Dr. Cheyenne Bryant Praises Ryan Edwards For Progress He’s Made In His Relationship with Son Bentley; Says Ryan “Put In a Lot of Work”

“If I hadn’t seen it, I wouldn’t have believed it!”

Dr. Cheyenne Bryant is praising Ryan Edwards for the work he’s done on his relationship with his 14-year-old son Bentley– and his once-estranged baby mama Maci Bookout.

In a new interview with The Sun, Dr. Bryant (who is also known as “Coach B” on the currently airing season of Teen Mom Family Reunion) gave a surprising update on where  Ryan and Maci’s co-parenting relationship stands today, and how hard Ryan has been trying to improve things between him and his son. 

“Ryan showed up in a way that people have never seen him show up,” Dr. Bryant told The Sun.

“I was on time this time around!”

As Teen Mom OG fans know, Maci and Ryan have been battling for years, and eventually stopped speaking all together. Maci was instrumental in getting Ryan, his wife Mackenzie and his parents booted from ‘Teen Mom OG’ in 2021. That same year, Ryan claimed that Maci stopped letting him and his family see Bentley after Maci and her husband Taylor McKinney got into a fight on-stage with Ryan’s parents, Jen and Larry Edwards.

“I pulled my mullet in front of my eyes so I didn’t have to watch that cringe-fest!”

In an interview last month, Maci hinted that things are much better between her and Ryan now, but according to Dr. Bryant, fans will be “in awe” and “very surprised” to see how hard Ryan is trying to have a good relationship with his son. She also praised Maci and Bentley for their parts in the improved relationships.

“I have to say the most growth would have to go to Maci, Ryan and Bentley,” Coach B told The Sun. “You know, they haven’t been able to co-parent for years and they’ve been on non-speaking terms.

“Bentley has been at the short end of the stick, not really receiving a healthy co-parenting relationship, and it’s affected his relationship with his father.”

As The Ashley previously reported, Ryan was asked repeatedly to appear on ‘Teen Mom Family Reunion’ Season 2 but continued to decline. However, according to The Ashley’s sources, Ryan agreed to attend the ‘Teen Mom Family Reunion’ “The Aftermath” show (which was filmed one day after the ‘Teen Mom: Next Chapter’ Reunion episode was filmed). Fans will get to see Ryan and Maci discuss their relationship on that episode.

“Ryan gets very emotional during the segment,” one behind-the-scenes source told The Ashley. “People have never seen Ryan like this before.”

“Seeing Ryan get all emotional makes me feel all tingly in my no-nos!”

According to Dr. Bryant, Ryan and Maci have been “able to really come to a really beautiful co-parenting medium. And Bentley also was able to witness that and be a part of that as well as Taylor.

“[Ryan] put in a lot of work,” she said, adding, “It’s one of one of my favorite sessions and one of my favorite scenes that we filmed because it was deep and it threw everyone off.”

30 Responses

  1. I mean….better late than never. I just hate how these deadbeat dads aren’t there during the hard times when the baby is small and can’t fend for itself, they want to leave that hard part to the mom…but once the kid is a teenager and old enough to take care of themselves, the dad wants to pop back up in their lives and act right. Adam seems to be doing the same thing with Aubrey now.

  2. The constant blaming of Mack who tried to protect her son gets old.. why would she believe him saying he’s no longer an addict when she’s caught him lying to her however, many times, then she tried to do it with the wife and the wife was lying for him. His parents were lying for him. MTV was lying and protecting him. I don’t blame Macy for not trusting any of these people it’s her first born child. She wanted him to have stability. I was glad to see that Ryan is stepping up now, but let’s not re-create history. Macy did the best she could with what she had. She kept consistent relationship with his parents for years to keep the door open and they continuously attacked her and believe their drug Ed up son.

  3. Good grief, give the kids some flipping privacy. Why does everything have to be public knowledge?! You’re making money off of airing your kids therapy? Gross.

  4. If this is actually true, I’m truly surprised. Maci was always an involved parent, versus Ryan who was immature and coddled. I really feel like Maci did her best with trying to give Ryan and his family chances to be involved.

    I remember Mac gave an interview, sometime in the last year, discussing how she and Ryan both worked normal jobs and did therapy. If that story and this story are both true, I congratulate everyone involved. If this sequence of events is true, ot leads me to believe more that mac and ryan especially have grown up. We all have seen how Ryan didn’t ever show up for Bentley and what Larry did confronting Bentley (when he stated he would choose Ryan and new grandchildren over him).

