EXCLUSIVE! ‘Teen Mom OG’ Producers Trying to Set Up Face-to-Face Meeting Between Maci Bookout & Mackenzie Edwards: Here’s What’s Happening Behind the Scenes

“First step to that boxing match you want is answering your phone, Mace!”

Maci Bookout and Mackenzie Edwards are not getting along— and Teen Mom OG producers are eager to capitalize on their on- and off-screen feud!

The Ashley can exclusively reveal that the show’s producers have been trying to set up a face-to-face meeting between Maci and Mackenzie for weeks, hoping to allow the enemies to clear the air (on-camera, of course). The Ashley’s production sources tell her that, while one of the ladies is willing to do the sit-down, the other is not.

The Ashley’s source tells her it was actually Mackenzie’s idea originally to try to patch things up with Maci, but Maci has not been willing to entertain the idea, despite telling her fans publicly that Mackenzie doesn’t want to go face-to-face with her.

“Mackenzie reached out to [production] a few weeks ago, letting them know that she wanted to sit down with Maci privately and see if they could resolve some of their issues,” the source says. “Maci refused to give the producers an answer on whether or not she was willing.

“Mackenzie also reached out to Maci privately via text to see if they could clear the air and Maci didn’t respond,” the source added. “In fact, that was filmed for next season— Mackenzie texting Maci, and talking about how she just wants things to not be so tense between the families. She thought a sit-down lunch or something might be a good thing to help them talk out their issues.”

“If you ask me, an on-air boxing match between these two would resolve the issues…and TOTALLY help prevent teen pregnancy!”

‘Teen Mom OG’ fans have seen Maci call Mackenzie out several times on social media, though, even stating this week that she’d be willing to box Mack for charity. (As you do…) She also called out Mackenzie on Twitter for not saying things to her face. (Mackenzie has yet to respond to Maci’s offer to fight.) 

“This all happened before Maci tweeted those things out about Mackenzie,” the source added.

Last month, Maci again took to Twitter to shade Mackenzie for not wanting to sit on stage with her during the recently filmed ‘Teen Mom OG’ Season 9 Reunion.

“Mackenzie is brave sitting on a couch responding to strangers on social media about my son, but still not brave enough to sit on a couch and talk to me at the reunion,” she wrote.

(As The Ashley previously reported, Mackenzie and her husband Ryan refused to sit on stage with Maci and her husband Taylor McKinney when the Reunion taped last month. Ryan’s parents, Jen and Larry Edwards, did agree to sit down with them, but things ended poorly, with Maci and Taylor getting into a fight with Jen and Larry before storming off stage.) 

“If Maci wanted to go face-to-face with Mackenzie, she could have already,” the production source tells The Ashley. “The producers know it would be ratings gold, so they’ve been highly encouraging it, but so far Maci has refused and kind of ignored their requests.”

“I literally filmed Amber selling vegetables on the side of the road a few days ago. That’s how desperate I am. What can we do to make this happen?

The Ashley will update this story when more info is available…

RELATED STORY: Maci Bookout Claps Back at Mackenzie Edwards for Talking About Bentley on Instagram & Not Facing Off with Her at Recent ‘Teen Mom OG’ Reunion

(Photos: MTV; Twitter)

49 Responses

  1. Maci isn’t my favorite, but if you have no life (like me) go back and watch the very first couple episodes of OG season 1. It’s a great reminder of what she’s been through with that POS since day 1 of their child’s life. She is definitely not perfect, but she owes Rhine nothing, and owes Mack even less. Rhine’s parents have continually pushed him to pretend to want to be a father, and they are the only reason he has any contact with Bentley whatsoever. Bentley would be better off if Rhine had been allowed to go be the lowlife he was meant to be in the first place. He’s another Adam Lind, just with more controlling parents…not every child benefits when a loser is pushed to intermittently disrupt their lives simply because they share DNA. Bentley and Aubree both have great fathers, and neither are biologically related to them.

    1. The overabundance of alcohol and energy drinks plus 3 kids and running Bentley to this activity and that activity will do that.

      That’s the only thing I have ever been in agreement with Mack and Ryan about, a child does NOT need his time monopolized that much.

