‘Teen Mom OG’ Star Amber Portwood & Ex Andrew Glennon Ordered to Resolve Custody Battle Out of Court

“That works for me… I wasn’t too fond of the courtroom’s lack of couches, anyway.”

An Indiana judge told Amber Portwood and her baby daddy to figure out their co-parenting issues on their own!

The Teen Mom OG star and Andrew Glennon have been ordered to resolve their custody battle for two-year-old son James outside of court, weeks after Amber requested overnight visits with the toddler. 

Court documents obtained The Sun show that a judge ruled on the Amber’s request by ordering the exes to resolve their co-parenting problems out of court through mediation within 60 days. In the event that mediation between the two is unsuccessful, Amber’s request will then be heard at a court hearing. 

 “Parties are ordered to mediation and shall be completed within 60 days of this order,” the court orders reads.

“In other words, see ya in court!”

Andrew has maintained primary physical custody of James for quite some time, while Amber is allowed three unsupervised visits with him each week. Andrew initially filed for full custody of James back in July 2019 following Amber’s arrest for domestic battery. 

Over the past couple of months, the custody war between Amber and Andrew has heated up, beginning when Amber filed a restraining order against Andrew after claiming he refused to let her see their son during the week of Christmas. Amber reportedly obtained the restraining order to stop her ex from interfering with her parenting time going forward. 

Andrew soon fired back, claiming that Amber missed or rescheduled a ton of her scheduled visits with James from October to December, mostly due to “poor weather.” 

Amber’s take on Indiana rain storms.

Most recently, Amber requested a change to the pair’s custody agreement that would allow her to have overnight visits with James once the toddler turns 3 in May. Amber claimed in the petition to modify her parenting time that a “change in circumstances” warranted a revision to the agreement. She went on to cite the Indiana Parenting Time Guidelines, which state that once a child turns 3, parenting time is increased to include overnights.

“The Guidelines anticipate that overnight parenting time could begin as early as 28 months of age, but would automatically increase to overnights upon the child attaining three years of age.” 

Amber claimed it is in the best interest of her son that the current parenting time be modified.

RELATED STORY: Maci Bookout Claps Back at Mackenzie Edwards for Talking About Bentley on Instagram & Not Facing Off with her at Recent ‘Teen Mom OG’ Reunion 

(Photos: MTV; Instagram) 

31 Responses

  1. Considering her history of substance abuse, mental illness, domestic violence and uncontrollable anger, I would hold off overnight visits until James is completely verbal and can call 911

  2. She needs to give up on him like she did Leah. She is not a good parent. Good parents don’t ‘visit’ their children a few times a week. (And yes, we know that’s you Amber aka Tasha).

    She needs to just let James raise the child like Gary is raising Leah.

    1. not defending her at all, but it is court ordered that James cannot be filmed or posted on social media.

      1. Its probably like drs offices, some let you film and some say something about “due to privacy cameras arent allowed” (or something to that affect). So its probably more of a verbal agreement as opposed to a written agreement.

        Idk, but that’s a good question.

  3. I also remember her saying that she can’t get up in the morning and sleeps until noon or longer. Most toddlers wake up early and need food right away so I would be worried he has to wait way too long to be fed.

    1. I’d be concerned about a bunch of things if he’s left with her over night. Like her having another “episode”, if she’s out of her high mind, or having some rando over for the night.

  4. Where would she even put him?? A child that young, who does not regularly spend nights with his mother is NOT going to be comfortable with her at night. Little ones are sensitive to routine and especially at bedtime, need consistency. My daughter is the same age as baby James and she would absolutely panic if she had to spend the night with someone she never has. (Let’s be real, 3x VISITS in a week do not constitute you as a parent!!)

    1. Where do you get that baby James has NEVER spent the night with his mother?? What about about before the breakup, didn’t he spend night after night under the same roof as his mom?

      If she were a stranger I would understand your statement about being sensitive to routine and consistency, but she’s his mom.

      And I have a hard time believing the machete claim (the shoe yes I believe)??? It was audio recorded so we didn’t see anything, but just because HE said it everyone believes it. It’s a he said she said.

      He seemed shady from day one to me, meeting someone on a tv show where he was on the crew, claiming he’d never seen her on 16&P or Teen Mom?? Boy please, his ass was in it for the money, NOTHING else!!! The ONLY innocent party here is that baby!!! He didn’t ask for this!!!

