‘Unexpected’ Star Chloe Mendoza Says She & Recently-Arrested Baby Daddy Max Schenzel Are Not Together, Though She Does “Want To End Up With Him”

“I mean, how can I resist? I love a man in an orange jumpsuit”

Despite Max Schenzel getting arrested not once but twice this month, his baby mama Chloe Mendoza remains open to future reconciliation. 

According to Starcasm, the Unexpected star took to her YouTube channel on Thursday — the day of Max’s second February arrest — to update her fans on her relationship with her baby daddy, whom she said she is not currently dating. However, if it’s up to Chloe, the couple’s relationship status will eventually change.

“This rollercoaster ride is far from over!”

“One thing that might upset people is that I want to be with Max,” she said. “Obviously not right now, maybe not for like a year or two, but I do want to end up with him. Obviously.” 

While Chloe and Max are known for their on-again, off-again track record, Chloe’s YouTube admission was interesting as it came just hours after Max was arrested for assault for an incident that allegedly occurred at Chloe’s apartment.

Another one for the books…

Max’s first arrest of the month occurred just ten 10 before that, when he showed up in court after having his probation revoked the previous week — probation he was serving after pleading guilty in September 2018 to stealing credit cards and casino vouchers from his friend’s sleeping grandmother. 

Max was also arrested the month prior for an alleged domestic assault incident that occurred December 30. While the victim of the incident was not named in the arrest citation, both Chloe and her mom Jessica Mendoza confirmed that Chloe was in fact the victim of the assault

As to why Max’s run-ins with the law have been more frequent as of late, Chloe said Max relapsing “a little less than a month ago” is largely to blame. Prior to then, when Max “was sober” and “had a good job,” Chloe said she was happy, their daughter “Ava was happy” and “everything was good.” Chloe admitted she thought a relapse wouldn’t happen and that it “really took a toll on” her. 


“Everything was just different since then … I don’t even know how to explain it,” she continued. “It just — everything was different since then.” 

Chloe said around this time, she sent Max to live with his dad to “figure out all of his court stuff” and to “figure out” his recovery. 

“I just feel like he needs to get back to the place where he was and to me it doesn’t really seem like he wants to do that right now,” she said earlier in the video. “Or even if he does, to mean it seems that he’s not weak, but isn’t strong enough to pull back and do 140 days sober again, you know what I mean?” 

Aside from her updates involving Max, Chloe said she’s in her second semester at Arizona State University, is keeping her grades up and is “finally making friends.” She also shared that she and her mom have mended their relationship and are once again on good terms. 

Watch Chloe’s full “Life Updates” video below. 

RELATED STORY: ‘Unexpected’ Star Max Schenzel is Arrested for the Second Time in 10 Days: See His Latest Mugshot! 

(Photos: YouTube; TLC; Mugshots.com; Instagram) 

10 Responses

  1. Why would she ever want to be with him? Aside from being a drug addict, thief and all around bad dude, look at him! What is she attracted to? Yuck

  2. At least Chloe seems to be getting a little smarter regarding his addiction. Before, she was more worried about missing prom than him getting into rehab.

  3. Max needs lots of time to figure himself out and get it together. Immaturity is a major factor here as to why their relationship isn’t working. But there is always room for improvement and opportunity to be a better parent. Hopefully they both can get themselves together.

  4. Her mom is not doing any favor by hating Max with such passion. I loved what Barb said when Jailnelle’s 911 call surfaced. She said the only thing she could do is be there for her so she knows she can always count on her when she decides not to cover for UBT anymore and admit all the abuse. But if she pushed too hard J would defend UBT even more.
    Chloe is a spoiled, dumb brat. She should have left him after the first incident, for their daughter’s sake. But what can you expect from a girl who thought prom night was more important than rehab.

  5. I never watched this show but I assume he was her first boyfriend? Because when you have your first boyfriend, you do believe you will end up with him even if you break up. It took me a long time to realize that will not be the case after my breakup.

    1. I married the only boyfriend I ever had and our divorce is almost final. He’s worse than Max could ever try to be (spice, meth, pills, lying, cheating, quitting jobs, never helping with the kids, stealing, and beating on me mercilessly). I left him once in Spring of 2018 for about a month and went back because he promised he’d change. Immediately got pregnant with baby number three and was beat like a dog until he tried to kill me at eight months pregnant (on my birthday last year) because our one year old was crying and I couldn’t calm him down fast enough. At that point, his brother and sister got the law out and the cops had me pack the kids and leave. Then I STILL gave him eight more months to “change” before I finally filed for divorce. Looking back, I feel like the biggest idiot in the world for sticking around and giving him chance after chance and constantly lying to protect him even when he was hurting me, but at the time I just really wanted it to work and for my kids to have their family together. So, I empathize with Chloe in that way. Right now she probably thinks it’s worth being treated like shit by a loser if it means her daughter gets a “normal” family. She’ll hopefully come to her senses soon and kick him to the curb for good.

      1. I don’t know why anyone would down vote your comment. Thank you for being honest and sharing. Hope everything is better for you and the kids.

        1. Thank you. It’s gettimg better. It’s not great yet, but being out of that mess is a relief in and of itself.

          Eh, there’s always somebody downvoting. I’ve just noticed a lot of people talk shit about Chloe for wanting to be with him and I wanted to give the point of view from having been in that situation. She’s young and she still believes he can/will change for the better and she’s hanging onto the hope. Chloe doesn’t seem like Jenelle or somebody that’s as big of a piece of trash as her abuser, you know? So I kind of feel bad for her because I know how she feels right now and it can’t be easy to have her mama and everybody else against her on it.

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