Lawsuit Filed By Jenelle Evans, Andrew Kenton & Others Against Blogger John Yates & YouTuber Sharrell Lloyd is Dismissed in Court

Give us a thumbs up if you shined your more-classier court heels for nothing…

A lawsuit filed by Jenelle Evans, as well as former 90 Day Fiance star Andrew Kenton and several others, against two Youtubers and a “90 Day Fiance” blogger  has been dismissed.

According to court documents obtained by The Ashley, a judge has ruled in favor of blogger John Yates and Sharrell and William Lloyd of the YouTube channel Sharrell’s World. Jenelle and the other plaintiffs revealed they were suing the trio for slander in May.

“It is hereby ordered and adjudged that judgment is entered in favor of Defendants due to Plaintiffs’ failure to establish subject-matter jurisdiction,” the documents– filed earlier this week—state.

As The Ashley previously told you, Jenelle was not alone in filing this civil case back in May; Plaintiffs also included Andrew, Joseph Alamilla (who was an attorney for “90 Day Fiance” star Jihoon Lee), and others. The lawsuit was filed May 18, 2021 in Utah’s district court, with the plaintiffs demanding $75,000-plus for alleged “intentional acts of assault, libel, trade libel or slander by a private party.”

“Do you KNOW how much TikTok rump-shaking I’m gonna have to do to make that much money?”

However, as mentioned above, the judge ruled that Jenelle & Co. failed to establish subject-matter jurisdiction.

For those of you not on the up and up with all your legal terms, “subject-matter jurisdiction” refers to specialized courts and essentially prevents a court from assuming power over a claim that it is not authorized to hear under the laws of jurisdiction. (Please correct us if we’re wrong, Farrah Abraham.)

“Umm… “

In this particular lawsuit, the Plaintiffs reportedly failed to “sufficiently allege the citizenship of any of the parties,” therefore the court was unable to determine whether or not it had subject-matter jurisdiction over the case. (The Plaintiffs in the case reside in a number of different states, but the lawsuit was filed in Utah.)

Court documents state that the Plaintiffs were asked to “demonstrate why the action should not be dismissed for lack of subject-matter jurisdiction,” though their Memorandum in Response didn’t meet requirements, thus resulting in the case being dismissed.

On Monday, John Yates celebrated the dismissal on Twitter, telling his followers that it was his lawyer who got the case dismissed.

“The lawsuit in which Jenelle Eason and a few people attached to the 90 Day Universe has been officially dismissed,” he tweeted. “I want to thank everyone for the support over the last few month.”


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A few days later, he posted a special “message” to the “90 Day Fiance” star plaintiff, Andrew Kenton, claiming it was Andrew who shelled out the cash to hire the lawyer for all of the plaintiffs in the lawsuit.

“Andrew you lost the lawsuit – I’m sorry that your co-plaintiffs made you pay the 3,500 dollar retainer and if I were you I’d feel used and stupid,” John wrote. “It’s clear that the world has forgotten about you – your 15 minutes has ended months ago and this is your pathetic attempt to still stay relevant and save face. If you want to keep the legal battle going then I suggest you sue the plaintiffs that hoodwinked you promising you the world while delivering zilch.

“I’m sorry that your bruised narcissist personality can’t take the fact that I beat you, but in the grand scheme of things you were beaten by the people that fooled you to pay for this while they paid nothing,” he continued, later adding, “I get it bro it’s hard not being in the spotlight again but when you take money out of your business to prove a petty point which you’ll lose it makes you look like an even bigger sucker and that’s why your co-plaintiffs used you the way they did.


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(Photos: Instagram; TLC; YouTube) 

8 Responses

  1. It was dismissed without prejudice. It could be filed again in state court or refiled in the district of Utah if they establish diversity. The weird “we won” celebrating seems out of line for what actually happened.

  2. I guess Dustin wasn’t working for Jenelle this time….cuz he has pulled off some magic law shenanigans back in the day!!


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