There’s reportedly been yet another shake up in the bizarre child custody case involving Paul Staehle and Karine Martins and their two sons.
Just a month or so after Karine and Paul–– one of the most tumultuous pairings to come out of the 90 Day Fiance franchise–– confirmed they were “officially back together,” Karine is reportedly set to regain custody of her and Paul’s sons, Pierre and Ethan.
“Karine’s prayers have finally been answered,” Paul shared on his Instagram Story last week. “Finally … after extensive talks with our lawyers, after Karine completes her final class in only nine weeks, she can finally regain custody per her lawyer.”

As you may recall, Paul confirmed in July that the two children were in CPS custody. This occurred nearly a month after the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children reported that Pierre had been missing since early June, and was possibly in the company of his father.
(Paul denied kidnapping Pierre and insisted he had taken his oldest son on a “job-finding trip”…one which happened to occur right after CPS was granted custody of Pierre and Ethan.)
Paul recently told fans he and Karine were turning to OnlyFans to earn money in order to pay lawyers amid their custody battle with CPS, but according to In Touch, Karine is set to regain custody of the boys within a matter of weeks.

Karine had posted a photo of herself last month praying that she would “win this fight” for her sons.
“God help me to stand on my feet, I often feel tired and discouraged,” she wrote. “But I believe I will win this fight and soon I will be with my boys close to me. I only ask you to keep me firm and that my faith never shakes. Amém!”
Paul went on to acknowledge last week that he will remain out of his children’s lives a “bit longer,” as his own custody situation is “different and will take longer to solve.”
(Months before rekindling his doomed relationship with Karine, Paul told “90 Day Fiance” blogger John Yates in November that legally, he is not permitted to see his sons until the boys are 18 years old. However, Paul did not go into detail as to why that may be the case.)
Still, Paul said he is “extremely happy” about the recent update, explaining that the Brazilian government would be sending “federal representation” on behalf of Karine and their sons.

“As Brazilians and the injustice of denying them their cultural and keep them so long from Karine because of her not being American,” Paul wrote. “As this hits an official international level of involvement.”
As The Ashley previously told you, Karine dropped a restraining order in March that she initially filed against Paul in December 2021 following a physical altercation between the two.

Karine had filed the restraining order while she was in the process of divorcing Paul. After the decision of the court was made public, it was revealed that Karine had accused Paul of forcing her “to have sexual intercourse without her consent multiple times,” with the alleged incidents recorded and posted online. Paul had also allegedly engaged in other abusive behaviors and threatened to have Karine deported.
(Photos: Instagram; TLC)
7 Responses
Good God no. Neither of these two idiots should be allowed near those kids. They should also be sterilized and then deported.
Ever wonder when you you see two serial killers in a documentary and think how does that happen? How do they both think like that? Mystery solved.
Those boys do NOT need to be reunited with those clowns. They are not capable of providing stability, let alone, safety. It is NOT always in the child(ren)’s best interest to be reunited with their biological parents- and this is a perfect example. While in certain cases, I understand it, this is CLEARLY a case where it would likely be detrimental to those boys. She MIGHT have a chance on her own I suppose, but I am fully convinced that she is just as unstable as Paul is.
Oh my God, no ?
Karine, if this is true..girl stay single!! Do not let this mess continue. If they take those boys again, you’ll likely never get them back.
I pray that these kids can somehow go to a safe and loving environment. Karine and Paul are dysfunctional and toxic. From them hitting each other, screaming at each other and posting it all online in front of their boys says it all. There was a video where one of the boys was in a closet crying. Karine grabbed her phone, hit record and opened up the closet door to her crying son. She then screams “Look what Paul did!” She didn’t even comfort the kid.
For Paul to have something against him saying that he can’t see either boy until they are 18 makes me think that these boys were abused far more than what we’ve seen. Also if Karine is back together with Paul she will allow Paul to illegally have access to these children. She doesn’t strike me as being smart or of loving her children unconditionally and protecting them first.
I hope that this isn’t true. She was just fighting with the foster Mom the other day. The kids need to stay where they are. She obviously isn’t thinking too clearly if she has allowed Paul back in to her life.