‘Teen Mom’ News Pile: Cory Wharton Blames His Grandma For His Multiple Reality TV Show Appearances; Kail Lowry Kicks Off a Third Podcast & More

“Y’all got any more of those reality TV shows I can appear on?”

From coming clean about addictions to finding (more) random topics to talk about in order to make a profit, the stars of the Teen Mom franchise (both past and present) have been keeping themselves busy lately. In an effort to keep you up-to-date on the latest Teen Mom OG, Teen Mom: Young & Pregnant and Teen Mom 2 news, The Ashley brings you the Teen Mom News Pile. 

Here are some of the major (and minor but interesting) ‘Teen Mom’-related things that have happened over the last week or so…

Cory Wharton blames his grandma for his addiction to appearing on reality TV. 

” …for letting me, I mean my grandma, live her dream.”

‘Teen Mom OG’ dad Cory has appeared on more than his fair share of reality TV shows, but he claims to have a completely reasonable explanation for doing so: he’s addicted. 

The father of two appeared on The Residency Podcast recently to explain why his mug is practically synonymous with MTV… and why it’s all basically his grandmother’s fault.

No, really…

“Am I addicted to [being on reality TV]? Yeah. Hell yeah,” Cory said. “I love being on camera and I love being on TV. I’d be lying if I said I didn’t, but I think this all stems back to my grandma … .” 

“It’s all Granny’s fault!”

Cory claims that when he was growing up, his grandma had a camcorder and would record “everything.” 

“I don’t know if it translates now, it just makes me comfortable in front of the camera,” he continued.” 

For those unaware of just how comfortable Cory is in front of the camera, his MTV resume includes appearances on the following shows: The Challenge, ‘Teen Mom OG,’ The Real World Ex-Plosion, Teen Mom Family Reunion, Ex on the Beach, and How Far Is Tattoo Far– a show he appeared on alongside baby mama Cheyenne Floyd, during which Cheyenne had the opportunity to permanently brand Cory with the logo of the network he loves so dearly. 

Disturbing? Yes. Fitting? Also yes.

Cory said being in front of the camera is what he’s used to and he gives all the credit to his grandma.

“She started this when I was really little and then now it’s just kind of picked up,” he explained.

Or, you know, that could be the real reason…


Kail Lowry announces she’s doing a third podcast.

“What else am I gonna do, sell weight loss teas and period panties on social media like some people?”

‘Teen Mom 2’ star Kail is a mom of four, and soon to be host of three podcasts. 

Kail, who already hosts Coffee Convos with Lindsie Chrisley, as well as Baby Mamas No Drama with Vee Torres– the wife of Kail’s first baby daddy, Jo Rivera– announced this week that she is launching yet another podcast, Barely Famous, on February 18.

“Did someone say Friday F**kery? Let’s make it official because things are about to get weird!” Kail announced Friday on Instagram. “Join me every Friday starting February 18 for Barely Famous Podcast. Go subscribe on Apple Podcasts (link in my bio), listen to the trailer, and leave a review with guests you want to hear from!”

Unlike her first two podcasts, Kail will be the sole host of Barely Famous, though she will apparently be inviting guests to join her each week. 

In the teaser clip posted to her Instagram, Kail asks one mystery guest how they feel about the fact that the two of them have been “on and off for two years” but she has never posted photos of them on social media. Kail also asks the individual what they have to say to those who compare him to Chris Lopez.

Well this just got interesting…

“I’m nothing like him,” he replies. 

In another soundbite, Kail calls herself a “prude,” while questioning how she has four kids. 

“Have you listened to nothing I’ve said?”

On her Instagram Story, Kail told followers she was really excited about the new podcast and assured listeners it would be different than her other two because it would include people she grew up with, people she’s friends with now and would really “get a look into who Kail is”– before ‘Teen Mom 2’ and during. 

“I want it to be more personal and also interview other reality stars and things like that, but in a different way than I would on Coffee Convos or Baby Mamas [No Drama],” she added. “I don’t want you guys to think it’s taking away from Coffee Convos or Baby Mamas [No Drama] in any way, it’s very different.” 

In the trailer for the new podcast, Kail introduces herself to listeners as their “favorite villain and podcast host,” before joking that podcasting is the only thing that she’s good at. 

I wouldn’t say the ONLY thing…

” … With that being said, I’m bringing you the most raw, real, uncomfortable conversations with guests you’d never expect,” she continued. “Is it my ex? Is it your ex? Things are definitely going to get weird … .” 

