Former ‘Teen Mom 2’ Star Jenelle Evans Announces That Her Husband David Eason Is Getting His Own Podcast & That She’s Relaunching Her Own Failed Podcast

“Gazillions of people wanna hear me talk about how to sponge off your wife for years!”

Jenelle Evans doesn’t have very good luck with podcasts (see: “Girl S**t” podcast), but her husband David Eason is hoping he’ll have more success in the podcasting world.

The former Teen Mom 2 star announced earlier this week that she’s hoping to resurrect The Jenelle Evans Podcast– the podcast she quickly abandoned after only two episodes this summer.

In other Straight-From-The-Swamp podcasting news, Jenelle says that her husband David also wants in on the podcasting fun. She told The Sun the David plans to launch his own podcast, and that both David’s new podcast and her back-from-the-dead podcast will be recorded in her almost-completed “She-Shed” on The Land.

“David wants to do a podcast now with his friends. Once we have it all set up, we’ll be using the shed for a lot of stuff,” Jenelle told The Sun.

“Are ya gonna call it tha ‘Juh-nelle Evans’ Husband Podcast?’ or ‘Shootin’ Tha Sh*t & Family Pets Show?'”

David was a “special guest” on Jenelle’s podcast, co-hosting her second episode with her back in August. While there was no set topic of discussion, David filled the airwaves with uppercuts (and his special swamp humor) but discussing topics such as  Britney Spears‘ “boobies,” dogs pooping on the carpet and his sweat output.

(The Ashley’s isn’t being funny here; these things actually happened, in addition to various Easons burping into the podcasting mic throughout the 45-minute episode. If you want to read a recap of some of the absolutely riveting content Jenelle put out during her existing two episodes, click here.)

In her interview with The Sun, Jenelle didn’t reveal what David and his friends plan to discuss on their podcast.

“This episode, I’ll teach ya how to burp the alphabet and skin a rat at the same time!”

However, she says she’s getting her She-Shed all spruced up so that they can both use it for podcasting.

“I wanted a set spot and I didn’t want to rent any office space when I have that space,” Jenelle said. “It’s super easy to walk outside to do it with no kids are yelling in the background. Something that’s just my space to work.”

Jenelle and David have been documenting the She-Shed makeover on their social media accounts for a while, but Jenelle says it’s still not ready to be used.

“I have to rewire the outside of my shed and then inside. We finally got the sheetrock up and painted and got trim,” she said. “Once it’s done we’ll be ready to get back up and going again.” 

“He-shed, she-said, what’s the difference!?”

Jenelle has plenty of time on her hands these days. Although she was set to launch her new activewear collection with Sew Sew You, the company pulled out of the deal just days before its launch, leaving Jenelle–as she put it— crying her eyes out.

Jenelle has not revealed when she plans to relaunch her podcast, or when David will grace the airwaves with his new podcast.

RELATED STORY: David Eason— Husband of Former ‘Teen Mom 2’ Star Jenelle Evans— Arrested: Get the Details! (Updated with Exclusive Details!)

(Photos: Facebook; MTV; Instagram) 

36 Responses

  1. “Are ya gonna call it tha ‘Juh-nelle Evans’ Husband Podcast?’ or ‘Shootin’ Tha Sh*t & Family Pets Show”? Omg I’m dead ??? The Ashley-your captions are pure GOLD!!

  2. Oh boy, great idea. He’ll have zero listeners, then go back to swilling cheap beer, beating poor Kaiser, and screaming at Jenelle “Woman! Damnit! Where dem MTV dollars at?!? I need me some MTV money!!”

  3. Sorry who?
    No one is going to listen to these two idiots unless it’s a 911 call recording.
    I would rather kiss Javi’s sausage lips for a day than listen to one minute of David free talking.

  4. pretty sure they won’t go through with this because remember all of jenelles ideas she kept talking about? like the single moms version of the bachelorette ? plus what makes them think we’re gonna wanna hear david and his friends rambling on and on about qanon because let’s be real those idiots are deep in to it ?

  5. Do we start taking bets on hold long this (failed) idea lasts?
    I bid…..2 episodes.
    First episode they’ll be excited, 2nd episode he’ll run out of friends and it’s just too much like hard work….

    1. I’d rather listen to Chelsea baby talk than listen to this podcast. Unless the baby talk was longer than this podcast.

  6. You actually have to have a significant number of listeners in order to have sponsors to make money on a podcast. This is just going to be another failed attempt at making money.

  7. Anytime I click on a Jenelle story, I fully expect it to be some drama or really bad shit. Someone got shot, someone got beat up..

    I’m really ready for divorce, forclosure or a custody removal story again.

  8. Wasn’t that she shed their project literally 4 years ago?
    Barb even bought all the lighting.
    A shed shouldn’t take 4 years!

  9. Riiiiight….. ’cause podcasting is what these two idiots should be focusing their time on. Anything to avoid getting a 9 – 5.

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