“Don’t cuss at me, woman! JOB is a bad word in this here house!”
Jenelle Evans is still not fully admitting that she’s back with her husband David Eason (even though she is and has been for a while now). However, the former Teen Mom 2 star seems to be trying to ease the public into the idea of her and her kids moving back to The Land and David. In a new interview Jenelle even detailed some of the things she wants David to do in order to prove his worth— including finally earning some income.
Jenelle told Teen Mom Talk Now on Thursday that she and the kids are happy to be back in North Carolina on The Land; however, she’s not sure if they’ll continue to live there or go back to Tennessee.
As The Ashley told you earlier this month, money is running low for Jenelle and she is not able to afford the rent on her Tennessee apartment. In the interview, Jenelle even admits that she’s dealing with a financial strain.
“My mind keeps going back and forth on what I should do,” she said. “I do have an apartment in Tennessee, and I still do have my house here, so at the moment I’m kind of back and forth… I haven’t made an ultimate decision of what I’m doing.
“I pay rent [in Tennessee] and a mortgage [in North Carolina],” she added. “I can’t be paying thousands of dollars for two different places, so that’s another big issue I’m dealing with.”
Even though Jenelle and David have reunited, she’s still not admitting it.
“As of now, I still tell people we’re not back together,” she said. “He has a lot to prove to me, and he has a lot to change about himself, and he knows that.”

And, apparently, Jenelle needs to see a “dramastic” change in how the family bills are paid. (Basically, she wants David to stop leeching off of her and maybe even get– gasp!— a real job…which may be hard for him, considering in the past he has given numerous “reasons” why he is unable to work…)
“If [David] wants to work things out [he has to] help me with bills, and I have to see that before we even speak about being back together, and you have to show me actions,” Jenelle told the site. “You can’t just tell me you’re going to do something; I need to see something happen.”

Jenelle also downplayed some of the marital problems she and David had before they split in October. Last week, she denied that David ever abused her or her kids (even though she stated in court paperwork in November stating that he did terrorize Kaiser and make her fear for her life and the lives of her kids.)
“[Our breakup] had nothing to do with him intentionally doing something because he hates the kids or him hurting the kids,” Jenelle said. “It had nothing to do with that. It had to do with me and David putting each other down as parents, calling [each other] names in front of the kids and cussing in front of the kids.
“I just want everyone to know if me and David did reconcile things, it’s because of issues me and him had between ourselves,” she added.

Jenelle announced on October 31 that she was leaving David. She moved to Tennessee soon after (with the help of Nathan, his mom Doris Davidson and her own mom Barbara Evans). As The Ashley told you at the time, Jenelle moved to Tennessee because she was planning on divorcing David, but didn’t want to wait out the one year of separation, as North Carolina law requires. By moving to Tennessee, she could file for divorce once she established residency there— which takes six months.
Now that Jenelle and David are living together again (even if it’s only part-time), she would have to wait another full year to file for divorce from David in North Carolina, if they were to split again.
“Right now, my main priority is to keep the kids safe,” Jenelle explained in her interview with Teen Mom Talk Now, although she did admit “I have no idea what I’m doing.”

RELATED STORY: Former ‘Teen Mom’ Jenelle Evans Now Denies Husband David Eason Abused Her Kids, Despite Filing Documents in November Stating Otherwise
(Photos: MTV)
98 Responses
She’s not going to be happy until he murders every living being on “The Land” including her and her kids…
You know who I really feel bad for in this whole situation?! Babs and Doris! I used to feel bad for Nathan, as well but not anymore! He’s showing no signs of getting his life together for kaiser! Barb and Doris have done nothing but sit back and watch Jenelle drag their grandkids down with her train wreck of a life and there’s not a damn thing they can do about it because, clearly, the system failed them!! Jenelle wants nothing to do with their help or opinion until she’s in trouble and needs a way out and they’re both always there! It’s a shame because they’re there to help with anything she needs and then she smacks them in the face when she gets back with David! It’s like a never ending cycle! I want to say they need to stop helping and let her find out everything the hard way but, unfortunately, that’s doing the kids no good and they know it!! The only one with half a chance is jace! I hate to say it but, at the end of this whole mess, he’s going to be the only one protected!!!
