Former ‘Teen Mom 2’ Star Jenelle Evans Reportedly Fired From Her “Girl S**t” Podcast After One Day; “90 Day Fiance” Star Deavan Clegg Allegedly Helped Get Her Fired (UPDATED!)

“Don’t let the door hit ya on the way out, Jenelle!”

UPDATE! Scroll to the bottom of the article to see how Jenelle responded to this!

Another career opportunity has crashed and burned for Jenelle Evans— and this time, it took less than 24 hours.

Just one day after the former Teen Mom 2 star proudly announced she was producing and co-hosting a new podcast/lifestyle brand called Girl S**t with 18 other women, Jenelle has been fired from the project. According to 90 Day Fiance blogger John Yates, Jenelle got the boot after several of the women involved in the project— including “90 Day Fiance” star Deavan Clegg— found out about Jenelle’s “checkered past.”

“Jenelle was let go from the podcast today, like, fired,” John said in a live video posted to his YouTube channel.

John said he was relaying info he received from Deavan, who was attending the “Girl S**t” launch party in Chattanooga, Tennessee— an event that Jenelle (and her ever-present, ever-lurking husband David Eason) was scheduled to attend. Just hours before the event, Jenelle had been excitedly promoting all things “Girl S**t” and telling her social media followers how excited she was for the party.

Before the party— which took place in a bowling alley/social club in Chattanooga, Tennessee— began the official “Girl S**t” Instagram account posted that Jenelle would not be attending due to “unforeseen circumstances.”

Jenelle did end up attending the party…kind of….but more on that later.

Anyway, Jenelle got the boot from podcast (which is due to launch on Thursday, by the way), after Deavan allegedly learned about her and David’s past. John stated that, after Deavan and some of the other girls associated with “Girl S**t” learned more about the Easons’ past hijinks— particularly that David shot and killed Jenelle’s dog Nugget in 2019— they took their concerns to the higher-ups. 

(It appears that a man named Chris McNelly is behind this project.)

“Deavan wasn’t aware of Jenelle’s backstory…she did not know about Jenelle’s past,” John said. “When Deavan brought it up to the powers that be and voiced her concerns, as well as the other people on the podcast voiced their concerns about Jenelle’s checkered past, that was enough for Jenelle to get fired.”

“How do I translate ‘Go away’ into whatever version of the English language Jenelle speaks?”

John confirmed that Deavan led the charge to get Jenelle axed from the project.

“In a way, you can say that it was Deavan,” he said. “Once she found out about the checkered past, she was like, ‘I can’t support that. I can’t be involved with someone who has, like, dog-murderings.'”

That’s not where this story ends, though. John said Deavan explained why the “Girl S**t” account claimed Jenelle would not be attending, but Jenelle posted to her social media showing herself at the event. She later posted to Instagram that no one talked to her at the party except for one girl from the cast.

“As we speak, [the rest of the cast is] at the kick-off party…” John said. “Once Jenelle was let go, she was asked not to attend. What does Jenelle do? She showed up.”

Yes, Jenelle had her very own “Farrah-and-Debra-We’ve-Been-Kicked-Out-Of-Much-Better-Places-Than-This” moment!

“Here’s where it gets fun,” John said. “If you saw Jenelle’s Instagram story, which she took down, where she was like, ‘Oh, at the party,’ in the car on the way back, like, ‘Girls are having fun. No one wanted to talk to me except you Gabbie.’

“That’s because she went to the party after they asked her not to go,” John said. 

Jenelle and David were reportedly stopped at the door and were not allowed in. (The party was at a bowling alley, but in the private party area, so Jenelle was allowed in the bowling alley but not the VIP area where the event was taking place.) 

 When you can’t get behind the velvet rope…of a bowling alley VIP area…

“They kicked Jenelle out. Jenelle got kicked the f**k out,” John said. “The takeaway …is that Jenelle got fired, and it was led by Deavan and other members of the 18-people group. She tried to gate-crash the party.”

