‘Teen Mom’ News Pile: Jenelle Evans’ BFF Gets Hitched, Ryan Edwards Gets Ready to Head to Court & More

“You better invite me to the wedding! I’ve already cleaned the swamp sludge off my more classier high heels!”

From getting married, to getting the past brought up in court, the stars of the ‘Teen Mom’ franchise (both past and present) have been keeping themselves busy lately! In an effort to get you up-to-date on the latest Teen Mom OG and Teen Mom 2 news, The Ashley brings you the Teen Mom News Pile.

Here are some of the major (and minor but interesting) ‘Teen Mom’-related things that have happened over the last week or so…

Jenelle’s (Sometimes) GalPal Tori Rhyne is Getting Hitched!

“I hope you can find special, everlasting love like I have with David.”

Break out the drumsticks and put on your best Victoria’s Secret PINK sweatpants, because there’s ’bout to be a weddin’, y’all!

Jenelle’s on/off BFF, Tori, announced this week that she plans to get hitched to her current soulmate, Anthony Novosel.

“So in just two days I’ll be marrying my bestfriend and I have never been more sure of anything before in my life,” she wrote in the caption of a photo of herself and her dude posted on Wednesday. “I love you.”


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Anthony has only been Tori’s soulmate for a little over a month. On Facebook, the lovebirds state that they began dating on August 16.

Tori has been a staple in Jenelle’s life since her 16 and Pregnant days. They have had their share of struggles over the years (who could forget the infamous “drumsticks” beatdown fight between her and Jenelle during the early days of ‘Teen Mom 2?’), and even partaken in some “lady lovin'” together.

Honestly, THIS is what ‘Teen Mom’ needs to get back to: people hitting each other with drumsticks. #NeverForget

They became estranged, though, after Jenelle’s wedding to her current soulmate, David Eason, in 2017. 

Tori and her then-boyfriend Jesse were booted from the Eason Wedding Festivities for being loud and disruptive. (Can you imagine how loud and disruptive you have to be in order to get yourself kicked out of that hootenanny? Jesus God Leah.)

In a (unintentionally hilarious) post to Facebook made after the Wedding of the Century, Jenelle accused Tori and her then-soulmate of refusing to stop talking about “eating a**” (as you do); being HIGH! HIGH! and drunk; and being “one sorry a** nasty person.

The former BFFs appear to have made up recently, though. Both posted photos of Tori on The Land, hanging out with Jenelle back in July.

“Hey Jenelle, can I borrow your ‘new type of veil’ for my wedding?!”

UPDATE! Tori has posted photos of her wedding on Instagram. It does not appear that Jenelle attended the courthouse ceremony.


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Ryan Edwards Doesn’t Want His Old Hijinks Brought Up in Court

“And I’ll bet ya my last dabble of chewin’ tobaccy that, somehow, that dern Maci Bookout’s behind this!”

Ryan is tired of people (cough, Maci, cough) bringing up his old habits, and is hoping to have them eliminated completely from his upcoming court trial.

The ‘Teen Mom OG’ dad is set to go to trial in civil court next month, after being sued for “recklessly” causing an August 2018 car crash, the victims of which are demanding $290,000 for their suffering. 

This week, Ryan and his legal team filed a motion to prevent Ryan’s prior hijinks— his heroin addiction, as well as his previous arrests and trips to jail and rehab— kept out of this trial.

The Sun reports that the ‘Teen Mom OG’ dad filed a motion to “prohibit proof or questioning as to the Defendant’s prior criminal or drug activities that were not in any way related with the motor vehicle accident at issue.”

The court papers go on to say that Ryan admits he was at fault for the accident, but feels that dragging his history of heroin and rehab, etc. would make things unfair.

“Also, if we can keep this footage outta the courtroom, I’d really appreciate it!”

“Defendant has conceded simple fault for causing the accident at issue, and these other matters would be extraneous, irrelevant, confusing, unfairly prejudicial and unduly burdensome to the Defendant,” the paperwork states.

As The Ashley previously reported, Tennessee residents James and Janet Byrne filed a complaint against Ryan in July 2019, claiming Ryan “negligently and recklessly” rear-ended James with his pickup truck. James alleges Ryan “violently” struck his truck while it was stopped at a red light. In court papers, James blamed several things for the crash, including Ryan being distracted, and Ryan’s dog being present.

“Oh suuure, blame the dog. It’s always the dog’s fault…”

James hinted in the initial filing that he was unable to be a “companion” in that special way to his wife, due to the injuries he says he sustained in the crash. The alleged victims are asking $260,000 in injuries, damages and losses, and another $30,000 has been requested for the driver’s wife for her loss of “companionship.” 

