EXCLUSIVE! Andrew Glennon Files Emergency Motion to Suspend ‘Teen Mom’ Amber Portwood’s Parenting Time with Their Son

“Time to wheel my couch back into the courtroom!” 

The nasty custody battle between Teen Mom star Amber Portwood and her baby daddy Andrew Glennon has ramped up again, after the Teen Mom stars had seemingly enjoyed several months of relative peace after establishing a custody plan for their son, James, last year. 

The Ashley can exclusively reveal that, on May 26, Andrew filed an emergency motion to suspend Amber’s parenting time with their son.

Days later, Amber responded and filed a motion to have Andrew’s request dismissed. She also asked the judge to make Andrew pay for her attorney’s fees for the work done because of Andrew’s emergency motion.

The judge did not dismiss Andrew’s motion. A hearing has been set for June 29 in Indiana. Since Andrew currently lives in California, a judge approved his request to appear at the hearing via remotely.

In the days since, Andrew has filed a witness list and/or a list of exhibits that he feels will show that Amber’s parenting time with James should be suspended. On Tuesday, Amber filed a rebuttal.

“You can be sure my ‘buttal be on the comfiest seat in the court room, fighting ol’ Andy!”

As The Ashley previously reported, James moved from Indiana to California with Andrew last year, after Andrew was granted sole custody of the five-year-old. In January, the court ruled that Amber could have five overnights a month with James.

As part of the custody agreement, Amber has been ordered to fly to California every other month for visitation with James, with Andrew being ordered to bring James to Indiana on the alternating months for visits, as well. 

Amber has yet to mention the upcoming hearing on social media, However, her recent social media posts have indicated that something is going on in her life.

“You need a little rain to bloom,” Amber posted on Instagram. 


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A post shared by Amber Leann Portwood (@realamberlportwood1__)

“Lately my spirit has been telling me to lay low & be patient. Observe & take nothing personal, but take everything for what it is,” Amber posted on Wednesday to Instagram Stories. “This comeback is personal, it’s an apology to myself for putting up with s**t I didn’t deserve.” 

The Ashley will update this story when more info is available.

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(Photos: MTV; Instagram)

48 Responses

  1. Amber. Should get back his son now. I don’t likeit. Him. Abused. To. Her. I don’t belevie. Of him doing. Abuse. Try aways from. Her son. Damn so. Amber want back his son period.

  2. I feel very bad for James… And I personally think Andrew is just as unstable as Amber. I mean, he was the one that decided to have a baby with her… I sincerely hope this wasn’t done to avoid having to financially shell out for the trips or out of spite… While Amber does have BPD, none of us truly know what she has done, if anything (to be fair and with her history), to treat it. I have BPD but I have custody of all three of my sons- I always have. Two of my boys are 10 and one is 3- and I also fully financially support all of them. I’ve never had ANY trouble with the law. I haven’t even had a traffic ticket in over a decade. No CPS involvement ever and my childrens father would tell you I’m one of the most compassionate people he knows and a damn good mother. However- I fall low on the spectrum of BPD and I have always been on top of it- I take medication, have engaged in CBT and DBT, talk therapy, am 100% sober, have a good support system, take care of myself and literally live for my children. Anyway- BPD isn’t a one situation fits all and while yes, there are many cases where people with it are unstable, there are plenty of us that live completely normal, drama free lives.

  3. I feel so badly for Amber. Here is a guy who purposely worked near Amber to get an in with her. He does, and moves in then when Amber is pregnant, it’s like he got the golden goose. As soon as their son was born, he wanted money. Give me your house and give me husband pay. Oh, and I also need your money to raise our son. Then I become bored. Maybe I will move back to California. Make it harden on Amber. How much more destruction can this guy commit? Stay tuned because I’m sure he will find a way.

    1. Amber put this upon herself because she’s mentally unstable and has picked men and drugs over children!!!! She even served jail time for beating up Gary, whom has custody of their daughter and he rightfully deserves to have custody of Leah just like Andrew has custody of James!!! In fact, Amber has been caught red handed doing drugs with James in her presence thanks to the nanny cameras plus she threatened to physically harm Andrew holding their son. Put yourself in her children’s fathers in their shoes and your loved one threatened you on more than one occasion would you go for custody and would you protect everything from what you got or would you allow the abusive love have custody? If I was in their shoes I’d protect my children from the abuser/abuse no matter what even it means by protecting them from their parent!!!

