Farrah Abraham Insists Her New Secret Boyfriend Is Not Paying Her to Be In A Relationship: “There Are No Illegal Activities Going On In My Life”

While we can’t reveal the face of Farrah’s new man, here is Farrah’s newest face.

Love is in the air for Farrah Abraham, but it isn’t out in the open. 

The fired Teen Mom star is currently in a relationship with a man she met on OnlyFans back in 2021. While the two communicated on the subscription-based (and mostly NSFW) site years ago, the lover of all things cosmetic procedures and general misuse of the English language claims things only got serious between her and her new man after they ended up matching on a dating app this year. 

Farrah has yet to reveal the identity of her latest love interest, nor has she posted any videos or photos in which her man’s back isn’t to the camera or his face hasn’t been strategically cut out of the shot or covered by an emoji. However, she insists that the relationship is very real and not a ‘for-pay’ situation, as some of her haters have suggested.

The self-proclaimed Number One Celebrity In Our Nation reportedly entered into this business deal relationship after training with a dating/relationship coach over the course of three months in order to overhaul her past dating habits. Farrah claims she’s shooting for a drama-free dating experience with her employee new boo, and even made the mystery man sign a non-disclosure agreement (NDA) for good measure. 

“This is why it’s so important for all women of this world to have education and professionalism and good knowledge of legal rights to prevent harassment and discrimination for our future and for liberty and justice for all. PER LAW.”

Though Farrah isn’t sharing the name of her boyfriend at the moment, she told TMZ that he’s sober, isn’t a public figure, works in “tech, business sales and marketing,” and that the two of them are close in age. The mystery man also reportedly purchased a home near Farrah after the couple made their relationship official in late September, though he has yet to meet Farrah’s family–- presumably including Farrah’s 14-year-old daughter Sophia–- and is not set to do so until later this month. 

“If you so much as think about asking me to call this guy Daddy Mystery Man, I’m hightailing it to Starburst’s stable!”

Just last week, Farrah posted a series of clips to Instagram in which she referenced “Friendsgiving” along with the hashtag “#turksandcaicos,” seemingly confirming she and her guy spent the Thanksgiving holiday together on vacation.

Farrah’s post was met with countless comments from people questioning the authenticity of her posterior new relationship, largely due to Farrah’s decision to hide her man’s face, as well as her historically terrible track record when it comes to dating. Many also accused her of being an escort and her man of being a “John” who was paying Farrah for her time.

“No way did she actually find a man who is capable of dealing with her craziness,” one person wrote. 

“Is he a paid date?” another asked. 

“Finally got a new boo for a week or two,” someone else wrote. 

“Wonder what he paid you for the weekend?” a different comment read. 

Multiple people also noted the irony of Farrah’s song choice for the post, “Agora Hills” by Doja Cat, which features the line, “I wanna show you off.” 

“Proceeds to not ‘show him off’ lol Jesus Christ..,” one comment read, to which Farrah replied, “its called privacey.”  (Obviously, Farrah is still keeping her ability to spell correctly and use proper punctuation under wraps, too.)

UPDATE! On Thursday, Farrah beamed into TMZ to address her haters’ speculation that her new man is actually a “John” (aka client) and that she is being paid to spend time with him.

“There are no illegal activities going on in my life, or in my family’s dynamic,” she said in a video interview, later adding, “For the record, this is a boyfriend situation and no illegal activity. And it’s sad that I even have to correct people on this.”

Farrah then committed The Number One Sin In Our Nation and compared herself to Queen Dolly Parton.

The Ashley needs a minute….

The Ashley when Farrah dared to bring up Dolly Parton…

Farrah stated that she is modeling her on-the-down-low relationship after Dolly’s relationship with her husband Carl Dean. (Dolly and Carl have been married for 57 years but Carl has made very few public appearances and prefers to stay private.)

“It’s kind of like Dolly Parton in a way,” Farrah said. “I love her relationship with her husband. I think that’s healthiest for me and for whoever I’m getting to know. Maybe I’ll never reveal who I’m talking to, even if I ever get married one day. I just feel like I need privacy.

“I always feel like there’s some kind of threat towards having a happy, healthy, loving relationship in my life, from ‘Teen Mom’ days.”

Farrah also addressed Jenelle Evans‘ recent comment that Child Protective Services (CPS) needs to do a welfare check on Sophia.

“I think the CPS stuff needs to stop,” the Backdoor Teen Mom said. “Again, my motherhood has always been, like, threatened by very negative, made-up things from haters. It’s really sad that I’ve had to learn the hard way in the past about going on trips or anything with any boyfriend I’ve ever had, that like CPS would be called or anything like that while I’m gone.”

“All your boyfriends? Um…are we counting the guys in the past who you tried to pretend were your boyfriends? Also, neigh…”

Farrah then seemed to take another swipe at Jenelle, who is the middle of a CPS investigation with her husband David Eason.

“I’m loving that I don’t have to deal with a CPS crisis all the time, just by trying to have a normal dating life,” she said. “I welcome all the hate now and I just love that my dating life is more private.”

RELATED STORY: Farrah Abraham Posts Offensive Statement Comparing Her Recent Court Case to Israel’s War with Hamas; Mistakenly Refers to Palestinian Militant Group As “Hummus” 

(Photos: Instagram; YouTube) 

15 Responses

  1. WOW!!!! whoever did that to her face should be removed from any medical procedures again–EVER!!! WOW!!!

  2. Horseface USED to be so pretty, before she butchered it all up. I’d be afraid to light a match around her & all the chemicals. She is just horrendous now, (and no, Farrah, I am not jealous). I was a bit concerned when Sophia started to go dark with the piercings, dark hair, dark clothes, but I think I get it now: This little girl is doing whatever the F she can to be the complete opposite of her mother. She is embarrassed and humiliated by her behavior, but she can’t do anything about it because she’s a minor. Like, WHO tf films and then posts about a very emotional visit to her father’s grave?! Farrah is just disgusting, vile human being. This is Sophia’s only way to rebel without “disrespecting” her mother. I can’t WAIT until she’s old enough to tell what her childhood was really like and leave that awful woman/women. I have never believed that Sophia thought of her mother as her bf, like mom does to her. So sad….

    1. The thing is: Farrah wasn’t even bad looking before all this surgery! She has serious issues if she thinks THAT looks good!

    1. Based on what Jenelle has done, ai am grading on a serious curve. At least Farrah is keeping this guys identity private and not introducing him to he daughter yet. Farrah is absolutely insane, but, compared to Jenelle, she is mother of the year. And THAT is very, very scary.

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