Newly Released Audio/Video of David Eason’s Alleged Pistol-Whipping Incident on The Land Reveals Jenelle Evans & Kids Were Present During Alleged Assault

“That still counts as quality time with the kids, right?”

Audio and video of the alleged pistol-whipping incident that took place this summer on The Land has surfaced – and yes, it’s just as disturbing as you’d imagine. 

As The Ashley previously told you, David Eason, husband of former Teen Mom 2 star Jenelle Evans, was arrested (for the second time within a 48-hour period) back in June and charged with Assault with a Deadly Weapon as well as Communicating Threats for the incident.The arrest occurred after David got into a heated argument with male friend of Jenelle’s by the name of James Spivey, as James and his partner Josh were helping Jenelle remove some of her belongings and kids from The Land during one of Jenelle and David’s many (MANY) breakups. During the altercation, David reportedly pistol-whipped James and threatened to “blow his brains out”.  

” … this week.”

David later claimed that James assaulted him with a railroad spike coat rack (umm…) during the altercation and filed an Assault with a Deadly Weapon charge on James, too. This week The Ashley exclusively confirmed that both parties agreed to drop the charges against one another and they agreed to have no contact going forward.

The footage, which was released on Thursday by YouTuber Leslie Bass, begins right as the argument breaks out between David and James. While very little can be seen in the video, the camera does manage to catch a quick shot of Jenelle and David’s daughter Ensley, who appeared to have a front row seat to the chaos that ensued.  

Let’s hope Ensley’s memory of that night is as blurry as this video.

David and James can be heard yelling in the video. (The Ashley hears that it was actually Jenelle who recorded the video.)

“You’re not invited anymore! Right now, you are not invited anymore,” David shouts in the background. “You are trespass from this house! Get the f**k out or I’m gonna put you out!” 

“Put your hands on me, your a** will be in jail,” James replies. 

The video also picks up audio of Ensley saying something to Jenelle; however, aside from the word “mommy,” her sentence is inaudible. 

At this point in the clip, the altercation continues to heat up in the background and Jenelle tells her son Kaiser to “come on” (more than once) and put his shoes on. Like Ensley, Kaiser also responds to Jenelle, but his voice is drowned out by the shouting happening between David and James. 

“Let me tell you something, this Jeep is not leaving unless I get my truck keys … ,” David says, to which James replies, “I don’t know about that.” 

David mumbles a response and a few moments later, we hear a loud crashing sound (which clearly catches Jenelle off-guard). 

“Hey! Are you kidding me?” Jenelle says. 

David can then be heard threatening to shoot James (which is what the “Communicating Threats” charge was related to). 

“What the f**k did I just tell you, boy?” David says. “Give me my godd*** truck … Get the f**k out my godd*** house before I blow your f**king brains out, boy!” 

(As previously reported, David actually misplaced the truck keys he was yelling about in the video and thought that James and/or Jenelle had taken them. He later found them.) 

Following David’s arrest, Jenelle posted a statement on Facebook confirming that she was OK. 

“But stay tuned!”

“I’M SAFE AND SO ARE THE KIDS,” she added. “I’m going to take a few days out to myself to gather my thoughts and focus on what’s going on so I won’t be on social media much. I love you all for the support that you all have shown me and I’ll be stronger and better than ever soon!” 

Jenelle and David reunited soon after. Jenelle is no longer friends with James and his partner, Josh (the latter of whom has known Jenelle for years). At the court hearing, both parties agreed not to have any further contact with each other. 

Watch the full recording of the pistol-whipping incident below. (The actual recording starts at the 12:40 mark. Be forewarned, though, that the video contains plenty of naughty language.) 

RELATED STORY: EXCLUSIVE! Kieffer Delp’s on the Run! Warrant Issued for Former Boyfriend of ‘Teen Mom 2’ Star Jenelle Evans

(Photos: Instagram; MTV; YouTube)

33 Responses

  1. Janelle, please go and talk with someone! You are in a VERY abusive relationship and I do not want to see that man hurt/kill you because then those kids would be left with out their Mom! Or worse he hurts one of the kids coming after you! Please, please go and talk to someone to help you understand this man is manipulating you in a very abusive way and you are in danger! I am know this from personal experience! Please leave this man and talk with someone ASAP!!

  2. This is sustained trauma that will now irrevocably impact these children as they grow to adulthood. This is a vicious cycle and unless intervention and help come NOW, you’re going to see these poor children repeat this behavior and/or turn to unhealthy coping methods like drugs. I do not understand how Jenelle cannot see this.

  3. Unpopular opinion, but I believe Jenelle is a victim of his abuse as well. She fled to another state and tried to keep her location somewhat secret when they broke up. Every now and then she acts like she’s going to leave again. Which is probably when he does what master abusers do and plays nice, pretends he’s changed, manipulates her into thinking it’s going to be better this time. This probably lasts a week or two then he’s back to his old ways.

