Thomas Ravenel Slams ‘Southern Charm’ Fans; Calls Cameran Eubanks “Terrible” & Patricia Altschul a “Lying, Gold-Digging Famewhore”

“I will continue to insult you on the Tweet Machine, Patty!”

The Southern Charm drama continues!

Just days after defending his formerly estranged baby mama Kathryn Dennis, former ‘Southern Charm’ star Thomas Ravenel came out swinging at the show’s matriarch, Patricia Altschul, as well as Cameran Eubanks and even the show’s fans! 

T-Rav blasted Patricia and Cameran, following the rumors that Cameran quit the show due to her husband Jason Wimberly cheating on Cameran. (Cameran and Jason’s alleged mistress have denied the rumor, and have each indicated that Kathryn was the one who started it.) 

“I don’t know if Cameron Wimberly’s husband cheated or not, but would any blame him considering her hero in life whom she’d kill to emulate was that lying gold-digging fame wh0re Patricia Altschul.”


When some of his followers called him out for the harsh tweet, Thomas continued to insult Cameran and Patricia, calling what he said in the previous tweet “the God’s honest truth.”

“[Patricia’s] almost 80. Why not tell her to grow up and stop her lies on National TV?” Thomas told one fan.

“He said WHAT about us?!”

He also threw shade at any ‘Southern Charm’ viewers who believe they’re witnessing the true story when they watch the show.

“The truth is never terrible. Cameran and Patricia are terrible,” Thomas tweeted. “Anyone who falls for Bravo editing BS has a very small brain.”

Thomas–who has stated in the past that he’s been asked to return to ‘Southern Charm’ but has declined– went on to say he’s happier now that he’s not involved with the show. (As The Ashley previously reported, Cameran, as well as regulars Chelsea Meissner and Naomie Olindo, have also quit the show within the last week.)

“I’m doing perfectly fine now that liars and losers/trash that are connected to ‘Southern Charm’ are unconnected to me now,” Thomas wrote. “Funny thing is that their appearance on this show is the proudest achievement on their resume. It’s my lowest.”

“Thomas, if THAT is your ‘lowest’ than this is my ‘first’ martini of the day…”

Thomas’ ex, Ashley Jacobs, has also been outspoken recently about the negative feelings she has for Cameran (as well as Naomie and Chelsea). She took to Instagram on Thursday to insult the trio, whom she called “enablers” and “cowards.” She even defended her former sparring partner, Kathryn.

Anyway, at press time, Patricia and Cameran had yet to respond publicly to T-Rav’s latest Twitter rant.

RELATED STORY: A Breakdown of This Week’s ‘Southern Charm’ Drama: Cameran Eubanks Denies Her Husband Cheated; Kathryn Dennis Blamed for Starting Rumor, New Cast Departures & More

(Photos: Bravo, Twitter, Instagram)

23 Responses

  1. Oh Thomas, will you ever grow up? I’ve always thought you were a loose cannon, but you keep giving proof that you have deep mental problems.

  2. I like Patricia and think that Thomas is a super ass and possibly Bi-polar. it would certainly explain his bizarre behavior. camron is cute and adds to the flavor of the show. Katheryn has had a rough time and i like how she has re invented herself. Shame on Thomas being anything but wonderful to her….he could have used a condom.

  3. [* Shield plugin marked this comment as “Trash”. Reason: Failed Bot Test (checkbox) *]
    Why don’t some of y’all go after that buck tooth Shep character? He is the most evil mean-spirited person on the show that gets kicks by bullying Craig. Not even original enough to find another name for his dog.

  4. If Thomas is so glad NOT to be on the show…why is He always involving Himself? Move on T Rav…no one cares about Your opinion

  5. One should never do blow with social media open. Like most shows, these mo mos all deserve each other.

  6. His lowest point was being on a successful TV show? The guy is clearly mental…I would consider being called out for sexual assault, getting arrested for cocaine, and his failed attempt at being elected as pretty low, not being on TV. I heard that Kathryn started the rumors about Cameron, but HE was actually the one who fed those rumors to the blogs. I wouldn’t put it past him. He’s had this weird vendetta against the show ever since he got fired. He’s so pathetically strange.

    1. Oh Thomas, will you ever grow up? I’ve always thought you were a loose cannon, but you keep giving proof that you have deep mental problems.

  7. I am a fan and I’m really sadden my favorite ladies quit the show. I wish they were not leaving but I do understand. The ladies all have such bright careers and is going to make it! I love all three ladies character. The ladies are awesome. Mrs. Practria I think she is beautiful and a awesome woman. I love her southern way of life. I just love to meet. Thomas Ravenel will never have a woman that have dignity or respect for them self so whatever he said about Mrs. Practia should be irgore. I thought he would change his life style but he didn’t! I think he is a very smart man and should stop posting the insults. I like him but not when he acts like this! I love all three ladies and know that you all rock like stars that you are!

  8. [* Shield plugin marked this comment as “Trash”. Reason: Failed Bot Test (expired) *]
    Thomas has slipped his moorings, he’s no longer mentally stable. His decline has been noticeable for several years now.

  9. Thomas’s “lowest point in life” was being on Southern Charm? You’d think his lowest point would have been when he went to prison for cocaine. But okay.

  10. [* Shield plugin marked this comment as “Trash”. Reason: Failed Bot Test (expired) *]
    A very sad commentary on a previously, very enjoyable show.
    If Thomas thinks the show was his lowest point he is very sadly mistaken and out of touch with reality. Prison and the disgusting treatment of the mother of his children and his filthy remarks about Patricia far outweigh any discomfort the accountability of his behaviors the show might have hilighted.

  11. Katherine, I hope you did not start the rumors .
    I really am pulling for you. I wish you would not have lowered yourself in the argument you had with the radio gal but words are hurtful as you have found out. But everybody makes mistakes just try to be a better person. We are not God and who ever is without sin can cast the first stone. I Think we will be waiting until the end of time. God Bless You and you Children . Stay strong. And tomorrow is a new day

  12. Katherine, I hope you did not start the rumors .
    I really am pulling for you. I wish you would not have lowered yourself in the argument you had with the radio gal but words are hurtful as you have found out. But everybody makes mistakes just try to be a better person. We are not God and who ever is without sin can cast the first stone. I Think we will be waiting until the end of time. God Bless You and you Children . Stay strong. And tomorrow is a new day

  13. [* Shield plugin marked this comment as “Trash”. Reason: Failed Bot Test (expired) *]
    Thomas is so nasty, always has been. I’m so sorry for the way he spoke about everyone and he does not even know the facts. A horrible story. I don’t know how anyone can be a friend to him. Acts and treats people like trash, shame on you Thomas.

  14. I am no fan of Thomas or Patricia but I seem to recall Thomas constantly kissing Patricia’s ass! It wasn’t until Thomas raped one of Patricia’s friends and Patricia put him on blast that Thomas then decided Patricia was beneath him. Katherine has always struck me as entitled, immature & spoiled so Thomas & her were a perfect storm of dysfunction.

  15. [* Shield plugin marked this comment as “Trash”. Reason: Failed Bot Test (checkbox) *]
    No reason to watch show just gutter bs. ESPECIALLY IRRELEVANT RAVENEL


    BYE BYE.

  16. Surely the cocaine conviction and prison time was Thomas’ lowest point in life. He must be confused. Anyhoo, Thomas is just mad that his two time, gold digging,fame whore, lying, Lolita of a baby momma is about to be unemployed and will put the screws to him with child support since she is soon to have no income of her own once the show is cancelled. Thomas and Kathryn deserve each other.

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