Maci Bookout Breaks Her Silence: Releases Statement Encouraging ‘Teen Mom OG’ Co-Star Amber Portwood to Get Help Following Release of Disturbing Audio

“I held off as long as I could!”

It’s taken Maci Bookout a few days, but she’s finally joined the ranks of the Teen Mom OG stars who have commented on the disturbing audio clips that were recently released featuring Amber Portwood.

Maci, who up until Tuesday had remained completely silent on the recordings, posted a statement to her Twitter, giving her feelings on the audio clips, which feature Amber verbally abusing her baby daddy Andrew Glennon and repeatedly threatening to kill him and stab him.

In her statement, Maci encouraged Amber— who has been her friend since their 16 and Pregnant days— to get help.

“My heart breaks for everyone involved and affected by this terrible situation,” Maci wrote. “I do not condone or support abuse or violence of any type. Amber has been a close, genuine friend of mine for many years, I will support her in getting the help she needs.

“I truly hope and pray that everyone involved receives the help necessary to recover from what has happened, and the guidance to prevent future incidents. -Maci”

Maci is one of the last of the ‘Teen Mom OG’ cast members to comment on the audio recordings, which were released last week. Since that time, Catelynn LowellTyler Baltierra and Cheyenne Floyd have all posted their statements about what happened. Tyler stated on Twitter that he had reached out privately to Andrew, which Andrew confirmed on Monday was true.

In a comment posted to The Ashley’s Reality Roundup Instagram page, Andrew thanked Tyler and Catelynn for contacting him. 

Andrew posted this to The Ashley’s official Instagram

“Thank you @CatelynnMTV @TylerbaltierraMTV for reaching out to me during this horrible time,” Andrew wrote. “There is a lot of healing I have to do…perhaps more than I know. I brought James to an exhibit on the ancient samurai (one of my favorite time periods) and nearly had a panic attack when I entered the room with all the swords. I did not expect that reaction or even think about it prior, but it hit me hard and I had to leave immediately. Hope these feelings go away soon and I can get back to a normal existence.”

(As The Ashley previously reported, Amber kept a sword in the bedroom she shared with Andrew, as well as a variety of other weapons.)

To read what current and former ‘Teen Mom OG’ stars, including Farrah Abraham and Debra Danielsen, had to say about the audio recordings, click here

(Photo: MTV, Instagram, Twitter) 


68 Responses

  1. Maybe Maci should encourage herself and her husband to get help for their alcohol abuse? Of course, it’s no where near as bad as Ryan’s problem. That is how they try and minimize their own chemical dependency.

  2. Why does everbody have to even make a statement on social media?
    Y not just pick up the phone Maci if she’s as genuine a friend as u claim she is??

  3. Thank you for the Truth. I believe Andrew and Amber definitely needs some jail time. This is a choice when she hits Andrew. She must be held accountable. If MTV does not fire her I will no longer watch. I care about what is going on with the other girls however I won’t watch. Let Amber gooooo

  4. Why are the teen moms babying Amber? She’s a domestic abuser and it seems to be a constant with her. Put her away where she can no longer hurt others.

  5. What I don’t understand in this whole situation is the fact that EVERYONE knew Amber had mental problems. Why wasn’t she getting the help she so very much needed??? Let’s all scream that she’s crazy!!! Well hell yeah she is! She can admit it and if you watch the shows she is begging for help! In my opinion MTV should have been responsible for getting her help. I’m sure the show has taken a toll mentally on a mind that was already broken. And as far as James goes…I get protecting your child and recording the convos for this such occasion but did he ever try to get her help? This could have been prevented!


  6. [* Shield plugin marked this comment as “Trash”. Reason: Failed Bot Test (token) *]
    What I don’t understand in this whole situation is the fact that EVERYONE knew Amber had mental problems. Why wasn’t she getting the help she so very much needed??? Let’s all scream that she’s crazy!!! Well hell yeah she is! She can admit it and if you watch the shows she is begging for help! In my opinion MTV should have been responsible for getting her help. I’m sure the show has taken a toll mentally on a mind that was already broken. And as far as James goes…I get protecting your child and recording the convos for this such occasion but did he ever try to get her help? This could have been prevented!

  7. It’s sad what Amber did but MTV should have never let her even be on there after seeing her beat up her first baby dad when the first show come on and what said the man who started MTV is from Mississippi where I’m from but since he got in that group of liberals he has changed MS would have never but up with that and he was not raise that way

  8. MORAL OF THE STORY: You aren’t allowed publicly condemn a person who does terrible things if they are your friend.

    I would respect the other moms more if they didn’t say anything publicly. Offering these vanilla ass “I’m heartbroken for all involved” messages is even less than the “thoughts and prayers” after a mass shooting.

