Fans React After ‘I Am Jazz’ Star Jazz Jennings Reveals Her Gender Confirmation Surgery Scars

Jazz Jennings of TLC’s I Am Jazz kicked off the new year by showing off her new body, less than a year after fans saw the teen undergo what turned out to be a complicated gender confirmation surgery.

Jazz took to Instagram on January 1, sharing two bathing suit snapshots with her followers as well as her thoughts on her surgery scars, which she proudly called her “battle wounds.”  

“These are my scars on full display in #2019,” she wrote. “I’m proud of my scars and love my body just the way it is. I call them my battle wounds because they signify the strength and perseverance it took to finally complete my transition.”  

As The Ashley told you in June 2018, Jazz underwent gender confirmation surgery and during a February 2019 episode of ‘I Am Jazz’, fans watched as Jazz suffered “rare complications” that resulted in a second surgery. When discussing what had happened on Twitter, Jazz explained that her “vagina was falling apart” and that she was hospitalized for three weeks as a result of the complications. 

Jazz’s decision to proudly show off her scars on social media this week naturally resulted in a lot of support from her followers, including her own family. 

Jazz’s mom Jeanette was among the first to comment on the post, praising her daughter for her strength. 

“My sweet girl, you are the strongest and bravest of all the souls I’ve ever known and I’m blessed to be your mom,” she wrote. “Your scars are just as beautiful as you the rest of you. I love you with all that I am. You make me proud everyday.” 

Jazz’s older brother Sander also showed some support (in addition to joking that his sister forgot to give him a photo credit). 

“You’re the strongest person I know,” he wrote. “Thank you for continuing to inspire me.” 

The responses on Instagram to Jazz’s post were mostly positive, with some followers showing the reality star some love via emojis and others sharing their own experiences after having gender confirmation surgery. A couple of people even suggested that Jazz could use the scars as an opportunity to get more tattoos if she chose to, being that Jazz has gotten inked in the past. 

“I had [female to male] bottom surgery and scars suck but that’s why God invented tattoos,” one follower wrote.

In October, Jazz announced that she decided to delay her admission to Harvard University in order to focus on her mental health. 

“I am so grateful to have the support of my parents and Harvard in making this decision and look forward to focusing on some self-care and getting prepared to start this exciting new chapter in my life,” she said at the time. 

‘I Am Jazz’ Season 6 premieres January 28 on TLC. 

RELATED STORY: ‘I Am Jazz’ Star Jazz Jennings Delays Harvard University Admission to “Refocus & Recenter” Herself

(Photos: Instagram) 

55 Responses

  1. glad to see that you are doing ok I considerd going trans at one time but because of not having inshurance that covered and my age could not I still look good all dressed up looking forward to watching season 6 LOVE dean or dee ann

  2. [* Shield plugin marked this comment as “Trash”. Reason: Failed Bot Test (expired) *]
    It is a one note song about her genitals over and over. ZZZZZZZ
    Just go do life now. You have abused us all for long enough.

  3. Yes, The Ashley, please delete the Chelsea ad with her ever changing hair!! As far as Jazz goes, her story is over. She needs to get on with her life. I always questioned how she got into Harvard when she spent the whole time filming her journey and was home schooled. I never heard her discuss any desire for higher learning and continuing her education. I think she would be a good spokesperson for the transgender community. In life, don’t we all just want to be healthy and happy?? Seriously, if you have both those things in life you have it made. I think Jazz is healthy and happy now.

    The only issue I ever had was I thought she should have waited until she was an adult at 18 to have the surgery. But I think she did it at 17 because she was still under her parents health insurance. I was kind of surprised that she had the complications because she went to the best doctors out there, but just shows you that anything can happen.

    She says she wants to concentrate on her mental health. Maybe she should get off social media and do just that.

    1. I think the reason that Jazz is so active on social media is because she is such a positive activist for the transgender community. And, I agree about the Chelsea!

  4. Jazz made a choice that makes her happy. She wants to live her life as a girl. This is not something I agree with but I and no one else have the right to judge with what others do with there bodies. Stop bullying her and disrespecting her she can live how she wants just like we choose how we live ours. Judge your own life and let her be and live the way she wants she is not hurting anyone and she’s happy. She’s also not going to hell for living life her way.

  5. Jazz,

    I’ve watched your story from the very beginning. I am so proud of how strong you are. Having parents that are as helpful as yours and how much they love you no matter what. That’s so awesome. And the respect you get from your brother’s is just awesome! Stay strong hang in there Jazz. May God bless you and all those you love. Keep your head held high. and enjoy your time enjoy your life. You so deserve it Jazz.

    God is love!


  6. So fake.. in the end plenty of these boys just want a vagina on their own because they cant get a girl… even i thought about it… but it would only be a “dick” with out the “meat” that makes it Hard…an then just a hole inside your stomach that wasnt even created during time sperm… so its not even a practical hole… so mtf with a dick is still better…

    1. You are fucking repulsive! You are one of these lame asses that jumps on these boards and talks shit about a teenager! Grow the fuck up!

  7. [* Shield plugin marked this comment as “Trash”. Reason: Failed Bot Test (expired) *]
    I personally don’t believe in this sort of thing but I must admit it took a lot of balls to do it

  8. He says he’s proud of his body just the way it is…..yet he cut his dick off & got boobs. Hmmmm. Confused, sad little boy.

    1. [* Shield plugin marked this comment as “Trash”. Reason: Failed Bot Test (expired) *]
      She didn’t “get” boobs, she grew boobs.

      1. Nice Joke… a Male doesnt get Those kind of firm tits compared to a real born female… this male is full of plastic surgery… just to cosplay a female..

