Former ‘Flipping Out’ Star Jeff Lewis is Being Sued By Ex Gage Edward for Allegedly Failing to Repay $125,000 Loan; Jeff Says Lawsuit “Is About Revenge”

“Wait a minute, wasn’t my presence the repayment?”

Flipping Out exes Jeff Lewis and Gage Edward have continued to go head-to-head over custody for their daughter Monroe; however, the latest dispute among the fathers doesn’t involve their toddler, but rather some unpaid funds. 

According to court documents obtained by The Blast, Gage is suing Jeff for $125,000 for an alleged breach of oral contract that the two reached in December 2018.

“Plaintiff is monetarily at a loss for $125,000 because Defendant is not recognizing the oral agreement between the two parties and failed to repay Plaintiff the money owed,” the suit reads.

When you realize you should’ve put that loan agreement in writing.

Based on Gage’s claims, Jeff “ran short of money for real estate projects and his business” back in 2016 (while Gage and Jeff were still romantically involved). Gage says that Jeff was attempting to finish a project in Sherman Oaks, California, to “secure financing on the build to replenish his cash.”

Because of this, Gage says Jeff asked him to sell a vehicle that he owned debt-free, which Gage agreed to do in order to secure liquidity. Gage then loaned Jeff $125,000 and Jeff agreed to pay interest. 

“Don’t worry, I got this!”

Jeff went on to pay Gage $50,000 toward the loan — $25,000 on the principal, $25,000 in interest — however, Gage claims that in 2018 Jeff needed more money and allegedly asked Gage for another $50,000, to which Gage obliged. In 2019, Jeff paid Gage another $25,000 toward his loans.

Gage claims that in February of 2019 (the same month Gage and Jeff broke up), he asked Jeff to establish a payment plan and while they were able to work out a schedule, he said Jeff failed to make any payments. 

“Shhhh! Don’t mention the loan! Maybe Gage will forget about it?”

As The Ashley previously told you, Gage and Jeff have lived apart since January 2019 and they officially parted ways in February 2019. In August, the exes were able to put aside their differences and come to a temporary custody agreement for Monroe, though by October, the two were at odds again and the custody agreement was off

Last month, Gage served Jeff a lawsuit regarding the custody of Monroe, in which he is requesting 50/50 shared custody, legal support and that Monroe’s name be legally changed to include Gage’s last name, despite “Edward” not actually being Gage’s last name, but rather his middle name.

In response, Jeff called the court documents “10 pages of mistruths, exaggerations and mischaracterizations.” 

UPDATE! On Tuesday, Jeff responded publicly to the lawsuit, stating on his SiriusXM Jeff Lewis Live radio show that he believes Gage filed the recent lawsuit “as a way of taking a swing” at him. He also stated that Gage is fighting for the sake of fighting and trying to damage him publicly.

“It is calculating and measured to file a lawsuit on Monday, the day before my birthday,” Jeff said. “And by the way, I fully expect to be served today, on my birthday.” 

Jeff went on to address Gage on air, encouraging him to “stop being so vile and so ugly.” He also said he believed the lawsuit was a way for Gage to get revenge. 

” … I don’t think it’s even about money,” he added. ” … I think he wants me to hurt.” 

RELATED STORY: Former ‘Flipping Out’ Star Jeff Lewis Says Being the Biological Father to Daughter He Shares With Ex Gage Edward “Complicates Things” in Custody Battle

(Photos: Bravo; Instagram) 

7 Responses

  1. Jeff Lewis should have NEVER had a child. He’s too self absorbed and narcissistic. Poor little Monroe.

  2. Oh, Jeffrey. C’mon now, if you owe Gage money, pay him back. That will be step one in establishing your Civil Parenting Plan.

    Oh, Gage. Try not to be a jerk while the world is on fire. Your baby’s life has been turned upside down, and THIS is what you decide to focus on right now!

    You should both be focused totally on Monroe’s health and well-being, and the health of each other! That is all that matters right now!

    1. Agreed. However in my opinion Jeff is totally screwing gauge over with the money situation. and the fact that he feels that he has to let the whole world know about it does not make him look good.

  3. I’m confused…. how did barbie bitch have more money than Jeff?

    Jeff comes off as a real douche but I never liked Gage. He ruined the show.

  4. Wow. I was always under the impression that Jeff was very well off and had a lot more money than Gage.

    1. I was also. However he always seemed to have so many projects going at once and I suspect he got over his head and had cash flow problems because of this. I’d think the business had someone else doing the books but who knows?

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