‘Teen Mom’ News Pile: Jenelle Evans Shows Off Potential New Soulmate; Devoin Austin Announces He’s Moving Away From Daughter & More

“…and please let this next soulmate have a job AND shower AT LEAST once a week. Amen!”

From moving on to a new dude, to moving to a new state, it’s been another busy week for the stars/former stars of the Teen Mom franchise! In an effort to bring you up-to-date on the latest Teen Mom Family ReunionTeen Mom OG and Teen Mom 2 news, The Ashley brings you the Teen Mom News Pile.

Here are some of the major (and minor but interesting) ‘Teen Mom’-related things that happened over the last week or so…Jenelle Evans Wants Everyone to Know There’s a New Potential Soulmate In Her Life

Jenelle, thinking about getting to have sex with someone who (presumably) doesn’t smell like dirty beard and seawater… (probably)…

There may be a new addition to the “Jenelle Evans Roster ‘o’ Soulmates!” 

The fired ‘Teen Mom 2’ star— who is legally separated from her husband David Eason— recently posted a new video to social media to make sure everyone (including her estranged swampy spouse) knows that she’s seeing (or at least seemingly boinking) a new dude. 

In the video– which is set to the Artemas’ “I Like the Way You Kiss Me”— Jenelle is riding in a car, holding on to the arm of what appears to be a man.

@jenellelevansJust living my best life 🙃🙌🏻♬ i like the way you kiss me – Artemas

Just as Jenelle was likely hoping, the video got her a lot of attention in the comment section, with many people asking if “the arm” was actually attached to David. Jenelle denied this, and insisted “the arm” belonged to someone who is “just a friend.”

In other comments, though, Jenelle made a point of hinting that she and  “the arm” were getting it on, stating that she has every right to hump someone new, now that she’s not with David.

“They act like I need to be celibate,” Jenelle told one person who defended her for having “fun” with a new guy.

Many people in the comment section voiced their opinion that Jenelle needs to stay single for a while. (Just a month or so ago, Jenelle herself vowed not to jump into another relationship, telling her TikTok followers at the time, “It’s time to heal right now.'”)

“I’m healed!! It’s a miracle! I don’t even see molecules no more! Nothing that a lil’ alleged pickle tickle can’t cure!”

Others focused on trying to reveal the identity of “the arm.”

“Plot twist— she’s back with Andrew!” one person suggested. (As fans know, Andrew Lewis is the father of Jenelle’s oldest son Jace. He recently came back into Jace’s life after nearly 14 years of being M.I.A.) 

“Kieffer? Is that you?” another one joked. 


Devoin Austin Reveals He’s Moving Away From Florida– and His Daughter 

“I think also moving away from that particular hairstyle might be a good idea. Just sayin’!”

Call the U-Haul– Devoin is on the move!

The ‘Teen Mom 2’ dad revealed on Friday that he is making a big life change in the next few weeks and relocating from Florida to his home state of Michigan for a career opportunity. Devoin, who is the father of Briana DeJesus‘ daughter Nova (and also a pseudo-dad to her other daughter Stella), wrote on Instagram Stories how sad he is to move away from the girls and his family.


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“Very bittersweet moment I am currently living in,” Devoin wrote, adding that he is so thankful for the life he’s had in Florida for the past 20 years. “Got blessed with my beautiful angel [Nova] who happen to come with another beautiful angel [Stella]. However I am moving from Florida back to Michigan in a few weeks due to a great career opportunity.

“Leaving the girls will be extremely hard for me,” he continued. “My mom, my pops, sisters, all my brothers I made. I’m not [going] forever. Just [going] for now to rewrite my book.”

“Sooo…does that mean I’m gonna actually be expected to show up for my own kid? Well, damn. Thanks a lot, Devoin!”

Devoin went on to write that a similar thing happened to him when he was about 10, when his own father moved from Michigan to Florida.

“I remember how it made me feel as his child,” he wrote. “So I know what Nova is going thru.”

He added that he is “super blessed” to have the support of Briana (and the whole DeJesus clan) about his decision to move. 

“Coming from me, that’s a compliment!” 

