makes it very hard to move forward and grow. It can make anyone become defensive and feel like they have something prove to the world when in reality all she has to do is prove to herself and her children. I mean honestly it’s not a normal occurrence for not one but two children to be raised by their dads. Something is seriously wrong and I pray she figures out what it is and in the meantime I hope the best for those kids because they were given The short end of the stick from the moment they were born. And sorry not sorry but it’s not ALL Amber’s fault.

  16. This guy is such a loser. I hope the judge sees through him. She was wrong but he set her up and then stole her money her home her son. She has a serious mental illness, he is just mean and conniving

  17. Watch Amber threaten to quit the show… again… because of this. I can almost hear her “I’m done!” all the way over here…. then she will immediately retract when she realizes a prison GED won’t get her paid ??????.

    Seriously, MTV is trash. They don’t care about their cast, they don’t care about the children, they just care about ratings. Although, I’m glad to hear Andrew’s side of the story it makes me nervous because MTV is known for its bullshit editing. This might hurt Andrew in the long run.

    1. He’s so extra, we already got “his side” of the story, it’s been in the tabloids for months! Why is he crying? Everyone is already on his side!

  18. [* Shield plugin marked this comment as “Trash”. Reason: Failed Bot Test (token) *]
    Since Andrew keeps posting derogatory messages about Amber, ad since he’s still under contract with MTV, he has nothing to complain about with MTV. I don’t really believe him anyway. He needs to just go on with his life and leave Amber alone.

    1. And amber hasn’t posted the same, before Andrew spoke out ???

      Seriously neither should be ranting on any social media platform.

      But amber did start that first, making her crazy self out tube the victim,

      The only victim in all of this are the children.

      This is why amber thinks she’s untouchable and won’t admit she’s in the wrong, to many people enabling her behaviour

    2. And amber hasn’t posted the same, before Andrew spoke out ???

      Seriously neither should be ranting on any social media platform.

      But amber did start that first, making her crazy self out to be the victim,

      The only victim in all of this are the children.

      This is why amber thinks she’s untouchable and won’t admit she’s in the wrong, to many people enabling her behaviour

  19. [* Shield plugin marked this comment as “Trash”. Reason: Failed Bot Test (token) *]
    Andrew is a user and opportunist! He had this in the works from the beginning. Hes a day trader! Give me a fuckn break!! He knew the ins and outs of Amber and used that shit against her all the while antagonizing her. Hes been living in Her House!!

    1. [* Shield plugin marked this comment as “Trash”. Reason: Failed Bot Test (expired) *]
      Exactly!!! Did you know he also lied in the affidavit? He told the story about the machete and then when another cop or detective asked him about it he said he didn’t know if she picked it up or not… all I have to say is everyone is going to be shocked when the truth comes out, and it’s not what most people think. I found a few discrepancies in the affidavit, he changed the story a few times too. I can feel he’s lying! Yeah she hit him with a shoe, but I really think he’s lying about the pills and the machete!

  20. [* Shield plugin marked this comment as “Trash”. Reason: Failed Bot Test (token) *]
    I think this is bull shit….The guy obviously seen Amber as an easy target and used it to his advantage. He should be ashamed of himself. .Especially using little James as leverage to make Amber look bad.

  21. MTV is disgusting. They fire someone for being homophobic. Justified! The fire someone for whoring her back door. Justified. The fire someone because sponsors don’t like people who abuse animals and kill them. Justified. But yet the sponsors have no problem sponsoring a show that condones, supports and makes domestic violence into entertainment. This is real fuckin life. It’s not some made for TV movie based on this that and the next thing this is REAL DOMESTIC VIOLENCE. And there using it for pure entertainment purposes. Does anyone find that disturbing? Me too brought so many people down. Justified. But domestic violence doesn’t. That brings in ratings and $$$$. Don’t worry they put a happy little Domestic Violence notice at the end of the show so we can feel safe! Down with MTV! Video killed the radio my ass!!

      1. [* Shield plugin marked this comment as “Trash”. Reason: Failed Bot Test (expired) *]
        How do you know Andrew isn’t lying? He may be full of crap. Maybe he knew that everyone would believe his bs story because of her past.

    1. I agree with you. Morgan Freeman, Kiki and the rest of the producers are far worse than what these teenage moms turned into. MTV is the biggest whore there is.

  22. JAMES J LUTTE, I’m hoping this statement is about Amber NOT Mat because Amber really needs to be kicked to the curb. Validating her lies and letting her get away with this is bull crap

  23. I. Think its crazy for him to try an take that baby away fr him mom ouy of state she never abused the baby n to punish her for goingvoff on him wow hes a big man ovacher grow up andrew share custody with her u no when it comes to a woman an her kids sometime men can be wrong too but dont try 2 tear her down

    1. Have you thought that perhaps it is not in James’ best interest to be around his mother right now? Amber is seriously sick and clearly incapable of parenting. Why shouldn’t Andrew be able to be around his family and support system? We all know that he’ll be the one raising that baby, he should live wherever he wants.

