From preparing to get new body parts to calling out new ‘Teen Mom’ girls, the stars (past and present) of the Teen Mom franchise have had quite the busy week!
In an effort to get you up-to-date on the latest Teen Mom OG and Teen Mom 2 news, The Ashley brings you the Teen Mom News Pile. Here are some of the major (and minor but interesting) ‘Teen Mom’-related things that have happened over the last few days…
Lexi Tatman got snarky while watching the new ‘Teen Mom: Young & Pregnant’ girls.

Lexi is clearly not impressed by her replacements on ‘Teen Mom: Young & Pregnant!’
The former reality star— whom The Ashley told you last year was fired from the show for essentially being “too boring”—weighed in on the recent on-air actions of new girl Rachel Beaver and her family. Her comment— left on the “TeenMom.Tea” Instagram account— came off snarky and, at first, Lexi tried to deny she meant it in a negative way. Soon, though, she let her snark flag fly!
“For this family’s sake, I hope they grow up,” Lexi wrote. “I understand family differences but to publicly blast each other is on another level.”
She then added, “Securing that third season tho.”
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Lexi speaking on the drama between Rachel and her family on my previous post! #youngandpregnant
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When Lexi realized the Instagram account had posted her comment, she at first explained that she was being snarky for Rachel & Co.’s own good!
“I wasn’t trying to weigh in, I just had some similar fighting amongst family and I’d hate to see it happen to more family because of a show,” she wrote. “It’s not my place to weigh into a family fight. I sincerely hope it’s not taken that way, I really really just can relate with fighting with people so close to you.”
Fans weren’t buying Lexi’s “snark for a cause” explanation, so she finally admitted that she did mean it exactly how it sounded.
“I’m not concerned. I said what I said. Still wasn’t trying to weigh in because I don’t know what’s goin on in their life just offering advice since I had similar experiences,” she wrote. “Yes it was a bitchy comment and I own it. I’m not acting innocent, you can’t deny that this isn’t something MTV wants to see though
When another person suggested that Rachel & Co.’s story brought the drama MTV had been missing with Lexi, she agreed.
“F**k yea it did they dropped my ass so fast,” Lexi wrote. “The sad thing is I’m probably more boring than ever #notsad.”
Briana DeJesus is about to get herself new boobs again…and (another) new butt.

Briana is once again returning to what could now be considered her home-away-from home: Dr. Miami’s operating table!
Over the last few weeks, the ‘Teen Mom 2’ star has talked about the upcoming plastic surgeries she has planned with Dr. Miami. Unlike her last trip(s) down to see the Doc, though, this time around Briana isn’t having any of her body parts enlarged. In fact, she has stated that she plans to get her previously enlarged boobs and butt reduced.
Briana excitedly revealed that she is going to see Dr. Miami to get some “A cup t**ties.” She also confirmed that she will be having her Dr. Miami-enhanced rump “taken down a few notches” too.
Noooooo to get some Acup titties https://t.co/ewg03eESgF
— Bri Baby❤️ (@xobrianadej) January 20, 2020
Bri is second to only Farrah Abraham when it comes to being the ‘Teen Mom’ girl who has had the most plastic surgeries. She got a boob job in 2015 and then in January 2016, took part in a marathon ‘Teen Mom’ star hack-a-polooza alongside her sister Brittany and Kail Lowry. During that procedure, Bri had her boobs done, her vagina made over (while fans watched live on Snapchat) and a Brazilian Butt Lift.
In February 2018, she let Dr. Miami hack her up again, revising her boobs and butt and giving her a tummy tuck and Botox. (This was the trip to Miami that her then-sorta-boyfriend Javi Marroquin accompanied her on to help out post-surgery.)

We will almost certainly see Bri’s latest surgeries play out on the upcoming season of ‘Teen Mom 2,’ which is currently filming. (The Ashley will confirm if it’s being filmed or not for the show!)
Jenelle Evans’ fling Herb Wilkinson answered THE BIG TEETH QUESTION.