Farrah Abraham hands out cease & desist orders & threatens to file a “lawsuite” against people who call her the “Backdoor Teen Mom” or say she sells poop. 

“Hate crimes! Hate crimes! Everywhere!”

(Now that’s a sentence The Ashley never thought she’d have to write…) 

Farrah is fightin’ mad and ready to distribute cease and desist orders to anyone who dares to discuss any of her, um, “posterior activities.” 

After several of her ‘Teen Mom Family Vacation’ co-stars took to social media this week to poke fun at Farrah’s side gig of dealing her own dung, Farrah threatened to take legal action against them, as well as a few media outlets and TikTokers who have referred to her as the “Backdoor Teen Mom” and discussed her poop-hocking. In a message posted to Instagram Stories on Friday, Farrah announced she would be sending out cease and desist letters and would file a “lawsuite” against them if they didn’t stop.

“I have two words for you: PER.LAW.”

(It appears that Farrah is alleging that she was not selling poop and it was just a joke or this weird poop slime she’s selling on her website. However, several videos from her OnlyFans that have recently circulated the Internet show Farrah actually engaging in these, um, crappy, activities. Ashley Jones recently posted a screenshot of one Farrah’s bathroom fetish online offerings, which include several excrement options.) 

Naturally, she accused the media outlet @BarStoolSports (no pun intended) of committing a “hate crime” against her by posting a tweet calling her the “Backdoor Teen Mom” (which was the name of her sex tape), and by posting this video about her poop-selling ventures.


“I did not consent being called the title that you called me nor did I title a video your obsessed with, nor you are not allowed to continue misinformation on watermarked content I own. Remove this now legally you do not have my consent. Defamation.

“@egotastic and @barstoolsports cease & desist spreading false information on poop or toilet paper etc regards to my name as it’s illegal and false,” she tweeted. “You do not have my consent on posting this and I’ve never done that. Defamation is against the law. Sorry to s**t buyers.”

“If you do not delete all of your misogynistic, patriarchy, hate crime, defamation ‘Back door teen mom’ titles down in association with my name I’m filing a law suite,” she wrote on Instagram Stories on Friday.

Farrah then seemed to acknowledge that the content being posted about does exist; however, she is the owner of it and it’s illegal to repost it, as it’s copyrighted material. (This is actually true.) 

“[You] continue to share illegal content I own and mislead people. I’ve had enough damage on my life and I’ve already said to stop and take it down. I’m filing a lawsuit today and I hope @Barstoolsports shuts down. If you dont’ have a law degree don’t be a failed journalist.” 

She then claimed that she is “checking into a trauma treatment program.” 

Kiaya Elliot calls out MTV for continuing to give Farrah Abraham a platform. 

“You’re the worst.”

Teen Mom: Young and Pregnant star Kiaya Elliott may not have witnessed Farrah’s recent return to the ‘Teen Mom’ franchise, but she did watch it happen on TV and she’s not only upset by Farrah’s antics, but also at MTV for giving Farrah yet another opportunity to, well… be Farrah. 

“I don’t understand why they keep giving [Farrah] TV time after constantly proving her ignorance,” Kiaya wrote. “She always goes on these rants about how she hates [‘Teen Mom’] but when they call her she comes running I don’t get it. [‘Teen Mom’] should have been cut ties with her.”

Kiaya seemed to then take a swing at the other ‘OG’ moms as well. 

“It’s disgusting to watch these older YT teen moms act so oblivious like they don’t know what and what not to say. It’s sad!” 

Kiaya even let people know what she would bring to the show if MTV was to do a second season of ‘Teen Mom Family Reunion’ and include her in the cast. 

Although she warned potential co-stars she wouldn’t tolerate anyone “trying” her, she added that it was “just a joke.” 

To read more recent ‘Teen Mom’ stories, click here

(Instagram; MTV; Twitter)

24 Responses

  1. Only difference is she’ll be alone in the podcasts to continue running her mouth about other peoples business.

  2. I thought Farrah was busy becoming a lawyer in her free time (after she gets through the pre-college readiness remedial class her Haterz at Harvard-Online said she needed to gain the basic writing skills to succeed in even their most basic adult-ed-for-all English 101 offering, natch). I guess she’ll need a remedial high school civics class, first, too?

    It’s not libel if it’s true, idiot. You’re a public figure (albeit, a much lesser one than you believe), AND you’ve published videos proving you did half of that, and you’ve made videos claiming you are selling your shit. If you even have part of a[n unwillable] claim, you’d have to be admitting you either never intended to make good on your shit commercial or that you planned to provide a different product than you were selling, making you guilty of fraud.