    If David or Bar from Y&P had done this, they would call for justice to be done. They make me sick.

    1. Public condemnation is also not allowed if your “friend” also helps secure your employment of over $400,000 a year after 10 years. Who knew teen pregnancy was so profitable…

  9. I think he recorded her because she is a believable liar. Needs to prove she is verbally and physically abusive to get James away from her. What would YOU do if you lived that nightmare?

  10. I bet you feel stupid now for showing up to court supporting amber a few months ago. All the other TMs look so dumb for going to court as ambers support team now lol.

  11. [* Shield plugin marked this comment as “Trash”. Reason: Failed Bot Test (expired) *]
    OMG seriously “afraid” of the sword exhibit? I think thats being a bit dramatic. After reading all these articles its obvious Andrew taped what he wanted people to hear in the audio. He is tired of sitting in the background and wants his 15 minutes of fame. He is worse than Matt! Sneaky sneaky Andrew.

  12. So Andrew was at the museum of the samurai, or whatever, and I had heard that the sword in the bedroom wasn’t Amber’s, it was his. After this post he is obviously the one into this stuff, so kind of makes sense that it’s his and not hers now. I still think that Amber is a total whack job and she has no business being around any kids including her own. I’m sure he did provoke her when he recorded her, and I’m sure he knew that she would fly into a rage, but that only means that it had probably happens a lot before. I think Andrew is shady as hell, I have never liked or trusted him, one bit. He has always given me major wiggins. It still doesn’t mean that Amber isn’t wrong, and that she doesn’t need serious help, and not like some place that Caitlin went either. She needs a serious hardcore facility and for a long time not just 3 or 6 months. I mean she is a major bully without her mental illnesses. Plus, she doesn’t take her medication a lot of the time because she likes to drink I mean we saw proof of that when she went with the rest of the OG girls on that trip. She has absolutely no business being around kids.

    1. This is what I mean when I say that he needs to lay low, and stay off social media. You see how that one comment he made possibly induced doubt in you and probably other people in regards to the sword actually being his and not Amber’s? Yes it says “Mother Goddess”, but for all we know he could have given her the sword and had it inscribed…See how talking too much gives people the opportunity to poke holes in the story? Those recordings literally scream that she’s evil, he needs to just let them speak for themselves, and let the courts handle it. If he wants a solid case against her, and wants full custody of their son, he needs to stop with responding to posts, and stop talking to the press, stop doing interviews. Comments get misconstrued all the time.

    2. Why the fuck would he engrave “Mother Goddess” on his sword? Amber probably made him buy it for her because she didn’t want to be seen as the one buying “weapons.”

  13. Amber pray and let the healing inside start to help you thru your crisis Prayer can make the difference in your life.

  14. Thank you, president of the peanut gallery! This is exactly why male victims of abuse have a hard time reporting it. People need to stop all the victim-blaming. in the past, I remember Amber stating that this is how the women in her family deal with things. It is wrong! Wrong! Wrong!she is extremely violent and aggressive and needs to be dealt with appropriately she needs more prison time.

  15. I would like to know why Andrew was recording all these tapes in the first place ! Did he want out of this relationship and felt he had to provoke Amber to make her mad because he knew how she would react and he would get custody of James !

    1. Becus he’s a victim of domestic violence and needed proof for the court. I don’t care how much you think he baited heryou can tell that she responds like that frequently.

  16. I believe Andrew. He has a strong case. Andrew should now step away from social media and concentrate on being a Dad. Let the Lawyers take it from here.
    Andrew making a public thank you to Cate and Tyler on social media for all of us to read, seemed calculated with an underlying motive. We believe you Andrew. No need to see how many more viewers you can win over

  17. What’s that Song again!!!!
    Oh yeah, it’s all bout the money $$$
    And amber is about as genuine, as an alcoholic left to look after a brewery

  18. I think there is actually ALOT more behind the story with Leah. I think she has witnessed alot more than we realize and may have been victim to it at some point. Perhaps she has even seen the clips of the insane neglect when she was a baby. Leah is barely with Amber and never alone with her. That I’ve seen at least. I think there’s alot we don’t know that MTV wont share. I’ll bet she harasses Gary & Kristina and all visits are supervised with them.

    Thoughts? They seemed REAL happy to come watch James that one episode.

    1. Kristina is always present during Ambers visits with Leah. But Amber always presents the situation like “let’s have a girls day!”

    2. I’ve no doubt that poor kid has seen a lot, no wonder she has panic attacks.
      Garry needs to go to court and stop all visitation, she doesn’t even deserve supervised visitation.
      And the judge should take away all or any parental rights over both James and Leah.
      Amber is an habitual liar, a narcissistic trait.