After leaving the party, Jenelle posted to Instagram that “Everyone hates [David] but ‘Life’s a betch and here’s here dude.'”

“You’ll always have me, babe! And that YOLO tattoo…”

Jenelle, however, is claiming that she wasn’t fired at all.

“Lmfao I’m the producer can’t fire me sorry,” she wrote in the comment of her Instagram post. 


When another one of her followers noted, “Thought you were the one who created the Girl Sh*t stuff?” Jenelle replied, “lmfao I thought so too but apparently we need some time for everyone to figure out their roles.”

Jenelle has since removed all traces of her one-day “Girl S**t” career from her Instagram account, and later posted a response on her TikTok to someone asking why she deleted her “Girl S**t” videos.

@jenellelevansReply to @natalle_1202 I’m just a producer… don’t ask me. ??♬ original sound – Jenelle Evans

“You know the cancel culture s**t? That’s basically why,” Jenelle said. “You guys enjoy yourself at the party. I hope you’re having a great time because you’re not even talking to each other!”

To watch the full John Yates video about Jenelle’s firing, click here

UPDATE! Jenelle hit social media (as expected) the morning after her bowling alley VIP room snub, insisting that she can’t be fired from the project, as she is the producer…and, if she is fired, she will just go back to The Land and start her own “girl s**t” podcast!

“So there’s a lot of rumors I woke up to saying that Deavan got me fired from this thing, when I’m her producer,” Jenelle said on Instagram Stories on Thursday. “I actually hand-chose Deavan to join the cast.

“With that being said, I am not fired,” Jenelle continued. “We don’t know what’s going to be happening with the podcast right now, but I do know that as soon as I get home I have all the equipment to set up [my podcast].”

“Get ready for the ‘Live From The Land’ podcast with David and Jenelle! Everyone’s gonna love it!”

“So we’ll get that up and goin’ because I know you guys wanna hear from me!” Jenelle said. “Thanks for your support; I love you guys. You’ll hear from me soon.”

“I’m sure everyone is countin’ tha minutes, Juh-nelle!”

One of Jenelle’s former “Girl S**t” podcast co-hosts, TikTok star Gabbie Egan, took to social media on Thursday to address the drama surrounding Jenelle’s firing. (In Jenelle’s posts on Wednesday night, she stated that Gabbie was the only person from the “Girl S**t” cast who spoke to her when she crashed the bowling alley VIP area launch party.)

“Guys I have no idea what’s going on,” Gabbie told her followers. “I didn’t think Jenelle and I had any issues. A lot of people are saying that there is an issue. I’m not sure, I haven’t seen anything. I haven’t really talked to anyone from the podcast since I left there. I’m kind of overwhelmed.”

Gabbie— talking while taking giant bites of a sandwich, for some reason— confirmed that Jenelle was axed, though.

“After Jenelle got ‘fired’ and she wasn’t allowed into the venue, I did go talk to her. I was trying to talk to David, too, but I got pushed back into the [party] room. It’s just a lot. I have no idea what’s going on.

“I get that she’s controversial and she has a bad past. I get that. I did not do all my research on her before. However, she was very nice to me and David was very nice to me. I really do feel bad about this situation. I feel horrible about all this s**t.” 

@bbyegan_Reply to @pastmarion♬ original sound – Gabs?

Gabbie later told The Sun that Jenelle was fired because a lot of the “Girl S**t” girls were uncomfortable working with her after finding out about the death of Nugget and other controversial things Jenelle has done and said over the years.

“I was told Jenelle was being let go from the production because of new information that was discovered about her past and a lot of the cast was uncomfortable working with her,” Gabbie told the outlet. 

Gabbie also confirmed that being associated with Jenelle was “bad for business” for the other “Girl S**t” girls.

“Since posting with Jenelle, a lot of us have lost followers, received a lot of hate for even being associated with her,” she said. “From what I know, Jenelle is no longer associated with ‘Girl S#!t.'”

