Nathan Griffith Praises His Ex Jenelle Evans As a “Good Mom” & Says He’s Getting Along Well With Her & David Eason Despite Their Past Feud

The throuple no one asked for.

Jenelle Evans and Nathan Griffith have been at odds for years (ever since ol’ Nate was hauled away in the back of a cop car screaming, “Why am I a guy?” after Jenelle had him arrested.) However, things are looking up for the former Teen Mom 2 exes, who share seven-year-old son Kaiser.

In a new interview with The Sun, Nathan said that he and Jenelle are getting along well now, despite their previous custody battle and tumultuous past. In addition, Nathan says that his relationship with Jenelle’s current soulmate, David Eason, has also improved greatly. 

Nathan praised his ex’s parenting skills and expressed his gratitude that he’s allowed to see Kaiser more frequently. 

“Jenelle is actually being a mother and she has been actively involving me in my son’s life,” Nathan said. 

Last fall, a judge signed off on Jenelle and Nathan’s custody plan, allowing Jenelle to retain primary custody of Kaiser, with Nathan getting Kaiser every other weekend and Nathan’s mom, Doris Davidson, caring for the seven-year-old every fifth weekend. The agreement also included a plan for holidays, as well as summer break, during which Kaiser is to spend six weeks straight with his dad. (This year, Nate’s summer time with Kaiser was cut short, though.)

Nathan went on this week to claim that Jenelle has been “extremely kind” to him, and recently, she even shared Kaiser’s school photos with him. Jenelle even found time in her busy TikTok dancing schedule to include the order information so Nathan would know where to purchase the school photos for himself. 

“I also included my TikTok handle so you can follow me and keep up with all this premium content I keep posting.”

Jenelle seemingly confirmed she and Nathan were on good terms in June when she took to social media to share a post in honor of Kaiser’s birthday. In the caption of her post, Jenelle noted that it was the first time she was not with Kaiser on his birthday, but she was “sure he’s having a blast at his dad’s.”  

Things aren’t only less “dramastic” between Nathan and Jenelle at the moment, but also between Nathan and Jenelle’s husband David, who has allegedly given Nathan his branding stamp of approval. 

“Every time I go to their house, David has done nothing but respect me,” Nathan said. “Maybe there is bad blood in our  history- but I’m not going to let what happened in the past ruin what we have right now. I can’t complain.  

“The other day, Kaiser told me out of the blue, told me, ‘Daddy, do you know David likes you?’ I was shocked. David actually said that I was a good man.” 


According to Nathan, The Land dwellers have “both been very, very respectful” towards him as of late, and Nathan is basically fangirl-ing over it. 

“It’s awesome, I love it,” he said.  

In October 2020, Nathan threw on his finest cutoff t-shirt and hopped onto Instagram Live to sing David praises, telling followers David was “actually being real freaking cool.”

“I’m serious! Have you seen him juggle?!”

While touting his new friendship, Nathan even gave David props for going three whole months without hitting Kaiser.   

“My son said he hasn’t been whipped by David for the last three months!” Nathan exclaimed. “He said David doesn’t even whip him anymore!”  

Yes, the bar is THAT low. 

RELATED STORY: EXCLUSIVE! ‘Teen Mom’ Producers Bringing Cast Members From All Three ‘Teen Mom’ Shows Together For New Special Show: Get All the Details! 

(Photos: MTV; Instagram; YouTube; TikTok) 

16 Responses

  1. “Jenelle even found time in her busy TikTok dancing schedule to include the order information so Nathan would know where to purchase the school photos for himself.”

    I f’n died ??.

  2. So in Nathan’s world, a woman sending you your child’s school picture and telling you how to order your own copies makes her Mother of the Year?!?! Seriously low bar.

    Singing a man’s praises for going a whole 3 months without beating a child makes both of you horrendous human beings and disgusting parents.

  3. He considers her a “good mom” because she’s been taking his kid off his hands. Nathan never wanted to be a father to Kaiser, he wanted to be Jenelles significant other to get on reality TV. Kaiser was just his installment plan. Have a kid with a reality TV star, be asked about it forever, and make money off it. Nathan is just as big a scumbag as Jenelle.

  4. You know something tells me that Nathan has good intentions. He wants time with Kaiser, fought jenelle for time and custody. No, Kaiser has not hit the parent lottery but for what it is, if these idiots are getting along for the child’s sake then let’s pray to god it continues.

  5. Sweet Lord Jesus. He’s fine with David “whipping” his 7-year-old boy??? Nathan, you are NOT A MAN!! I thought better of Nathan for awhile, but he’s just a lazy POS who doesn’t love his child. Like all of Kaiser’s other parents! Pray for that little boy.

  6. Kaiser needs lots of therapy. Nathan is happy as long as he doesn’t have to raise K 24/7. I would never be nice to the person who hit my child. I guess killing an innocent animal in front of your kid is ok in N eyes. Nathan is an idiot.

  7. Nathan praised David because he didn’t hit Kaiser in 3 months? Hitting your child is aweful but allowing another person to do it as well is the lowest of the low.
    So disappointed at Nathan. I somehow thought he was better than them, I was very wrong

  8. I despise Jenelle and David, they are both abusive pieces of shit. Nathan is no better. If I had suspicions that my child was abused even once, I would not stop until I had full custody. Who cares if they are playing nice now? They abused his child for years and I have zero doubt that the abuse continues.

    1. I think anyone would have the same reaction that you describe…any normal person, anyway. Nathan couldn’t stay out of trouble himself long enough to get custody. I will never understand. None of these 3 are fit to raise a animal, and especially not to raise a human.

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