      1. Where`s the proof she was caught doing drugs on a nanny camera? I want to see this. If this cant not be proven or you are repeating a rumor without facts, you should be careful as she can sue you liable for dragging her in a public forum and making false accusations. Also, you dont know the whole story nor does anyone. Im not judging someone because of a mental health issue or their past. I will give them both their day in court then hear what the judge decides. Its easy to be a faceless fake named judge on here. It actually takes a truly strong person to fight mental health demons and addiction. Stop judging people you dont even know.

    2. Amber put this upon herself because she’s mentally unstable and has picked men and drugs over her children!!!! She even served jail time for beating up Gary, whom has custody of their daughter and he rightfully deserves to have custody of Leah just like Andrew has custody of James!!! In fact, Amber has been caught red handed doing drugs with James in her presence thanks to the nanny cameras plus she threatened to physically harm Andrew holding their son. Put yourself in her children’s fathers in their shoes and your loved one threatened you on more than one occasion would you go for custody and would you protect everything from what you got or would you allow the abusive love have custody? If I was in their shoes I’d protect my children from the abuser/abuse no matter what even it means by protecting them from their parent!!!

    1. I also have Borderline and if you treat it, you can live a completely normal life. That is a very ignorant comment and I’m sorry your mom apparently didn’t treat it or didn’t treat it correctly but that simply isn’t the case for all of us. I have three boys- twin 10 year olds and a 3 year old and I’ve never had any CPS involvement and have had full custody of all three of them… And if you asked anyone, they would tell you I am a very good, present, loving, caring and provide for my sons. In fact, I don’t get child support so I have my day job and a side floral design business that has become relatively successful. While I am low on the spectrum of BPD, but technically hit some of the marks enough to be diagnosed as such, and also while I cannot speak for Amber personally, I just wanted to point out that those of us that treat it and stay on top of it- we live very normal lives and are good people.

  4. According to The Ashley’s update July 27th 2022 Amber and Andrew would both have to submit monthly drug tests for the next 6 months. So they would’ve ended January?

  5. When the custody ruling was made allowing Andrew to take James to Cali I thought this would happen because once she no longer had to pass court-ordered drug tests it would only be a matter of time before she strted using again.

    Does Amber’s drug use go in cycles linked to her ongoing weight loss and gain merry-go-round? i.e, over the years she goes through periods of court-ordered drug tests so she has to stop using and she piles on the weight, then she’s free of the drug tests and within months she’s posting pics of herself showing dramatic weight loss. I’ve noticed this many times. Has she lost a lot of weight lately? I live under a rock so not on social media. If so I bet she’s using again.

    I think she’s using again regardless to be honest. Amber will not change. She doesn’t see any reason to. None of this is her fault, it’s all ALWAYS everyone elses fault!

  6. I bet someone found out that he wasn’t being watched because she was sleeping until noon or 1pm and he was probably up at 6am. All of her boyfriends have talked about how she’s up all night and then sleeps most of the day. Which is fine when she’s alone, but not when she’s in charge of watching her little son.

    Either that or something with drinking or drugs I’d guess.

    Anything “big” like abusing him, she’d be arrested, so I don’t think it’s anything like that.

  7. I bet she’s high 24/7 when he’s with her and being 5 yo he can pretty well tell everybody about it

  8. Who didn’t see this one coming?

    I knew this arrangement wouldnt last for very long. I couldnt see Amber sticking to it when the kid is 8, 10, 15 years old.

    1. Right! when she could barely see the one that lives/lived within a few miles of her. Andrew knew this would be the outcome eventually & I assume it is exactly why he did it. To get rid of her for good. Poor James

  9. This is a woman who
    •lost custody of ALL of her children
    •beat her first baby daddy
    •chased her second baby daddy AND HER BABY around with a machete
    •hasn’t gotten off her couch in 10 years except for when she was in jel.
    But she’s a mom so of course she should be around her kids. Mmhmm sure.

  10. For everyone attacking this guy for keeping a child from his mother can we all remind you of how poorly she treated Leah, how many times she’s claim she’s clean only to be caught out doing drugs. How many men has she been guilty of domestic battery against yeah, let’s keep all that in mind I’m not taking his side yet per se but I’m saying he has a good rate to be cautious. Personally, I wouldn’t trust amber Portwood alone in a room with a cheeseburger let alone a small child.

