Jenelle Evans Answers Questions About David Eason, Her Move to Tennessee, Coming Back to ‘Teen Mom 2’ & More

“‘Member me!?”

Jenelle Evans took to her YouTube channel on Friday to answer questions from her fans, discussing recent rumors, her current marital status, her relationship with her baby daddies and even…what the hell she plans to do with her life now that she’s (almost) a twice-divorced unemployed mother of three!

In the 24-minute video, Jenelle rambles on about a lot of stuff. Here, though, The Ashley has cut things down to only the interesting and juicy stuff!

On how she’s doing: 

Jenelle made it clear multiple times during the video that she takes care of two of her kids all by herself with NO daycare for her youngest, Ensley. (Of course, Jenelle currently has no job and is not in school, so that’s not surprising that she doesn’t need daycare.) 

“I’m doing great, laying low lately, taking care of the kids, just bein’ a mom. And I’ve been taking care of Ensley during the day…who does not go to daycare,” she said.

On how she’s trying to be mentally healthy:

“I’ve been seeing a therapist since the beginning of November. She’s been helpin’ out a lot,” Jenelle insisted. “Instead of [me] making decisions very quickly, or getting upset, or having no one to talk to, I literally reach out to her all the time. Since Ensley’s home full-time, I can’t see [the therapist] in person a lot. She does live where I’m at. We have video chat sessions a lot which is very helpful, because I stay on top of it every week and I’m always talking to her.

On possibly getting back together with her second baby daddy, Nathan Griffith:

“Obviously he wants me. I mean… can you blame him!?”

Jenelle denied that she and Nate were once again knockin’ boots.

“No, definitely not,” she said. 

She confirmed that she and Nathan no longer have a good co-parenting relationship.

(The Ashley will give you a moment to recover from the shock.)

“We’ve been co-parenting lately and not really getting…we were getting along but now we’re not because I guess we’re just not on the same level. 

Jenelle then implies that Nathan wants her desperately (as you do…)

“He wants…he likes me A LOT, I don’t, like him like that anymore,” Jenelle said. “So, I’m trying to keep things civil and just co-parenting. That’s it.”

Later in the video, she brought up Nathan again.

“He has some issues of his own he needs to sort out,” Jenelle said.

On whether or not she’s back together with her third baby daddy, David Eason:

“He wants me too, of course!”

Despite the fact that Jenelle and David were photographed last week in Nashville looking very cozy, Jenelle stated that they are not back together.

“I’m just co-parenting,” she said. “I’m just trying to stay out of court, trying to keep things civil between all parties and I just want to do my own thing. I’m single now and I need to venture out. I need to think about my future, my kids and what I’m going to do in life. And I don’t need any distractions at all. I noticed that guys can be a big distraction.”

She later talked more about their current situation.

“Yes, we are living separately,” she said. “David lives at the old house [aka The Land] in North Carolina, and I live in Tennessee. I live around Nashville, the outskirts of Nashville, but I’m not telling you where…I have my own apartment and I still have the old house [on The Land], so I just stay here in Tennessee for now. 

On the photo of her and David that was recently taken:

“I was in Downtown Nashville, taking pictures with my photographer, and David was in town for the court date,” she said. “He asked to see Ensley and while I was takin’ pictures he was seein’ Ensley and we had lunch and then he went home. That’s it.” 

On her current marital status:

Jenelle confirmed that she is still separated from David, and addressed why she has yet to file for divorce from him.

“In the state of North Carolina, you first have to be separated for a complete year to even file for divorce,” she explained. “In the state of Tennessee, you have to live there for six months to be a resident and you also have to be separated for six months in order to file for divorce. So that’s why I haven’t filed yet.” 

On her short-lived romance with Herbie Wilkinson:

RIP HerbNelle!

Jenelle was pumped and dumped earlier this month by Boston local Herbie Wilkinson, whom she had been talking online with for several months and went to see on the East Coast over New Year’s. When she was asked who her new boooooyfriend is, Jenelle said, “Nobody. Trust me.

“That Boston thing was nothing! I might explain it to you guys later but not right now,” she said. “I’m trying to cover people’s privacy.”

(In case you’re wondering…this is what happened with Herbie.) 

She does circle back to HerbGate later on in the video, though.

“So I went up there and I stayed for a few days and I came back home,” she said. “I really can’t say much you guys. I really want to tell you more but certain people would be mad at me so I’m trying to be nice and keep things civil.” 