Herb Wilkinson did not have last very long in Jenelle’s life (and didn’t even have time to elevate from “fling” to “soulmate,” sadly). He did, however, play a very important part in solving a mystery that ‘Teen Mom’ fans have been pondering for months: whether or not Jenelle is actually missing her bottom teeth, as it has appeared in past photos!
In a social media rant on Wednesday, Herbie answered the big question about Jenelle’s teeth.
As The Ashley previously told you, Jenelle went to meet Herbie in person over New Year’s, only to be “pumped and dumped” by The Herbster shortly after.
Since Herb did spent time with Jenelle in person, fans peppered him with questions regarding Jenelle’s teeth…or lack thereof!
Herbie confirmed, though, that Jenelle does actually have her teeth, although he doesn’t seem to be very fond of any of Jenelle’s other body parts.
“Hahaha yeah she does [have her bottom teeth],” Herb told someone on Instagram. “Everything else is f**king repulsive though. That means who she is as a human, and her physical self.”

David Eason let his pre-teen daughter drive on The Land…without a seatbelt.

Meanwhile, over on The Land on Wednesday, Jenelle’s ex David Eason was busy giving his 12-year-old daughter Maryssa a driving lesson. (As you do.)
David proudly filmed for Instagram Stories as his pre-teen daughter attempted to drive around The Land (without wearing a seatbelt…naturally.)
Maryssa seemed nervous to drive over what looked like a flooded piece of swamp land, and even protested “We’re gonna crash! I don’t know if I can do this!” but David encouraged her to keep driving.