“Don’t worry, Babe! Our podcast about s**t will be twice as good as that one!”

While Gabbie stated that Jenelle was telling the truth when she said she helped choose the cast members, she denied that the other girls work for Jenelle.

“Jenelle was a part of the cast. She did help with finding cast members, and help ‘run the show.’ She was one of the main girls, who personally reached out to me to be a part of this project as well,” Gabbie said, adding that the women all work for a separate producer of “Girl S#!t”, not Jenelle.

Gabbie also confirmed that what Deavan said about Jenelle not being allowed into the launch party was true.

“She did show up at the event for the launch party, but she wasn’t allowed into the VIP area with all the other girls from the podcast,” Gabbie said, adding that she was surprised by what went down.

“I really liked Jenelle and David in person, they were very nice to me and this whole thing makes me really sad.”

The Ashley will continue to update this story. Stay tuned…

RELATED STORY: Former ‘Teen Mom 2’ Star Jenelle Evans Announces Her New Oddly Named Podcast “Girl S**t” & Her Plans to Make It “A Really Big Brand”: A Recap of Events So Far

72 Responses

  1. Seriously, kicked out of the VIP area of a Bowling Alley?!?!!? I’m not sure which part of that is more ridiculous.

    Also, I feel like having 18 women on a podcast is a recipe for a hot mess. Are they all going to appear on every episode or is it a rotation? Does someone propose a topic and everyone has 30 seconds to share their take?

  2. So tired of them always playing dumb to her past. Of course she was nice to whatshername at the party because whatshername played devils advocate, and was the only one willing to talk to her. Janelle will be nice to whoever she needs to be at the moment for whatever serves her in that moment, and that’s been pretty clear. And the whole “apparently everyone needs some time to figure out their roles” is either produced it or you didn’t. You’re either the main boss or you’re not. Why does she lie so damn much? That’s a big reason why people can’t stand her. Even if she got rid of the dead weight (David) she needs therapy to altogether just be a better human. Stop lying all the time. “Fake it til ya make it” isn’t working for you Janelle. Try just being honest. Get rid of the swamp creature. Build your life back up by yourself. Get a real job already.

  3. Bottom line, NOBODY got you fired from ANYTHING Jenelle

    It’s pretty simple sweetie, dont have a checkered past that’s so severe that it LITERALLY follows EVERYWHERE and ANYWHERE you go and dont align yourself with anyone with an equally checkered past (unless they’ve changed and proved themselves worthy of forgiveness)

    1. I’m sorry if she had really left David & stayed in TN.
      She probably wouldn’t have got fired the first day.
      Probably soon because she’s also a crappy human but she might have made it thru the first day.

  4. Does no one Google? Lol type Jenelle and 30 seconds later you’ll have your answer about what type of person she is and what she’s involved in. They should have never even entertained her

    1. Could it be that this ìs her job? She gets payed for the publicity and for then getting fired so that the company/podcast gets to play the dog loving hero?

    1. I mean especially these people that have made the internet their life, are constantly on their phones/social media as they try to be “influencers.” These lame people knew. If they somehow didn’t know, that’s a little worse because that would mean they’re so wrapped up in themselves (as they constantly sit on their phones) to notice anything else. It’s cringey to play naive to the very atmosphere you’re trying to work in (pop culture/social media/reality television). Its like pretending to be a dumb blonde, wanting to be famous at the same time.

  5. She’s a disaster, but a very public disaster. I don’t feel sorry for her, but I feel like they’re just trolling her at this point.
    They hired someone before knowing anything about her? Naw, that’s bullshit.

  6. Do these people not know about google? ?

    Anyway, Jenelle, just get a good ol’ regular job, stop trying to make influencer happen

  7. If she would have left David, she would have a career and a real redemption story.

    Had she spoke out against him, she wouldnt be constantly fired from every opportunity she gets. She also would have money and live and look better than she does.