      1. She probably keeps him involved in so many activities to keep him from ending up like his father, especially now that he’s getting older and understanding what’s going on around him. Plus Maci has said she was an overachiever in school and sports before becoming pregnant. In her 16 and pregnant ep she said she was an A+ student, on the softball and cheerleading team, rode dirtbikes, and kept a job for a while. She probably wants Bentley to be similar. But when I read that she was keeping him on a strict diet, I thought that was way too extreme for a child who’s going through puberty

        1. Exactly.

          I understand what you are saying but it’s clear he’s not gonna go down the road of his father (or his mom for that matter). So why keep monopolizing his time?? Let him decide what activities HE wants to keep (not what he thinks his Mom wants) and drop the rest, it’s too much for a growing boy.

        2. Yes she USED to have him on that strict diet but she stopped doing it when she saw all the backlash she got and has seen then apologized for it unlike Rhine and immature Mack will definitely not apologize for their behaviors!!

  2. How about Maci and Ryan have a sit down like the two biological parents they are. Why is Mackenzie the one asking for the sit down. Ryan is the father, he should be the one defending is dead beat ass self!! Take accountability for once, Ryan!

  3. It’s obvious Maci is trying to drink her feeling away because she just can’t give up on my boy Ryan. Get a grip girl, he has found greener pastures.

    stay lit

  4. I don’t blame Maci for not wanting to sit down now. There’s nothing left to say. Mack made her stance perfectly clear and now only wants to clear the air, I guarantee, because production is pushing for it for ratings.

    Oh, and there’s no guarantee Maci even received her text. If I had some psycho like Mack, I’d have all that bitches shit blocked. Social media, phone number, everything.

  5. The weird thing about McKenzie is this “sit down lunch” happened several seasons ago when McKenzie first started dating Ryan. What ended up happening was McKenzie running to tell the Edward’s family everything Maci said so they could trash talk her and confront her.

    McKenzie had an opportunity last reunion to sit down with Maci and she chose not to. McKenzie must have forgotten to prewrite another note blaming all of Ryan’s issues and drug abuse on Maci.

  6. Mackenzie is the embodiment of the phrase throwing rocks and then hiding hands. She’s putting on for the show with now wanting a sit down. She’s been blaming Maci for Ryan’s issues since she came into the picture but ignoring Ryan’s role on his own behaviors. Hopefully Maci doesn’t waste 5 more minutes on that gold digger/fame wh*re.

  7. Mackenzie would never do this in a million years. She knows she could never hold up in a face-off with Maci. She’s not smart enough or quick enough and she’d end up storming off in the first 10 minutes. Even if she brought her notebook and had it all written down.

  8. So Mack and Ryan didnt want to “clear the air” at the reunion and now Mack wants to do it privately? Why? Is she afraid things will come out that she doesnt want if they interacted at the reunion? The only people who need to be sitting down having a conversation is Maci and Ryan. Not Mack, not Jen and Larry, not Taylor just Maci and Ryan. Its between them and Bentley at the end of the day. I think the fact that Maci and Ryan speak around eachother instead of to eachother is the problem in the first place. And if Ryan doesnt want to talk directly to Maci then she shouldn’t talk to anyone. Leave it all where it is and hopefully Ryan sees the error of his ways one day.

  9. Oh my Lord. I can’t believe anyone CARES about these two in 2021! Mack, go tend to your MANY little kids and your addict husband. Maci, show some dignity. What you should be talking about is a strategy to keep your kids from following their father into addiction.

  10. of course now mac wants to sit down and talk, because she can’t take the heat anymore so i don’t blame maci for not wanting to even try anymore when all they do is shit talk about her and think ryan was in the right the entire time

  11. Of course Mack wants to “clear the air”…she’s gotta look out for HER and make HERSELF look good!!!

    If God forbid Maci does decide on a face to face with Mack it’ll wind up being fist to face!!!


    CAT FIGHT!!!! ??????????

  12. Ryan is a drug addict who may or may not be fully clean and sober. But I can’t stand Maci and her husband. I noticed MTV stopped filming her drinking her beers but she should really look at her relationship with alcohol. The only reason why I still watch this show is because of Cheyenne!

    1. Maci definitely seems to have some high functioning alcoholism going on, but at least she has her shit together and takes care of her kids. Ryan is an old, pathetic, disgusting, helpless, selfish, immature baby (honestly I could go on with a whole list of infinite adjectives to describe him). Bentley has a high mental and emotional maturity at 11 than his own father does at 30 something. Mackenzie, Jen, and Larry enable his addiction and attitude problems so he’ll never change and I would’ve cut off the whole Edwards family years ago if I were Maci.

      And I love Cheyenne! I haven’t watched the show in years but I follow her on IG and I can’t wait for her baby to be born. He’s gonna be so cute!!

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