Prosecution Responds to Josh Duggar’s Request to Delay His July Trial to 2022; States It Would Cause An “Unnecessary Delay”

Josh Duggar’s request to delay his July federal trial may end up being granted, though it’s unlikely the trial will be postponed until 2022, as the former 19 Kids and Counting star has requested. 

Josh, who is currently out on bail after being arrested in April and charged with receiving and possessing child p0rnography, recently requested an Arkansas judge delay his July 2021 trial date to February 2022 “or after” in order for a computer forensic expert to examine his devices. 

U.S. Attorneys filed a response to Josh’s request on Monday, Fox News reports, and in those filings, the government stated it is not opposed to moving Josh’s trial approximately three months back; however, it does not want to see the case take until next year to move along. 

Josh’s April mugshot offering…

“Comes now the United States of America by and through Dustin Roberts, Assistant United States Attorney for the Western District of Arkansas, for its Response to the Defendant’s Motion to Continue Trial until February of 2022 of approximately three months to allow a defense hired expert to review the digital evidence in the case and provide a subsequent option.

“However a continuance as requested until February of 2022 would result in unnecessary delay,” the documents dated June 21 state. 

U.S. Attorneys also state in the June 21 filing that Josh’s request to delay the trial by seven or eight months “remains unsupported.” While Josh’s legal team claim to need the additional months to complete review of the discovery and “pursue certain investigative leads based on the discovery,” U.S. Attorneys argue otherwise. 

Jim Bob’s mood right now.

“ … The defense has had the discovery since early May and certainly three additional months should provide ample time to ‘complete’ their review of the reports and identify any alleged witnesses favorable to the defense,” the filing reads. 

The government also alleges Josh’s lawyers have “failed to turn over certain documents related to the Little Rock Police Department’s involvement in this case.”

According to People, Justin Gelfand, Josh’s lead counsel, has also cited his own scheduling conflicts as a reason for the lengthy delay. Due to COVID, the attorney reportedly has federal criminal trials in July, September, October and November – all scheduled in rapid succession. In response, the government argued in Monday’s filing that the continuance of “approximately three months will resolve most of defense counsel’s calendar related issues.” 

“FYI, that’s this many, Josh… “

It is now reportedly up to a judge to sign off on any potential changes to the timeline for the trial. 

If Josh’s defense team does manage to buy themselves a free more months, that will allow Josh to be present for the birth of his seventh child, a baby girl his wife Anna is currently pregnant with.

RELATED STORY: Josh Duggar is Requesting to Postpone His July 2021 Trial to 2022 to Allow His Devices to be Examined By Computer Forensic Expert

(Photos: TLC; Twitter; YouTube)

12 Responses

  1. So where will Anna give birth? Is she permitted to stay over night with the kids in the house that Josh is in? I know she can visit with the kids but I wonder if she could “move in” as long as Josh is supervised.

  2. I just read what the images and video actually contained on another site. This sick fuck should have never been released and I don’t recommend anyone with a soul reading it. I very rarely cry when reading or watching the news. That shit broke me and I’ll never forget it. I’ve fostered so many children for multiple reasons like my grandparents before me. Talking to my grandma today we have never in forty years for her and ten for me fostered a child that suffered the level abuse that the government said is depicted in the images on fuckshit’s computer. It makes me want to pray that hell is real so that fucker and enabling parents can burn in the deepest pits of it.

  3. If he receives the extra time, I hope the prosecutor uses that time to nail him to the wall. He needs to be locked up before he hurts any more children. I am still shocked and angry that he is allowed to see his own children because we all know that his wife is incapable of protecting them.

  4. So if this happens, and he’s allowed to be at the baby’s birth, will Anna have the baby at the babysitter’s house?! I mean, can he go to the hospital?!

    Poor Anna…

    1. Yeah she’ll probably have it at the babysitter’s house but not b/c of the hospital thing (she has never given birth in a hospital) but because the warehouse they live in is too close to the main Duggar house with all their remaining minor children living in it.

    2. I have no sympathy for that women. Even if she choose to stay after his earlier molesting issues & after his mistress issues, she knew this charges were coming but she allowed herself to get pregnant again. She also allowed him around her children after this latest knowledge. How can 1 person given so many chances to sexualy abuse victims? You can not convince me his children has not been subjected to ANY type of abuse from him.

  5. Amazing when your parents have their hands in the law’s pocket.

    Jim Bob is so highly and deeply connected with his private investments, I bet they’ll pay off everyone they need to, if they haven’t already. Judges, lawyers, jury and press.

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