Ryan’s trial is set to begin on November 9 and will last several days.

Kieffer Delp just wants to release some sick rhymes but no one can understand him.

“I mean, I dated Jenelle AND went to prison. I have known pain and am ready to sing about it.”

Kieffer– the former soulmate of Jenelle Evans— is having some trouble getting his new tunes to the masses– and he’s getting downright pissed that no one seems to be able to understand his “unique” form of “Kieffer Speak.”

Earlier this week, The Kieff informed his Twitter followers that he has some sick rhymes he wants to lay down, but can’t figure out how to make a decent music video for them.

(The Ashley is going to give you a moment to process how incredibly amazing a Kieffer music video would be…The Ashley hopes he raps about his time in “The Hood”….in reference, of course, to the time he spent wearing his infamous green hoodie.)

Kieffer asked for help from someone who knows how to make videos.

Jenelle after hearing Kieffer needs her to put her video-making skills to good use…probably…

(The Ashley has left the tweets unedited, in order to preserve the genuine “Kieffer Speak.”)

“Man I got this crazy verse on deck that I want ppl to hear but every time I film that s**t it looks butt as hell,” he wrote. “I dunno how to make that s**t look presentable In the least n I don’t wanna just do audio any one wanna help me maybe??”

The next day, Kieffer provided an update, letting his potential fans know that he is now on his way to making a music video.

“Might a figured that s**t out fr,” he wrote on Twitter. “Yu just gotta talk to someone for a second that knows a lil more than Yu then if that don’t work f**k it I know this verse raw anyway.”

If you are having trouble deciphering what the hell The Kieff is trying to say in his tweets, you’re not the only one. In fact, it appears that so many people complained to Kieffer about his confusing “Kieffer Speak” writing style, that he clapped back at them on Twitter the next day.

“All yous ni**as who say they can’t read what I be tweeting do Yu realize that makes Yu look stupid not me just sayin,” he wrote.

“You’re the dumb one, not me, bro.”

Leah Messer’s BFF Kayla is married and pregnant.

“If we made it through the ‘Bad Wig Years’ together, our friendship can certainly withstand you havin’ another youngin, Kayla!”

When it comes to ‘Teen Mom’ best friends, few have stood the test of time (or D-list reality TV fame.) However, Leah Messer’s best friend, Kayla Roush, has been there for the ‘Teen Mom 2’ star since her “16 and Pregnant” days— through marriage and divorce(s), bad decisions and some pretty strange hair experimentations.

Kayla— best known for her Taylor Swift-esque looks— has not been seen on the show for awhile, and it appears that she’s been busy in the time since we last saw her. A new post to her (currently private) Instagram reveals that Kayla is now pregnant with her second child, a boy she plans to name Forrest Grey. (Her older son’s name is “Wilder,” in case you’ve forgotten…)

 “It’s not a girlseseses.”

She states that she is five months into the pregnancy.

Not only that, but Kayla has also gotten married. It appears she got hitched back in February, she now lists “wife” and “stepmom” in her Instagram bio, along with her married last name.

To catch up on more recent ‘Teen Mom’ news, click here!

(Photos: MTV; Instagram) 

8 Responses

  1. Tori’s new husband has that smarmy, felonious look to him. That “I don’t know why I have so many assault convictions… there’s just a ton of crazy and annoying people on my life who needed to be set straight. Not my fault though” kind of look. .

  2. Rhine literally admitted the accident was his fault, so I don’t know what his legal defense will be.

    He admitted fault, why isn’t the other side filling for summary judgment or going after his insurance company for the money? Once you admit fault, then the insurance has to payout. They will jack up his premiums to a point where it might be better (for his finance, but also the general safety of chattonaga), if he doesn’t drive for a couple of years.

    He had a loose dog in the car was distracted, possible not in full faculties, cough-drugs-cough. And did I not mention, He ADMITTED FAULT.

    1. I do not like Rhine at all, but seems like they are just trying to get a lot of money out of this. I seriously doubt the guy couldn’t have sex with his wife because he got rear ended. I hate frivolous lawsuits like this.

  3. Rhine has caused someone to not be able to perform their “marriage companion duties” and that person wants $290,000 because of it?

    Hell, after watching some of his episodes, I wasnt in the mood for days either!!

    ….Off to give Dustin a call, and get me some of that MTV ‘companion’ cash!!

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