“[This] has to be done for the future,” he wrote. “I seen what a move like this did for my pops and it turnt him up to a whole new level and he never looked back. I been surviving and making s**t happen in Florida but nowhere near where I should be. And that’s OK. Bc I’m still standing strong.

“I’ll be back Florida. It’s time to elevate beyond my expectations. I WANT MORE!” 

Devoin did not reveal what career opportunity he’s pursuing by moving to Michigan. Briana has yet to comment on Devoin’s announcement. 

Kail Lowry Says She Just Bought Land For All Her Kids to Live On When They Move Out One Day

“I’m about to create my own Kail Chaos Compound!”

Kail is currently building herself yet another new house, but the former ‘Teen Mom 2’ star is looking ahead to the future and preparing for when her (many, many) kids will want to move out of her house. In a TikTok video posted this week, Kail revealed that she recently purchased some land for her kids to build their own houses on when they’re adults.

“I just bought 20 acres for my kids to potentially be able to build on that land one day,” the mom of seven said. “And I am in absolutely no rush for them to move out of the house that they live with me in. I don’t think any of us could have prepared ourselves for the state of this economy and the cost of living.”

“Whoever’s dad I’m not fighting with at the time gets the bigger lot of land!”

Kail spoke about the trend of parents booting their children from their homes when the kids turn 18, so they can live on their own. Kail— whose own mom Suzi signed rights to Kail over to the parents of Kail’s then-boyfriend Jo Rivera when Kail was a pregnant teen— said she doesn’t agree with this practice. 

“I keep seeing all this stuff about kicking your kids out when they turn 18,” she said. “My mom wiped her hands clean of me when I was 16 years old and I’ve struggled ever since. I just don’t think it’s appropriate. I didn’t ask to be [born]. Your child is a child, so I can’t understand the idea of kicking your child out [of your house] before they’re ready.

“I struggled for years and years and years, and it wasn’t until being on TV— which doesn’t happen for most people— to get on my feet.”

“Oh sure…blame me! I was there for you– who did I always ask to refill my drink, huh!?”

Kail went on to explain that— with rent for small apartments skyrocketing– kids aren’t prepared to try to pay for one when they’re 18.

“It’s just unrealistic to expect your 18-year-old child to have the skills necessary to survive outside of your household,” she said. “I don’t understand that pressure for independence at such a young age when half of you can’t even self-regulate as 30- and 40-year-old adults.

“Instead of forcing our kids out of the house before they’re ready, why don’t we normalize multi-generational homes, or situations where we all help each other?” she continued. 

“I would rather have my child set up for success to move out at 25 or 30, than for them to be forced out at 18 or 19 and struggling to get by….when we chose to have our baby, we were signing up for the long-haul, so it is so hard for me to process someone counting down the days until their child moves out of the house.”

You can watch the video below! 

@kaillowry #kaillowry #kailandthechaos @Bloom Nutrition #bloompartner ♬ original sound – Kailyn Lowry

To catch up on more recent ‘Teen Mom’ news, click here!

(Photos: TikTok; MTV; Instagram) 

37 Responses

  1. OMFG Really Janelle?! Can you NOT be alone?! You all KNOW that even if she’s just boinking this new dude, she would head right into a relationship because she can’t live without validation from a man and cannot be alone. it’s seriously PATHETIC. “Time to heal” uhhhh sure. You didn’t even give it 30 days LOL. As far as Kail goes, I cannot believe I am going to say this but… I agree. I would never throw my kids out at 18. I have told my kids that they can stay for however long they’d like BUT after 18 they are expected to either be in school, working or seeking work. Period. That is just so they aren’t sitting on their butts. I think it’s incredibly messed up, especially nowadays where mental health concerns continue to be an issue and emotional maturity isn’t what/where it used to be. Kicking your kids out too, because YOU were kicked out- is also incredibly wrong. Sorry, not sorry!