  24. Ambushed? He should have at least waited to be out of his contract before he decided to run his mouth about sparkling love and what not. Of course they’re going to make Ambo look like the victim…he should have been quiet and handled it in the courts.

  25. [* Shield plugin marked this comment as “Trash”. Reason: Failed Bot Test (expired) *]
    I hope he Sue’s MTV that suck anyway.
    I pray daily that Andrew gets full custody and is able to take his son back to California and gar far away from Amber who is not a mother and never will be
    A mother. She NUTZ.

  26. [* Shield plugin marked this comment as “Trash”. Reason: Failed Bot Test (expired) *]
    Thats just not true Amber loves all her children she would never abuse them. Andrew got her so upset and made all thappen hes horrible to try to take baby James away!

    1. Yeah she lives Leah soooomuch, she saw her 2 or 3 times in the summer holidays.
      Yep mom if the year (not )
      She lets her man if the month parent her child ( Leah) whilst she lazed in bed.

      She’s an unfit mother

    2. Yeah she loves Leah soooomuch, she saw her 2 or 3 times in the summer holidays.
      Yep mom if the year (not )
      She lets her man if the month parent her child ( Leah) whilst she lazed in bed.

      She’s an unfit mother

  27. MTV only cares about the drama and by not firing that fat, ugly cow proves they only care about ratings and not the children. MTV GFY.

    1. He’s not allowed to criticize MTV, but its totally fine for them to only get Amber’s version of events and then basically side with her at the reunion. Mtv is just mad that Andrew called them out for not helping Amber out when he begged them too.

  28. Even if he is still under contact Im sure they cant film in court, the court wont allow that, at least you would not think so. If they said this would be used on the show he should have just hung up.

  29. [* Shield plugin marked this comment as “Trash”. Reason: Failed Bot Test (expired) *]
    I dont believe she would hurt her kids period. Andrew is on a mission and thats to take James away a get a check. He is using her health issues and obessed with James . if you watch him he is mentally abusive and will be to James if he inherits any of his Moms health issues. HE IS ON A MISSION AND HAS BEEN FOR SOME TIME PEOPLE. Watch him.

    1. [* Shield plugin marked this comment as “Trash”. Reason: Failed Bot Test (expired) *]
      Andrew said that James was playing on the floor and opening cabinet doors(like all babies do) Amber grabbed him and knocked him on his back. Another time when James wouldn’t stop crying she through him in bed. None of this is beyond belief.

  30. What does Amber want to do with James? She has not been seen caring, playing, or even paying attention to him on Teen Mom. She just doesn’t want Andrew to take James to California to spite him. Amber doesn’t want to deal with James. She is too lazy to do any of the day to day things that a baby requires. I hope Andrew can prove what a lousy mother she is and takes James as far away from her as he can. Andrew said Amber pushed James and I believe him. She has shown no patience toward that sweet little boy.

    1. That is exactly why she doesn’t want him to move, Leah lives in the same state as her and she can go weeks or even months without seeing her. Amber only cares about Amber, she has never been a parent to either of her children, even Jenelle doesn’t go months without seeing Jace and takes her children out, Amber is too lazy to even fake being a good mum for the camera’s the way Jenelle does.

    2. She couldn’t even handle baby James for a few days on her own while Andrew recovered from surgery! She’s an absolutely useless excuse for a mother and the fake crying about Leah all the time is just laughable.
      Sort your shit Amber. Get off the drugs, take your meds properly and leave the poor children alone with their fathers.

  31. I’d really love to see Andrew’s side. Im so sick of Amber accusing everyone else for her issues. Im sure she would have denied hitting Gary if it hadn’t been recorded.

  32. I don’t see how this is an ambush if they just called to see if they could film at Amber’s house. What else was said on the call? I mean if he is still under contract with MTV, it can’t be that unexpected that MTV might call up and want to film everything that is going on.

    1. [* Shield plugin marked this comment as “Trash”. Reason: Failed Bot Test (expired) *]
      I wish they’d get rid of amber. I’m tired of the poor me crying

    2. How would you feel if they called you and immediately told you they are taping the phone call without your consent?! Hell yeah I would be pissed, contract or no contract, he has a right to say no! It’s not like Amber is this perfect mother and is really wondering what James is doing. I bet she is relieved she has no responsibilities anymore. (And can go “partying” like she wanted before she got pregnant with him) They just want drama and make him mad to JUSTIFY her actions, you know MTV doesn’t want to show her in a bad light, they were hiding Maci’s drinking when she was pregnant too, not to mention Ryan’s addiction and Jenelle’s abuses etc.

      1. Well if that is what happened – MTV called and immediately told Andrew they were taping the phone call – he can withhold his consent by…wait for it…hanging up the phone. And if he is under contract and his contract specifically provides that calls with MTV may be recorded and used, again he “say no” by hanging up the phone. I agree with you that Amber is not a perfect mother, she is very far from it. In fact she is a terrible mother from everything I’ve seen. But that doesn’t change this article or my comment that this doesn’t sound like any kind of ambush.

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