Mama June: Family Crisis star Alana Thompson is having a very intense housing crisis.
Alana recently took to social media to ask fans for help after revealing that she and her boyfriend Dralin Carswell are being booted from the house they’ve been renting in Colorado. The WEtv reality star claims that they have less than a week to secure a place to live. While some fans were sympathetic to the 18-year-old’s problem, others suggested that Alana ditch Dralin and do college solo, given that Dralin’s debt (and possibly his criminal record) appear to be holding Alana back.
As fans know, Alana moved to Denver, Colorado, last summer to attend Regis University, where she is currently studying to become a neonatal nurse. Dralin, whom Alana began dating publicly in 2021, moved to Denver with Alana last year.
In a TikTok posted by Alana and later reposted to Instagram by Alana’s mom, Mama June Shannon, Alana shared with fans that she is desperately in need of a place to live in the Denver area, as she and Dralin have allegedly run into an issue finding a place that will approve their rental application. While Alana pointed to her own lack of credit and Dralin’s student loan debt as the reasons no one will rent to them, fans spoke out, suggesting that it’s actually Dralin’s criminal record that’s making landlords hesitant to rent to them.

Alana pleaded on social media for her fans to help her and Dralin find a place to live by September 1.
“We have been looking, looking, looking, we have been looking up and down any and everywhere, but we are running into problems,” she said. “The main problem is Dralin has student loans on his credit and the balance is greater than $20,000 so they will not accept our freaking application.”
Alana said that, while she and Dralin meet all of the other requirements to rent a place–- including “making multiple times the rent”–- they are unable to get approved using solely her credit because she “has no credit.”
“ … Lana has zero credit,” Alana said, while oddly referring to herself in the third person. “Lana’s tryin’ to build her credit, but [she has] literally zero, zilch [at the moment]. So, we were just gonna do it in Dralin’s name, but, like I said, he has student loans and that is obviously running into play.”

Due to the deadline she and Dralin are facing, Alana said she is “starting to freak out” about her and Dralin not having a place to live, before going on to ask her “Denver peeps” for suggestions on how– or where– she can secure a home within the next week.
“ … I need help to find us a house,” she said. “I have went through multiple realtors, nothing has worked out. Literally, I have searched high and low all over Denver and nothing has worked out… Literally, I’m willing to drive two hours to school at this point. I just need a house, ok? I need a house and I don’t need it to break my pockets because I still have to pay for school.