On why she moved to Tennessee:

“Can you believe there ain’t much business opportunities on The Land?! It’s hard to do more business opportunities here!”

“I have plans for my future and there’s more business opportunities here, so that’s one of the main reasons why I came here,” Jenelle said.

She also denied that she fled to Tennessee because she had a potential soulmate there.

“It wasn’t because of another guy; it was to get away, clear my head and do more business opportunities.”

On the current state of her relationship with her mother Barbara:

“Well Juh-nelle, I see ya blamin’ me again!”

It appears that things have gone a little sour between Jenelle and her “mot-ha!”

“It’s the same way; it’s on and off everyday,” Jenelle said. “She can have a good day, she can have a bad day. She’ll bring up a bad topic that I don’t want to talk about and wants to argue in. It all depends on her mood that day.”

On her plans for the future:

Jenelle says she has big plans to keep her mug in the public eye.

“I’m planning to keep my YouTube channel up and going because I really want to connect with you guys, I want to connect with my fans more,” Jenelle said. “I think it’s very important because obviously I’m not on the show anymore. You guys keep asking and flooding me with questions. 

“Other than that, I was thinking— don’t know yet— but thinking about starting a podcast. I’m not sure and don’t hold me to it, but I’m organizing future plans right now. Everything’s kind of up in the air right now because I’ve got to figure it out, plan it, organize it.”

Jenelle assured everyone that her YouTube channel is not her only source of income currently.

On the chance of her coming back to ‘Teen Mom 2’ or getting her own show:

“I probably wouldn’t even WANT to go back to MTV…unless they’re asking? What did you hear?”

“I have no idea about ‘Teen Mom’ and I have no idea about my own show, but I know I’ve been in talks with certain people here or there. Not saying it’s MTV or who it is but we’ll see if something works out in the future. I don’t know.”

On having more children:

Jenelle confirmed that she does, indeed, have her “tubes tied,” so it’s unlikely she’ll continue to spawn.

“Probably not,” she said. “I don’t want any kids in the future but 10 years from now…no, not 10 years from now, three or four years from now, if I want to have a child, maybe, maybe not. Ask me again in the future.”

On how the kids get in the way of her YouTubing/video game playing:

“Dude, every time I look those kids are STILL here! Don’t they, like, have a life!?”

Jenelle says Kaiser and Ensley take away from her video gaming/ filming time.

“The kids are a major issue when it comes to me wanting to film stuff or do stuff for you guys,” she said. “I have Ensley during the day so she can’t disturb me if I’m trying to film [myself playing video games]. Then Kaiser, he’s in school all day but I have to go pick him up. By the end of the day, I’m cookin’ dinner and get in bed and I’m exhausted.”

Watch the full video below! 

RELATED STORY: Former ‘Teen Mom 2’ Star Jenelle Evans Spotted in Nashville with Her Estranged Husband David Eason (Exclusive Details!)

(Photos: YouTube, MTV)

97 Responses

  1. She’s exhausted making videos, cookin’, and pickin up Kaiser. That’s less than half of what I do a day. ?

  2. Oh my gosh…Nashville…business opportunities… you don’t suppose ole Janelle is going to try her hand a being a country music star do you? I mean, she DOES have a lot of material for songs:

    ?? My man, from The Land
    Shot my dog, in the bog
    And my mom won’t get off my case.

    ‘Tween Dave, Keifer, and Nate
    my period’s always late
    And I barely get to see Jace…??

    1. You think it’s that disgusting Dr. Drew? And he is filming for MTV to help her and make himself look like this great doctor, that he’s not?

  3. Are…are we listing things we do as moms to take care of our children?

    I mean, I can, but I wouldn’t want to outshine Janelle. She does SO MUCH. Home all day with Ensley?!? AND she has to pick up Kaiser Roll from school?!? AND SHE HAS TO MAKE DINNER??!?? How does she do it all?!?

    1. Man really… I have custody of all 3 of my kids and take care of my husband and animals. One having aspergers and one being diabetic… I feel like a failure when I see all she does… How does one get to this level of success? I MUST KNOW!!!

  4. Maybe Ensley SHOULD go to daycare so she has a sliver of normalcy in her life and is also exposed to mandated reporters. I remember being relieved that Kaiser was in school every day. Probably his saving grace. Patient, kind people to actually teach him.

