Kathryn Dennis & Thomas Ravenel’s Custody Agreement is Finalized; Judge Rules Thomas Gets Final Say, No ‘Southern Charm’ Viewing for Kids & More

“What the hell are we supposed to do in our free time now?”

The schedules of exes Kathryn Dennis and Thomas Ravenel just opened up significantly as the couple finally reached and finalized a custody agreement for their two children, Kensie and Saint. 

In August, the Southern Charm couple made some progress in ending their long custody battle when a judge ruled that the parents would share temporary joint custody, with Thomas being the children’s primary legal custodian. However, their most recent trip to the courtroom finalized the judge’s previous custody ruling, according to People.

Documents obtained by All About the Tea claim that Thomas and Kathryn reached “a permanent and complete agreement” last week after determining it was in the best interests of their children to “settle between themselves all matters in issue.” According to the documents, the former couple will continue to share joint legal and physical custody and Thomas will remain the children’s primary custodian. 

“[Thomas] shall have a duty to consult with [Kathryn] on all major decisions involving the children, including, but not limited to, the children’s education, extra-curricular activities, religious training, non-emergency healthcare and general welfare,” the documents reads. “If after discussion the parties are unable to come to an agreement on an issue concerning the minor children, [Thomas] has final decision-making authority.” 

Let’s just hope he makes better decisions for his children than he does for himself…

As for day-to-day decisions regarding Kensie and/or Saint, those will be left up to whichever parent is caring for the children at that time. 

Thomas’ attorney confirmed the new custody agreement to People, while also elaborating on some of the details of the agreement. 

“The parties’ custody agreement awarded Mr. Ravenel primary legal custody of the minor children,” the attorney confirmed. “The parties currently share physical custody of the children on a 36 [percent]/64 [percent] split, with Ms. Dennis having the children five out of f14 overnights and Mr. Ravenel having the children nine out of 14 overnights.” 

The attorney went on to address changes to the agreement that will occur next summer. 

“This time-sharing arrangement is scheduled to change in the Summer of 2020, whereby the parties will then share physical custody of the children on a 50/50 week-on week-off basis,” he explained. “Ms. Dennis is required to employ a nanny during the majority of her time with the children and Mr. Ravenel has agreed to pay the nanny’s salary in lieu of child support.” 

According to the agreement, Thomas and Kathryn have agreed that Kensie and Saint will be raised in the Christian faith and “they desire that the minor children be confirmed.” As part of this detail, both are required to cooperate to see that their children attend the classes necessary for confirmation. 

In addition to creating a holiday and special occasions agreement, Kathryn and Thomas have agreed to not expose Kensie and Saint “to age-inappropriate/violent conduct, language, TV, videos, movies, books or materials of any kind.”

In a very Kathryn-and-Thomas-specific detail of the agreement, both are prohibited from allowing their children to watch any episode (or reunion special) of ‘Southern Charm.’ The document states that this particular restraint expires on each child’s thirteenth birthday. 

In the event that either parent has a romantic partner in the future, they have both agreed to not have “any person with whom they are romantically involved (excluding a spouse) stay overnight with them while the children are present.” They’ve also agreed not to discuss with their children (or permit anyone else to discuss with their children) “the parties’ past and/or present custody litigation, criminal record, and/or financial contributions to the other parent on behalf of the children,” nor can they make any disparaging remarks about each other to the children or on social media. 

“Whatever it takes to end this thing… short of actually having to be nice to Thomas, of course.”

Kathryn and Thomas are also prohibited from using illegal drugs or abusing prescription drugs at all times; while the children are in their respective care, they may not consume excess alcoholic beverages. Also — even though this should really go without saying — both parents are “restrained from harming, harassing, molesting, threatening or intimidating the other, their family or their friends in any way whatsoever.” 

As long as Patricia is still free to throw shade, we’re happy.

The agreement goes on to state that Kathryn and Thomas have agreed to attend a minimum of 10 co-parenting/parallel parenting sessions. As for any nannies employed by either parent, they are not permitted to post about the children on social media and neither Thomas nor Kathryn “shall permit employees and/or nannies of the minor children to sell stories” about the other parent or the children. Anyone employed to perform nanny functions will also be required to sign a Non-Disclosure Agreement. 

In an interesting detail, the document goes on to clarify that “the NDA shall not be effective against a Court’s subpoena power nor shall the NDA prohibit or be effective in any way to restrict or prohibit a ‘nanny’ from testifying at a subsequent deposition or in a subsequent proceeding in the Family Court or other judicial proceeding” — a detail possibly included as a result of the sexual assault allegations made against Thomas in 2018 by he and Kathryn’s former nanny, Nanny Dawn

As The Ashley previously told you, Thomas pleaded guilty to assault charges in September and avoided jail time by agreeing to probation and a $500 fine.

RELATED STORY: Kathryn Dennis’ Politician Ex Joseph Abruzzo Calls Her Out for Alleged Negligent Parenting in Court Deposition 

(Photos: Instagram; Bravo) 

4 Responses

  1. This seems pretty skewered in Thomas’ favor but we all know his money and connections are always helpful.

    I hope they each have a nanny present at all times so someone will actually care for the children.

    1. The ruling makes it sound like Kathryn can’t handle the kids on her own, especially since Thomas will be paying for a nanny when they’re at her house in lieu of child support. I dont watch the show, but if I recall hearing about Kathryn’s car accidents.

      1. After watching Kathryn on tv and some of her instagram stories, I wouldn’t be comfortable letting her watch my gold fish let alone children.

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