Jennelle can not be truthful with anything, I bet you with in couple years he will be in jail, when Kaiser gets old enough to stick up for him self he will tell it feel bad for them kids all they ever hear is bitihing grandma is no better
My message is for Jenelle.I dont know if you will see this or not but I want you to know I have been where you have been with a man who is manipulative.Things are never going to change.They will promise you shit when you are gone about how they will change,they will cry and might even change when they are around you for a short period of time only to turn right back into who they were and honestly be worse in the end.Leaving David was the best thing for you and your kids.I know leaving you probably thought you would get your mtv job back and probably thought things would be different with your mom in regards to your son she has but things dont happen overnight or even in a few short months.I think when you went on a date you truly thought this guy would help get you back into the swing of things but it didnt and then you just went back to David because you probably feel being with him even though its not the best situation is some how easier and more familiar but dont settle.Leaving a situation like that is hard but it does get easier.No matter how many hard days you have ahead of you they are better than being with someone who dont value or respect you.I wouldnt be surprised if he was also holding something over your head and you feel like there is no way out of this but there is.Even if you feel like you have nobody you do, your kids.I know the situation with them is difficult but at the end of the day the only thing that matters is that they are safe and they are okay.You might be able to deal with Davids crap but do you really want your kids to go through what he put you all through?He will always treat the boys different than Ensley because that is who he is.Dont fall for a few months of him begging,crying,and maybe even being a nice person to you, I can promise you it is just a show he can put on for a short period of time until he has you right where he wants you and then it will be so much worse.It always gets worse because he will know he can do whatever he wants because you will have showed him he can.Trust me when I say struggling on your own is way better than being miserable for the rest of your life.You shouldnt have to live in fear and none of your kids deserve that either.You might think that they are young and dont see everything but they do see and hear everything.Kids are like sponges and the psychological damage that is being done is only going to cause years of therapy for them.The girls are going to learn men like David are okay and end up devaluing themselves and end up in crappy relationships and the boys are going to think treating women like that is normal and only you can break the cycle for them.Whether you dislike your mom from still having your son or not you have to see that she is just trying to keep him safe from situations like this.I know its hard to see because you probably feel like nothing you ever do is good enough and you did stop using heroin,you did complete school,you did buy a house but you didnt follow through and truly change your life because of the chaos that you still allow in it and around your children.So no she is not going to just give him back because she can still see that you are not in a healthy situation being with someone like David.It is time to be alone and get your life together with your kids and not worry about a relationship.Therapy would help you see being with someone like David is not the answer.You have to fix what is inside you before you can even begin to see someone for who they really are.I hope you decide to live and I hope you decide to take the opportunity that you still have and go back to Nashville and get a regular job or go to school again for something so that you can have a healthier relationship with your kids.Its not too late to really get away from him and you are still young enough to get your life together. Go to Nashville,work a job,get a divorce and get your house back without David in it,and then move back to your home when he is out of there.Just remember it is never too late.Yes it will be hard,yes you will feel like giving up,yes you will feel overwhelmed but after you have survived it all….you will be happy you did and your kids will be happy you did.Its your job to protect them and support them, so do that.Show them they mean more,show them you are strong enough,prove everyone wrong.Please dont go back to that man, he will never change.His niceness right now is only to get you back right where he wants you, which is alone without family and friends and brainwashed.Dont give him that.You have to fight!Dont think about how much you have to do to get to where you want to be, start with what you need to do each day.You can do this, you just have to be strong for you and your kids.
Here we go round the mulberry Bush again. Just like Lowery and the latest low life
Her main priority is to keep her kids safe, so she thinks having them around a loser who beat and shot the family pet is a way to keep them safe?? This girl is pitiful. She knows she’s damaged goods, and David is the only man who’s ever going to want her, so she endangers her kids to keep her fragile ego in tact. And this is why she doesn’t have a job anymore.
