Nicole “Snooki” Polizzi Reveals Her Former ‘Jersey Shore’ Co-Star Sammi Giancola Has Blocked Her: “I Don’t Know What I Did!”

“Rahhhn, I mean Snooki, staaaahp!”

Snooki‘s been shut out by Sammi Sweetheart.

In a new interview with E! NewsNicole Polizzi revealed that her old Jersey Shore roomie, Sammi Giancola, has blocked her (on social media, we can assume). The blocking– which Nicole claims she had no idea had happened until she went to send Sammi a message — was shocking.

“She blocked me!” Nicole said. “I don’t know what I did! It’s unfortunate, because we would love for her to come back [and appear on Jersey Shore Family Vacation.] She’s a part of the show.

“I feel like it’s not whole or full unless all of us are there,” Nicole added.

As to why Sammi— who appeared on ‘Jersey Shore’ but refused to appear on the ‘Family Vacation’ spin-off in 2018—shut her old pal out, Nicole suspects it may be because she was tired of being asked to come back to the show.

“We tried to get her back like two years ago, all of us texting her saying, ‘Come for one dinner. Why not?'” Nicole said. “And she’s just always like, ‘No, I’ll never do that show again.’ We didn’t want to push it.”

But, to be fair, this is what “one dinner” turns into with these people…

Back when ‘Family Vacation’ premiered in 2018, Sammi was very clear that she had no interest in joining her old cast mates (and ex-boyfriend Ronnie Ortiz-Magro) on the new show. 

“I have chosen not to join the show this season because I am at a completely different place in my life right now focusing on my businesses and relationship,” she wrote on Instagram at the time. “I am not the same person as I was when I was 22. At 31, I am currently extremely happy in every aspect of my life and want to avoid potentially TOXIC SITUATIONS.”

In her interview with E! Nicole said she felt Sammi should put the past behind her.

“It’s been 10 years,” she said. “At some point, [she and Ronnie] both moved on. Just come have fun. Come back to the show that was our life. I mean, we’re still doing it.”

“Um…I probably wouldn’t be bragging about that, Snooks…”

In a 2020 interview, Nicole and her ‘Jersey Shore’ co-stars Jenni Farley and Deena Cortese, admitted that they had “drifted” in their friendships with Sammi over the years.

“It’s understandable, I mean she came from a TV show that she clearly doesn’t want to be a part of anymore so there’s probably like that give-and-take of having us part of certain, I don’t know,” Jenni said. “We would have loved to talked to her about it.”

The trio revealed in the interview that they hadn’t spoken to Sammi “in a while.”

“We tried to [keep in touch],” Nicole said. “We’d invite her to things…. we kind of lost touch, which sucks.”

“We do love her!” Jenni insisted.

“Take the hint, guys. The feeling is NOT mutual!”

Sammi has yet to reveal publicly why she blocked Nicole.

RELATED STORY: Nicole “Snooki” Polizzi Says a “Mental Health Issue” Keeps Her Husband Jionni LaValle From Filming For ‘Jersey Shore Family Vacation’

(Photos: MTV; Getty Images; Instagram)

21 Responses

  1. Didn’t she do that Burger King commercial with them a few years back? When Ronnie had no chance of being there. Yea it’s been 10 years, but that relationship was toxic and abusive. I wouldn’t want to be around him or be reminded of that again either.

  2. Oh fuck off Nicole, who are you to tell someone when they should get over something as traumatic as her toxic relationship with Ron, a person whom you advocated for and NEVER held accountable for what he did to Sam or the other women he dated? And you have the literal gall, among so many others, to STILL insist for her to return. Typical only child, the world does NOT revolve around you nor is Samantha obligated in the slightest to appease your senseless request to come back to an environment where she had little to no advocacy on your end. As far as I’m concerned, Deena was her only true and honest friend. Take some notes and have several seats over your wine and reflect.

