Cory Wharton Reveals Girlfriend Taylor Selfridge Is Returning to ‘Teen Mom’ Two Years After She Was Fired By MTV for Racist Tweets

“Lets hear it for duel incomes!”

Teen Mom: The Next Chapter will be adding someone new to its cast, as Cory Wharton has revealed his girlfriend and baby mama, Taylor Selfridge, has begun filming for the series. 

Cory, who shares one daughter with ‘Next Chapter’ star Cheyenne Floyd and two daughters with former Are You The One? star Taylor, announced the big news on his Instagram Story with a video of Taylor along with the text, “somebody is back filming.”

“I’ll say this you’ll be getting the WHOLE WHARTON FAMILY NOW,” he added.

While Cory has consistently appeared on Teen Mom OG and ‘The Next Chapter,’ fans of the franchise may recall MTV booting Taylor from the network in 2020 “in light of her past racist statements on social media.”

(The tweets–which Taylor posted in 2012 and 2013– were later addressed in an episode of ‘Teen Mom OG’ by Cheyenne. You can read them here.) 

Cory, Taylor and Cheyenne, prior to Taylor getting axed by MTV.

MTV confirmed their decision to cut ties with Taylor on the same day that the network suddenly pulled Cory and Taylor’s baby special, which was to show the birth of the couple’s first daughter Mila. (The special did, however, air once in Canada but not in the United States.) 

“MTV pulled ‘Teen Mom OG At Home: Cory & Taylor’s Baby Special’ from its Tuesday schedule and is ending our relationship with Taylor Selfridge in light of her past racist statements on social media,” the network’s statement read. “MTV strongly condemns systemic racism and stands with those raising their voices against injustice.”

That same night, Taylor took to Instagram to tell her side of events, insinuating that it was her choice, not MTV’s, to leave ‘Teen Mom OG.’ However, in her statement, she hinted that her leaving the show may not be voluntary, as she pointed out that MTV only applied their “rules” to some people and not others. 

“As you guys know already our special didn’t air tonight,” she posted to Instagram. “I made the decision last week not to film the next season of ‘Teen Mom OG’ with Cory for the benefit of myself and my daughter. I don’t believe the reality TV lifestyle benefits me any further at this point in my life. With current events being what they are and reality TV being selective in who they apply rules to or what is considered acceptable behavior, I do not have any further respect.”

“Once again, I apologize for anyone I have hurt or offended in the past,” she continued. “I have addressed my mistakes many times on the network and I would like to move on and continue to be the best version of myself. My past does not define who I am today and I hope you guys can see the change. Please respect my decision to provide a normal, healthy life for my family.” 

At the time, Cheyenne commented on Taylor’s post to show her support. 

“Ryder, my family & I love and support you always,” she wrote. 

While Cheyenne was quick to support Taylor’s decision, some ‘Teen Mom’ fans were just as quick to point out that Cheyenne had her own racist tweet controversy in the past that was extremely similar to Taylor’s. (Both Cheyenne and Taylor made racially insensitive tweets that were posted years before they starred on an MTV show.)

Cheyenne has addressed and apologized for her tweets, though some fans felt at the time that Cheyenne should have been fired along with Taylor, given that their “situations” were so similar. 

“You can’t do that, I’m a teen mom! Oh, wait…”

For those unfamiliar with what Cheyenne’s wrote, back in 2011 she tweeted, “My mom and I can’t see [the movie] ‘The Help,’ she knows I already have a problem with white people.” That tweet was followed up with, “Last night I saw [‘The Help’] and I wanted to kill every white person I saw.” 

Later that year, Cheyenne retweeted the following: “[Cheyenne] and [redacted] are the only Nazi-loving, black power-having, ‘kill-a-white-baby-if-I-could’ people I can accept and adore.” 

Taylor is not the only MTV starlet to get the boot from the network in 2020 over racially insensitive tweets. The Challenge star Dee Nguyen also saw her MTV reality TV career ended  due to her tweets, just one day before Taylor was fired. Earlier this month, Dee discussed her firing at length on a podcast episode.

RELATED STORY: Former ‘Teen Mom OG’ Star Mackenzie McKee Responds to Ex Josh McKee Going Public With His New Girlfriend 

(Photos: MTV; Instagram) 

20 Responses

  1. Cheyanne had racist tweets too about wanting to hurt white babies and mtv hired her. Her apology was pathetic. MTV’s morals are a joke

  2. She’s not lying MTV are selective about who follows what rules, other wise multi time child abandoned, baby daddy beating, pill popping , couch sitting, man obsessed perpetual victim amber portwood would be fired and black listed like David (I’m a male amber) Eason

  3. I mean if morals were a reason to fire someone Amber would have been off the show years ago. Farrah wouldn’t have lasted as long, and Kail wouldn’t have been quit last year.

    It’s honestly a joke what MTV/Viacom draws the line at Taylor was a problem, but Cheyenne is not.

    UBT was the problem, but Nathan and Jenelle were okay. (And aren’t there rumors Jenelle is coming back for TM rewatch show, and she was on last season.)

    Andrew was a problem, but not Amber.

    Farrah was abusive to the crew, abusive towards her daughter and continues to be. Kail beat Javi on the show. Kail has lied about getting a pfa against him. Kail beat up Javi.

    Roxanne threw a pot at Devon’s head, and tried to beat him with her flip-flop. Brittany attacked Kail at a reunion. After Kail threatened Brianna.

    Sean has threatened Jade with a gun.

    And none of this includes the drug stuff.

    Like can we stop with MTV/VIACOM MORALITY BS. THey don’t have any. Just wish they would be honest.

    The show is tanking, we need money, so we are bringing drama back for ratings.

  4. So MTV now will release a statement explaining why they are bringing back a person they fired because she wrote racist tweets? Or a statement explaining why Taylor was fired but not Cheyenne who have her own collection of racist tweets? MTV is trash

  5. I like Taylor. She shouldn’t have been fired, but honestly at this point it’s weird to see her go back to MTV. I think she’s doing it strictly because they are going to have a lot of medical bills for their new little one, unfortunately. Her and Cory’s girls are so freakin cute.

  6. Lol at the “punched every Halloweekend by a black girl”. Sorry that’s funny. She didn’t say she hated black girls, she probably actually looks forward to the yearly ass whooping.

    Huge difference in the 2 levels of tweets. I know that’s hard to hear but one girl actually said “kill”, the other didn’t.

    I don’t know this Taylor. I’m sure she’s a fame whore too as much as this Cory and the rest of them.

  7. I hope she’s truly grown and came a long way since those tweets. I’m not understanding why she was fired but Cheyenne wasn’t.It seems if your racism toward black ppl you get fired,but racism towards white people is ok? I don’t understand racism at all!!

  8. not a fan of taylor she seems so phony to me but she should’ve never been fired to begin with & it makes sense to bring her back especially since they are talking about her daughters medical issues on tv but it really just proves that MTV is all about performative activism. like bffr nobody was thinking about taylor during the blm protests

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