‘Teen Mom’ Dad Ryan Edwards Found Guilty of Speeding & Reckless Driving, Days After Pleading Guilty to DUI & Drug Possession

Ryan on being a regular at the courthouse…probably.

Ryan Edwards took a second trip to the courthouse this week, where he was found guilty of speeding and reckless driving. 

As The Ashley exclusively revealed last week, the Teen Mom dad was busted October 7 for allegedly driving 145 mph in a 65 mph zone near his parents’ Tennessee home. Though he was not arrested at the time, Ryan was cited for speeding, reckless driving and failure to exercise due care. 

“I dunno what y’all are talkin’ about…I ‘DO CARE’ a whole lot.”

According to The Sun, Ryan– who is currently on furlough from a year-long jail sentence– was found guilty Wednesday in court of reckless driving and speeding. Ryan was reportedly not prosecuted for the failure to exercise due care charge due to “good behavior.” 

No, seriously…

The father of three was ordered to pay $134 in court costs and fines and is due back in court for the case on February 6. 

Two days earlier, Ryan appeared in the very same courthouse where he pleaded guilty to DUI and drug possession charges stemming from his April overdose and subsequent arrest. 

Judge Gary Starnes ruled Monday that on his original probation, Ryan be reinstated for 11 months and 29 days suspended, with level-two random drug tests. Ryan also received a $465 fine (for the DUI charge), was ordered to attend DUI school and had his drivers license revoked for one year. 

“I reckon the only thing I’m gonna be driving now is everyone crazy.”

Judge Starnes went on to dismiss Ryan’s possession of a controlled substance charge, though he admitted he was “very hesitant” to approve the plea agreement due to Ryan’s recent speeding/reckless driving incident. 

“I’m very hesitant to approve it. You going 145 in a 65 [mph zone] doesn’t show me remorse and the ignorance of doing something like that is beyond me,” he stated Monday. “I don’t know how you didn’t kill somebody.

“I don’t want to approve this,” Judge Starnes continued. “You have to give the court a comprehensive follow-up plan. There have been hiccups the entire world knows about.” 

Ryan’s next courthouse field trip hearing is set for December 5. 

RELATED STORY: ‘Teen Mom’ Dad Ryan Edwards Loses License After Pleading Guilty to DUI & Drug Possession; Judge “Hesitant” to Approve Plea Deal Due to Ryan’s Recent Actions: “I Don’t Know How You Didn’t Kill Somebody” 

(Photos: MTV) 

26 Responses

  1. We can see how thos is going. First the obscene tattoo on his hand now this. Oh yeah he’s the epitome of good behavior….
    I hate to even say this but I do not think Ryan is clean. I think something terrible is going to happen and Jenn and Larry are going to blame the judge for not stopping Ryan who was obviously on a downward spiral.. as usual it will be everyones fault but Ryan’s and their own enabling.
    This judge is the worst judge I’ve ever seen.

  2. Jeez, what will it take for this idiot to be Punished ( killing someone) that judge is a disgrace, if Rhine kill’s someone, this pathetic judge, Jen Larry and the rest of Rhine’s enablers are also to blame.

  3. If this fuck up ends up killing someone while driving high, it will be this judge’s fault. I know I would be in prison for doing these very same things.

  4. None of this makes any sense. This guy is a menace to society and a danger to himself and everyone he’s around. I’m so sick of our corrupt legal system. This judge needs to be removed. Jen and Larry are not doing anyone any favors. It’s sick.

  5. I am really afraid this guy will either kill himself or kill someone else. He just doesn’t care. I still have no idea what Maci was thinking when she hooked up with him, was he a promising high school boy? Doubt it…

    He should also never get close to his kids because then we will be afraid for their safety as well. At least Bentley is old enough to know what a POS he is.

  6. So can we just ask this judge what Ryan has to do to be put in jail? I don’t care about his punishment or rehabilitation. However, as someone with family in Tennessee, I would not like to have him on the road driving this way. I swear that if someone ends up dead because of Ryan’s driving, that judge (along with others) should be sued for everything they are worth.

  7. That judge should be removed from practice. Rhine is practically asking to be thrown in jail for decades or put 6 feet in the ground, and these POS judges keep slapping him on the wrist, when he *should* have the book thrown at him.
    Our justice system is broken.