    1. And there were audio recordings of Amber hitting, threatening and trying to blackmail Andrew. You could hear her scream for him to get out with “it” and that she never wanted “it” anyway. You could then hear her throw something and make contact. Andrew yelled “Stop throwing things at me, I have the baby!” She replied “I don’t give a fuck if you have IT”. I don’t feel bad for her at all. I don’t like Andrew but he is the lesser of two evils and I believe he cares for his son. There were also multiple interviews with two Nanny’s who both said that Amber ignored James and had nothing to do with him and that Andrew was the one consistently taking care of James. She is a POS and the farthest thing from a loving mother.

      1. Wow I didn’t know that she called James “it” and said those things. I remember hearing Andrew say stop it but I didn’t hear any other recordings. I can’t imagine a mother saying that about their baby.. She has some serious issues when it comes to her parenting skills or lack there of and her lack of mother intuition. I hope she gets true help. That psychiatrist she sees obviously isn’t doing it for her.

    2. I personally wouldn’t have hooked up with Amber after seeing her on MBC. He knew what he was getting into.

    3. This child is fully old enough to go home to his father and tell him ALL ABOUT what goes on at his mother’s house. If i were in his shoes, id be a nervous wreck about that kid spending time with Amber. I would also be making sure that every time he comes back home, I’ve got at least two witnesses (and maybe a camera running) that records him telling me all about his trip and what transpired. I have no doubt that she “loves” him, but we’ve seen the mind games she plays with her daughter. Her version of “love” is asking the kid to make HER feel loved.

      Id also like to know, how at 6/7 years old, this kid is supposed to keep up going to Indiana from California, for five days every month- is he supposed to miss half a week of school every single month?

      Or is this custody order in place, literally just long enough til he starts school. Because seriously… How is a kid supposed to travel out of state that often?!

  11. Something major must have happened for Andrew to file an emergency order and the judge not dismiss it outright. I hate this for little James. Poor kiddo has been through enough with these two.

  12. Regardless of my personal opinions about either of these LOSERS, not cool to keep a young boy from his mother. Andrew is a total douche and disaster of a human being

    1. I mean, it’s also not cool to attack your child’s father with a machete…especially while he is holding that child.

    2. A mother who attacked her baby daddy with a machete, while said baby daddy was holding the child. What kind of mother does that? Clearly a bad one..

    3. A female who had no qualms with putting a child’s life in danger, any time she felt the desire to do so, does not deserve to be called a mother. Amber has *never* been a mother. She is an abusive (physically and psychologically) POS who only thinks about herself-it’s been proven time and time again. It actually takes quite a lot of bad shit to happen in order for a judge to limit visitation/take away custody from a female. Courts will nearly always side with the female unless there is sufficient evidence that they should not. The same cannot be said about males/fathers, though.

      The court removed her from his life and limited her contact with him for damn good reason. The judge also did not dismiss Andrew’s motion because the judge had sufficient evidence that it was warranted.

      People may not like Andrew as a person and he has plenty of faults-but he’s actually a good parent. Amber has never been, since the day she got pregnant with Leah, ever been a parent, let alone a good one.

      1. I wish this judge could’ve been on the Janelle Evens case! She had some woman judge that completely ignored all of the physical abuse that little Kaiser suffered at the hands of Janelle’s husband David.That poor little guy should have been taken out of his mothers home and given to his father, who is also a pos, but the lesser of two evils. At least Kaiser was happy at his dads and his dad loved him and didn’t abuse him the way his mother and David do. I guess the child is always at the mercy of the judge. But I bet this judge that is protecting Amber’s son would’ve done the same for poor Kaiser.

        1. Honestly, the court system where Jenelle lives is horrendous when it comes to protecting children. I have firsthand experience with them, and it’s absolutely awful the shit mothers (and their live-ins/bfs/lovers/spouses/wtf-evers) can get away with and still keep custody or visitation.

          Some states and some judges do a fantastic job of protecting and thinking solely in the child’s best interest. Thankfully the number that do is growing, but there are some-far too many-who do not.

          I have no doubt that if the judge who handled this case handled Jenelle’s, she wouldn’t have custody or visitation with any of the children she gave birth to. They’d all be better for it too.

      2. Courts do not always side with the mother. That was true in the past, but hasn’t been the case in the last two decades.

  13. Amber “Always The Victim” Portwood needs to have several seats and quit with the stupid inspirational quotes. Neither of her kids are in her custody. No one should be taking anything the couch dweller says seriously.

    1. I still can not believe she is still on the show probably making $600,000 a year. I quit watching because of her. She is an abuser and has never been a “teen mom” except for a few months with Leah!

      1. Janelle is even worse then Amber if you can imagine that! All of these poor kids suffer so much because of these stupid woman who should NEVER have had kids.

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