The Easons aren’t exactly known for their safe driving. Last year, Jenelle was nearly mowed over when she stopped in the middle of the road to perform an Instagram dance challenge. And then, of course, there was the time Jenelle pulled a gun out of her center console to chase after a guy she felt cut her off in traffic…all while her oldest son Jace sat next to her.
(Photos: MTV; Instagram; Twitter)
48 Responses
Ashley, totally unrelated but could you do a story on the crazy ass Dog The Bounty Hunter family? I’m not a fan, I just really want to see your snarky take and enjoy the comments that follow. Please and thank you? ?
I yawn every time I see Briana’s name. I think they need to check that house for a gas leak.
Brianna is basically just Frankenstein’s monster by this point
Lexis segment was entertaining in a Napolean Dynamite type way. No one in her segments showed emotions. They were all so blah. Rachelle grandmother seems so clean and normal. Its that Stephanies mom? If so, then what happened to Stephine?
I think MTV just gives Rachelle the worst editing. I really don’t think she is as bad of a mother and young lady as this show portrays. They should give that lesbian black girl the same editing. There, I said it. It’s about race, it usually is.
F*ck you, f*ck you very much, David! As someone who had anxiety for YEARS and didn’t want to get her license (not my dad’s fault, more my anxiety’s fault), you scared her sh*tless! I finally have my license for two years almost now, feels great (although sometimes still a bit insecure) but I have a feeling she doesn’t want to feel safe driving, dafuq is his problem?! I know there is a younger limit to get your license in the US but still…geez, if she was scared, you should have said DON’T DRIVE! That’s what my dad did until I was ready to get it.
Why is Brianna getting those surgeries basically reversed now? Stupid. See? Making plastic out of your body doesn’t give you confidence or happiness.
Brianna could get 100x surgery’s and she will still look and remind me of a sack of potatoes. Instead of being so fixated on her outward appearance, she needs to purchase a personality…
Briana: Maybe just a shower and shampoo? That would make a HUGE physical change in appearance!
Remember when she cut her hair all of and told the whole world it was because she was being lazy and hadn’t washed her hair in like 2 weeks and it got all matted and crap.
Brianna, there is no amount of surgery that will fix that lumpy bumpy body of yours. Every time I see you, I shake my head at what you’ve done to yourself. Docs can fix muffin tops but I’m not sure if they can fix your muffin bottom. But hey, trying to fix these issues, at least shows that you’re aware of how ridiculous you look right now.
Rachel &co, ugh. I have never seen such white trash. I thought this was a stereotype created for the movies. Apparently white trash like that depicted in films really does exist! They are a shameful group of people. I don’t know where mtv found them. They all have one foot in the trailer park and one foot in jail. They live like filthy slobs and I don’t want to hear that they are low income. Being poor is no excuse for being dirty and keeping a filthy house. Rachel needs a shower desperately! That boyfriend of hers is borderline catatonic.
Rachel’s mothers mouth needs to be washed out with soap. How she spoke in that bowling alley during the last episode was disgraceful and embarrassing. Anyone who makes excuses for this behavior or this family needs to have their own head examined.
I don’t know why Lexi is apologizing. Rachel and her family deserve all the snark. I’m trying to be understanding because clearly this girl has had a hard life with lack of guidance and education but looorrrdddd she makes it difficult to root for her!
I hope Brianna realizes soon that no amount of plastic surgery will make her a happier person. Eat healthy and exercise girl. You will feel better about yourself no matter how much you weigh.
I kinda like this Herbie guy…He got out of a relationship with her because she was bad for his sobriety, and then followed up by calling her a repulsive human, both as a person and physically…He seems to be a lot smarter than I initially thought. That must’ve been a really bad trip to Boston, because she keeps throwing out subliminal’s at him too, and they were only together for like 3 weeks. I think her ego’s more hurt than anything, because she got dumped.
We all know Briana is dumb, but how many times is she going to go back to Dr. Miami so that he can re-botch her, before she realizes that she’s getting what she pays for with these free surgeries. Her backside is atrocious.
I can’t believe this is Brianna Dejesus 4th time having her chesticles done. Girl, seek therapy, and a gym. Your body enhancements are not what gets a quality man. Work on your own self esteem, food choices and whatever else you have going on.
For all we know Jenelle has dentures and just happened to have them in when she was around Herb. He can’t say for sure that they are real teeth. Remember that video of her taking them out?? Yeah… she’s got dentures, at least bottom dentures and she didn’t take them out around him.
Please for God sake take those moles off your face.
Can we please get a picture of Rachelle mother wearing that Notorious BIG t-shirt? When Rachelle mother said “bet” ????I was no good.They really don’t give AF.
I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if Briana uses plastic surgery as a way to get a prescription to opioid medication. Anyone with some common sense wouldn’t go back to a dr after getting messed up results.
Exactly! She should be going to see Dr. Dubrow to get her BOTCHED ass fixed!
Idkkk… I think she got veneers. But who knows.
Why tf would anyone in their roght mind go to Dr. Miami??? He is possibly THE WORST plastic surgeon!! He botches those gorls! Briannas ass is sooooo gross, huge, losided, & bumpy?
I loathe David as much as anyone, but who cares if he was letting Marissa drive & not wear a seatbelt?? They were on The Land for Gods sake! So what if she’s scared! Suck it up, buttercup! She’ll be a better kid for it! Sometimes ya gotta make kids do things they’re a littke scared of (as long as its rational). It’d be different if she were driving on a crowded highway. Relax all you liberal snowflakes?