“I don’t really care what it is,” she added. “I am not on the side of apartments because my dog really needs a yard but at this point, anything counts.”
After sharing Alana’s video to her Instagram feed, June’s comment section was flooded with fans encouraging Alana to utilize student housing instead of living with her boyfriend.
“Why is she dragging him around with her at this young [age], is my question?” one person asked. “She could be living in the dorms.”
“Can you live on campus? The boyfriend can go back home to Georgia,” another suggested.
Others speculated that it isn’t Dralin’s alleged student loan debt keeping the two from securing a place to live, but rather Dralin’s arrest record. As The Ashley previously reported, Dralin pleaded not guilty in October 2023 to charges stemming from a February 2023 police chase.
“Doubtful it’s the student loans.. more likely the arrest record,” one person wrote, with another adding, “It may be his background check – if he has a felony on his record, they may not rent to him.”
“You need to send that man home,” another person insisted. “I think it’s more than credit, I think it’s the criminal history of her boyfriend also. There is no reason why they wouldn’t renew their lease in that apartment if they were good tenants. And if she didn’t have her boyfriend tagging along to college she could get student housing. Y’all want to play grown so bad. Who takes a man to college with them????”
Another fan addressed Alana’s alleged lack of credit, pointing out that Alana mentioned having the same issue in 2023, but had still not done anything to fix the problem.
“Ok. Last year, she knew she had no credit and ran into issues,” the person wrote. “Why did you not establish some sort of credit? Having the money simply doesn’t matter. Hopefully they can find someone willing to rent, but in the meantime, establish some credit.”
Watch Alana’s video below.
UPDATE! Alana has responded to the criticism she received from her post. Click here for the latest update!
(Photos: Instagram; WEtv)
25 Responses
Though I greatly sympathize with Alana because of the parents she was born to, there is no way I would want her medically caring for my child. Her judgment and decision-making capabilities are, at best, horrendous. If they were even baseline, she could make decisions that prevent her bi-monthly crises. Instead, she chooses to beg the public for bailouts each time she gets herself into a jam.
I have $72,000 in student loans and I’ve been renting perfectly fine the last 10 years. Also if he doesn’t have a job he should have signed up for the income based repayment plan and not have defaulted on them but like everyone else said it’s probably his criminal record. Lots of places also just require first, last, and a security deposit if you don’t meet the credit requirements.
Why is it the new thing to do constant cut scenes in a video instead of just one freaking video all the way through. It makes everything feel so much faker. That just bothers me so much.
She wants to be treated like the grownup she is, well boo boo, it’s about time you learned that your sass and your ass won’t get you everything you want in life despite what your mama thinks. In fact, they’ll be a hindrance until the day you die if you don’t stop being such a POS person and grow up. This isn’t toddlers in tiaras anymore, it’s real life, tantrums won’t win you a pretty little grown and a paycheck. She’s no longer a child, so it’s perfectly acceptable to call her exactly what she is…lazy. This is the reason she struggles with anything, she’s lazy. This was the only college she could attend because her GPA and general school records disqualified her from most others. It’s pretty clear she’s still failing in the education department.
It’s about time she made herself some go-go juice so she can get-get a real clue and some motivation to be better and do better. Life has slapped her upside the head (pretty gently) and instead of taking that as a sign to grow tf up, she throws an ogre sized tantrum, puts her hand out and says “gimme”. Ffs, like mother, like daughter. It’s both her and her felonious bf that are preventing them from finding housing. His criminal record and her, well, everything record. It literal takes one search of her or him to find out the shit they pulled. I wouldn’t rent to her sorry ass either. It’s doubtful she’ll complete her educational program anyway-she’s still only functioning at a 6th grade, at best, level.
I hope she’s taking an English class while in college.
I have student loans and have an excellent credit rating and was able to get a mortgage, so I doubt that’s the full story.
Going to an expensive out-of-state school was a bad decision, dragging along Deadweight Dralin was an even worse one. She could have spent less than $5,000 a year going to a community college in Georgia and either stayed with Pumpkin or rented a much more affordable house. Her best bet would be to cut her losses and transfer because living in Colorado isn’t going to be sustainable if she insists on playing house with him.
I have WAY more student loans than that (Thanks, grad school!) and have never had a problem renting. And I have a dog in an apartment, but it’s fine because I get off my ass regularly and WALK HER. His unemployed ass could manage that while she’s at school. Frankly, they could both use the exercise. I’m betting they let the dog rip the place up because it’s bored and has too much energy, he has a record, and she’s lazy.
This little butterball needs to quit grifting. Her housing isn’t my responsibility or anyone else’s but hers. Even with junes big backed ass stealing her money she has still made more money than the average bear . Ditch the dude and live in a dorm or figure it out on your own. Bye girl.
Sadly, ‘fans’ will likely float this butterball some cash so she & her dipshit boyfriend can ‘live the dream’ 🥴
Bro is either behind on those loans or had a bad repayment history or his debt to income ratio is too high because of them. Wouldn’t surprise me if it’s all 3.
Not saying his rap sheet isn’t involved as well.
Girl needs to drop him already and focus on her.
I live in Denver, pretty close to cherry creek, which is relatively boujee. I’m about 1.5hrs from Regis by transit. It’s almost definitely the background check. If I (with no credit and living on a housing voucher) can get in somewhere, she can as well. There SO MANY places renting right now. She’ll probably have to settle for an apartment and pay pet rent, but ultimately, she needs to focus on school if that’s what she wants to be doing. Playing house is obviously not helping her right now and it doesn’t sound like he’s really contributing in any way.
I also have $22k in student loans from college. It’s not the loans holding her back.
Amazing in a place that will rent to students without full-time work, are not even US citizens as long as they have a co-signer and a bank account…
If I was so in need of a roof over my head I wouldn’t being sitting my arse on social media! But I guess that’s all she knows.
Im gonna take a guess that the place they were renting is for students of the college she WAS going to. For FULL TIME students who are enrolled for the fall semester. Not for a rude ungrateful begging loser.
And they need a house, not a dorm or apartment? Let Dralin take the dog and himself, and fly home, and let this girl actually give college a real try.
All I can think of when I see this, are those jerks who were doing all those TikTok Lives, selling carnival prizes, and being rude to actual “Fans” and people buying the crap. Unreal.
Thousands of people have student loans and rent. That is super common. No way are student loans the issue here when he’s got a criminal record.
Also, a young person who has no credit is usually able to ask their parent to guarantee them. Unfortunately, Alana didn’t exactly hit the lottery in the parent department. But yeah, this also wouldn’t have been an issue if Alana was staying on campus housing instead of trying to live in a house with her boyfriend.
In the hot real estate market of Denver, no landlord wants to rent a house (not apartment, as princess specified) to a trash TV child star, her broke felon boyfriend and a dog. Landlords have choices – go figure!
Fucking grifter trash. Remove those hideous lashes for one. Second, GET A FUCKING JOB, both of yall.
trash is trashing. 🗑️🗑️
also ~ why did she wait until the very last minute? ⌛
and saying ‘august 20 *of* 2024’ (instead of ‘august 20, 2024’ or just ‘august 20’) is odd. not sure if it’s a hillbilly 🗑️ thing, lack of education, maybe regional manner of speaking…just struck me as weird. 🤷🏼♀️
If they make so much more money than the actual rentals, then why the heck is he not paying off his debt?? Seriously some people are so stupid
My guess is that’s just plain not true.
Lots being left out here. Why are they being evicted or asked to move.
Landlords like money, so it’s obviously not a money issue or problem solved with money.
Plus, I’m sure she makes the mandatory 3X but not much more than that or she’d have more options.
If they really had “multiple times the rent”, they could get into an Airbnb or even a long stay hotel. Lots of those in aurora and some people have been there for years.
Having been a landlord in the past I can guarantee she is not telling the truth. My husband and I sold our last income property 5 years ago and no regrets. Getting decent tenants is tough. And an 18 year old with a boyfriend and a dog? No way would I consider them. Our last tenants were so called professionals with 2 little boys and brought a dog in that the contract stated absolutely no pets. We had the house in management and I would never use them again. The only way we could legally get them out was to announce we were selling the house, which er did after much work we did on our own. If Alana is so serious about her education, she needs to send the dog and the boyfriend back to where they came from or she needs to move out of Denver and attend school elsewhere. She claims to make all this money yet cannot find a rental? Sorry an 18 year old does not need a house or a dog.