  5. Rough life! Your children get in the way of you videotaping yourself, and playing games…and then you have to pick one child up from school AND make dinner. Damn, no wonder you are exhausted! Now imagine if she had to work a real, 40 hour a week job, AND pay for childcare, AND make dinner, AND…well you know the rest!

  6. Kailyn did a click bait on Kobe Bryant’s death. What a piece of shitz. No one is surprised. She did a click bait on Mackenzie’s mom too. The Dejesus sisters did a click bait on Kobe too. Keep supporting trash. Shitz Show.

  7. Exhausted from looking after 1 child in the day then cooking dinner and getting 2 children ready for bed. Yes, that’s really exhausting. Say that to a mother who works full time, looks after a home, runs errands, school runs, sports teams etc.

  8. A podcast, now that’s laughable. Nobody wants to hear Jenelle bitch to herself about being an ex-mom and ex-wife and ex- f list reality TV star. She really needs to get up off her ass, join the real world, and get a job. Stay off the dick and the pipe and the youtube, put down her phone, smile at her damn kids ffs. Shes the most burdened parent I’ve ever seen, and theres nothing wrong except everything she refuses to fix that’s in her power to do so.

  9. We all make good and not so good choices in this journey we call life..I still think it would be awesome to put all of the negative neigh Sayers in the spot light so we could judge your every move and tell you how to live your life..Boy howdy, if I was on that show I’d definitely give you all something to rant over daily, just to watch the stupid shit that comes out of your mouths.. Don’t throw rocks from a glass house my friends ..

  10. LOL, Nathan has a girlfriend, her name is Ashley and he recently had a meltdown, do you really think he wants to have another?! Nah, don’t think so, it’s been years but it’s quite possible it’s YOU who hasn’t moved on!

    At least she doesn’t want David back…for now. I bet she will try to get Herbie back tho. Or get a new man. Whichever comes first.

    I also love how she is saying like she has been a single mom for years…girl, it’s been a few months, you had a hookup recently so don’t try to picture yourself as a martyr, you aren’t one!

  11. Are we getting medals for taking care of our own children now? Because I take care of my three kids (3,2, and a baby) 24/7 by myself and do online classes and babysit two other small children and I feel like I should at least get a nice bronze one if they’re handing them out.

    She’s so ridiculous. She’s only raising two-thirds of her children and acts like she’s a martyr for watching the toddler during the day, picking the child up from school, and cooking them supper. Pretty much just a fraction of what the rest of the mothers in the world do every single day.

      1. Jenelle wanting some kind of recognition because she doesn’t send Ensley to daycare when she has no job anyway….girl stop.

        1. She probably can’t afford day care at this point, otherwise Ensley would be there every day. Lord knows Jenelle needs time to film!
          Stupid witch, I can’t wait to see you in Plato’s closet, trying to come up with a few bucks.

  12. She looks HIGH AS HELL in the pictures here. Maybe she should quit smoking weed and grow up and be the mother her loose ass made her. I have ZERO sympathy for her. I think it’s time she joins the REAL WORLD and get a real job and pretend to be an adult and mother. Too bad for her she has made to much money from MTV to be a walfare mommy. Waste of human space

  13. [* Shield plugin marked this comment as “Trash”. Reason: Failed Bot Test (expired) *]
    Hey everybody, I’m back! my phone crapped out the day after Christmas, and I had to wait till after my birthday to get a new one. So did I miss anything juicy?

      1. Thank you, Dejesusgodleah! Christmas was good and so was my birthday. Now I get to play with a brand new phone, and it’s a NICE phone! ?

  14. Guarantee the only reason that Ensley’s home during the day is because Jenelle is BROKE, and doesn’t have the money to have her in daycare! Because we KNOW that lazy bitch would have her in daycare in an instant if she had the money to. Just wait til Kaiser is out of school this summer, she’ll really have her hands full then!

    1. She can’t even be bothered to change her 3 yr olds diaper.
      # if your old enough to wear make up your old enough to potty train lol

      1. And eat like a human attempting basic manners…
        Understand “no” (heck, this even annoys Kaiser, not her mother though! Kids peers are going to put this brat in her place very quickly! Kids are not kind to entitled kids!)
        Or not drool
        Or SEE A DANG DOCTOR!!

  15. [* Shield plugin marked this comment as “Trash”. Reason: Failed Bot Test (checkbox) *]
    I hope she gets her life together and doesn’t get back together with crazy.

