‘Little People, Big World’ Star Matt Roloff Plans To Rent Out Family Home On Roloff Farm As Airbnb; Jacob Roloff & Family Currently Living In Camper Next to Farm

“This place could be yours…at least for a few nights.”

Fans of Little People, Big World may soon have an opportunity to stay in the Roloff family home without throwing down $4 million to purchase the place.

According to The Sun, Matt Roloff has decided to turn his family’s former home into an Airbnb, just 160 days after revealing that he had put part of the farm up for sale.

Matt reportedly shared his big Airbnb plans with some fans at a recent book signing, noting that due to severe delays at the permit office, the home is 26 weeks behind schedule from opening up to guests; however, he is hoping the rental will be up and running in time for next year’s pumpkin season.

The transition of the home into an Airbnb is slated to be a “major storyline” on the upcoming season of the family’s TLC series. Fans visiting Roloff Farm for tours this season claimed to have seen workers going in and out of the home, preparing the space for future guests. A sign was also placed in front of the house which read, “Coming Soon, Short Term Rental.”

Matt confirmed on social media in May that a portion of Roloff Farm–- located in Hillsboro, Oregon, and featured on ‘Little People, Big World’ since 2006–- had been put on the market. Along with the family’s home, the listing includes the property’s notable red barn and 16 acres of the farm’s 109 total acres.

As of last month, Matt vowed to make some “big changes” to the up-for-sale portion of the farm, as it had yet to result in anything other than media buzz and a rift in the Roloff family between Matt and his twin sons Zach and Jeremy.

“I’d like to go on record and remind everyone I was against all of this from the beginning…”

Matt went on to reveal that he had decided to relocate the full-scale pirate ship that was on the property to his portion of Roloff Farm so that visitors could enjoy the structure during pumpkin season. He said removing the ship may also make the property more appealing to potential buyers, as it had yet to sell.

While tensions are running high between Matt and his twin sons, Matt’s relationship with youngest son Jacob appears to be stronger than ever. The Sun reports that the 25-year-old has moved into a fifth-wheel camper with wife Isabel and son Mateo, located on a piece of property next to Roloff Farm.

The couple are living on the private land “to save money and help out on the farm,” a source claimed. While Jacob works on his family’s farm, Isabel reportedly greets and chats with visitors, and even allows them to meet her and Jacob’s 10-month-old.

Matt previously shared on Instagram Live that Jacob had been helping him set up for the 2022 pumpkin season at Roloff Farm, and that his son was also put in charge of hiring new employees for the farm.

A source claimed at the time that Matt is “keen for his youngest to take over” duties on the farm.

While the family home will be turning into an Airbnb, the property is still on the market. As of press time, it is listed as “active” on the Forbes Global Properties site. The sale price is still listed as $4 million.

RELATED STORY: ‘Little People, Big World’ Returns For Season 24; Zach & Tori Roloff Reveal Why They’re Skipping Roloff Farms’ Pumpkin Season: Watch the New Trailer! 

(Photos: Instagram; Forbes Global Properties; TLC; Roloff Farms)

12 Responses

  1. Talking about the big house. Why don’t you go with a company that will do a vacation rental. A lot of people are doing these and it is making good money. A company will handle everything from renting it to collecting the rent and making a deposit in your account. That way you can retire go see your mother and not be pinned down with the big house. Just FYI. Your house your choice. God bless yawl.

  2. Enjoyed reading this, looking at the pictures and some old news that I never knew. Good to see Jacob- last I saw him was when he got hit with the catapult on the farm. Miss the days when Molly, Jacob & Jeremy were all there. Must say- I was VERY disappointed that TLC with, ‘My Fat Fabulous life’ gave us the news of Barb Thore’s sudden death, saying she passed away in the first few days of December- throwing us all in shock, when, actually she passed away on July 1, 2022- FOUR MONTHS EARLIER!! Can’t believe that all the time we were watching her and praying for her to get well- SHE WAS DEAD? That was SO wrong. No apologies? No explanations?

  3. Let’s give Jacob a chance. He left the show quite awhile ago. (Maybe he’s getting some rerun residuals, but he wasn’t getting any current money from the show.) God only knows what Jeremy and his self-promoting wife are up to these days. And Zach moved to WA, but still gets money from being on the show…so he can continue to bad-mouth everyone who doesn’t cater to him.
    Jacob and his family are not living rent-free on the farm and sponging off of Matt. They live on someone else’s property!! And he’s WORKING on the farm, for a salary.
    I wish Jacob all success…

  4. The house is going to be an ARBNB??? Who the heck is going to rent it? It’s too big for a normal family and too small for a large conference or retreat. Another desperate move by Matt to try and make some money since the farm has no buyers.

    As for Jacob and his wife squatting on the property and doing odd jobs and having their child be the “greeter”…all I can say is what else could these two do? Jacob dropped out of high school and eventually got his GED but that’s about all the education he has. Can’t see him actually “running” the farm and handling the finances, etc. All the stuff Matt complained about with Jeremy and Zach…the actual “running” of the farm, he is now set to hand over he keys to admitted drug loving son Jacob? Matt’s dream of making a ton of $$$ on the sale of the farm is going up in smoke. He better keep his TLC gig.

  5. Family is more important than material stuff at the end of the day…none of it is going with you when we die…. family always going to be there….so put all of your difference to the side and enjoy one another ♥️

  6. Good for Jacob. Sounds like everyone is exactly where they’re supposed to be. The only bitter kids are the ones that expected something that wasn’t theirs. Seems like the two that chose their own path are not bitter at all. Go figure.

    1. Jacob, the son that turned his back on the family for years, and destained all things Roloff and Roloff Farms, is now in charge of hiring people to work on the farm. And Matt wants him to take over. What a joke. Matt thinks Zac and Jeremy were incapable of running the farm, just wait until Jacob takes over. Uneducated, van-life Jacob, who has never worked a real job in his life, no experience with hiring people, is going to hire staff for the farm. LOL!

      Hope Jacob has studied up on all the legal requirements he needs to know to hire people, or I could see lawsuits heading his way.

      1. Lest you forget, Zach has never held down a real job either, but thinks he’s entitled to everything he wants.

  7. I am so sick to watch a father and girlfriend think of themselves and discard the family like trash. A show that I use to enjoy now makes my stomach sick. I refuse to watch and spend my time watching.

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