      Her brother blobby and her mom should be ashamed of themselves

  19. What a cop-out statement. No different from Cate & Ty’s or Cheyenne’s. They literally all said the same exact thing. And none of them condemn the abuser.

  20. They’re only trying to protect their $500,000.00 paychecks. These girls are NOT on Andrews side. Amber will go to treatment to shut everyone up but will keep on lying and revert in time again.

  21. Maci’s response sounds so fake. It’s obvious that MTV told her what to say. Because if this was a domestic dispute between Ryan and Mack her bony ass would be talking about it non-stop.Instead she turned a blind eye to the obvious abuse that was going on for years. And pretended everything was fine, even when crazy Amber was attacking Farrah on stage at the reunion.

    1. Farrah’s a little chihuahua, I’m surprised no one has actually punched her besides her mother.

      1. Omg I wish Farrah would get a hard lesson about life. Abuse on an innocent loved one is one thing, but it’s TOTALLY different for Farrah. She is in a class of messed up of her own.

        1. Farrah is getting that lesson. She’s fired from TM. She has no income. She gets paid to get pounded into a mattress on a yatch (allegedly). Nobody wants to watch her tired porn, and she’s getting sued out the ying yang.Karma.

          1. From what I hear, those sheiks are doing more than pounding her into a mattress. Topping up her tan, you might say.

    2. I’m not a huge Maci fan, but I’ll defend her when it comes to protecting her son. If “it was a domestic dispute between Ryan and Mack”, I genuinely believe Maci would take the high road. She wouldn’t “talk about it non-stop”. She proved that by keeping her mouth shut about Ryan’s heroin addiction. She proved that by never bad mouthing Ryan to his son. She wouldn’t put her son in that position, and it’s a shitty thing to accuse her of doing. For how terrible of a parent Ryan is (and for all his parents and wife enable him), she has done nothing but try to make sure Bentley has a relationship with Ryan and his family. She didn’t have to do that. She could have cut of Jen and Larry. She didn’t. She made sure Bentley was safe, but never spoke a bad word and encouraged those relationships.

  22. @theashley do you have any Intel on Barbra Evan’s comment to radaronline that she made just as much as the moms per episode?

  23. You know who I really feel bad for? Leah. She (and the other TM kids) are at an age now where even if they are blissfully unaware of the stupid shit their parents do (looking your way Jenelle and Ryan), the kids they go to school with probably aren’t. I can’t imagine the way their lives are affected now from their parents’ stupid decisions now that they’re old enough to be exposed to it on the internet. It’s way overdue for this franchise to end, but, MTV clearly cares about nothing more than the ratings.

  24. Maci actually speaks up about something. I thought Maci is like Chelsea. Just raking in money, staying quiet, and acting perfectly perfect. JS

  25. Not sure what “help” all the casts members want her to receive? Help for being the worst person on the planet? Help for being an uncaring loveless mother? Help for the way she feels she can beat and verbally abuse men without repercussions? Help for the entitlement behavior she walks around with. Help with her man bun. Help with the worst boob job I have ever seen. Help trying to figure out how her brother the cuckold is with that dime piece? WHAT exactly do they mean?

  26. I had/have PTSD from my ex over his emotional and mental abuse that happened over a period of years. I don’t doubt that Andrew experiences it. I think people are quick to doubt him because he’s a male and men are supposed to be tough. He’s just as vulnerable as a woman would be if the roles were reversed, I’m so sick of people doubting him. As if we don’t have enough evidence of Amber freaking out on other people to believe Andrew. The shit she said to Matt, her trying to beat up Farrah on stage, her freaking out on IG Live, her beating Gary and her own admission of going off her meds so she could drink. She incredibly unstable and she has a horrible temper and it’s no big leap to think she can be violent towards anyone. Right now she is not fit to raise her son and I hope he gets custody and gets the heck out of there.

    1. Men have it extra tougher than us because the world EXPECTS them to be strong, jadajada but why though?! I never looked down on a man who cried and never wanted for someone to look at me strangely when I show them what a strong person I am (mostly mentally)! I AM SICK of people saying only one part of personality is fit for a man/woman, truly sick of it!

  27. The crystal ball vlogger is a hack. I believe all the abuse and recordings, but the crystal ball is a huge let down. She needs a disclaimer than anything she says from the first person is sheer opinion and speculation. I thank her for the FIRST audio, but everything else she’s done after that is sensationalizing a horrible situation. I feel like I’m watching Hard Copy when I watch her videos.

    1. You can’t really “sensationalize” something that people can hear for themselves. “Thanks for the first indication of abuse, but we don’t need to hear anymore of it”, is what you’re essentially saying, and that’s a load of shit and you know it.