  16. Ensley would be much better off in preschool or daycare, to be honest. That child is very clearly behind other children her age. Jenelle has done a terrible disservice to her. It’s clear that nobody has read to Ensley or really interacted with her in any way. If she is put into daycare or preschool, she may be able to catch up socially and verbally.

  17. [* Shield plugin marked this comment as “Trash”. Reason: Failed Bot Test (expired) *]
    She has not learned a single thing

    1. Janelle really needs to grow up!! I don’t understand how can she can get online and complain about having to be a part time parent to 2 out of 3 of kids. How horrible it must be for her having to stop playing video games and making videos for a few minutes and be a lazy parent? Those kids are the only reason anyone knows who she is. Get a really job Janelle and stop pretending your divorcing your angry, hostile, controlling, and abusive husband. Who messed up your golden ticket and you want to pretend that your single so you can get back on tv. Stop being the girl who called wolf.

  18. This bitch is ridiculous. You can tell that David did all the parenting on the land. God forbid she pick up her child that’s been at school all day. God forbid the other one disturbs her gaming time. Then she has to *gasp* MAKE DINNER. It’s unreal.

    1. I don’t think David’s “abuse” could be called “parenting” either. I was so livid they returned any of those children to these two knuckleheads.??

    2. Hello Dominos this is Teen Mom Jenelle Eason.
      How much do I need to order to feed 2 kids & my munchies for a week?

    3. ALL things that no one else would even mention because they are understood as a given!
      Wow she has it so rough…
      DE is evil but he obviously did do the bulk of everything around the house / for the kids (as weird as it is to say that). All JE ever did was yell, complain and sleep (among other things I’ll not mention)

  19. Lol. She acts like she deserves a medal for taking care of 2 of her kids. Dude, that’s what every mom in the world does! And some of us have actual jobs too.

  20. I don’t get the point of this. Don’t seem like she answered anything. What would she actually say on a podcast? Your 15 minutes were up a long time ago. Just go away as quietly as possible.

  21. [* Shield plugin marked this comment as “Trash”. Reason: Failed Bot Test (checkbox) *]
    Does anyone else think she looks like amy Schumer on the cover pic lol!

  22. That article was a whole lot of nothing. Why do an interview or answer fans questions, if you can’t answer the questions???!!?!!

    1. It’s ok, they aren’t even “fan questions”!
      They are so obviously curated by her PR person disguised as ‘fans’. Her responses are so far off her brand / personality that it’s laughable~ and frankly insulting to all of us!
      She still genuinely believes she is smarter than everyone on the Interweb and that we will blindly accept her OBVIOUS lies!
      Typical “don’t believe everything I say you idiots”
      “Only believe what you hear from me”

      Not one genuine question even touched on…

  23. Soooo basically she said a whole lot without saying anything! What’s the real tea/dirt Bc this is not it!

    1. Hey everybody, I’m back! my phone crapped out the day after Christmas, and I had to wait till after my birthday to get a new one. So did I miss anything juicy?

  24. Wow now that’s a busy schedule! Watching your daughter all day then having to pick your son up from school. Imagine having to leave your house every afternoon to drive through a car loop. I really hope she can take some time off for herself! LOL

    1. I don’t get the point of this article. You didn’t give any new info except your kid is not in daycare. Why would she be? You don’t work. What could you possibly say on a podcast? Who would even listen to it?

  25. Well Juh-nelle, I see ya on something new going by that weight gain (maybe whatever drugs Jade’s mom is on?)

    Seriously though, don’t watch the video. Don’t give her views

  26. She’s making it seem like she’s the only person that is right in her life. Nathan’s just trying to get back with her, Barbara is moody, the kids are distractions lol sorry juh Nell but lots of mothers have their kids home during the day. I’m sorry ensley takes away from your video game time and your sitting around time though. Lol

  27. So delusional! The only honest thing is “I’m doing my own thing”. Yes, Jenelle you’ve always done your own your own thing, always put yourself first and always will. You act like you need a pat on the back for not having your youngest in daycare while you sit on your fake ass doing nothing! Guess what? That’s called being a MOTHER. Thats a title you don’t deserve. Great moms put their kids above themselves, always above multiple (in your case) or any man and make sure that their kids are happy and taken care of. Like I said, you don’t deserve the title. No one believes your bullshit.

    1. I think she’s off drugs because the weight gain is telling. That’s alot of weightgain in a short time. I cant watch 24 mins of Jenelle lying.