    1. It’s really that simple. Had she left him, she wouldn’t be getting fired from everything, people and organizations wouldn’t be afraid to work with her, and she would be out of an abusive and toxic relationship. This girl is gradually losing (literally) everyting over David Eason, and he IS NOT worth it. As long as she is with him, she is not going to get work, and no one is going to take her seriously.

        1. Unfortunately for her SHE let that ship sail LONG ago…
          SHE has proven HERSELF to be just as bad as DE, he has just been HER shield!

  8. Oh my god this is all too hilarious ????. Their party was in a bowling alley??? LAUGHING MY F*CKING ASS OFF!!!!

    1. They probably had to limit it to an hour so the room could get ready for a birthday party for a 7 year old in the next time slot hahah

      1. Didn’t anyone tell her it’s called “Girl shit” and not “Girl Shit and David” leave that pos at home next time. He’s such a fake whore but it will never happen.

  9. She should really stop getting lip filler. Seems like that’s a pretty extravagant expense for two people who are chronically unemployed.

  10. I was not expecting 1 day firing. I thought she would at least get 1 podcast under her belt before the Hatters raised hell.

    There is this Netflix documentary that has a line…”#1 rule of the internet is don’t f4ck with cats, dogs, or kids”. The Internet never forgets.

    Poor Nugget RIP is getting the best revenge. Karma keeps hitting this wench over again for supporting her dog-murderer, and she still doesn’t get it and blames everyone else per usual.

    I actually have an idea for her to get paid work off her TM2 credits…but I don’t want to post it here cause we know she reads theAshley. I just want her to go away, sink in that swamp and fade to obscurity.

    1. Coming from John Yates, Deavan and Jenelle, I would take this story with a grain of salt. All three would spin any truth to a story to self promote

  11. Deavan has zero right to talk about anything. Her daughter threw their dog BamBam in the air continuously. Deavan did nothing to stop her and then when people were mad at how the dog was treated, she turned around and told people to stop being rude to her. She also made a comment that if people keep reporting her and they take the dog away, that the dog will be put down or even eaten.

    Deavan should be kicked off this program too.

  12. The amount of jobs this girl has got and lost bc of their past is crazy!! I am not saying I don’t agree with it but I just can’t believe all these people are in the “entertainment” industry and don’t know anything about Jenelle and her past! Do they live under a rock, perhaps?! I just find it odd none of them read these websites or go on SM and see this stuff!!

    1. Aside from “they should know bc TV”, Jenelle’s public life story has existed for 10, 11, 12 years, no?

      Every outlet carried the Nuggetgate and her losing her kids 2 years ago. It’s not only on TV, but it’s on the internet, too. These 18 folks have internet, don’t they? What about (actual) production, or the financiers? They can’t use Google? Theyve obviously heard of Jenelle to invite her to participate.

      Her story shows up as suggestions on Google news. Its been headlines! Wth.

      I vote under a rock, or too self obsessed in their own faux relevancy to notice a huge reality news story.

  13. I call BS! think they knew and they were fully aware but, they wanted to publicity. Good or bad, it drew attention to the podcast. Once they got the attention for the launch, they cut ties ASAP.

    I think a lot of people who hire her either think a) they can handle the backlash or b) they are trying to get attention.

  14. The issue with Jenelle has always been her lack of accountability and lying. If she was someone who owned up to things instead of deflecting and making excuses the last 10 years, I think she’d be in a different position where others would be more empathetic.

    We all do and say dumb things at points of our lives, it is part of being human. In my opinion, there is nothing wrong with demanding accountability. Of course, there is always a line and people go overboard but I don’t think so in Jenelles case.

    I think it is strange all 18 girls and producers claimed to have not done their research on Jenelle though, as it is a business venture. They probably got too much flak for it and decided to get rid of her.

  15. You start a podcast with someone and don’t even google them before? Really? Pretty amateur. But good for them for firing her.

