Nathan Griffith Denies Jenelle Evans’ Claims That He Wants Her Back: Says She Makes “Ridiculous Accusations”

“In the words of, well, me.. STOP IT!”

Nathan Griffith is not happy about some things his ex Jenelle Evans said about him on her recent YouTube video!

The former Teen Mom 2 dad— who shares son Kaiser with Jenelle— was mad enough to run to Champion Daily (which is, ironically, the same media outlet his nemesis and fellow Jenelle baby daddy David Eason uses) to deny Jenelle’s claims that he wants her back romantically. 

As The Ashley reported last week, Jenelle insisted in a new YouTube video that Nathan “likes her A LOT” romantically and that basically Nathan wants to get back with her.

In his new interview, though, Nathan says that he and Jenelle aren’t even on good terms anymore (unlike back in November when he was assisting her with her move from North Carolina to Tennessee). 

“We were getting along great but somewhere along the line there was a fallout, once again,” he said before taking aim at Jenelle’s claims that Nathan wants her body.

“Yeah, I’m not getting into that drama,” he said. “There is always something going on with her, rather if it’s a twisted version of the truth or a complete lie…continuously making ridiculous accusations and pretty much going off on me like always.”

This kind of had to be included in a story like this…

Nathan is currently dating Ashley Lanhardt, whom he’s been with for several years.  In her YouTube video, Jenelle claims to be currently single (although she does insist that her other ex, David, wants her back too.) 

Regardless, Nathan sounded totally over Jenelle’s games.

“I could say a lot more but I don’t like the petty back a forth game she likes to play,” Nathan told the site. “At the end of the day there is still a child involved in this mess and feelings need to ALWAYS be pushed to the side for the better purpose of Kaiser.”

“Dude, it’s so hard when EVERYBODY wants me, you know?”

If you’d like to read about what else Jenelle “revealed” in her YouTube video, click here

RELATED STORY: Former ‘Teen Mom 2’ Star Jenelle Evans Drops Restraining Order Against Estranged Husband David Eason

(Photos: MTV)

21 Responses

  1. I thought he will respond (even though he doesn’t have to). It’s weird how Jenelle is ALWAYS talking about Nathan and not the other way around…girl, that ship has sailed years ago, move on. I’m not even surprised their relationship turned sour YET AGAIN. Poor Kaiser, both of his parents are in no way mentally stable enough to care for him, I feel so bad for him.

  2. [* Shield plugin marked this comment as “Trash”. Reason: Failed Bot Test (expired) *]
    OMG no one really believe’s Junkyard Jenelle do they ? I mean come on, a fly on shit has more truth to it’s story then her. Maybe Nathan was being nicer then normal since she actually left David, so she took it as he wanted her. Hell, Nathan probably said that it wasn’t even a good idea for her to go hang out with Herbie and she assumed that he wanted her back but in reality he was just saying like be a fucking Mom for once on your own and don’t go try and be with another guy within 3 second’s of jumping off one crusty dick to it’s all ” oh he likes me, like really likes me”… Hahahahahaha she is pathetic, no one likes you junkelle

  3. Well if Chris can knock up Kail for the second time. I think anything can happen. I find it interesting that Ashley got her Instagram on private now. Roux even said it was true. So I still think I am right. Hahahahahaha

  4. I don’t even think a response to the accusations was even necessary; that’s exactly what Jenelle wanted (a reaction). No one believes anything that comes out of Jenelle’s mouth anyway.

  5. Its obvious to everyone that Jenelle wants Nathan. Ever since he left her AND cheated, she’s been obsessed. Jenelle does the leaving. Not the other way around.

    I wish Nathan would get some therapy and medication to get his life together. He has moments where he seems like he would be the better parent. And then he does some dumb shit that just makes me want to kidnap Kaiser myself.

  6. We all watched their relationship and breakup unfold. He didn’t even want her when he had her, and she was forever enraged by his indifference and kept escalating and escalating.

    And when it was al said and done she kept Kaiser away from him specifically to punish Nathan for not wanting her. Even months after they broke up Jenelle would still cry that Nathan wouldn’t pay attention to her.

    We all see what she’s up to here.

  7. She’s delusional, she truly believes everybody wants her like she’s some kind of exceptional woman LOL wake up, girl! You are below average, don’t have any skills, you are an addict and a felon with 3 baby daddies, 2 divorces and you are not even 30 yet.

    1. And no longer has the MTV$ hook either!
      Sucks that subsections of society are this way but in some people’s mind $ and clout are good qualities in a partner… the truth is thats about all she ever had going for her.

      At this point she not only doesn’t have those hooks but also carries an entire Interweb full of baggage!
      Baggage that even life-long clout chasing Herbs couldn’t manage!!
      [that is, IF the ‘relationship’ was ever even more than a publicity stunt…doubtful…kinda like the divorce filing that was never going to happen and temporary RO dropped before it became an issue for him]

      So predictable.

  8. It’s quite possible that Jenelle doesn’t know what it’s like for a man to be nice to her yet not wanting to sleep with her.

  9. I think she just trying to start trouble can’t believe one word she says lise all the time about everything. I think he now should get a hold of those court papers that she filed on David get his son away from her she let him abuse him for year’s instead of removing him from that situation. I think there someone she talking to she never alone long can’t fix herself stop lying yes I happy she left but it dose not make it right the year’s she let him abuse him and her lie cover up for him she still will she can’t tell the truth she can’t take responsibility for her own actions.

  10. It’s Jenelle who wants Nathan back. Ever since he dumped her she’s been obsessed with him. Face the truth Jenelle, not even an alcoholic nutjob wants you.

    1. Exactly this is so fucking true…. Man that wack ass nut job big ass forehead bishh wishes she was with Nathan. He never wanted her, he thought he was going to come up on some MTV paycheck so he swoopes in, knocks her up ( like every other man she fucks) and peaced out just as fast… I actually like Ashley and Nate better stay clear of Junknelle’s huge ass sky scraper head and chin otherwise she will twist whatever he says to make him look just as pathetic as her.

  11. I don’t know about everyone else but I came here for the “stop it” gif that I knew had to be included and totally didn’t disappoint.

  12. I usually don’t believe anything Jenelle says but Nathan is bat shit crazy. I believe Jenelle. They were getting along until she got back with DAVID. I just feel bad for Kaiser. Nathan is an alcoholic, abuser, and mentally unstable. Jenelle drug abuser, mentally unstable, and no mom intuition at all. She will be back with DAVID soon. Poor Kaiser will be under his control. It’s just a sad situation.

    1. This girl burns all her bridges in relationships. She’s been an a**hole since she was a teenager and she still is. She has no business being a mother.

  13. Jenelle no one wants you, I swear not only did the drugs possibly fried her brain but made her extremely delusional smh.

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