These girls have some truly vile tastes in men
They are both imbeciles, and disgraceful parents. They should not have custody of any children. Period.
That’s nice, Jenelle, but you have s lot to prove to your kids.
Jenelle’s life story is never going to have a happy ending.
I don’t think much of Nathan either, that he doesn’t wake up every morning with one mission on his mind, doing whatever it takes to get custody of Kaiser…
I know a lot has been said about her being Bipolar (i believe she mentioned that she was diagnosed with that after a trip to rehab), but I’m beginning to think she may have Borderline Personality Disorder. Her actions are so erratic & she clearly does not know how to have a healthy relationship with anyone, including her children.
Omg I’ve been saying this for YEARS! Def borderline.
She absolutely is borderline! She’s a textbook case.
How can someone get paid that much money and have nothing to show for it? The home they have is a modular and has a big loan on it. How can they even afford chemicals for the pool? Feed for the animals? Food for them? Gas?
“As of now, I still tell people we’re not back together,” she said. “He has a lot to prove to me…”
He’s a dog murdering, child abusing, collar bone breaking (at bonfires), blood sucking vampirish piece of sh*t, Jenelle. What the hell else does he need to prove to your stupid ass. And no, he cannot contribute toward paying bills. Pay bills — with what?
It’s a known fact that mooching, blood sucking vampires have no real blood of their own to sell for cash.
“As of now, I still tell people we’re not back together,” she said. “He has a lot to prove to me…”
He’s a dog murdering, child abusing, collar bone breaking (at bonfires), blood sucking vampirish piece of sh*t, Jenelle. What the hell else does he need to prove to your stupid ass? And no, he cannot contribute toward paying bills. Pay bills — with what?
It’s a known fact that mooching, blood sucking vampires have no real blood of their own to sell for cash.
How can Janelle except a bum for a husband and then allow him to discipline her children that aren’t hes. How can Janelle allow that?
It’s such ashamed that Snyder’s always have a hold over the ones they abuse, and the children have to pay the price! But in this case she’s had several opportunities to get out of that situation and just will not! That makes it just as much her fault, and those kids should be taken away from both of them for good!
I think jenelle needs to be done with David for good he killed there dog and she once called the cops on him for hurting her she need to get her kids out of this invorment
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David should be charged for the killing of a companion animal. What a Steaming pile of ?
He is a lazy piece of crap.
It’s not like he is some super model.
He has nothing.
Jenelle found a fan tweet and reguritated it into her replies. He has a lot to prove? How about he proved already what he’s about. He’s about misogyny, abuse and animal cruelty. Jenelle, I’m done so whatever he does to you smile through it…. You’re a total bum for putting your kids back with that man. You’re worse than him. He admits he’s a monster, what’s that make you?
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I’m not sure which is worse. Bearing witness to a woman’s experience through the cycle of abuse over and over and over ( she’s been there since her first episode), or reading how awful people are to her while she struggles like every other woman who has gone through this cycle. It’s hard to watch her, but it’s so incredibly sad to see how the abuse just continues from all of you. You want her to believe she and her kids deserve better than David? Then don’t treat her like she does deserve it.
Theres a reason that sleaze pup was fired……. SERIOUSLY STUPID IS THE BIGGEST!
Grow the hell up Janelle
???Here we go againnn! She’s full of sh**! She FINALLY left him and got thousands of positive messages saying how proud they were that she finally got the courage to leave him and keep the kids safe. Now she takes 10000 steps backwards by reuniting with this psycho, abusive, disgusting human being. Why Jenelle WHY?? Is she that desperate that she needs a POS like him in her life? Those poor kids… especially Kaiser.
When you have dug yourself in to a hole, it’s best to stop digging.
Just fk of in to the distance.
He is not going to,you where his meal ticket .Good luck.you should have stayed gone,he killed your dog what do you think he will do to you or your kids.
He will Fried Green Tomatoes her.
Her new name will be BBQ ( with a side of Baked Beans)
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God, please help her. She needs moral guidance and enlightening.