  16. Does no one know how to use google anymore?! These people are lying out their asses if they claim they had no idea…J has been on tmz, the news, tabloids in the grocery store, all over the internet and mainstream media for all the crap she’s pulled in the last decade. You cannot tell me these people have never heard of all the hijinks. At no point in the last decade has J’s name ever been in a positive light. “That one girl from Teen Mom”…which one…oh the drug addicted Kesha chick who couldn’t stay out of jail, who screamed at her mom every time they were in the same room and who gave her kid up so she could party. HMMMM lets work with her that sounds like a great idea. gtfo

  17. Dawwww poor Jenelle…that was some really mean “GIRL SHIT” those tricky women pulled on her LOL. She needs to stop confusing “cancel culture” with “consequences” for her and her husbands disgusting behavior. This is what accountability for staying with an abusive bully looks like. As bad and David is, Jenelle still supports him and his decisions till the bitter end, so IMO, Jenelle has no one to blame for her “cancellation” but herself. This is the umpteenth opportunity that she has lost because of that chunk of dead weight she calls a husband.

  18. She’ll eventually have to get off social media & find an actual job. It probably scares the shit out of her.

    1. I totally agree. And based on her “checkered past” (LOL) what kind of job will she get? They will be on welfare in the next few years. I understand not judging people based on their past but when it involves 20+ arrests, murdering a puppy, CPS, child abuse, etc…. it’s gonna be a long hard life for all of them.

  19. Good on them for refusing to work with her but I find it VERY hard to believe they didn’t know about her past, e.g. David killing Nugget beforehand. They were probably getting a ton of flack from fans and decided to end their working relationship to save face.

    1. People who work or collab with her or Amber LOVE to play dumb when they get called out for giving those trash humans a platform. It’s getting old honestly.

  20. She’s on stand by
    She’s still on stand by
    Hello Larry?
    Please tell these people I’m still on stand by.

    1. I can think of many unforeseen circumstances that would get in David and jenelles way.
      House sunk deeper into the swamp
      Secret service visit again
      Spent too much time on a 911 call
      Kesha concert
      Court hearing
      Meeting with probation officers
      Filming a show with jenelle as producer

  21. I will say I think cancel culture is getting totally insane and crazy BUT not wanting to work with someone that abuses her children and kills dogs seems like a pretty normal thing to do. I also wouldn’t hire Ted Bundy to babysit that doesn’t mean it’s cancel culture.

    1. Right. Cancel culture is “hey dont do business with Jenelle and David. They’re bad”.

      This is “WE’RE not doing business with Jenelle and David. They’re still bad”

      Big difference Jenelle between cancel and consequence.

      1. Right! It’s not like oh fifteen years ago jenelle tweeted something I didn’t like. This is her and her husband abusing their children and killing animals.

        1. Exactly.

          She lost her kids bc of abuse and thr dog killing. That’s bottom of the barrel stuff when the courts have to intervene.

          How do these ppl not know this???

  22. I find it weird that people agree to work with her on these projects in the first place. None of her past is hidden, she’s basically known for being a screw up. If they didn’t know who she was a quick Google search is all you need to know enough to pass on any involvement with her.

      1. Yep.
        I agree.
        But still don’t feel bad for her, she chose to stay with that heathen after the MANY upon many cries for help and claims he’s a good guy after accusing him of outrageous abuse… Then conveniently forgets those accusations she swore was truth…Who does that? Jenelle does. Dumb as rocks.

  23. So before all these women decided to go into business with another reality star they didn’t think to at the very least Google her? There’s no way I’m going to go into business with someone I know nothing about, I’m so confused here.

  24. How are so many people so stupid as to get involved with her/them, only to change their minds in the eleventh hour?

  25. I wonder how soon these two will realize their behavior will continue to follow them thus stopping the few entertainment industry jobs they can scrounge up. It’s probably about time for them to get real jobs like the rest of us.

  26. Ok, who bet less than 1 day before she got fired? So not surprised this happened and I’m glad the rest of the group called her out on her crap.

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