Jenelle Evans’ Former ‘Teen Mom 2’ Co-Stars, Ex-Fiance & More Weigh In On Her Split from David Eason

Jenelle’s probably wishing she could take this line back right about now…

The people who used to be important players in Jenelle Evans‘ life are beginning to weigh in on her recent split from husband David Eason— and, surprisingly, the former Teen Mom 2 star is getting plenty of support from people she’s famously feuded with in the past.

Several of Jenelle’s former ‘Teen Mom 2’ co-stars, as well as her ex-fiance Gary Head  revealed their feelings regarding Jenelle’s recent statement that she’s moved away from The Land because she’s divorcing David.

Briana DeJesus, who was Jenelle’s only ally on the ‘TM2’ cast for years before they had a falling out earlier this year, told Radar Online, “I’m happy to hear the news that Jenelle has filed for divorce.” (Jenelle hasn’t technically filed for divorce yet, though; in North Carolina, you must be separated and living apart from your spouse for a year before you can file.)

Briana also gave her thoughts on Jenelle possibly returning to ‘Teen Mom 2.’

“As far as if she will be back on the show, I have no idea, but if she is, I of course would welcome her back,” Briana told Radar. “I always enjoyed my time with her and am just relieved and happy to hear she’s doing what is best for her and her children.”

Even Kail Lowry, who has famously feuded with Jenelle (and David) for years, was supportive of Jenelle’s decision. 

“I wish her the best,” Kail told OK! magazine.

Describe Jenelle and David’s whole relationship in four words or less…

Gary Head, who is one of Jenelle’s many former fiances, also gave his thoughts on the split over the weekend on Twitter. Gary— who was engaged to Jenelle in 2012— made it clear that he has no use for David. 

“I don’t like him,” Gary wrote. “He’s your typical NC jail bird with insecurities bigger than his beard. He can’t work, [relies] on a woman to bring home the bacon while he plays with pigs in the backyard. Dude is a straight up loser in my opinion.”

(The last time ‘Teen Mom 2’ fans saw Gary on TV was in late 2017, when he appeared on the ‘Teen Mom’ “Ex Files” special, in which several of Jenelle’s former soulmates were gathered to discuss their relationship with the ‘Teen Mom 2′ star.)

Farrah Abraham, never one to let an opportunity to get her mug in front of a camera pass her by, gave her thoughts to TMZ about Jenelle’s decision to leave David. 

“I’m about to sound really smart, watch…”

“I love that I hear that,” Farrah said. “I think a lot of us have been saying to Jenelle you should maybe part ways, get a divorce, you know for the betterment of her kids, herself and maybe David, her husband as well.”

However, it appears that Farrah thinks that this is just a scam put together by Jenelle and David to get Jenelle back on ‘Teen Mom 2.’

“I just see it as a way of going back to TV,” she said before heading into “Farrah Speak” territory.

“I think women like myself who just want better crews and better circumstances for kids, we do the right things beyond just wanting to go back to television,” Farrah said. “I don’t know…will things change when she gets a divorce just to go back to TV? I’m just a little confused on her real intentions. Is it for her safety, her health and everyone’s well-being or is it just to get back on TV?

“I hope it’s not [an agenda], and I always wish all the moms all the best,” Farrah said before adding that if Jenelle isn’t really planning on making a change, she won’t be tuning in if Jenelle gets her job on ‘Teen Mom 2’ back.

“To keep repeating that cycle for 10 years now, that’s nothing that I want to watch, and I know that my daughter doesn’t want to watch that either.”

You can watch Farrah’s full interview below! 

RELATED STORY: David Eason Speaks Out After Jenelle Evans Announces She’s Divorcing Him; Calls Her “Stupid” After It’s Reported She Wants Full Custody of Their Daughter Ensley

(Photo: MTV)

70 Responses

  1. She’s speaking up about her daughter not wanting to watch if Jenelle goes back to TeenMom……Sure Farrah, she’s more content viewing/ filming her mother’s ass injections .

  2. [* Shield plugin marked this comment as “Trash”. Reason: Failed Bot Test (checkbox) *]
    I don’t believe she actually wants to divorce at all. Because, how did Janelle snatched her daughter from The Land without being shot by that big foot? Plus, even if she succeeded to escape with the kids, why hasn’t David call the police for kidnapping? If you think about how they abused the 911 call in the past, doesn’t it looks too suspicious? In stead of call the police or go look for them with loaded guns, calling her stupid just once since the “split” isn’t something he would do, if Janelle is really trying to divorce.
    It’s all for the Teen Mom money.

  3. If Farrah could just figure out how to articulate all that stuff that’s floating around in her head, she could really execute some pretty valid points. I too believe this is a ploy to get back on TV, and aside from herself (and possibly David), Jenelle doesn’t have anyone else’s best intentions in mind. She’s messed up so many times in the past, it’s just so hard to take this “divorce” seriously…especially since no police report has been filed against David, and she hasn’t said much of anything….and the worst he did was post a meme…but they both always have so much to say about their other ex’s.

  4. My fave Gary Head + Jenelle memory is when she briefly got back together with him while married to Courtland, shortly before she hooked up with Nathan.

    Jenelle made a HUGE deal on Twitter about the Valentine’s Day gifts Gary got her. Flowers, a stuffed bear, some balloons. she posted about fate and love and blah blah. Then later that day she learned that he sent the same gift bundle BUT BIGGER for his ex-gf Jade.