      1. This was what I was wondering, moving to Tennessee to go to rehab and get clean. If that’s the case, guess being sober did nothing for her compulsive lying

      2. I would bet her weight gain is more from sitting on her butt all day every day for literal years while DE tended to swamp & kids. No amount of gym time (which let’s be honest, is also a facade…) will compensate for a sedentary lifestyle.
        Plus, she’s no longer 18 years old- despite what her actions portray!

        Also, we have all seen what their diet consists of! I have yet to see anything Green or even that doesn’t have sugar as top (Possibly only!) ingredient! It’s nasty. No wonder Egly is always sick!
        EVERY video has sweets in it and JE is proud of it! Even after a quality Twitter dragging re sweets she makes sure to zoom in on Es (paper)plate “you have your candy and your brownie”… Nasty!
        Zero chance she stops recording to cook a balanced healthy meal and doesn’t record a lick of it!
        If it is not in a package from the center grocery store aisle (or dessert freezers) it’s not on their plates… ugh, that would imply they even used plates, or utensils! The one Non-total-sugar thing I’ve seen them eat is fried rice (from a package, all sodium! Ha ha)… with FINGERS! She did take Kais shirt off though so he can wear it for another week before she has to get up and burn calories to do laundry.

  28. If her tubes were tied and she didn’t have a hysterectomy she can have it reversed. It’s called tubal ligation reversal. The doctor goes and reopens a woman’s fallopian tubes. In RARE cases the procedure can reverse itself if your doctor doesn’t properly close everything off. My aunt had her tubes tied back in 88 but got one hell of a shock six years later when she had twins. So, sadly, if the right ‘soul mate’ comes along who wants a baby we may see more babies out of her. Even in the video she hints at reversing it down the road. How much you want to bet David is the reason she did it in the first place? Whatever her soul mates want, they get.

    1. My bad, I was trying to respond to KLIZZLELEE. My phone needs an exorcism. “The power of Christ compels you to work stupid Android!*

    1. I get that feeling too, someone is!
      We really need her to get a dose of reality sooner than later…

      If she thinks picking a kid up from school is a large task…?

  29. I think jellnelle is doing very good for her self and the kids the guys can kick rocks so so very proud of her uou keep on going jenelle goid for you cert happy keep up the good work hon texts me sometime i will texts you let me no its you okay ??

  30. Seems to me like SHE is the one that’s obsessed with Nathan, not the other way around. She takes him being cordial as him wanting her back…at least she’s in therapy and can hopefully work through her delusions…highly doubt it though.

  31. Oh Jenelle, you are delusional. I hate to mom-shame anyone but when you voluntarily put your life out for consumption you have to accept that those who don’t know will have opinions.

    It is incredibly offensive to say your child or children bothers you while you are playing video games or filming yourself for your YouTube channel. Those children had zero say in where they landed and to whom they were born. You made the choice to have those children. Are children inconvenient some times? Sure. But they are CHILDREN. They require an actual parent—not just someone to purchase the hot dogs, soda, and ATV’s. Not sending your 3 year old to daycare all day (while you do nothing of value) doesn’t make you a saint. Bashing your mother and badmouthing your children’s fathers says far more about you than any of them.

    You aren’t interesting enough, or even likable enough for your own show. I am not sure what “business opportunities” you believe will land in your lap but you are uneducated and have no work experience.

    I am sorry if this seems harsh. I’m truly not saying this to be a bitch. I want to give you a little bit of the reality check you DESPERATELY need. You have three children who need and deserve a mother who puts them first. Give it a try. It might be the best decision you have ever made.

    And please stop thinking every man (especially Nathan) is in love with you. They aren’t.

    1. Thank you! I can not like this comment enough, you are 100% right, all of it, and took the words from my mouth. And it’s not harsh, because it’s TRUE. Get your -ish together jenelle !

  32. Isn’t having your tubes tied a pretty permanent thing like not an ask me in a few years about having kids kinda thing? What about jace? Is he Not a thought because the cameras are gone? Probably why barb is sick of it. she’s raising a kid alone since you have now abandoned him states away. Really you have to care for your young child all day?! The kids need attention and disturb your video making?! DUUDDEEEE!!!!! So sick of her and the rest of TM trash. Bye Felicia!

    1. Wouldn’t surprise me if she had eggs/embryos frozen. Tubes tied just means you can’t get pregnant naturally, she could still do IVF.

    2. For a female, getting a hysterectomy or tubal ligation is permanent; with a guy a vasectomy can (potentially) be reversed.

