LaNisha Cole Calls Out Nick Cannon’s Other Baby Mamas for Posting “Fake Photo Ops” of Nick & His Kids

“So I take it you don’t want to wear matching Christmas pajamas with the rest us…?”

Nick Cannon’s newest baby mama LaNisha Cole is calling out a couple of Nick’s other baby mamas for allegedly posting “fake IG photo ops” with the Wild ’N Out star. 

The former Price is Right model’s comments were made, The Sun reports, after she was asked during an Instagram Q&A about family photos shared by some of Nick’s other baby mamas this holiday season, in which Nick posed alongside his children and Santa. 

“It’s not easy but I have to do it for my daughter,” Lanisha wrote. “She is incredibly blessed and is surrounded by so much love – and it’s not fake IG photo op love – it’s a real day in and day out love.” 

“There’s no need to mention me or send anything to my dms,” LaNisha seemingly responded to the recent photos by some of Nick’s (many) other baby mamas. “It has nothing to do with me…and no need to be messy…”

“Ho, ho, ho!”

LaNisha went on to add, “It’s important for me to keep things positive and maintain my peace in the midst of it all.”

LaNisha, who welcomed daughter Onyx Ice in September, was seemingly referring to photos posted by Abby De La Rosa–- mother of Nick’s twin sons Zion Mixolydian and Zillion Heir and newborn daughter Beautiful Zeppelin–- and Bre Tiesi, with whom Nick shares six-month-old son Legendary Love. 

For the record, Nick’s massive (and ever-growing) family also includes son Rise Messiah, who he welcomed in September with Brittany Bell. Brittany is also the mom of two more of Nick’s children– son Golden, born in 2017, and daughter Powerful Queen, born in 2020.

He is also a father to 11-year-old twins Moroccan and Monroe with ex-wife Mariah Carey and is currently expecting his second child with Alyssa Scott. Nick and Alyssa announced their baby news less than a year after the pair’s son, Zen, died from a brain tumor at 5 months old. 

(So for those counting at home, that’s 11 (soon to be 12) kids by six different women!) 

While some of Nick’s baby mamas chose to feature the fertile father in their child’s Christmas photos, LaNisha opted for a Nick-free outing to see St. Nick. She later shared some solo shots of baby Onyx sitting on Santa’s lap. 

On Wednesday, LaNisha posted a lengthy message to her Instagram Story asking followers to share their “stories of overcoming obstacles and leaving toxic relationships.” She followed up her post with a message to “the people who still feel the need to be nasty” and send her “disrespectful messages.” 

” … Yes I’ve made mistakes. Yes I’ve put myself through unnecessary pain and heartbreak (which we’ve all done in the name of love. You have too!) But I’m choosing to do better,” she wrote. “Calling me baby mama #538 every time I say the sky is blue is uncalled for and it’s getting old. My life plays out publicly but there’s a lot you don’t see. There’s always so much more I want to say but this isn’t the time.


“I wouldn’t change a single thing about my journey because I’m in a beautiful place now and everything has to happen the way it did for me to get here,” she continued. “I’ve made peace with every decision I’ve made in my life and I pray that you make peace with whatever is causing you to be so bitter towards a person you don’t know.

“Get out of toxic comment sections on social media,” she added. “It’s not real life.”

Nick’s baby mama Bre seemingly responded to the criticism about Nick. After she posted the Santa photos, Bre posted a screenshot of a message she received that applauded the fact that Nick “shows up for his kids.”

“THIS! Nick always shows up,” Bre captioned the screenshot, according to Yahoo. “Always present, happy, consistent, loving parent and an even better person! We love u!”

“Thanks, Bre! There will be an extra candy cane in your child support check envelope this month!”

Nick has not yet publicly responded to LaNisha’s comments. However, in a recent interview, Nick admitted that he feels guilty because he can’t spend adequate time with all of his children.

“Being a father of multiple kids, it’s always the biggest guilt on me is that I don’t get to spend enough time with all my children,” he said. “One ’cause I’m constantly working and two because I’m just spread thin.”

RELATED STORY: Nick Cannon Talks Living With Lupus and the Loss of Son Zen on ‘The Checkup with Dr. David Agus’ 

(Photos: Instagram; The Nick Cannon Show) 

13 Responses

  1. Well, LaNisha, we BETTER not see you having baby #13 with him or no one is going to feel any more sorry for you than we do now. I honestly thought Alyssa would move on after Zen’s death seeing how Nick dealt with it… I mean, dealing with his grief by getting his penis wet isn’t exactly supportive towards her or in good taste in regards to Zeb’s memory. If any man disrespected my sons like that… you can bet your ass I would not be laying down with them again. I DID feel bad for her until I found out she was pregnant again… by him. That’s just gross. He went and got other women pregnant during a time he should have been mourning with you and being supportive to the plight you were undertaking. There was ZERO respect. On another note, Bre strikes me as the type to think she is like, the queen baby mama and that one day he’s going to be hers and hers alone… Especially how quick she is to defend him and just seeing her and how she acts LOL Girl, you are delusional

  2. This lady created her own storm getting pregnant by him, and is now crying because it’s raining. Nicks been having women pop out these kids every other month and she got pregnant by him anyway. And as far as Nick…I think he’s finally stretched himself too thin. He can take care of those kids financially, but emotionally there’s no way he can be there for those kids. He is gross, and the women having his babies are morons. Even Mariah called him out saying he has too many kids and doesn’t spend enough time with hers.

  3. Those are some of the most ridiculously ghetto kids names Iv ever heard. Just disgusting. Those kids will all grow up to be narcissistic messes.

    1. One can wonder how much self love a child can nurture with such a famous absent father that keeps on seed spreading.

      1. The moms are no better than him, they’re all well aware of what, and who, he is doing. There is only one of them with amount of intelligence, Mariah, and she ran as far away from him as possible. The only time she ever really mentions him is when she’s asked about how much time he spends with their twins (pretty much none at this point, of course).

        The rest of them? All hoes with little to no self respect, much less respect for their children and what being in this kind of limelight might cause them. What kind of self-respecting person sleeps with (and in most cases, repeatedly) someone who hoes himself around in such a public manner. I’d honestly be surprised if they didn’t all share an STD or two. The only ones we hear about are those who openly admit he got them pregnant. We don’t hear about all his disgusting trysts.

  4. First, I don’t think people sound be sending rude DMs to anyone (even Jenelle Evans).

    That being said.. How do you expect people not to judge?? The pro to this situation is that there are multiple moms so the kids won’t be raising kids (like the Duggars). The cons are: you can’t give each child the attention they deserve, you’re basically showing your kids it’s ok to have a harem of women you impregnate. I personally wouldn’t want my sons treating women that way and I for sure wouldn’t want my daughters to be in a harem.

  5. Ooh the baby mamas have always projected an image that everything was harmonious. Is this newest sister wife gonna be the Robin and blow everything up?! Can’t wait for 2023!

  6. When one lies down with a dog (and Nick is certainly a dog and worse), the result is fleas and in Nick’s case a baby too. All of those kids deserve better than Nick #cancelnickcannon. I usually find “cancel culture ridiculous, but in Nick’s case it is warranted.

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