    I love thinking about his thought process when picking out something for the ex gf he was banging, and then picking a better one for the ex gf he wanted back ? Jenelle of course had a total meltdown, and within a week Gary and Jade we’re back together. And naturally the whole thing played out on Twitter

    1. I was actually disappointed that there wasn’t a ton of “Farrah speak” in that one. I eagerly clicked to hear it, but alas there wasn’t much. ?

    2. Exactly. Why does Farrah feel the need to give her thoughts about EVERYTHING?

      I am so sick of hearing from her. Everytime I see her ugly face and hear her “Farrah Speak” bullshit, I swear to god I scream, “Bitch you’ve been fired, you’re irrelevant, GO AWAY!!”

      I hated that bitch then, and I REALLY hate her now!!

  5. Oh Gary – shoosh!

    The only ex I would be interested in hearing from is Nathan. Explain yourself Nate!! Where are you? Are you supporting Jenelle in her effort to leave “the Land” and your childs abuser?

    1. It’s not Nathan’s job to save or even support that bitch. Just Kaiser and she’s doing her damndest to not let him.

  6. Where’s Keifer? I hear it in my head in Barb’s voice lol. I don’t remember this dude either. Mr. Head. So many jokes there lol

        1. The answer is yes. He was originally supposed to serve 18 to 36 months, but he took a plea deal where he pleaded guilty in exchange for only having to serve 12 months of the original sentence. That was in August of 2018, so he became eligible for parole in August of this year and it was granted.

          1. So your saying there’s a chance they could get back together?! ?? I wonder if Keiffer has any ties to Tennessee and if that is why Jenelle is there?! That would be funny.

          2. I think her getting back together with Keiffah would no doubt get her back on TM2…and probably get Kieffah murdered by David

          3. Duuuude, Kieffer is from the New Jersey area and was arrested in Pennsylvania. I didn’t see any evidence of him being in Tennessee. But it would be funny if they somehow found each other again.

            Lexii, you are so right. I have no doubt that it would get Kieffer killed by David either.

  7. Oh for fucks sake. Crawl back into whatever hole you came out of and stop flapping your gums. If you guys haven’t spoken in forever and you each have your own lives and families, keep it moving. No one needs your 2¢

  8. David was courtlands cell mate aka soul mate!!! I had a hard time remembering lol at least this isn’t the same guy!

  9. So many soulmates…. I literally can’t remember Gary even though I’ve been watching this show since the beginning…. huh.

    1. Gary was the marine she dated. Babs liked him. He seemed decent enough at the time? She was throwing him out of the house for sleeping with Whori – Tori one time and literally throwing his belongings at him while screaming GET OUT.
      I think he was even around for the boob job appointments, but then Keiffer was the one that was there on the day. Must’ve been because he knew she would get some pain pills.

    2. I’m pretty sure this is the soulmate that chocked her with a bed sheet or a towel or something…and Kieffah tried to fight him outside of the court house because he was mad Gary choked her…he was yelling at him saying you don’t put your hands on a lady! or something like that LOL.

      1. I am like Regina, I didn’t remember him either. That was, until I saw his face.

        Then memories of him started flooding back.

        Aside from the drug use, I liked him (him being Kieffer). He seemed genuine to me.

      1. I haven’t been on The Ashley for a while (busy with school), but it’s fun to see another man on here commenting. What does that make, 2 now? With @Trevorandcory.

  10. “He’s your typical NC jail bird with insecurities bigger than his beard. He can’t work, [relies] on a woman to bring home the bacon while he plays with pigs in the backyard. Dude is a straight up loser in my opinion.”
    This is the most accurate description of David I’ve ever read LMFAO

  11. I find it interesting that Jenelles last vacation was in Tennessee. Now she’s supposedly staying in Tennessee. I believe they were scouting a place for her to stay. How in the hell can she stay in Tennessee with Kaiser in school? I am waiting for the porn. Ok Nathan I guess you will just sit back and let Kaiser fail kindergarten. I guess Nathan will also let Kaiser get hurt if dumb David does something to Jenelle. P.S. I just want to see the size of David’s P—>.

      1. I know preschool isn’t required but kindergarten, really? Last I heard, kindergarten was changed from half a day to a full day in my area and is very much required. These kids need more schooling not less!

      2. I think you mean preschool. Kindergarten is the first required grade that kids in America have to go to, starting at age 5.

        1. I just looked it up. And according to Google, it depends on the child’s birth date as to whether they attend preschool or kindergarten.

          But I wouldn’t take all of what Google says as gospel.

          Especially since I saw on Google that Kieffer was released and he hasn’t been.

    1. Would you fight to keep your kid in the same state as that gun toting volatile prick? Or be quite happy with a few weeks of school missed so that they can relate to safety?

  12. I just love how everyone refers to her property as “the land” cracks me up. Its literally addressed as that everywhere ??? @theashleys did you start that??

    1. Jenelle and David started that. They always talked about “the land” when they bought it and were having their trailer built on it.

  13. [* Shield plugin marked this comment as “Trash”. Reason: Failed Bot Test (expired) *]
    who cares at all what this loser has to say? he’s just as and if not more irrelevant as david is about to be

      1. Thank you. And is it just me, or does this Gary dude bear a striking resemblance to The Wolverine (especially in the first picture)

        1. Oh, yeah! Wow! That really sucks for Hugh Jackman. Love the wolverine husband is also a big fan of, “Real Steel.” I have to admit that one’s pretty cool too.

          1. I mean, it’s one thing to look want to look like someone because they appreciate the philanthropic work that they do, but some of these people are whackos who are obsessed with the person they are trying to look like.

            One super sad case that comes to mind is how eerily close to Kim Kardashian that Farrah is starting to look.

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