More Details Emerge About Jen Harley’s Alleged Attack on ‘Jersey Shore’ Ex Ronnie Ortiz-Magro

“I was just checkin’ in… “

The most recent throwdown between Ronnie Ortiz-Magro and Jen Harley may not have come as huge surprise to anyone that’s tried to keep up with the pair’s tumultuous past, but according to Ronnie, it certainly caught him off guard. 

TMZ reports that the Jersey Shore Family Vacation star doesn’t know why his baby mama was in his Las Vegas home before she attacked him with an eyeliner. (No…that is not a typo. Ronnie claims that Jen’s weapon of choice in the alleged attack was eyeliner. No word yet if she sprung for the waterproof version.)

Anyway, Ronnie confirmed to police that he is not dating Jen and that he did not invite her over to his house. On top of that, Jen currently has a restraining order against him.

As The Ashley told you last week, Ronnie called the cops claiming that Jen, the mother of his daughter Ariana, struck him in the face. Ronnie claimed that the attack occurred after he arrived home from a photoshoot to take a nap and was awoken by Jen, who accused him of cheating after finding another woman’s makeup in the trash. Things allegedly turned physical from there, with Jen trying to poke Ronnie in the eye and striking him in the face multiple times. 

Maybe opt for a helmet next time…

As a result of the incident, Ronnie’s attorneys told TMZ that a judge granted Ronnie an emergency order for protection against domestic violence, in effect through February 25. 

On Monday, Jen’s attorney Lisa Bloom told the site that the contact Ronnie had with Jen “was in violation of the restraining order in effect against him” and that Jen had yet to be served an order against her. (As you may recall, Jen was granted a temporary protective order against Ronnie stemming from the October incident the two were involved in, in which Ronnie allegedly chased Jen with a knife while holding Ariana. The judge granted the order on behalf of both Jen and Ariana.) 

According to TMZ, Ronnie is unsure how Jen managed to gain access into his home, as there were no signs of forced entry. It is suspected that Jen still had a key to Ronnie’s house and used it to get inside. 

The moment you realize you should’ve changed your locks…

On Monday, Jen’s attorney refused to answer any questions related to why Jen was at Ronnie’s house that night.

“You ask a good question and there is a good answer, but we will be presenting her position in court, not in the media,” Lisa said. ” … she has not been served with a restraining order and any contact the two had in recent weeks would be a clear violation of the restraining order against Ronnie.” 

While Ronnie and Jen seem to be staying quiet (for now) on the issue, based on Ronnie’s recent Instagram Story, which featured the message “every morning is a blessing,” he appears to be digging deep to find some positivity in spite of this ongoing baby mama drama.

He also posted a photo about missing his daughter, Ariana, who he has not been able to see due to all the turmoil with Jen.

RELATED STORY: Ronnie Ortiz-Magro Files for Restraining Order After Jen Harley Allegedly Attacks Him in His Home

(Photos: MTV; Instagram) 

15 Responses

  1. So she sneaks into his house, goes through his trash and finds makeup? Yeah right. She was there because she was invited, Ron. This is what you get for having a maniac over fir a booty call.

  2. I’ve been saying this for a while now but these two won’t stop until one of the dies (or is seriously hurt, like in a coma) and the other one is in jail. CPS should have taken Ariana, she’s still young enough to go to a family where domestic violence isn’t an everyday thing. Otherwise she will grow up needing therapy. Because if they take her, they can do whatever they want with each other, no one will care if the kid is safe.

  3. One or both will end up in jail ir dead.
    Thar poor innocent baby girl, stuck with those two as oarents, boy did she luck out.

  4. I’m by no means a Ronnie fan, but this bitch is the type to break up with you a million times in a relationship, and then get enraged every time you try to move on.

    Like, classic “If I can’t have you then I’ll make your life hell until you let me back in” type.

    Every time I see a picture of her she just looks like a smoldering succubus from the pits of hell.

  5. As much as I’m bored with these dumb kids drama, Ron saying that they aren’t together is BS. Hours before this happened they were holding hands, smiling beaming ear to ear while TMZ asked them questions. They are both nutjobs and neither deserves the privilege of raising this child and being known as “Mom & Dad”.

  6. So, wait, Jen enters Ronnie’s house without permission, wakes him from a nap, attacks him violently and it could be a violation on Ronnie’s TRO?!? Did I read that correctly?!?!

    Jen is next level crazy. This is not normal or acceptable behavior!! Violence is never the answer, violence is not a rational way to handle conflict, and violence is so immature! You are setting a terrible example for your children. One of you is going to end up dead and the other in jail, and honestly, my money is on Jen being in prison. Terrible words don’t justify violence. It’s time to grow up.

    I also think that this attorney is a bottom feeder. She really should watch a couple episodes of Jersey Shore Family Reunion and see the person she is defending.

    Ron and Jen—Do better! Be better! If not for yourself, do it for your children. Those poor children do not deserve to be trapped in this shit show. Be better.

  7. Lisa Bloom is a quack famewhore of an attorney. Of course, she represents this trash heap. Rahn is a gross mess too. Ariana needs to escape to Uncle Sitch or Vinny’s Mom’s house. None of these people in this story should have any kids, ever.

  8. Ugh these two… can you stop with this childish physical violence? Reminds me of high school. They are well into their 30s. I can’t imagine this back and forth crap. Just figure out a custody agreement, communicate professionally about the baby and move on. It’s really that simple.

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