Mama June Shannon’s Daughter Anna “Chickadee” Cardwell Says Their Relationship is Still Strained, Due to June Never Apologizing for Dating Anna’s Abuser

“How ’bout I send over a bottle of BoomBod diet stuff and we call it even, Anna?”

Mama June Shannon‘s estranged daughter Anna “Chickadee” Cardwell wants to make it clear that her relationship with the reality TV star is still very much ‘estranged,’ despite them being photographed together recently at the baby shower of June’s daughter Lauryn “Pumpkin” Shannon.

In an interview with The Sun, Anna stated that she and June have not repaired their relationship, due to the fact that Anna says June never apologized for dating the man who was convicted of molesting Anna as a child. 

(Fans may remember that TLC cancelled the family’s first showHere Comes Honey Boo Boo once word got out that June was dating Mark McDaniel, after he was released from prison in 2014.)

“I’ve never had a conversation with her where she was like ‘Oh I’m sorry for what happened or, I’m sorry for this,'” Anna said of the Mama June: From Not to Hot star. “It’s like she is always brushing everything off and like acting like everything is fine and nothing happened.

Anna and June (and the rest of the clan) before their relationship soured…

“We used to be really, really close, but all that stuff happened with her getting back with Mark, we really had distance after that. We haven’t talked really since then. I pushed myself away from her with that, because it was like why would you do that kind of thing?”

In 2015, Anna attempted to sue her mother to try to recover over $200,000 Anna said June owed her for appearing on ‘Here Comes Honey Boo Boo.’ In 2017, Anna told E! News that June still owed her and her daughter Kaitlyn nearly $500,000 in earnings from their time on the show. 

Anna revealed to The Sun that she has given up trying to get that money for herself and her daughter.

“It’s not like I dated their abusers or took their money or nothin’….oh…wait…”

“That [lawsuit] didn’t go anywhere and it was a long process, and I was like ‘You know what? Screw it,'” Anna said, adding that she would have had to fork over a lot of money in legal fees. “Yes, it’s a lot of money, but still it’s like it’s not like I want to stress myself over trying to get it.” 

Pumpkin’s baby shower was the first time June was with all four of her daughters in six years. (In addition to Pumpkin and Anna, June is also the mother of daughters Jessica Shannon and Alana Thompson.) June told The Sun that it was “a little weird” seeing Anna and Kaitlyn. She also blamed her strained relationship with Anna on her own mother, Sandra, who helped raise Anna.

“I haven’t seen all the girls together at once because the relationship with Anna has always been difficult – because of my mother,” June– who gave birth to Anna when she was barely 15 years old– said. “I wanted to be in the right frame of mind to be able to deal with Anna as it’s always been a touchy subject.”

Anna said that Mama June has been unresponsive when she’s tried to reach out to her in the past. 

“I’ve been over it for a long time. For years now I’ve been over it, you know, I’ve tried to communicate with Mama, but I never get no reply back,” she said. “When we do see each other we talk, but I feel like she just tries to avoid me in a way. I don’t try to force the relationship; if she don’t want one, she don’t want one.” 

Anna said that June doesn’t reach out to her via phone or text to inquire how she’s doing, or how her granddaughters are doing. (In addition to Kaitlyn, Anna is also the mother of a daughter named Kylee.) 

“She can message me and ask how the girls are doing or how I’m doing, and stuff like that. She doesn’t. I’m not too worried about it. I’ve been doing fine without having a Mama relationship.” 

Anna said she does have a great relationship with her sisters. (Last year, she and Jessica had extensive plastic surgery makeovers together.)

She added that she isn’t sure having a conversation with June would help at this point.

“It could make things better, but it could also make things worse, it could be an emotional thing,” Anna said. “It could be where we are back to talking again or it could end up where we don’t see each other again. Either way, it’s going to be awkward.” 

“Who wants to bet that if and when this conversation happens, it’s gonna be done on-camera?!”

RELATED STORY: Mama June Shannon Reunites with Estranged Daughter Anna “Chickadee” Cardwell & Granddaughter Kaitlyn After Years Apart: “It Was a Little Weird”

13 Responses

  1. That is one apology I would never accept. I would literally want to murder the monster that molested my child if that ever happened. June is evil.

  2. That’s what happens when you give a fat, inbred, uneducated moron money. She latches on to the first loser to help her piss through it all and then go crying back to her kids to help her cuz she has nothing. She acts the same way about how she abandoned her children for two years while she ran amok with Geno. I can’t even look at her ugly mug.

  3. Its hard to think of anything more disgusting for a mother to do to their child than to date the person that m0lested their kid. Any mom should be wondering if jail time would be worth going after the person who hurt their kid. But June sleeps with the guy. She’s a repulsive person and should never have been allowed on tv after that.

  4. So sorry for poor Anna, and her daughters. She needs to just cut June out of her life. There is no excusing June’s evil behavior—June is a human shell without a soul.

  5. Amd June will never apologize for Mark bc she doesn’t see anything wrong with it. She doesn’t see the issue.

    Poor little girl. Thankfully she grew up and didnt get into drugs or anything else self- harming.

    June is an awful person. Are awful ppl the only ppl who get reality shows?

  6. Something is not right here about the money. Why would you just write-off the $500K if you are truly owed that money. Court and lawyers fees can be incorporated into the lawsuit as well.

    Even so, attorney’s don’t need to be paid upfront since this is a lawsuit and they get a cut of it if you win.

    Saying the lawsuit “didn’t go anywhere” makes me believe that she did file a lawsuit but the judge squashed it for whatever reason.


    1. Not necessarily. It’s not like PI cases where the lawyers get paid if you win. It may have been a contact dispute.Im guessing June cheated her but proving it might have been tough.

      1. In addition, Anna knows her chances of actually recovering that money are nil. June admitted to going through millions doing drugs with Geno; you can’t get blood out of a turnip. So Anna could spend $50,000 in legal fees in order to recover $500,000. June gets ordered to pay her, but restitution can be paid at literally one dollar a week, if the person can prove that they have no assets, which means Anna will never, ever get that cash back. The hassle isn’t worth it, and she’s gone this long without the money, so she’ll continue to go without it.

  7. Anna is such a sweet girl and I feel so terrible for her. I can’t imagine your own mother choosing to be with the man who abused you as a child! June doesn’t deserve a relationship with Anna or her granddaughters. I hope Anna can one day get the money she’s owed so that her little family won’t struggle financially.

    1. These people definitely put the “trash” in Trash TV. I’m glad I’ve never watch this crap. June deserves nothing at this point in my opinion. Gross!

      1. I agree. At this point I find Geno more likable. He seems contrite and sorry for what he did. June doesn’t seem that sorry. I want to slap that smirk off of her stupid face. Poor Alanna.

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