Briana’s ass is already all lumpy and dumpy looking, it’s going to look even worse when it’s reduced. It’s impossible to get all the scar tissue out. This chick is ridiculous, all these surgeries and all she does is sit on her ass! She doesn’t even appear to care what she looks like, she always looks so frumpy and dumpy in those black tank tops with NO bra.
All if my kids learned to drive around age 12, in the country on private property where it’s safe to do so.
Some things, and some people’s way of life really aren’t as bad as y’all try to portray it to be. Give it a rest.
All I see is a father doing a normal father thing with his teenaged daughter.
Let’s see how many down voted I get this time ????✌✌
I agree. I’m no fan of Lurch, but I see no problem in what he’s doing. They’re on private property, and she appears to be enjoying herself. I only see the still picture though, I won’t watch the video.
I was going to say, I hate to support anything UBT does, but I spent a lot of time as a preteen driving my dads truck around his rural property as well.
We just didn’t have social media.
Not arguing the educational experience-learning to drive out in the country when no one else is around is a great idea, providing all parties involved are wearing SEATBELTS. I refuse to watch the video, so I don’t know how fast or slow she was driving, but seriously, SEATBELTS.
I know what you’re saying. I live in a very rural area. Farmland as far as the eye can see. Most people drive around a little as teens on their parents property. They learn to drive tractors pretty young also, to help the parents. My kids starting riding four wheelers at about 3. Of course with supervision and helmets. Let me be clear. I do not like David, but this is the least offensive thing he’s ever done. I didn’t watch the video. I hope she’s wearing a seatbelt, but it’s just not something that I really think needs to be made into a big deal.
Your English!!! Are you a graduate of the “Swamp Academy”???
People that troll other people’s comments to point out grammar and spelling errors… should probably make sure their own comment is free of mistakes. Glass house, honey. Your punctuation is incorrectly placed. Did David homeschool you too?
I drove around in parking lots when I was 12 years old.. 12 year olds drive go-karts, lawn mowers, dune buggies etc. David is a pos but I don’t see an issue with letting Maryssa drive on the property
I don’t know anyone that’s ever gotten plastic surgery, but isn’t there a concern with the buildup of scar tissue and what not. Brianna just needs to be supervised in general for her own safety. I’ve always thought that since her 16&P episode, that’s why her mom and sister basically have her on a leash (the elevator doesn’t go all the way to the top folks). There’s no way that she should be going back to that guy after what he did to her ass the last time, she looked absolutely botched. This LExi person is 1000% right as far as Rachel with the unfortunate last name and her family. The are the height of ratchetness and she is right up there with Farrah when it comes to being an idiot; hard to believe, but the way she was so cavalier about being on birth control was almost too painful to watch.
Lurch is simply garbage that has to post incendiary nonsense online to get people to pay attention to him, such a sad, hairy, little man and his ex is hardly any better.
Agree! I would be so nervous to endure another invasive surgery and extensive recovery. Especially as a single mother of two kids! I can’t even go to the bathroom without my toddler following… how the heck does Brianna have the time and freedom to go get plastic surgery? And how does she have the time to recover and basically be a vegetable in bed for a few weeks?? Doesn’t she have kids to take care of? Idk what she tells her kids about this nonsense. I can only imagine what ideas she puts in their heads.
Those are her mother and sisters kids!
Brianna needs a new face like in the movie face off. It’s hard to fix ugly.
Driving safety is not a joke. Accidents happen and lives are ended in SECONDS due to careless driving. I don’t understand why David, or anyone, would encourage a 12 year old to start driving. This is just another example of stellar parenting and good example David has set for his kids. Please dear lord let these kids have some common sense, and NOT DRIVE AROUND WITH A PHONE IN HAND. ?
Briana is going to be the next Farrah with all her plastic body parts. These girls never seem to learn that there is such a thing as too much cosmetic surgery.
I’ve said for ages that for someone who’s had 3 breast surgeries, Briana’s boobs aren’t that great. Saggy and the girl NEVER wears a bra. I bet she goes smaller and then in a year she will want them pumped back up again.
If she actually got OFF the couch, her ass would get smaller on it’s own.
“Well Juh-nelle, I guess he seen ya wif Teefahs!” might be my favorite caption. I’m laughing so hard.
Lol, I read that in barbs voice ???????
Hope to God (and I’m not a religious person) that Maryssa doesn’t get hurt in the custody of that abomination.
Butt surgery is most Dangerous she is going to run out of luck sooner or later. And I don’t think ANY of her surgeries looked good. Yet she keeps going back
Brianna better be careful the butt surgeries are the most dangerous. She is gonna run out of luck sooner or later
My God what will Brianna look like in 10 yrs? STOP getting work done, it doesn’t make you look any better .
Chris does Kails flaps stink? How long does she keep her butt Plug in?
In all my years this is the greatest comment I have ever read here.
Pretty sure a lot of people’s parents have let them try their hand at driving – just to the dumpster, down the street, in a parking lot, etc. Maybe it’s just a South/NC thing. I don’t see anything wrong with it other than she didn’t have a seat belt and that she didn’t feel comfortable doing it. He should have took over when she said she was uncomfortable and if he is going to let her practice driving around the land then he should go ahead and instill in her the habit of always putting on her seatbelt. Personally, though I would wait until she’s a little bit older, but I mean she is already driving four wheelers and dirtbikes soooooo….
Who will have a SEX tape out first? Brianna Kail Jenelle?
Jesus please take the wheel!
Brianna thinks white people are the cause of a lot of problems. She said it herself. Yet, she goes to Dr. Miami. Hum. She also kept up the click bait on Kobe and his daughters death. SHIT SHOW even SHITTIER PEOPLE.