      Anyone and everyone that abuses another, in whatever form, deserves to have that abuse out there for the world to see, hear, whatever necessary…if THAT is what it takes to stop them. Hiding it behind closed doors, “letting the law handle it” (because that clearly works, all the time) and all that other nonsense is just deflection. It is that very :keep it behind closed doors” mentality that allows this shit to keep happening.

      Think about the millions whose abuse never gets heard, seen, or dealt with. Don’t be an abuse apologist.

    1. Would you say the same thing if he was a woman? It’s pretty doubtful that you would. This is not just himself that he needs to be concerned about..they have a child, who was present for the vast majority of the abuse. Even if he WAS milking it…good for him, at least someone is finally listening.

      1. I understand what he’s doing, and Amber is an awful person, but I don’t like that he’s releasing more and more audio when there are children involved. James is going to hear this one day, and Leah has to deal with this right now. The school year just started, and not only did her mom go to gel for beating up her dad, now she’s been caught again beating up another dude, and every day something new comes out. I’m glad Amber has been exposed, but I too think that Andrew and the Crystal Ball lady are almost milking this. Gary was a victim as well, and to protect Leah, he never did anything publicly like this.

        1. Cary’s abuse was, and is, literally out there for the world to see. It was and remains, very public, and Leah is already well aware of it.

          I will NEVER shame an abuse victim or accuse them of milking anything. 90% of abuse never gets reported. Of those that do report, or do make it known, less than 50% of them ever see justice.

          Like I said, even if he is milking it…GOOD. He should milk it, because that also brings to light the shit that children in these situations will have to deal with when things finally do come to light. Maybe if we saw this stuff being brought to the public’s attention, those children would get more, and better, support. Maybe some kid will hear about it, or see it and go “hmmm, I see that stuff too..maybe it IS bad and I SHOULD tell someone”.

          One of my children (before anyone goes bananas, yes he is adopted, not that it matters, I did NOT allow him to be abused), didn’t make the abuse known until his class had a discussion about a similar topic. The abuse he finally had the courage to tell someone about was bad enough, the rest took years to come to light, and years to start finding justice (we still don’t have it, but he’s doing amazing). He was told by countless people not to talk about it-and he still struggles with talking about things he should, because of it.

          Yeah, nope, all you people telling him not to milk it, not to make it known, not to bring it to public light are the same people that told my child not to talk about it, not to tell people, to hide what others were saying because..”no one wants to hear it” and “you just want attention”, “it could be worse” , “it is worse for others”, “you’re a boy, not a girl”……

          Do you know how hard it is to explain to a child that YOU know they aren’t just trying to get attention, no matter what anyone else says? It’s just as difficult for adults. I don’t care if you are an adult or a child, you milk whatever you need to milk to stop what’s happening to you and to get people to listen-especially in cases where they won’t. Like this case, no one believed Andrew, and many of you still don’t, and are adding caveats even when you pretend to (I believe you..but)-hence why he needed proof. Abuse victims shouldn’t NEED proof for you people to listen.

          1. My apologies, that should say Gary, abuse apologists boil my blood. Ignorant abuse apologists, even more so.

          2. I agree the victim has every right to speak out about the abuse. But NOT in the middle of an investigation that will determine custody of their child.

            Every single word Andrew says will be analyzed and scrutinized by attorneys, phycholgists, childrens services, judges, etc. It is all evidence in a case that will be ugly.

            Best to stay off social media until the investigation is finished.

          3. And I was saying that Andrew released tapes for the world to hear, they will remain very public and Leah is aware of it…James will become aware of it….there is no need to respond to social media or the press when the recordings speak volumes and for themselves…just like Gary’s beating on TV. But unlike Gary, Andrew and keeps responding to comments on record that can potentially hurt his case as well as Ambers kids. Notice Gary said nothing after the release of the footage, he let the footage speak for itself, and let the courts handle it and that’s what pretty much landed her in gel…Andrew keeps talking, and we’ve all seen how the TM casts lawyers are able to misconstrue things in court…primary example being Jenelle and David, literally getting away with murder.

            I have also said that I immediately believed Andrew about the machete incident, and also said this probably wasnt the first incident. The story is too wild to make up. Honestly the season before and this past season there are at least 2 episodes where you see a glimmer of the real Amber pop out…Amber has never not been violent, and I have no idea why someone would enter a relationship with that.

  28. Andrew’s thank you to Tyler & Cate is so weird. “Let me just throw in here that I have PTSD now.” The timing to bring that up just seems odd to me.

    1. I honestly have no idea why he keeps responding to comments, and hasn’t gone ghost on social media. Anything that he says on social media can be misconstrued in court, and I’m not understanding why his no one has told him to lay low and chill with the social media responses.

    1. Without a crystal ball did a live stating a source related to Viacom fired her. That’s the only place I’ve seen anything regarding her position on TM OG.

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