‘Teen Mom’ News Pile: Jenelle Evans Busts a Move, Briana DeJesus Gets Her Bust Hacked Down & More

Describe what your life usually has to be like in order to make it into The Ashley’s News Pile…

From shaking their booty awkwardly to shaking off the haters (also awkwardly), the stars (past and present) of the Teen Mom franchise have had quite the busy week!

In an effort to get you up-to-date on the latest Teen Mom OG and Teen Mom 2 news, The Ashley brings you the Teen Mom News Pile. Here are some of the major (and minor but interesting) ‘Teen Mom’-related things that have happened over the last few days…

Jenelle Evans Busts A Move


Well Juh-nelle, we see ya awkwardly movin’ ya body like ya were havin’ a medical emergency!

The former ‘Teen Mom 2’ star posted her latest TikTok masterpiece to all of her social media accounts this week (for some reason), showing off her sick dance moves for her fans. 

Longtime followers of Jenelle know that her dance moves aren’t exactly Soul Train-ready. (Who could forget this monstrosity?) This latest video is no different. Jenelle robotically moves her limbs to the beat before wiggling her hips aggressively for the camera. 

If you would like to watch Jenelle’s cringeworthy performance, you can do so below.

Farrah Abraham Explains It All…Sort Of

“Don’t you understand!? I’M the victim here!”

Over the weekend, Farrah was at the center of controversy (once again) after her “haters” accused her of leaving her 10-year-old daughter home alone while she went to Mexico with her new boytoy. The Ashley spoke to Farrah’s parentsMichael Abraham and Debra Danielsen— who denied their daughter jetted out of the country and left Sophia behind.

After Farrah’s parents spoke out, Farrah herself decided to give her “Farrah Speak”-filled thoughts on the incident. As per usual, Farrah’s attempts to sound smart failed miserably! 

Farrah started her interview with Champion Daily by saying people only give her a hard time because she’s so famous and they’re all so jealous of her life. (The Ashley has chosen not to paraphrase Farrah’s quotes in order to preserve their “Farrah Speak” authenticity!) 

“Since I have had continued harassment, stalkers, and haters from the ‘Teen Mom’ show continue to call police on me after being hated on the show, I have taken extensive precautions against those who sell stories, lies and harass my family,” she said. “Sophia is protected from the evil people and it’s sad people are jealous of my dating life, and try to affect my family in a negative way.

“We live a great life and are not affected by harassment of any sort and I will not tolerate unsafe illegal actions by others lying, stalking, or harassing my family,” she added.


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Farrah then made the most-ridiculous claim of the whole interview when she vowed to stop posting as frequently on social media. (There’s about as much chance of that happening as there is Farrah keeping her current face for more than a year.)

“I see I need to post less on social media since cyber-bullying and hate still has not been filtered out on social media,” she said, before ensuring her ‘fans’ that Sophia is always supervised. “My father and family always watch Sophia when I’m away, as sadly nannies have proven to not be trustworthy.”

Briana DeJesus Gets Even MORE Plastic Surgery From Dr. Miami

“Here we go again!”

Briana went back under the knife on Tuesday, trusting her ol’ pal Dr. Miami to hack her body back into shape!

The Teen Mom 2 star allowed the doc to broadcast the entire procedure on Snapchat, just as she did the other times she went under Dr. Miami’s knife. Viewers were “treated” to watching Bri have her butt reformed, before seeing her being flipped over to have her breasts redone.

According to Dr. Miami, Bri was given “a makeover of her Mommy Makeover.”

Briana has been a regular on Dr. Miami’s operating table. After getting her first boob job in 2015 (which was done by another doctor), she went to Dr. Miami in January 2016 and took part in a marathon ‘Teen Mom’ star hack-a-polooza alongside her sister Brittany and Kail Lowry. During that procedure, Bri had her boobs done, her vagina made over (while fans watched live on Snapchat) and a Brazilian Butt Lift. 

In February  2018, she was back on Dr. Miami’s table again. That time he revised her boobs and butt and gave her a tummy tuck and Botox. 

