Nick Cannon Talks Being a Father of 12 and if More Are on the Way on Howie Mandel’s Podcast: ‘I Think I’m a Man of Abundance’

“Maybe 12 is enough.”

Nick Cannon was the guest on this week’s episode of the Howie Mandel Does Stuff podcast, talking with his former America’s Got Talent costar about his busy working life, health and fatherhood. Howie Mandel made regular reference to Nick’s large number of offspring throughout the episode titled “Nick Cannon Didn’t Pull Out,” at one point joking (?), “That’s another thing, when Nick is not in production, he’s in reproduction.”

So what’s it like having 12 kids with six different mothers? According to Nick, it’s a challenge he’s definitely up for. “It’s funny because I get why the outside looking in is like, ‘That doesn’t make sense. How can one person do all of that?’ but it’s the same thing when people say that about all of the multiple things that I do in my life,” Nick said on the podcast. “I think I’m a man of abundance and it’s just I have so much to give and even, of course, everything is challenging, you know, but the fact that I get to see all of my children in one day and spend time with them each and every day when I’m in town, even when I’m not in town I take them with me. I love the challenge. I’m at a point in my life where I can dedicate my entire existence to them even when I’m working, it’s all to benefit my children, so it’s, to me, I don’t see it as an issue.”

He does give a lot of credit to his “baby mamas,” as Howie had way too much fun calling Brittany Bell, Mariah Carey, LaNisha Cole, Abby De La Rosa, Alyssa Scott and Bre Tiesi. “If I didn’t have such amazing women in my life, it wouldn’t work, I’m gonna be honest, if I had people who were vindictive, jealous and angry, none of them are like that,” Nick said.

While he’s co-parenting his 12 kids and running his many productions and businesses, Nick isn’t starting any new relationships, admitting on the podcast that he hasn’t been on a date in a year or two. “It’s the amount of time, because even you can admire someone but it’s like to actually build real rapport you need time, and that’s something that I feel I don’t have because that’s time I should be either focusing on work or focusing on my kids,” he said.

Because of his reputation as a generous provider, Nick said he’s learned to avoid getting involved with people who’d want to take advantage of being in a relationship with him. “I probably shouldn’t be around you if you think it’s a come-up to get pregnant by me,” he said on the podcast. “I try to stay away from, I’ve seen those kinds of people, and even in jest, ‘I want to be your next baby mama,’ but I feel like that’s a lot of joking, but if I’m really trying to get to know someone, I would think that we would be a little bit more evolved.”

If Nick did get into a new relationship, that woman would have to fit in well with his unconventional family. “My life is so out in the public, it’s not a secret how I move, how I operate, so when one does meet me, they kind of know, like, ‘I kind of know what I’m getting into,’ but then, based off of every relationship that I have currently, all the mothers of my children, we are all legit, and I know it sounds crazy, but we are all legitimately friends,” he said.

Several times during the episode, Nick was asked if he was done having children, but wouldn’t quite commit to 12 being it. At the episode’s end, though, he gave a somewhat more definitive answer. “I’ll give you a solid answer, as of right now, no, like, I’m good with my dozen, but everyone, there’s no way to answer that question correctly because everyone has a problem with however I answer it, so I just say, as of right now, I have 12 and I’m very happy, but who knows, I don’t know what’s in store in the future,” he said.

Howie ended the interview wondering since Nick wasn’t planning to have more children if he was using birth control. “I’m going to be honest, some of the, hey, I’ve got some super sperm or something, because I’ve practiced birth control and people still got pregnant, but to say that I’m trying to be as responsible as I possibly can,” he said.

Watch the full interview below:

7 Responses

  1. I recently saw an article where he claimed he sees all of his children daily…
    ON what planet?! He has homes in New Jersey and I thought in the LA area… I know Brittany Bell is in Arizona, Abby De La Rosa, Lanisha Cole and Bre Tiesi are in LA, Alyssa is in Texas, and Mariah is either in New York, Atlanta or Beverly Hills. Very impressive he can visit all of them every single day with all that distance in between them LOL. He also literally Told Howard Stern in like, 2017, that he DOES NOT wear condoms. Then recently he said as well, “Contrary to popular belief, I’m probably engaged throughout my children’s day, more often than the average adult can be”. I just don’t believe that. He is just… gross. Get it snipped already, dude

  2. Anyone else feel like “super sperm” is him being bad at using condoms?

    Not like sabotaging them by poking holes in the tip or “stealthing”, but never actually looking at the full directions and not pinching air out of the tip or waiting too long and having it half slip off or using one he forgot he left in the center console of his car eight years ago.

  3. He’s a man of abundance in arrogance, ego and money, sure. He’s not in abundance of anything else, however.

    He does NOT spend time with most of his kids-this has been said countless times over the last few years. In fact he spends almost no time with any of them, except for photo ops. He sends them money, but that does not make him a parent. He does not co-parent, he does not take care of his children outside of providing financial assistance, He often forgets their names. He’s virtually a government agency doling out a monthly expense for the lives he SHOULD be present for to help build them up into amazing people and create the lives they deserve. He doesn’t want the actual responsibility associated with that part, though, so he just sends money and stops by when the cameras are able to roll and he can sell the images.

    He’s a disgusting human being and should be neutered. ANY woman that chooses to have a child with him, knowing who and what he is, has absolutely no self respect and certainly none for her child(ren) or potential. Even most of his “baby mamas” now clearly have no self respect or respect for their children. Sure, they’ll take his money and they’re just fine with that because he’s got way more than he’ll ever need. Their children need more than that, though, it’s sad they choose not to see this.

  4. Of course you didn’t have time to go on a date! You were busy shagging women and impregnating them.

    If there’s anyone who REALLY needs a sex rehab, it’s him. And please, after you do, please go snip it.

  5. He is so gross. He is just one of those guys that thinks making babies with as many women as possible proves his “manhood”.?

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