    Maybe someone else knows: I’m not sure what the federal laws are wrt shipping biohazardous materials, but when I first saw her highly detailed description of her, um, manufacturing and shipping process, my first thought was that surely she wasn’t meeting the legal requirements to ship her shit, so, the irony is that she probably couldn’t be charged with fraudulent marketing or sales of something that wasn’t legal to sell or ship in the first place; in that case, she’d need someone to step forward as the buyer of her illegal product to prove she wasn’t just another Internet prankster. Shame, as it would have been such beautiful shitenfraude if her self-righteous threats led to her being charged with far greater crimes.

    Still, it’s an easy enough case to prove it’s not libel that I really hope one of these sites will take what would be a basic nuisance case and she HER for harassment and libel for making such threatening, inflammatory, and false statements in retaliation to their legally protected ones.

    I’m not sure she has anything of value besides, “allegedly,” her own excrement to sue FOR, but at least it would lead to a court-ordered exam for mental defect, which would have the potential of her earning herself a nice vacay under civil commitment and the involvement of CPS/DYFS to protect her minor child.

    Alas, I’d imagine most recipients would check with legal, learn that it would not be a financially viable undertaking, and simply post her lette on the office dartboard.

    And I’m left feeling guilty for watching this trainwreck occur in real time, left wondering whether her … body of work will end up in her being killed of killing someone else.

    The comedy, the tragedy, the vulgar fun, the dysfunctional familial manipulation and the deal with the devil: she’s her very own Shakespearean and Faustian monster. (Or, as her long-suffering English professor might have made put it to try to teach someone with such a limited scope of knowledge, it’s the monster of Lindsay Lohan in The Parent Trap and Lindsay Lohan on a yacht.

    So at least Farrah really has achieved her teenage and twenty-something dream? That’s nice.

  3. Re: Cory blames Grandmother
    I blame your Grandmother too for seeing you appear on EVERY and ANY MTV crap show. Thanks a lot Granny. P.S. Glad your baby with Cheyenne wasn’t white cuz we all know what she wants to be done to white babies.

  4. Has anyone here ever listened to one of Karla podcasts? I tried to listen to the one with Vee. Because I like Vee. But Vee doesn’t get to speak. Karl talks over her and answers her own questions to her. Vee is just there to laugh and agree with Karl. It’s a shame.
    As for this other “secret” man. Baby daddy number 4. Mark my words.

  5. These teen “moms” complain about one another; how vile one is over the other. In truth, they are all one and the same. Exploiting their children to make enough money to prevent them from getting real jobs. These women are not mothers. They are opportunists in the worse way.

    1. Chelsea was NOT opportunist, and tbh I don’t Cheyenne is either.

      The rest of the girls, you may have a point.

        1. You never said “of the moms in the article…” you said “these teen “moms” and how they are “one and the same”

          Which leads to thinking that you are talking about all the moms.

          If you don’t want speculation, learn how to be specific.

          1. Wow… that’s great. I’ve never seen anyone admit to their lack of reading comprehension like you just did. I’m proud of you, sis.

            By the way; I am only responsible for what I say. Not what you understand. And certainly not what you choose to invent.

          2. First off, don’t call me sis. Second, you may LOOK like Chelsea but you obviously have the ignorant brainwaves of say…Leah.

  6. Glad someone had the guts to call MTV out.
    They know she made racist comments before. Taylor got for for less but they rehire Farrah?
    Taylor didn’t get fired because of racism, she was sacrificed for a good PR moment.
    I don’t let my kids watch MTV, it’s unethical entertainment.

  7. WHO listens to her podcasts though??? And why??? It’s just an oral diary for her. I don’t see how that could possibly be successful or desirable???

  8. Who in the freaking world gives a fuck about Kailyn Lowery? Her opinions? Relationship skills? Her winning ways with people? Wtf? I just don’t understand.

  9. Other then the lady I had a fight with on Facebook over a year ago, who in the world is listening to Kail’s podcasts. She honestly should be the next ‘teen mom’ that should be fire. MTV made a monster out of Kail, just like they did with Farrah and Jenelle

  10. They are going to have these teen mom people on til their in their 50’s and their kids are having babies at this point! Time to let them go MTV it’s getting kinda ridiculous.

  11. kail REALLY loves podcasts ? way better form of income than selling her own sh!t like the racist backdoor teen mom who i bet doesn’t even have money to sue ??‍♀️

  12. Kailyn is trying to get a 100 million dollar podcast contract going like Joe Rogan. ??? Gurl Bye. She is so not interesting.

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