During Tuesday’s surgery, Dr. Miami basically called out Bri for not maintaining the results of her previous surgeries.

(The Ashley pixelated the image for you. You’re welcome!)

“It’s very, very important to do cardio and stay in shape,” he said to his followers. “The first 10 pounds go to your butt, but the next 25 goes all over your body. You want to maintain your weight, baby or not. Plastic surgery is not a miracle, you have to maintain everything.”

Briana gave birth to her daughter Stella in July 2017, which Dr. Miami said contributed to Briana’s Mommy Makeover(s) losing their effect. 

“Babies kind of void the warranty a little bit on plastic surgery,” he said. “After the baby things got a little softer.”

This round of surgery included a breast lift and removal of Briana’s existing breast implants. She had previously stated she wanted to be much smaller, so Dr. Miami gave her a B-cup. 

“Breast lifts over time, when you have weight gain, the implants fall and bottom out,” he said. “She wants to be much smaller so I’m going to take out the 450cc implants and put in 250cc implants. That will make them small and perky, and [they] will be about a B cup.”

In addition, he gave her liposuction to revise her butt and “make it less wide.” 

In an effort to drive home to Briana that she needs to step up her Jazzercise routine, Dr. Miami actually wrote “CARDIO” on her back in Sharpie.

“I wrote ‘cardio’ [on her]. That’s the key, cardio, you don’t want to get super skinny that you lose your booty but you definitely need to maintain.”

Leah Just Says No to More Youngins

“Babies is a lot of work, y’all!”

The future population in the holler may have just gotten a little smaller!

‘Teen Mom 2’ star Leah Messer made a surprising declaration on Instagram on Tuesday when she told a fan that she is pretty sure her baby chute is closed for good.

In the comment section of a post celebrating her youngest daughter Addie’s seventh birthday, a fan told Leah that she needs to try to have a baby boy, since she already has three girls. 

In her response to the comment, Leah said she was probably done having youngins. (The Ashley has left Leah’s wording intact.) 

“I don’t think I want anymore babies,” Leah wrote. “I’m enjoying the three I have loll  That’s a lot of college tuitions. #girlmom”

Interestingly, Leah made the “no more babies” declaration on Tuesday, the same day that her co-star Kail Lowry announced that she is pregnant with her fourth child

For more ‘Teen Mom’ news, click here!

(Photos: MTV; Instagram)

58 Responses

  1. Juh-nell has packed on the pounds. She must be eating all that left over dog food they have around The Land and downing all those drinks with her HUSBAND she never divorced. And sorry, these stupid tiktok videos of these idiots thinking they are ‘dancing’ is…well…there are no words.

    It’s a scary day in reality tv world when Leah is the voice of reason and the only one who hasn’t added a lot of junk in her trunk (naturally or un-naturally).

    The show has gotten boring. It needs to be cancelled. Move on. Seriously ladies…MOVE on so you can lose some of those ‘sittin’ around pounds’.

  2. Brianna already had a mommy makeover after Stella so now another one? So how many has she. Actually had? And I don’t care if they were free I would never go to this quack. And yes she HAD to cut her hair off because in her words she got lazy and it got matted because she hasn’t washed it in 2 weeks. I guess a comb or brush didn’t fit into her routine either. Can you imagine what the under carriage smells like?
    Let’s ask Javi!!

        1. I hope so but highly doubt it, lol. I personally wash my hair every other day but shower sometimes twice a day. I can understand a day of dry shampoo here and there if you are pressed for time, but she can’t even be bothered to do that. So trashy. And they live in Orlando right? Hot and humid + lack of showering = ??

    1. I feel bad if I’ve gone a couple of days without washing my hair. I can’t imagine going a couple of weeks without washing it. So gross! Cutting it off because you don’t want to wash it is just ridiculous! Then again, this is Brianna we’re talking about.

