‘Jersey Shore’ Star Jenni Farley Back Together with Boyfriend Zack Carpinello Days After Calling Him & Angelina Pivarnick “Idiots” Online

“I’m back in the game!”

Jenni “JWoww” Farley may have called her boytoy Zack Carpinello an idiot on Twitter on Thursday, but by Saturday the (former?) exes were reunited, walking around Universal Studios in Florida together.

The Jersey Shore Family Vacation star reportedly split with Zack after watching an episode of the MTV reality show earlier this month in which Zack flirted with and got touchy-feely with Jenni’s ‘Jersey Shore’ roommate Angelina Pivarnick. Jenni fired off some tweets and Instagram posts that showed how angry she was at both Zack (aka “24”) and Angelina.

On Thursday, she told a fan that she felt both Zack and Angelina “are idiots” and indicated that she was upset at both parties for what went down. 

“Who said I’m not mad at both?” Jenni wrote. “Both are idiots but they instigated each other… only difference is Angelina gets to talk about it on the show… like if you were that uncomfortable tell me.. don’t tell others and text me how much fun it was.”

The day after the incriminating episode aired, Zack posted a public apology to Jenni, stating that what happened will never happen again, regardless if Jenni decided to give him another chance or not. He also apologized to Angelina for putting her in an uncomfortable spot. 

Jenni is once again following both Zack and Angelina on Twitter, but it is unknown if she and Angelina have made amends. 

Multiple media outlets are confirming that Jenni is, indeed, giving Zack another chance, though, according to TMZ, they are not “official” again…at least not yet.

“We’re told they’re not putting a label on their relationship just yet, though … it’s a work in progress,” the site reported on Monday.

While Jenni may be giving Zack another chance, many of her fans are not. After Entertainment Tonight broke the story about the couple’s reconciliation, many fans voiced their frustration in the Facebook comments for the story.

“She is setting herself up for a horrible heart break down the road… she really needs to stop,” one person wrote.

“What a dummy!” another commented. “Girl he’s just going to do it again! He won’t be messy the next time around and get caught! He knows he has pretty much a free ride with you!”

Jenni and Zack have yet to officially confirm (or deny) that they are back together.

RELATED STORY: Jenni Farley’s Ex-Boyfriend Zack Carpinello Apologizes to Her & Angelina Pivarnick For His Actions on Most-Recent ‘Jersey Shore Family Vacation’ Episode

(Photos: Dia Dipasupil/Getty Images; Twitter; Facebook)

23 Responses

  1. My feeling on the situation is JWow wants her life now to seem better than it was with Roger. So now she has this cute, young, behemoth that’s a sex maniac and her kids love him. Happily ever after. In reality he’s jumping on the gravy train and milking it before she realizes he’s using her and she looks like a fool for letting him do it.

    1. My thoughts exactly! She wants to prove the world (or maybe even Roger, I can imagine her being this petty) that she has this perfect man at her side now. Well, Jen, he ain’t perfect and if he cheated, he will cheat again and make you look like a fool.

      Never in a million years I thought Snooki will be the one with a normal family life and Jenni the one who will try to act out her wild years again!

  2. So what if Angelina shook her ass in 24 face, it’s how he reacted to it that’s a problem. He cheated in your face, made a fool of you, was more interested in another woman than taking care of his old girlfriend, and your mad at Angelina? Imagine what he will do when you’re not around! You showed us your self worth Jenni, you’re trash just like your sorry excuse of a man.

  3. Yeah, she doesn’t believe her own eyes when she sees her boyfriend on film cheating. Yet she also turns around and makes shit up that never happened. I love how Jenni’s version of the sequence of events leading up to inviting Ron’s Jen to the club that night was that “Angelina egged me on. It was her idea.” Etc. We all saw CLEARLY on film that it was all Jenni. Angelina never even offered to show Jenni the message from Jen. One of the guys told Jenni about it. Then Jenni literally yanked the phone out of her hands, read the messages and took it completely upon herself to invite Jen. Jenni is just plane rotten and a good person. The end.

    1. Inviting Jen and then lying about it to blame Angelina shows her true colors. I used to like Jenni but she is a straight up asshole this season. She got busted lying on camera, too. I wonder how that went over with Frankenstein, I mean 24.

  4. She’s mesmerized by his d*ck, that’s it. My only issue with this is that she shouldn’t introduce her kids to some boy she’s banging. Wait until it’s serious, those kids are going through a lot already. If you want to live like a teenager banging dudes and getting sh*tfaced don’t bring your kids to it

    1. It’ll never be serious. He’ll pick someone who’s young and baggage-free once he milks JWowwWhatDidYouDoToYourFace? for any notoriety that will help his wrestling career.

  5. Does anybody know how to stop the page from opening when you’re trying to scroll… It’s so frustrating when I try to scroll through articles and he keeps opening an article that I have no interest in and I abandoned the site normally?

    1. Agreed. I just try to only touch the pink background and swipe up past the stories I don’t want to read without opening it. Livin on a swipe and a prayer here.

  6. She seriously thinks he’s mature enough to be a possible step-dad? She should remember how they acted and what their mentality was on the first 6 seasons of JS because Zack is the same age as they were! They were partying carelessly, hooking up with random ppl and definitely not ready to be parents. Why would this douche be any different? It’s not just her anymore, she’s a mother…

  7. She’s dickmatized and blaming the “other woman” for a situation where her dude was a creep.

    Angelina has just finally been accepted into the group but Jenni still clearly hates her. So why would Angelina feel comfortable going to Jenni to tell her that her shiny new toy misbehaved? Of course she wouldn’t feel comfortable going to her. Jenni is either dumb or just blind.

    So take him back Jenni, but if this is what he does when you’re right there, imagine what he does when you’re not around, Sugar Mama.

  8. She can’t be taking this “relationship” seriously. She is a 34 yr old divorcee, with 2 kids, and she thinks she can have something serious with a 24 yr old who has never been married and has no kids? No 24 yr old is going to settle down with that much baggage long term. He’s going to continue to cheat, especially since he was bold enough to do it IN FRONT of Jenni ON CAMERA. She needs to not be so desperate.

  9. So she finally gets out of her abusive marriage and instead of focusing on her children and herself she ends up in another shitty relationship almost immediately. All of the respect yourself and other self affirming comments are completely lost on her. By the way where does she live? They sure do go to Universal Studios and Disney a lot. My random thought for the day. Lol

  10. *big eyeroll*


    I don’t think anyone is surprised… Ofcourse she forgave him, she’s a joke. Now people will laugh at her… Weak ass b*t hes, I swear! Just can’t let a dog go. Typical behavior of women with big mouths like her… Always talk like they are big and tough, won’t let any man disrespect… Then when faced with the situation, they buckle at the knees and give it another shot. It’s humiliating, atleast 24 will be happy he’s got his meal ticket. Lol, yuck. Ehh, I’m glad I won’t lose sleep over someone like 24 tonight ?

  11. Of course they’re back together. Jenny can’t be single for more than 2 seconds. She’s just holding onto to him until she finds the next man.

  12. The behavior he displayed is not a one-time-thing. That is a blatant disregard for his girlfriend’s feelings and he will do it again. Next time he just won’t get caught.

      1. If she is going to take him back, she deserves whatever comes next in their messy relationship. I would he concentrating on my kids, not dating one. Stupid!

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