It’s Over! ‘Flipping Out’ Star Jeff Lewis Reveals His Boyfriend Scott Anderson Has Broken Up With Him

“Next, please!”

Another relationship bites the dust for Jeff Lewis!

The former Flipping Out star announced on Monday’s episode of his Jeff Lewis Live SiriusXM radio show that his relationship with Scott Anderson has come to an end after just over a year of dating.

“Well, I have some bad news. Scott Anderson and I, we called it quits over the weekend,” Jeff told his listeners. “The last eight weeks have been kind of rough. He’s had a lot of anxiety, a lot of frustration. It got to the point where he was hyper-critical of me, and there was a lot of negativity and there was just always complaining.”

Jeff’s ex (and former ‘Flipping Out’ co-star) Gage Edward recently praised Scott, stating on Instagram Live that Scott appeared to be “very level-headed” and a “very nice person.” He also commended Scott for being kind to Monroe, the three-year-old daughter Gage shares with Jeff.

The ‘Flipping Out’ star — who began dating Scott in March 2019 and became “Instagram Official” with him in August of last year— said that he and Scott have tried to overcome through their problems in the past.

“I feel like I worked very hard in the relationship,” Jeff said on Monday. “I felt like I was very good to him. I’ll be honest, sometimes he bugs the s**t out of me but the positive always outweighs the negative. I look past things, and I let them go.”

“Oh you do?! This is news to me…”

“It’s been, like, weeks of negativity and I find that it just started wearing on me,” Jeff added. “[Scott] just stopped communicating with me, so I could just feel him next to me just angry, pouting, seething, resenting me.”

Jeff said that, when he brought those feelings up in a discussion, Scott jumped at the chance to end their relationship. 

“I just felt like maybe he might need some distance to gain some perspective so we had a conversation and, it’s interesting because he was like, ‘I think we should break up!'” Jeff said. “We started talking about it and it was his idea to break up.”

Jeff said he agreed to the breakup, due to his being “very, very frustrated” with Scott.

Before the breakup, Jeff said that Scott suggested they talk to therapist Judy Rosenblum, but he refused.

“I said, ‘I really am kind of done working on this [relationship],'” Jeff said, adding that he wishes he had taken Scott up on that offer.

“That is my one regret,” Jeff said, adding that, after the breakup he was hurt and angry and “might have sent a few things” to Scott via text, whom he says “sent a few things” back.

Jeff— who split with Gage in 2019 and has been battling him in court and in the press ever since— admitted that he does not do well with breakups.

“Oh, ya don’t say?”

“I never have a good breakup,” Jeff said. “It’s easier for me, if I’m mad at you, it’s gonna be easier for me to move on. That’s my MO. That’s my pattern. I took a few swipes, he took a few swipes, and then I, like, checked my behavior. I told myself, ‘I don’t want to end it this way. He doesn’t deserve this. He’s been a good guy.'”

Jeff claimed that he told Scott that he had “been such a positive influence” on him over the past year, and that he appreciated how “sweet and generous” Scott had been to Monroe.

He added that he told Scott that he hopes that they will be able to be friends eventually.

Naturally, Jeff had to pat himself on the back for his grown-up reaction.

“I actually am proud of myself for taking that approach,” Jeff said. “Because, normally, I would just annihilate somebody. I would just blow everything to pieces.”

Jeff also said that he knows his listeners will blame him for the demise of the relationship. 

“I anticipate a lot of, ‘You chased away Scott just like you chased away everyone else. You’re so toxic! You’re going to be sad and lonely,'” Jeff said. “Well, too late! I’m already sad and lonely so it’s not going to get worse… Why do people always assume it is me? It could be Scott!”

Narrator: “It was not Scott…”

Listen to a clip of Monday’s Jeff Lewis Live below! 

RELATED STORY: ‘Flipping Out’ Star Jeff Lewis Responds to Ex Gage Edward’s Instagram Live Comments: Says Gage Seemed Sad, Lonely & Lost

(Photos: Bravo, Instagram)

7 Responses

  1. Sure, it could be Scott, but it’s not. There are so many red flags about his behaviour in his statements, which is funny because their HIS statements, this is him controlling the narrative in his favor, and still looking like a complete prick.

    1. *they*re his statements. And the inability to edit my comment and correct the error will haunt me for the rest of my life. Ok, for the next 2-3 minutes at least.

  2. I’m sorry your relationship didn’t work out . I hope you have better luck in the future.

  3. Jeff is and always will be a prick. He thinks he is better than everyone and is always right. His opinion is the only one that matters. He treated Jenni horribly, humiliating her on national television. I was thrilled that Gage finally saw the light and got out of this toxic relationship. Let’s be honest-client, friend, acquaintance, family, partner will all at some point be in a toxic relationship with Jeff. Brace yourself, Scott. Part 2 of Jeff’s MO is to now publicly tear you apart until he finds a new victim.

  4. People assume it’s you, Jeff, because you are a grade A jerk. You are obnoxious even just reading about you, not even considering being with you 24/7. I think you assume that by financially taking care of someone, you are an amazing person. Newsflash- that’s very very little of what most people need in a relationship.

  5. Maybe everyone assumes its you because we’ve seen your toxic nonsense on tv for years. And we’ve seen you blow up on everyone including ripping into your child’s father for ages. To say he lacks introspection is putting it mildly. No wonder he won’t go to therapy…he wouldn’t like anything a therapist has to say

    1. Agreed. Also graphically ripped into his daughter’s surrogate during the most vulnerable time. Her labor and delivery!

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