      1. You haven’t seen the photos? ?
        I’m pretty sure a shoe doesn’t make those kinds of marks on a door or wall?
        And I disagree, so what if she gave birth to him?? Your statement is basically saying any abusive (teen mom or not) parent is allowed over nights with their victim. So a father who beat their son or daughter is allowed to spend time with said child? A mother who threatened their child with a weapon is allowed to spend the night with the child? How about a rape victim? They should be allowed to spend the night with their rapist because that is their parent? Just because she is his ‘mother’ she shouldn’t be accommodated, she has a history of being abusive. She is a lost cause at this point and claims time and time again she has a mental health disorder that she clearly never really addresses, why should a child be put in her care when she’s unpredictable? Because she’s the mother?? No.

        1. And she’s obviously not that concerned with seeing him since she’s cancelled or rescheduled visits due to “possible rain”.

          Which, before this psycho comments, was recorded on an app set forth by the court. It records every text sent from her phone. Nobody can fake that. it was her. Cancelling to see her son. Because there was a chance of rain. Fucking pathetic excuse for an egg donor.

        2. First off, no I’m not saying it should be allowed. I’m just saying that I have a hard time believing James would be uncomfortable. For one thing, he’s a child and doesn’t know any better and for another thing, I would think he’d be more uncomfortable under the roof of a stranger (but this is his mom, NOT a stranger).

          And yes a shoe can make those marks, it all depends on the weight and style of the shoe (for instance , is it a boot or high heel of some kind) as well as the strength in which it is thrown.

          1. Exactly, audio and text recordings, where’s the VISUAL proof???

            Where is the machete?? Its like a murder, without evidence (a body) there is no proof other than claims that that abuse happened.

          2. I wasn’t talking to you, but yes, they found the machete. I refuse to argue with someone who condones domestic violence and child abuse. Again, hoping you never reproduce.

          3. I dont condone it…DUMB BITCH!!! I just think Indiana has a flimsy ass case. NO MOTHERFUCKING PROOF, ONLY HERESAY!!!

            In my opinion, they are both in the wrong. But I’m not gonna believe something on your heresay neither

          4. So basically what you are saying is that domestic violence victims should not be believed unless there is an actual video recording of it? What are the actual odds of that? There is plenty of evidence that Amber did what was said. Not to mention we have seen her be abusive on video. There is plenty of proof. There are pictures, more than one person giving accounts of abuse, but even if you don’t believe the machete story (she has a machete that was recovered that she actually has engraved) throwing shoes at your significant other and son is still pretty bad.

          5. What I’m saying is that maybe Amber is an abusee and not just the abuser!!!

            I mean gary was a fat slob that never done a thing but bitch at her for not doing anything. Matt was nothing but a cheater from the jump, Andrew, I could tell was an intimidator from the simple couch scenes where they were a good foot to foot and a half apart. If you are so in love why be so distant. And Dimitri was an insecure controller!!!

            All four shelled out abuse and/or to some degree.

          6. Yes, that’s what I mean @Ashley… a shoe, a machete,,, what difference does it make what is thrown at a baby being held by his parent?? If this was the other way around, nobody would be questioning it… Amber is no victim.

          7. Hearsay is testimony of a witness under oath. Witnesses lie under oath all the time to protect themselves or other. Maybe Amber lied, maybe Andrew, or maybe both. WHO KNOWS…OH YEAH ONLY GOD KNOWS THE TRUTH.

        1. Not slow hunny, just a decent person. One who dont pass judgment of who was in the wrong on a situation when the situation had NOTHING to with me.

      2. [* Shield Security plugin marked this comment as “Trash”. Reason: Failed Bot Test (expired) *]
        I’m pretty sure his dad always took care of him when the parents were still together. Amber has never been much of a mother to either of her kids & if she is cancelling visits because of a chance of rain, then she doesn’t even need to see him at all.

  5. I just watched Monsters University with the fam, and I suddenly remembered how much Amber looked like Roz in those stupid glasses. I’M WATCHING YOU WAZOWSKI, AAAAALLLWAYS WAAAATCHING!

  6. She does NOT need overnight visits! She has never been a mother and I would be terrified for the little guy’s safety. You put my child in jeopardy once, you wouldn’t ever be allowed even visitation. Period. This bitch chased Andrew around while holding the baby with a machete. She also threw objects at Andrew and wildly punched him all while holding James. She has no concern for this baby and needs to stop pretending like she does.

    1. Agreed!
      The fact that she is even allowed to see him unsupervised is TERRIFYING. A f*cking machete!!!! Smh.

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