Ronnie Ortiz-Magro Files for Restraining Order After Jen Harley Allegedly Attacks Him in His Home

Ron vs. Jen: Round 2,498!

Well, Jersey Shore star Ronnie Ortiz-Magro and his baby mama Jen Harley made it two whole weeks into 2020 without attacking each other online or in person. 

This, however, appeared to be the calm before the (most recent) storm as Ron has filed for legal protection against Jen after she allegedly got violent at his Las Vegas home, according to TMZ.

Law enforcement sources told the site that Ron called the cops around 6 p.m. on Saturday claiming that Jen struck him in the face. Once officers arrived, Ron told them he came home after a photoshoot to take a nap and was awoken by Jen, who accused him of cheating after finding another woman’s makeup in the trash. 

“That was my bronzer, I swear!”

Jen allegedly got physical, trying to poke Ron in the eye and striking him in the face multiple times. Ron reportedly had cuts and bruising on his face and swelling under his right eye as a result. 

Jen had already left Ron’s house by the time officers arrived and she has not been arrested. 

Ron’s attorneys told TMZ that a judge has granted him an emergency order for protection against domestic violence, which is in effect through February 25. 

Jen’s attorney Lisa Bloom told the site that the “contact that Ronnie Ortiz had with Jen Harley recently was in violation of the restraining order in effect against him. We have not received any restraining order against her and if [Jen] does get served one, we will oppose it. [Jen] just wants to raise her baby in peace.” 

“Sure, Jen.”

As you may recall, following the couple’s October debacle, the LAPD issued an emergency protective order following Ron’s arrest, requiring that he stay 100 yards away from Jen. The order expired on October 11. However, in November, a temporary protective order against Ron was granted by the judge on behalf of Jen and the couple’s daughter Ariana. 

Just last month, Jen called Ron out on social media for allegedly abusing her by posting a photo of herself with a black eye that she insisted Ron gave her during their October fight — the one that got Ron thrown in jail. (In November, Ron pleaded not guilty to several criminal offenses stemming from this incident.) 

Coincidentally, things became violent between Ron and Jen around this same time last year. As The Ashley previously told you, Jen allegedly threw an ashtray at Ron’s head in January 2019, which ultimately lead to her May arrest on an outstanding warrant for domestic violence.  

UPDATE! Jen has spoken out regarding Ronnie’s claims. In a comment posted to her Instagram account, Jen denied she was guilty.


“Lol it’s a complete lie,” Jen told someone who asked about Ronnie’s claims. “He’s trying to frame me to get out of trouble. I have all the evidence just watch.” 

RELATED STORY: ‘Jersey Shore’ Star Jenni “JWoww” Farley Slams Those Who Called Her a Bully in 2019 & Criticized Her Relationship with Zack Carpinello 

(Photos: MTV; Instagram) 

22 Responses

  1. So the alleged abuse usually happens around this time of year? Maybe the stress of the impending holidays and the aftermath they bring make them hostile? ? I’m surprised they haven’t used that excuse yet. I should file a restraining order against these two for harassing my everyday being. Grow the hell up, stop with the crazy and focus on your kid!!!

  2. Ladies, Gentlemen, Non-binary, Queer, and all others not explicitly defined but now implicitly included, I give you…


    Violent Druggies: Rednecks vs. Cityslickers

    Episode 1 – Jen Harley, deciding she needs “a real man” pursues David Eason. In retaliation, Jenelle Evans DMs Ronnie Ortiz-Magro, only to discover they are actually soulmates.

    Watch as the fun unfolds. Will Jen or David win the battle to be the Top? Can Jenelle drink Ron under the table? How many 911 calls will be made in the first season? How long will Rahn leave the insta-family of his dreams alone at a strangers house to score drugs? Who will watch Jenelle’s kids when she doesn’t need them for Instagram pics?

    *Coming soon on WE. Sorry not-sorry.

    1. They can’t just show up and take a kid. It’s an under-funded, under-staffed department that has its hands tied in many situations. Having volatile assholes for parents often isn’t reason enough to take the child.

      And put the kid where, exactly? In a hostile foster home? Do you know how many kids are abused and neglected in foster care?

      1. Or idk, a family member? If they’re beating the hell out of each other and trying to kill each other (on several thousand occasions, more that we probably don’t even know about) that’s more than enough reason to remove a child. Jen doesn’t even have custody of her older son

      2. From working with troubled youth, I have learned that there are far too many dysfunctional families out there for dcf/cps to ever adequately address. Yes, they do drop the ball a lot and there are no excuses in that regard. Unfortunately, there are so many parents out there that shouldn’t be…and only the worst of the worst are actually dealt with. What you and I consider deplorable conditions, they do not. If they are sheltered, have clothes and are fed, and no severe injuries the state will not get involved….the system isn’t even close to being set up to address the issue. That’s the sad reality.

  3. I am so sick of these two! Stay away from each other! You obviously both can’t stand one another! They are both so unattractive I can’t even look at them. She has perpetual “Instagram face”, she’s all lumpy everywhere and he is a big hulking fat faced doofus. She’s pathetic, wanna be famous and he thinks girls actually want to be with him for his looks and winning personality! Seriously Ron? They make me nauseous.

  4. She accused him of cheating which means they were back together after he chased her with a knife and beat her and allegedly almost killed her? How has CPS not gotten involved??

  5. She has a history of domestic violence going back several years, before Ron entered the picture. I believe it’s why she doesn’t have custody of her son.

  6. If she’s accusing him of cheating then they got back together yet again! And she still has keys to his house?? Can’t a judge order this two to stay away from each other and throw them in jail if they don’t comply? Clearly they are both very sick individuals and won’t stop until one (or both) is dead

  7. I think they are both physically, mentally and emotionally abusive to each other. Someone needs to step in and protect this innocent child!

  8. She’s fooking crazy. I thinks it’s always been her. Who posts a duck face selfie with their black eye. She’s nuts and should be locked up and away from their daughter ASAP

      1. Yes I do agree that he is crazy. But I think she’s even crazier and far more abusive. Some fatal attraction shit

        1. I feel like all I read about are these reality tv messes either getting, dropping or violating restraining orders. Oli

  9. IF she did enter his home while he was sleeping he didn’t break the PO. He needs to change his locks, because she is batshit crazy.

  10. I knew they couldn’t stay away from each other. These are 2 very sick people…and they’re stuck with each other for at least 18 years.

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