  8. On 12/5:
    Well, we wouldnt want to ruin your Christmas and have Santa mad at you Rhine, so let’s just put a pin in this until after the holidays. You’re a naughty boy.

    1. Or, going by this judge’s form, it’d be something like Ryan being a good young man with 3 children who need him so it wouldn’t be fair on his childrenfor him to be in Prison over the holidays.

      There will ALWAYS be an excuse!

  9. So they really are going to keep letting him get away with it until he kills someone. I’m not convinced at this point that he wouldn’t get away with that too.

    1. One wrong move at 145mph on a motorcycle, instant death. He’s lucky. I can’t believe he didn’t lose his license on the spot for that

  10. White privilege & that judge is a JOKE. It’s obvious his ruling should be tossed out because he’s too close to this dumb fuck & his parents to make an EDUCATED RULING.

  11. Why would he stop, when he never has to face consequences? A couple of hundred bucks and no license for a year.

    He should be in jail for a year.

    “I don’t want to approve this,” Judge Starnes continued. “You have to give the court a comprehensive follow-up plan. There have been hiccups the entire world knows about.”

    YEAH, who’s forcing to? You don’t have to. YOU’RE THE JUDGE! You can reject the plea deal.

    He wants to help out his old buddy Rhine, he wants to look like he’s being tough, but really not. Put him back in jail, the judge has the power to do that, will his mommy and daddy not play golf with you anymore if you do it? BooHoo.


    1. Completely agree with everything you said!

      Why does Ryan have to present a comprehensive follow-up plan? Shouldn’t the Judge/ court/ THE LAW be telling him what to do?! Hey Judge Gary he keeps breaking the law, it’s YOUR job to enforce it! Just a thought . . .

      Something is very wrong here. It’s like the tail’s wagging the Dog.

      Also with his new-druggie girlfriend plus his behaviour (145mph plus THAT tatoo) There’s no way he’s clean right now?! How could he be? But I bet he’ll miraculously pass all his drug tests? How?!?! This doesn’t pass the smell test.

      1. It feels very, inmates are running the asylum.

        I have never heard of a court system asking the criminal to come up with their own follow-up plan. Typically that is decided by the courts and executed through parole/probation.

        Judge: Sir you are found guilty of murd3r, what do you think your follow-up plan should be?
        Murd3rer: Oh I’m glad you ask, mediation at a 5-star spa and a few games of golf a week should do the treat.
        Judge: Great glad to see you’re so proactive about your care. You seem like you have a good head on your shoulders.

        That’s what this sounds like to me, it sounds insane.

        And the judge is like why Rhine’s plan working, why does he keep getting in trouble? Yeah, it’s impossible to figure that one out. /s

        Well when you only have two random drug tests for habitual offenders, for a year of furlough, it’s really easy for him to pass the drug test. There’s two. And I wouldn’t be surprised if they already used them.

        I think the rehab put him on Naltrexone or another opioid blocker. You have to be free for a week before the first shot, or you will die, and if you take any drugs after they just make you sick with no high. And it doesn’t have an effect on alcohol consumption. It’s definitely a crutch and not a long-term solution, but it does work keeping people off drugs when on it, so its a win in the short term.

        So I’m sure he’s using other things to get the high he used to get from drugs, like going 145 mph on a motorcycle, dating someone who’s dangerous and reckless, and getting tattoos.

  12. 145 mph is INSANE. His license is revoked but we all know the rules and laws in Tennessee don’t apply to Rhine. This guy literally had it all. Good looks, adorable kids, love, enablement and support from his family, MTV money, and he’s on this dummy mission to kill himself. The blatant entitlement and audacity he has, it’s sick. He’s turning into a lost cause and I hate that because he’s got kids who seem like great kids.

  13. “Rules apply to thee but not to me”. Gotta love the good ole boys club, hopefully no one get hurt, or killed, on these terrible indiscretions. One could argue if this lawyer is fit for duty and objective to facts…

    1. Eh, it’s more nepotism bc I don’t see every WM getting this many chances. If they did, there wouldn’t be any WM in gel.

      No this is good ol “friends of the judge” privilege. It pays to know folks in high places.

      As long as this judge is his judge, which is not any kind of coincidence, Rhyne won’t get a consequence.

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