  3. First of all, Dr. Miami was out of line for what he wrote. Second, why keep going back if you’re just gonna let it all go to waste by sitting on your ass all the time? I’m not against plastic surgery. I’ll own up to the fact that I’ve had it myself. At twenty I was barely five feet tall and had natural E cups that caused me to slip a disc in my back so I had them reduced down to a C. What I learned is that surgery is NOT a fix all. I had to actually exercise so that my body would even back out because part of me had deflated and I looked disproportionate. And isn’t this the same girl who cut her hair because she didn’t want to wash it? I have a hard time believing that a woman lazy enough to do that is giving her wounds and bandages the proper after care needed. There’s A LOT of aftercare that comes with a boob job and that’s not all she had done. Also, these surgeries are too close together and she’s getting hardcore pain meds each time. She’s running the risk of dependency right now. I got six months worth of Vicodin after my surgery and that led to addiction, three years of hell, and eventually rehab at 23. She really needs to stop this.

    1. I forgot that she cut her hair cuz she was 2lazy to wash it. Wtf?? Seems like she says/ dies things to b prvocative. Or can she b that stupid? It’s a mystery

    2. Yo Emma, u r so right about wound care… remember when she dragged all her boyfriends to Miami to have them “take care of” her and Shirley post-surgery? I believe she specifically mentioned needing help wiping (barf). U know that’s how she handles all these surgeries- she has someone do it for her, she struggles with daily basic hygiene so this is definitely out of her zone.

  4. It’s bizarre in this day and age of accessible information that Brianna would think that just having surgery would give her a beautiful hard-body. Her mom and sister are always around. Didn’t either one of them ever say “Brianna, that’s enough butter on your French fries!”

  5. Janelle, omg. You’re really bored aren’t you? Also, go easy on the milk shakes and burgers.
    Brianna, that is one gross picture that I didn’t need to see before I’ve had my morning coffee

    1. I couldn’t even watch past the 15 second mark. OMG and Brianna’s picture.? I just can’t. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder but imo that was not beautiful.

  6. With Kailyn spawning, Jenelle having a spasm (so called “dancing”), Briana getting naked and butchered and Farah Farah-ing, it truly has been a trashtastic week in the TM world.

    1. So, she looks like she needs to work: sexual doll.
      I’ve seen (again) her 16&pregnant recently and she was so different… Doesn’t seem to be the same girl!

  7. Keep dancing, Jenelle. Please bust a move all over your prefab while the kids are at school, so the swamp can swallow you and Lurch once and for all.

    In other news….Farrah is truly turning into a clone of that “Cat lady.”

  8. Is drawing on unconsenting people with Sharpie just a new thing in Florida or???
    Even if you did consent to be hacked apart AGAIN by this questionable doctor and have it filmed, I feel like having CARDIO scrawled on your back basically shaming you for gaining weight is pretty messed up.

    1. Its not shaming if she has no shame and clearly Brianna doesn’t. Her boobs dropped so bad because she refuses to wear a bra.

      1. You’re so right- with age, tissues lose their elasticity and ability to spring back. Taking that into account, along With the extra weight of the implants and gravity (which is especially exacerbated by not wearing support), it’s no surprise she drooped so much.

      2. I actually did some research on this a few years ago, and bras actually add to the droopage of breasts. The muscles get lazy from having the support of the bra.

        Now, that’s for natural breasts, I can’t speak to her ridiculous implants. I’m pretty sure the added weight of the actual implants probably causes serious droopage, especially when your muscles aren’t used to the extra weight.

    2. I’m curious if he obtained her consent prior to having the surgery to write that on her, maybe as a condition for him to operate on her again. She stars on a reality TV show that millions of people watch. He’s operated on her before, and to viewers, to see that her previous plastic surgery didn’t hold up well looks really bad on him. It makes him look like a poor surgeon when the reality is that she didn’t do her part to maintain the work he did. I wouldn’t be surprised if she asked him to work on her again and he said “yes, but under the condition that I visibly stress how important exercise is for the success of a plastic surgery”.