  2. I feel so damn bad for Jenelle’s kids. She cares more about herself than she does her kids and it fuckin SHOWS.

  3. I hope Jeanelle found a bro that will whip David’s ass! How it feel Dave to know yo wife getting 🍆 from another? Pregnant in 6-12months

  4. The idea Kail presents, is not a bad idea, and the motives she claims, are also not bad ideas. That said, I don’t believe that’s her actual motivation. It would be, and is, for plenty of other people, but it doesn’t really apply to someone who is so not at all (and she admits this herself) maternal. I think her main motivation is that she wants to keep them near her. Without them, Kail feels she has no one to love her, and she needs that. I’m sad for her, I have always been, because she has children so that someone will love her and she’ll have the family she thinks she deserves. My sympathy ends there though, because these are children and they need your love more than you need their love. She skipped that part of parenting. It will always bother tf out of me that she glosses over her kids’ actual needs and focuses so much on her own. It makes it difficult to see any of the good parental choices she makes in the right light (and, admittedly, those choices are also few and far between)

    There is 100% chance that Jenelle has been, doing whatever it is she’s claiming she’s doing, with this dude for a long time. There is absolutely 0% chance this is some “new” thing, that she waited two months, or that this is “just a friend”. She lies like a rug, and it’s a shitty rug at that.

  5. Ahhhh don’t you love Kails advice?? I myself need advice from a woman with 4 baby daddy’s.. and Janelle is totally irresponsible

  6. -If she’s actually doing it for the right reasons (helping her kids, not to just be controlling Jim Bob style) then I really like that Kail bought the land. We have two acres backed up to a state forest and if all goes well and we don’t have to sell it, it’s so our five kids can put small houses or trailers on it when they’re grown and not have to worry so much. We live in Florida where land prices are sky-rocketing.

    -Anybody surprised Jenelle has another man already? No? That’s what I thought. I think we can all agree it’s kind of surprising she actually waited two months instead of moving him in the second David left.

    -I truly hope Devoin does right by those girls and doesn’t just dip out of their lives. Hopefully he actually does have a good job opportunity and it will work out for everybody.

  7. Devoin will love Michigan. Plenty of casinos and recreational weed with some of the cheapest prices in the country!

  8. That’s a very smart move by Kail, investing in real estate is a great way to spend her money & the kids will benefit later in life.

    1. I feel so bad for Nova and Stella. They both seemed so fond of Devoin. I don’t know any specifics, so it’s hard to judge the decision. It seems like Devoin sees both girls pretty frequently. I hope he FaceTimes and speaks to them regularly.

  9. Well I’m proud to say that I started parenting my children from day one and I’m proud to say by the time they turned 18 they were well equipped to handle their life when they moved out. Everyone struggles and it’s those struggles they educate. My oldest daughter purchased her first home by herself at the age of 21 and my youngest moved halfway across the country for college and remained there since she graduated over 10 years later. I’m a proud parent to know I raised my kids to be self-sufficient, strong and handle life and I know that if something ever happened to me, they would be just fine. Again, we all struggle from time to time and I’m not sure Kaitlyn is doing this for her kids or herself.

    1. You know who this is for. Bc every 22 yr old man wants to live next to his overbearing mama.

      Can you imagine when they start dating?

    2. Were you looking for a trophy with that long boast of yours? Pretty narcissistic and uninformed of others lots in life but…you do you.

  10. I actually like Kail’s idea. Get some tiny houses/prefabs out there and the kids can have their own pads for not much $$ and still have privacy? I would have jumped at that chance. You can even buy a house on Amazon delivered to a lot now.

  11. Jenelle is an asshole. She is almost a cartoon villain at this point, same plot different episode. It would be funny if it wasn’t actually causing trauma to other human beings.
    This is my thinking when it comes to people like Jenelle that are perpetually in toxic relationships. She is shitty, and comes with a ton of BS, so anyone that sticks around is likely to have their own BS and toxic traits. Being together means
    They are safe with each other’s secrets, being apart could mean mutual destruction. It’s a like a sick contract.
    Maybe dating a person that is actually worth a damn threatens their existence as life long, narcissistic goblins?

  12. I think Kail’s intentions are really sweet. I had an awful home life similar to hers and I moved out the second I could. I struggled for years afterwards and it w as brutal. Even if the kids decide they don’t want to live on this land, it’s an option available to them if needed.