    1. Of course they have normal jobs…they kinda have to. They don’t have that enchanted MTV paycheck to pay for everything (and yes everything included drugs). I’m like Maci “in my opinion he is 100% not sober.”

      And I hope to God they are in therapy because those two idiots (Mack and Rhine) need it!!!

  5. Bentley resembles Larry in that pic of him sitting on the couch! I never really could see much of Ryan there.

  6. He was a piece of shit back when Maci got knocked up, what was the excuse then?
    It gets old watching these stupid girls fk assholes, get knocked up, and expect said asshole to magically become a non-asshole just because she’s pregnant.

  7. I think it’s unfair to put so much blame on Maci. She is not perfect, but she has always tried to give Ryan the option to be a part of Bentley’s life. I mean she co-parented with Jen and Larry for 13 years, just so they and Ryan could have a relationship with Bentley.

    It’s not her fault Ryan is a drug addict (despite Ryan trying to say otherwise), it’s not her fault he has NEVER wanted to step up and parent his own kid.

    She has always left the door open, but it was up to Ryan to take it. And Yes she put up boundaries, but it’s not unreasonable for anyone to make sure the person watching their kid is sober before they allow them in their custody. It’s not unreasonable to say, we are leaving at 7 pm if you are not here, we leave without you.

    Ryan has been babied his entire life, he has never been held accountable.

    His 14 year old son is more responsible than him. Pathetic.

    1. If he’s really changed., good for him! And Great for Bentley❤️. You could see Bentley wanted to bond with his dad.

      1. I hope Ryan’s sober, stable, reliable, and actually taking accountability.

        I was mad that this doctor was putting blame 50-50 on “coparenting”. And that’s not fair to Maci. I mean even before Ryan was an addict they never co-parented. It was always Maci and Jen would would do the co-parenting.

        I just don’t know if really co-parenting is even an accurate description of what it’s like now or ever been. Maci isn’t really talking with Ryan about parenting plans, hw, punishment, or transportation. I mean at best she’s begging him to meet his son for a smoothie after school.

        ***You could see Bentley wanted to bond with his dad.***

        I can see both sides. I could see that Bentley wants some relationship with Ryan, what that relationship looks like I don’t know. I don’t think that just because Ryan is his bio dad, means Bentley needs to have a relationship with him or bond.

        I mean it’s taken Ryan 14 years to TRY to see his son. Bentley has known Taylor since he was a toddler, he has great relationships with both his grandfathers. Maybe that’s enough. I mean having a dad who’s an addict is not something I would wish on anyone and Ryan has a low emotional IQ, he can be and has been hurtful. Bentley also said, he doesn’t see him much, and he doesn’t feel comfortable around him.

        I hope for the best, but it’s Bentley in the driver’s seat and he gets to decide.

  8. It is about flipping time. Bentley is 14 years old and Ryan is finally plugging in. Every bit of this could have been avoided if he had just gotten it together years earlier.

  9. Yes Ryan had issues but maci never really tried to make things better, sure she put on she was for the show. If she really cared she would of done stuff in PRIVATE. Maci gets them fired but now on reunion show she needs storyline and it’s all bout trying to repair with Ryan. She has no heart taking away his source of income but she can still use son and Ryan for paycheck. Taylor never really wanted bently and Ryan together. Pathetic

    1. I am definitely no Maci fan but I can relate to trying to coparent with a drug addicted father that dips in and out if their child’s life with little to no thought as to the pain they are causing their child. Maci strikes me as the type that would find fault with anyone. Ryan did a lot of damage to his own relationship with Bentley. The times we did see Bentley trying to interact with Ryan and Mackenzie were them laughing and making fun of him. Ryan has always been a selfish asshole. Maci has always been wound far too tight. Bentley seems to be growing into a fine young man regardless.

      1. Ryan laughed when Bentley took him his first gf cheated on him.

        And that’s not when he was ignoring him or blaming Jen and Maci for everything wrong in his life.

    2. Ryan never was a parent, even when Bentley was a baby. He would go out & party while Maci was home with the baby. She went to school, worked, & raised a baby without his help. She’s made mistakes because everyone does, but she has always been there for her kids.

    3. It’s not Maci’s job to make things better, it’s Ryan’s…he’s the addict not her.

      Her only job was to protect her son the best she knew how and I think she’s done a pretty dang good job of that!!

      Now he’s older and he can make his own mind up about what he wants from his father!!!

  10. It only took him 14 years.?‍♀️Forgive me if I’m not patting Ryan on the back for pulling his head out of his ass and doing what he should have been doing all along. He doesn’t win a prize for that.

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