Cousin Amy Duggar Commends Derick Dillard for Exposing “Very Dark Gray Areas” of Duggar Family; Derick Says He Received “Extreme Emotional Pressure’ to Film From Her Family

“Keep spillin’ that tea, Derick! I’ve got your back!”

Derick Dillard is probably not Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar‘s favorite son-in-law these days, thanks to all of the information he’s spilled about the Duggars over the last year or so. However, on Tuesday, one member of the famous family went public with her support for Derick’s loose lips.

Amy Duggar King, the cousin of Derick’s wife Jill and her siblings, spoke out on Twitter this week, commending Derick for exposing some of the family’s dark secrets.

“You really are shedding some light on some very dark gray areas,” Amy tweeted to Derick on Tuesday. “Keep it up!”

In a new comment on Instagram, Derick continued to speak out about him, Jill and the other adult Duggar kids allegedly being “forced” into filming for ‘Counting On’ without being paid.

“I’ve previously mentioned volunteerism as it relates to our past work with the show, and volunteer means volunteer,” Derick wrote on Tuesday. “While we began as volunteers, it eventually became apparent that it wasn’t even volunteerism, because typically volunteerism assumes that you can leave without serious risks, such as legal/financial threats, in addition to the extreme emotional pressure from within and without your family, which unfortunately end with painful burning of bridges just so that you can protect your family.”

Raise your hand if you’re tired of Jim Bob’s crap…

Amy’s tweet comes just about a week after Derick revealed on his Instagram account that he and Jill, as well as Amy and her husband Dillon, were specifically cut from scenes of the Counting On episode that showed Grandma Mary Duggar‘s funeral.

Derick responded to a fan who asked why he, Jill and their kids weren’t shown at Mary’s funeral, even though they did attend. (We know they attended because Jill plastered photos of the funeral— casket included— all over her social media accounts!) He also explained why Amy— who was extremely close to Mary— was absent from the funeral footage.

“Not our fault. TLC cut out any family that they don’t want viewers to see in attendance,” Derick wrote. “It wasn’t in the script for us or the Kings to be there.”

(Jill’s disgraced brother Josh was also cut out of the funeral footage.)

As ‘Counting On’ viewers know, Derick was booted from ‘Counting On’ in 2017 after he posted an assortment of negative tweets about transgender TLC star Jazz Jennings. In 2018, he revealed that he and Jill had decided their family would no longer appear on ‘Counting On,’ although Jill did make a special appearance this season while assisting her sister Jessa Seewald with her labor. 

Over the past few months, Derick has been very vocal about the strained relationship he and Jill have with Jill’s father, Jim Bob Duggar. He even recently stated that he and Jill are no longer allowed at the Duggar Compound when Jim Bob is not present, and that Jill had to obtain special permission from her father to help Jessa.

Jim Bob and Michelle explaining to their kids why they don’t get a paycheck for being on the TV show…probably…

In his latest Instagram comments, Derick revealed that family members who are no longer approved by the network are simply edited out of the footage. 

“Well the show is only about what TLC wants it to be about. If there’s something about the family that they don’t want viewers to see, then they’ll just edit it out or create their own storyline,” Derick wrote. “TLC is only going to show viewers what they want viewers to see.”

Viewers have witnessed this occurring on ‘Counting On’ for years. During Jinger Vuolo‘s wedding episode, Josh was cleverly edited (or blocked) out of the footage. He was placed in a pew away from the other Duggar siblings (so that he wouldn’t be included in the audience pans as much), and held up his son Marcus in front of his face to block viewers from seeing him in the footage.

RELATED STORY: Derick Dillard Reveals More Behind-the-Scenes Secrets of ‘Counting On,’ Says He & Wife Jill Aren’t Allowed at Duggar House Without Permission from Jim Bob

(Photos: TLC; Twitter)

20 Responses

  1. [* Shield plugin marked this comment as “Trash”. Reason: Failed Bot Test (expired) *]
    What kind of idiot, as an adult (of sorts …) who actually went to a college (albeit an Arkansas college …) does the stupid show and doesn’t get paid? He thinks they are doing it as some kind of mission??? Hasn’t Jeel Bob explained how her family was actually on welfare from their church, living in a tiny house, unable to finish the compound until TLC decided to make a show about Michelle and scum bob, a couple who hits babies and beats their children with a metal rod and let their daughters continually be sexually abused by their sex pest brother, denies them an education etc. etc. Derwood is actually passing his law school courses? How? And now that jeel and the other cult duggar girls have escaped the compound, with the first man they were allowed to date, why do they even talk with their evil despot father and horrible phony baby hitter Michelle? Dudes, write a book and make a fortune/

  2. Says the same woman who changed her last name to Duggar (AFTER the family and church knew about Josh) used them and for her own country music TLC special.

    And let’s not forget she is married to a homophobic animal abuser


    This WHOLE family needs to go away.

  3. Derick. Really. He keeps beating a dead horse. We have heard you clearly, many times for that matter, that you were only a volunteer in The Daddy Duggar Show. Sour grapes. We get it. Now do you have any other juicy tidbits you’d like to share or is that all ya go? Scared to say more?

  4. Good on her for speaking out, although I wonder if this means she will be shunned by Jim Bob too now?

    Side note, I don’t know much about Amy – is she religious too?

      1. Thanks! That’s what I thought, but wasn’t sure.

        It must be so weird / difficult being related to them – it sounds like she majorly disapproves of Jim Bob and Michelle’s controlling ways but has to put up with them for the sake of having any kind of relationship with the rest of the family.

  5. Is anyone monitoring Josh’s relationships with his own children? Seems dangerous to have small children around a sexual abuser.

    1. It wouldn’t surprise me if Josh turned out to be a serial rapist/killer, he just isn’t right in the head . Jim Bob is scum nothing less but scum the foamy stuff that grows on the surface of ponds and puddles.

    1. It seems like the Sister Wives / Brown kids are not paid either? Don’t they receive one lump sum too for the whole family?

      Did they pay the (adult) kids from mama June or has mama June used their money for drugs already? Think I read something about Pumpkin (sister taking care of Alana now) trying to get access to Alana’s fund for her needs?

      1. Alannah’s sister and brother in law went to court to protect her assets from June, thank goodness. They seem to be dealing straight.
        Jimboob, on the other hand has been revealed for who he really is over and over: controlling, narcissistic, they aren’t even supposed to be the focus of the show any more but he gets the check? Oh hell no.

      1. I think that scenario is a little different. They didn’t want Anna leaving their good little boy but it’s okay for their girl to be the one to leave. Their child can do the leaving but their child can’t be the one the spouse walks out in.

        1. Yeah but it would be a dangerous precedent for the other kids. If one can leave her spouse then marriage is not that sacred and others may follow suit and that would undermine a husband’s role as a whole. Jim Bob can’t let that happen. If the wife of a cheater and child molester can’t leave him then none can.

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