  9. Jazz I am 68 years old and I admire you and your whole family. You are a beautiful young lady and I am so glad that you have been so strong through all of this. You keep up the goid work. Through this whole thing I would give ANYTHUNG and I mean ANYTHING to get to meet you I wish you all the luck in the world and maybe my dream will cone true someday. You are my hero

  10. Love you! You made me brave enough to transition to a girl and thank you for your inspiration and love

    Love, Katie

    1. I’m proud of you Katie! Please follow your heart and what feels right for you and ignore these ignorant hateful comments! None of these ignorant people would say any of this to your face! You too are brave!

  11. I don’t care if you cut your dick off, your still a boy, and God did not invent tattoos, people did. I will pray for your soul, and I will ask him to forgive me for my negative comments.

    1. If you’re going to turn this in a “religious” thing, maybe you should keep your negative comments to yourself in the first place, instead of planning to sin with full intent of bullying someone, then try rationalize it by saying you’ll “pray” for their soul, and then DEFEND the sin you just committed by saying you’ll ask for forgiveness. Pretty sure that’s not how forgiveness works.

    2. Wow! Pretty sure God doesn’t like hate and intolerance and ignorance yet you embody all three! If my comment is too intelligent for you, ask Siri!

  12. You are a beautiful and strong young woman. You have made your family proud of all the postive attitude that you have shown. Keep up showing who you are. I would be proud of you too if you were my daughter. Good Luck in your new season of your show. God Bless you. A Fan in Virginia

  13. Congratulations! I am so very proud of you. You are one tough cookie! You are wise and empowering far beyond your years… I would LOVE to meet you in person one day.

  14. [* Shield plugin marked this comment as “Trash”. Reason: Failed Bot Test (expired) *]
    This is so incredibly sad. He (yes, he is a he and no amount of magical thinking or newspeak can change material reality) is vying for outside validation to soften the blow of not only having his genitals removed, but also mutilated. The poor kid even states in his show that he never had an orgasm, didn’t know what they were, and now probably never, ever will know or have one. That is sad and a real human rights affront. This isn’t brave or powerful, just incredibly sad. And the more these lies about changing sex (one cannot change sex, they can only change their appearance) the more people are going to be hurt and the more affronts to actual human rights will be committed. This is a sad story and a sad time.

    1. You’re right. You can’t change sex. She was always female. What she did was change her body to align with her brain and heart. Who gives a rip whether or not you hateful ppl agree or not? It’s not affecting your life. Don’t like it, don’t look. In the wise words of Thumper, “if you can’t say something nice, then don’t say anything at all.”

    2. No you can’t change sex. What she did was change her body to align with her brain and heart. If you don’t like it then don’t look. It doesn’t affect you. Let her live her life…and give me a break with all your religious crap. In the wise words of Thumper, “if you can’t say something nice, then don’t say anything at all.” Love you Jazz (and family)

  15. Your strength and determination to persue the life YOU deserve is inspiring to all ages…I am 70 and have followed your journey from the beginning…You will have a beautiful, full healthy life! ❤️

  16. Sorry, but self mutilation is not the sign of a healthy mind. This poor boy has been brainwashed by his mother, who wanted a girl. No hate, just sorrow for this guy was has ruined his life. Mark my words. 20 years from now he will regret this decision.

  17. Once your born into this world a boy you will forever be that way no matter how you try to change your putter appearance, when you go before the Lord when you leave this world you will not be that girl that you tried so desperately to change yourself into

  18. [* Shield plugin marked this comment as “Trash”. Reason: Failed Bot Test (expired) *]
    I watched when jazz was transgander and she had surgey and became a girl without a boys body!

  19. We all know she didn’t do any work to get into Harvard. The homeschool program she did was a joke. Her delaying her freshman year is most likely to continue filming.

  20. Her and her moms relationship is goals! I hope to be able to support my daughter as much as jazz’s mom supports her. It’s really an amazing thing to see.

  21. [* Shield plugin marked this comment as “Trash”. Reason: Failed Bot Test (expired) *]
    You are a very brave and beautiful person ?

  22. This is the Height of ABSURDITY, this is NOT nor will it ever be a FEMALE, THIS IS A boy SUFFERING from the MENTAL ILLNESS of GENDER DYSPHORIA, the Parents should be arrested for CHILD ABUSE.

  23. [* Shield plugin marked this comment as “Trash”. Reason: Failed Bot Test (checkbox) *]


  24. Let no one tell you who you are.. You alone travel in the body you have.. Your brain has told you a little mishap has occurred and you can fix it.. You did now you are who you were supposed to be.. A beautiful young lady.. It would have been a waste to have such a beautiful face on a boy’s body..☺.. I hope you find that special person that loves you and your mind unconditionally…

  25. Let no one tell you who you are.. You alone travel in the body you have.. Your brain has told you a little mishap has occurred and you can fix it.. You did now you are who you were supposed to be.. A beautiful young lady.. It would have been a waste to have such a beautiful face on a boy’s body..☺.. I hope you find that special person that loves you and your mind unconditionally…

  26. I think anyone who has been through so much also needs time to heal on the inside so take care of yourself inside start collage when your ready study hard the rest will fall in to place. I think be smart maybe you will finish school early if you want to you are beautiful smart funny loving caring person but sometimes people like that forget to take care of themselves so remember take time out for just you.

  27. [* Shield plugin marked this comment as “Trash”. Reason: Failed Bot Test (expired) *]
    This is a very deranged young man who seriously needs to seek Jesus Christ before he dies or he will be spending an eternity in hell.

    1. [* Shield plugin marked this comment as “Trash”. Reason: Failed Bot Test (expired) *]
      You are one beautiful and strong young woman.many blessings to you and your family.

    1. Yes!!! The Ashley PLEASE get rid of the Chelsea ad … I too am sick of seeing her hair show on every single article.

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