      The fact she gave another answer than the obvious tells us the “tubes tied” thing was a lie.

      1. While tubal ligation is considered permanent, it is also reversible. A lot of factors depend on if the reversal is successful and even then can result in tubal pregnancies a large portion of the time. If you have the means and enough of your tube left, it can be reversed. It is just a far more serious procedure than the reversal of a vasectomy.

      2. Just to clarify:
        A hysterectomy is permanent as surgery removes the uterus. It often also involves removing the ovaries.
        A tubal ligation can be reversed. This us because the fallopian tubes (that carry the eggs from the ovaries to the uterus) are cut or blocked.
        This procedure can usually be reversed. However fertility rates after reversal are variable.

    3. Tubal ligations can be reversed. It’s an expensive surgery, but it’s possible, nonetheless. A friend of mine had hers tied, then got them reversed after 10 years, and had two more babies. It is also possible for the Fallopian tubes to grow back together after having a ligation, which is what I’m sure Jenelle will claim happened when/if she ever gets pregnant again.

  33. Wait, she has been taking care of Ensley during the day? Wow, she must really have some time on her hands then! Imagine a life where you don’t work, don’t go to school, yet you feel the need to state that you take care of your own child everyday. It’s called being a parent, Jenelle!

    No one is wants a podcast by Jenelle. No one wants a podcast by anyone. NO ONE.

    1. “No one is wants a podcast by Jenelle. No one wants a podcast by anyone. NO ONE.” ?????? Thank you, that made my day because I’m sick to death of my Spotify trying to get me to listen to podcasts with ads. If I wanted to listen to my entertainment, I’d get in a time machine and go back to my grandparents childhoods.

  34. Nate faults
    Barbs fault
    Kids fault
    She has 2 homes
    Everybody wants her
    Nothing is ever her fault.
    Liar Lair big fat pants on fire. I want to see proof that you cook dinner 6 days a week. I’m giving you 1 night to eat out.
    You are still & will always be a piece of ?

  35. Wow, she looks completely ridiculous. There’s no point in listening to anything she says because we all know it’s all lies (ie. David never abused us. One month later: I’m afraid for the safety of me and my kids). She is just garbage and that will never change. She has been coddled so long she really thinks she has fans lol and she really thinks Nathan still wants her. He has a really lovely girlfriend that seems to be in it for the long haul, Jenelle thinks that because she was on tv that makes her some prize, sorry numbnuts, most dudes don’t want a rode hard chick that has kids willy-nilly, jumps on convict dick as a hobby and only has temporary money because Mtv loves to pay to film people make horrible decisions. I don’t know if she’s back on drugs or not, but this chick is on another planet.

    1. I know! You know what’s so funny is pathological liars like Janelle seem to be clueless as to the fact that their lies make zero sense! She contradicts herself on a consistent basis. Poor kids.

  36. Janelle you really need to get it together for your kids, I wish you well in your future, I think if you stay focused everything will fall into place, I have been watching you since the first show, you were my son and my thing, he was in grade school when he put you on TV I loss my son 2 years ago,

  37. [* Shield plugin marked this comment as “Trash”. Reason: Failed Bot Test (expired) *]
    Um I live in tn and hate to tell jenelle but I don’t have to be separated six months to file divorce in tn I filed for divorce and I was separated for 2 weeks she is full of bs

  38. I can’t be the only one especially offended by the comment “The kids are a major issue when it comes to me wanting to film stuff or do stuff for you guys”. She’s been less than a sub-par parent ever since the first time she gave birth, but now it seems she’s trying to blame her “fans” for her current poor parenting.

    1. Oh, you’re not. I’m pretty sure every parent who plays here was disgusted. In fact, you don’t even need to be a parent to know that was messed up.

      What’s with the video games? Sure, I love me some old school Nintendo Super Mario Brothers but I play it WITH MY KIDS. It’s not a hobby you need to ditch the kids to enjoy. She’s an idiot.

      1. Wait, what?? Did she really say something about her playing video games? I’m not going to watch her video, I don’t want to give her views.

    2. The only reason anyone even knows who the hell she is (unfortunately) is because of those kids. Ungrateful bitch. I would argue she has less “fans” and more “hatters” by far.

  39. Actually DON’T watch the video and give her any additional views. She’s the last person anyone should want to help make money.

  40. She’s full of shit, it’s so obvious she and UBT never really separated at all….and hopefully MTV saw right though her.

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