  9. I can’t unsee that video of Jenelle “dancing” what the hell was that?? Zero rhythm. Or brain for that matter. Lol

  10. Wow! I actually am surprised at the intelligent and mature comment Leah made about 3 college tuitions! Honestly good for her. I’m happy that she has this platform to improve hers and her kids lives

    1. I was also surprised, Leah the voice of reason?! But then I remembered how she is sponsoring some random from Costa Rica that her sister just got impregnated by, so he can come here, making her financially responsible for him for who knows how long. It is basically adopting a grown man that you have no clue about, other than he fathered your nephew. Which also brings me to the question, would Leah then somehow be financially responsible for her nephew as well? She might be biting off way more than she can chew with this one. I do give her credit though for having the sense to say no more babies, unlike say Kail, hopefully she follows through.

        1. That is true. I am curious what Victoria does to earn an income aside from her occasional appearance on TM2 ?

          Regardless, sponsoring him alone is still not the wisest decision. I was reading some of the guidelines. He would have to become a citizen, work here for at least 10 years, leave the country for good, or one of them would have to die before she is no longer financially responsible for him. This could be a real disaster for her.

          1. Sponsoring ANYONE that is not a full blooded relative ( boyfriend from Costa Rica) is just plain foolish.

        2. Okay, but say they split up and she tries to get child support. Would he be required to pay? Would Leah then be financially responsible for the child support? What about the other baby mamas, would she be financially responsible is THEY decided to pursue child support?

          1. Yeah I have no idea if Leah would b responsible for her nephews child support. Kinda ironic if that happened huh?

          2. The ‘financial responsibility’ is only if he would ever have to go on government assistance. Leah would be required to pay it back.

          3. I would imagine that being the father of the child would make him responsible for support regardless of his citizenship. His other children and baby mama(s) on the other hand are fully excluded and not entitled to anything. Leah would have to sponsor each one individually to be responsible for them.

            From what I have read, there are varying laws from state to state that are not fully clear on the child support matter. As HaveSeveralSeats mentioned, Leah will be responsible to repay any government assistance he receives, like say food stamps. So in a way, Leah is taking on the responsibility of supporting their family, since it’s not clear to me that Victoria has any other income other than her appearances on TM2.

            Now say they break up and he goes on to father several more children, (we know he is dtf at first sight, who knows how many other tourists he had a rendezvous with) and makes little to no money, making Leah still financially responsible for him. Is she prepared for any of that? It could be a legal nightmare, even if he or his other children aren’t entitled to it, they could still fight you in court over it, costing even more $$$ in lawyer and court costs. You never know what could happen, especially barely knowing this person. It is a complete disaster.

  11. What I don’t understand is why have all that plastic surgery then get pregnant. Kail was supposed to have surgery too but she got pregnant again. WAtch Out: I am being CREEPY. Stupid B.

  12. The jenelle and Farrah stuff is expected ??

    However, I applaud Leah for realizing 3 is all she could handle; most moms don’t know when to stop, or lose custody of one and pop out another baby.

    Brianna… Ashley, you’ve scarred me for life ??

  13. Lololol at Leah thinking the girlsies will go to college… as we know, the schools aren’t well in the holler

    1. All of the Teen Moms, with the exception of a few (e.g. Leah, Chelsea) continue to steadily gain weight under the guise of being ‘BuSy MoMs’ yet have time for dick appointments, getting their nails/hair/tattoos done and endless holidays. It’s sad. Even just 15 mins a day would help but they would rather live sedentary lifestyles and stuff themselves with junk because it’s easier. Why wouldn’t you want to set a good example for your kids by being healthy?

      1. Not to mention the risk of surgery itself. Multiple procedures broadcasted publicly online for a discount, only for vanity. Not an ounce of self respect I guess.

        1. Chelsea has dropped a bunch of weight. She looks really good. And I laughed that Cole must b a good cook haha. Do ya think he’s doing the cooking while Chelsea takes care of the children?

          1. Chelsea seems too lazy to learn how to cook. She does look good though. She looks better after 3 babies than she did 10 years ago

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