  13. Anyone see the video where Karl is talking about IVF to have another child with Elijah? 🫣

  14. ‘My baby daddi may leave me, but my kids never will.’ Subtext of what co-dependent Kail is saying.

  15. Jenelle is probably faking or it’s David 🤣 Devoin I hope it works out for him, sad to see him moving though he’s been pretty good to both kids it seems. Kail, while that’s a smart idea….. Who’s to say the kids want to even be there when they’re older. 20 acres split 7 ways…. While it still is a pretty decent amount of land kinda sucks for the kiddos. Especially for the older ones she stresses out by having more kids when they begged her not to.

    1. I thought it was a stuffed arm.. like one you’d hang out of your trunk for Halloween.

      Right. Who wants to be trapped by your half siblings you begged your mother not to have for your entire life?

      And who would buy your house
      near all of your half siblings when you want to move away?

  16. Welp. That didn’t take Jenelle long as expected. I am sure whoever he is, he also has skeletons in the closet. It’s the type of men she goes for.

    1. We know this to be true because there is NO WAY a sane and stable man would EVER get within 20 feet of her or her bulldozer vag

  17. I am confused as to why buying land is for her kids. It is expensive to build a home as well so what if the kids don’t want that? I know she is thinking of her kids and she could have already done this but just having a lump sum to go towards their first home would be better.

    1. The ones that appeared on teen mom have a trust MTV set up for them. But I’d imagine they want to use it to get away from her 😂

  18. This is incredibly reasonable and empathetic of Kail to do for her kids.

    Each kid would get approximately 2.5 acres of land. It’s an asset they can choose to sell or rent out if the child wants to live someonewhere else.

  19. I don’t understand how kail is so rich? No one listen to “coffee Convos” on Youtube?

    1. I don’t listen to any of Kails podcasts. But the other podcasts I listen to, I listen to on Spotify. Before I had Spotify, I used a different free podcast app. My point is that there are other apps to listen to podcasts other than YouTube.

  20. I mean I never thought I’d agree with Kail but here we are. Despite being an honors student and going to college immediately following high school my parents threw me out at 17 because it was what “their parents did to them”. Absolutely traumatizing and not ok. I was always jealous of people who had generational living situations, it would have saved me years of struggle.

    1. I am really sorry to hear your experience. My pet peeve is people that more or less, “punish” other people because they were punished at one time. It doesn’t make sense. Or, when people say “This will make you stronger” and throw you to the “wolves” where you struggle and will potentially suffer, when they could have easily helped you a little and set you up for success. I have three boys- twin 11 year olds and a 4 year old. I tell my older two all the time that I will never, ever throw them out at 18, but at 18 they will be expected to either be in school and/or have a job. They can’t just be sitting on their butts. I am actually 40 right now and after my divorce, and I was a stay at home mom- I went back to my moms and 8 years later I am still there. I could move out but my sons are so close to her (and so am I), I am single and for the last 6 years, I stay by choice. We are in California too and it’s insanely expensive here. I’d likely either be in a less than savory area, and/or we’d be crammed into a 2-3 bedroom apartment if we moved. I used to honestly resent the situation while I was getting back on my feet, but now I feel very fortunate and appreciate the generational living. Plus, after I started working I started paying half the mortgage so I didn’t feel like I was mooching off her. It could be because I lost my dad a few years ago so I’d rather spend as much time as I can with her and also she is gone a lot traveling so it’s ideal. Anyway- we are in the process of splitting the house into a duplex type of deal- She will have a large main room, a bathroom, a kitchenette and a bedroom- I will have the 3 bedrooms, 2 bath house with a full kitchen, living room… Anyway- If you have children I hope you will show them the compassion and help them succeed by not doing what your parents did. I hope the VERY best for you <3

  21. She’s actually being super reasonable and thinking of the kids. She is right, they did not choose to be born and it is our job as mothers to protect and guide them for life! If I could financially set my daughter up for life I would as well.

  22. How long until we hear Jenelle’s new man is soooooooo good, not like the rest? 🤦‍♀️

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