  3. I watched the buckshore reunion
    W/ Jenny
    What has she done to her face ?
    It didn’t move.
    She’s very monotone when speaking

  4. Sounds like they realize the show is tanking and that bringing Sam on will boost ratings (which it would). Probably time to move on. I love and respect Paulie, Mike and Deena. Vinny seems to think he’s better than everyone, he forces his fun face, Jenni is just there for a paycheck and has zero depth, and Snooki just needs to be a homebody with her family. And Ron? I’d suggest a couple of years in the puzzle factory. Time to move on.

  5. Snooki sounds exhausting. No means no and I’m sure Sam is probably sick of being asked. She’s moved on with her life, so that should be respected.

  6. The show is so stupid it needs to be cancelled. These asshats are lucky that they are still collecting a paycheck for this asinine manufactured drama. Who cares anyway? Leave the girl alone….she has moved on.

  7. LOL at the drama.

    Fact: Sammie hit Ronnie. Ronnie NEVER hit Sammie.

    She constantly tested and emotionally tortured Ronnie. Also, no one in the house liked Sammie except Deena. That’s probably the real reason she didn’t come back.

    1. So then if no one on the show liked her, why are they constantly trying to get her to come back? ? Those girls were not real friends to her and she probably realized that once the show ended.

      Btw Ronnie was by FAR worse to Sammi than she ever was to him. They both brought out the worst most toxic parts of each other but Ronnie literally destroyed all her stuff on TV. He cheated on her constantly, called her every name under the sun, was very aggressive and verbally/emotionally abusive with her (and yes, I know she hit him once which I’m not saying is okay but that was after years of his toxic shit). And Ronnie’s abusive nature has continued in his following relationships which clearly show HE is the problem and alway has been

      1. Yes, Ronnie has acted horribly, no argument there. But there’s a difference between a guy acting stupidly and being an abuser of women. Also, Sammie was an insecure sick bitch. Most seem to have forgotten that.

        1. Despite what you think she was, Ron was still worse. Period. And he absolutely is a woman abuser as he has shown in his relationships with her, Jenn, and that girl he was just with. Meanwhile Sammi has been evolving and flourishing since their relationship ended. Everyone knows who the problem really is here

  8. I’m sorry but why?! Why do you keep on asking her?? Please leave her alone, it’s her own life and YOU BET they would manipulate the show so that it would look like Ron and Sammi still have beef or whatever. Or for views. Go screw yourself Snooki, I would have blocked you too if I was her. You’re one of the only people who still can’t move on (along with your pal Jenni who is an idiot on her own) and let this show go. I bet even when it’s over, these two will get sth similar to Snooki&JWoww.

  9. Disgusting of them to keep pressuring her. One dinner? They probably promised Ron wouldn’t be there and that one dinner, had she agreed, they would probably film him waltzing in and everyone would act like they were unaware he would show. So gross of them. She mentions how the show was their life and still is, yeah so grow up. Nothing more cringey then a bunch of mid 30 yr olds acting like sloppy drunks and sleeping around. I don’t even know what they’re filming anymore. Show sucks.

  10. I love Nicole, but this interview is ignorant and infuriating. Asking Sammi to come back and reminisce on a deeply abusive relationship and toxic psychological environment with a bunch of people who are still bro’s with her abuser in the exact environment it happened in? Snooki. Jesus. He’s been arrested for abusing any woman he’s gone near, and they always just keep their heads down. But, season 1 of family vacation they all laughed at her, exploited her trauma, and made a fake mannequin with her voice box in it to let Ron sleep with. I’d be done with them too.

  11. Why would Sammi want to go back when she has probably seen how the 3 mean girls have treated Angelina lately. They all suck except for Pauly D.

  12. Ronnie is an abuser. They want Sammi to let things go because it’s 10 years ago and she should just come back and “have fun”? Clearly they have zero self awareness. Why would Sammi put herself in a vulnerable toxic situation? If I remember right none of them were ever all that nice to her.

    1. I was traumatized after binge watching the series from watching Sammi and Ron. I can’t imagine how she would feel actually being one half of that couple.

      Besides I don’t think Ronnie is the reason she won’t come back, I think she is the only one who saw herself on tv and didn’t like the person she was shown to be.

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