    It probably doesn’t help that Jenelle has never had a healthy or normal relationship. Look back at all her soulmates. Andrew ditched her within days of their kid being born. Keiffer was almost definitely her gateway to hard drugs. Gary got kicked out of the military for beating the crap out of her. Courtland was some creeper she ended up with while they were both strung out on heroin. Nathan was emotionally abusive the things he said when she was pregnant with Kaiser were horrible. So when every relationship you’ve ever had is dysfunctional it’s not too hard to justify David’s actions.

    That being said, CPS needs to take those kids. Another unpopular opinion of mine is that domestic violence victims who refuse to leave dangerous situations (like this one) shouldn’t have custody of their children.

  4. I’m ok with her not leaving. I might even feel bad for her (I don’t) if she had stayed out of fear but used one of the many ways to get her kids out (Nathan’s mom,Barb, CPS). I understand that it’s hard to leave an abusive relationship. But it’s revolting that she keeps her kids in it with her when there’s been many ways that she could have safely gotten them out.

  5. The level of trauma these children have experienced because of all this chaos in their lives.. I fear that they don’t stand a chance.

    1. At this point, it probably isn’t even really traumatic as much as it is their “normal” . obviously the kids are still afraid by the look on Ensley’s face but they all probably hear and see this type of behavior a couple of times a week at least.
      So sad for the kids.

      1. Just because something is someone’s “normal,” doesn’t mean it isn’t trauma. This will go on to affect them for most of their lives or, at the very least, they will all require intense therapy.

  6. For Christ’ sake GET THE CHILDREN OUT OF THERE!! I don’t know at this point if Jenelle is a victim or not but I do know her kids doesn’t have to pay for her mistakes. If she can’t/won’t leave David that’s too bad but those kids need to be removed from that house PRONTO. Where tf is CPS?? Where tf is Barbara? Where tf is Nathan and his mother??

  7. I empathize with DV victims BUT at this point trashelle has had every resource to leave but continually chooses not to. She at least had a huge amount of money, independent income, houses resources, a vehicle, and support. So many victims can’t leave bc they don’t have any of these things. Clearly she’s made her choice that this is the life she wants and her selfish disgusting ass is just making more kids to bring along for the ride

  8. Hate Jenelle all you want, but she is a victim of domestic abuse and so are her kids. At this point, I don’t know who can save those children, since everyone involved is a mess. I wish people involved would do the right thing. David needs to be locked up, there is no rehabilitation possible there.

    1. POS Jenelle has way more resources than most to get out. She actually was out and she went back. Also, fine go back! Just don’t take the kids with you.

    2. We care about the kids, NOT Jenelle. As much as I agree that she’s a victim of domestic abuse, she has dug her own grave. Many people have tried to help her yet she continues to make things worse for herself and her children. I don’t care what Jenelle and that creature she calls a husband do to each other, but those kids don’t deserve this constant abuse and neglect. At this point, whatever happens to her, she had coming ??‍♀️

    3. Man you’d think pulling a firearm and threatening to kill someone in front of your kids would be enough to CPS to take them (even for a short time). BUT I guess not in North Carolina. What the F

  9. The trauma these kids have endured at the hands of their own parents is ABUSE. why it’s nothing being done??

  10. I hate to say it, but I will be glad when this saga come to an end. Please Lord, Protect those children!

    1. Once again proof that CPS is failing children. Jenelle you can’t pour from an empty cup. Take care of your OWN children before you try to save others.

  11. The other day she was on IG talking about how horrible child trafficking in Hollywood is (which it is), but yet she sees nothing wrong with having her kids around her sack of shit husband, because she doesn’t want to be single. She’s a moron and deserves everything that he throws at her.

    1. I honestly think the reason she stays with him is because she can’t handle being single, not because she truly “loves” him. Nor do I think he truly loves her. He just wants fame, attention, and someone to abuse and control, while she also wants fame and attention and knows she won’t find anyone else willing to deal with her psychotic ass because he’s just as, no actually WAY more, psychotic than she is. They’re two sides of the same coins. They don’t actually “love” each other

  12. Can you imagine what it’s like for these kids to live in this toxic, dysfunctional household? Kaiser and Ensley aren’t crying because they are used to the violence. Shame on CPS, the judge and the lawyer representing David & Jenelle for putting these kids back in this hellhole. Jenelle doesn’t give a rats ass about her children and never has! She needs to Get off of tik tok, grow the fuck up and get her shit together before her psycho husband snaps and kills one of the kids!

    1. At this point, none of us will be surprised when UBT will commit a family murder. I can’t even say if he’ll commit, just when, which reveals the deep sadness of their kids situation.

    2. Does lurch own the land or did they have a prenup? I wonder why janelle left when she broke up w him. I was in that position and I made Him leave. I dont know lurch is one step away from killing Janelle and the kids. Why isnt cps doing anything? This is so sad and frustrating. I wish someone would step up because I knoe somebody has got to know how Lurch is. He reminds me of David’s Koresh or someone like that.

  13. Sad that so many had this audio and video and not one person thought of the children first and gave this footage to CPS

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