Are you kidding me. He has destroyed your MTV career. All of the abuse is just crazy!!! Girl you don’t need a man. Get your shit together. Love yourself first then you will be able to find the right man!
Also how is she going back and forth? Doesn’t kaiser require a stable school schedule now that he’s in kindergarten? The poor thing is probably being shuffled around so often he has no idea where he even lives.
Umm there’s no way she’s paying a mortgage. They custom built that house! She’s made millions over the years and even if most of it was spent (dear god) I am sure she would have had to put down a decent amount, leaving her “mortgage” as very minimal. I wouldn’t doubt she just included the mortgage bs just to sound smart lol
She IS paying a mortgage. She bought the land outright but had to finance the house itself. There are documents floating around somewhere on Twitter that shows she owes the bank for the house.
Jenelle is an idiot.. even though she made millions she absolutely could have a mortgage on that modular home…she shouldn’t… But that would be the idiotic thing that Jenelle what absolutely do..because she’s an IDIOT. If I didn’t make the clear.
If it was bad before, and it was, it’ll be exponentially worse when they’re worrying about money. Those poor kids.
She’s so full of shit!! She ain’t divorcing that sorry pos.. She’s been a horrible mother.. Her baby Daddies need to seek full custody.. He killed her dog flat out.. She needs to get her ass a job also to take care of the kids.. He’s a prick up close & personal.. A time bomb ticking away at any moment to explode & hurt someone.. Why would anyone put their children at risk of abuse.. She’s such a liar & unfit Moma..
Together again. Shocker.
At least she had her tubes tied, so no more poor innocent children will join this disaster.
So she says…
I doubt very many of us would be shocked if a 4th trap baby appeared…
Couldn’t she get them untied? I know it’s a dumb question and I’m sorry for being stupid right now, but if Jenelle wanted to could she get them untied and try to reproduce with Mr. Mountain Man?. Also, again dumb question my apologies, but if things get even more worse couldn’t Jenelle be put on government assistance. Again I’m sorry for the questions, but those kids don’t deserve to starve and not have certain needs and honestly I don’t know if Jenelle would give her kids up to her family temporarily (or permanently) so they can most likely have food, water, lights you know the basics. I’m sorry for the long rant just those kids don’t deserve this, and they didn’t ask to be born no kid does. I just hope the kids eventually and hopefully soon get the stability that they deserve.
Yes on all of your questions.
She also got free food during the hurricane even though they weren’t really affected and could afford their own food. They took away from someone who needed it. Then they all went to Disney World.
Thank you for being kind and taking your time answering the questions. And that’s awful for what Jenelle did ? i remember Nathan tweeting about her salary at the time calling her out on it.
Your welcome, just when you think they can’t get any more deplorable they always d0!!!
For IVF you don’t even need Fallopian tubes so she could still get pregnant if she wanted to.
Also no need to be apologetic for rants against Janelle. You were way kinder than she deserves.
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She is paying a mortgage. She bought the land outright but had to finance the house.
Lies! All lies! Shut up, Jenelle!!
*takes deep breath*
*giggle, giggle. Gets self under control*
I think I’ve gotten that out of my system now.
You’re really funny!????
Once a dumb a** always a dumb a**
I don’t believe anything that comes out of her mouth..What ever happened with David’s warrant?
Too bad she can’t prove a lot to herself instead…
this bozo is worthless. Too bad her kids have to suffer because their mom is not strong on her own and can’t make shit happen for them…. Weak
At this point she should have to prove as much as he does!
She no longer has anything that he doesn’t and let’s be real, she’s no prize!!
Plus the “standards” she set for him to meet, DAMN! That is a LOW bar and that’s just what ALL adults are supposed to do in the first place especially when they have kids! Who tells a grown-ass man he needs to help with the bills?? Lmao. Wow. Pathetic. Just pathetic.
“As of now, I still tell people we’re not back together.” She’s admitting she’s lying, right there. There is no way that sentence means the same thing as “we are not back together.” If they weren’t back together, she would just say they’re not together, but she’s telling us that as of now, she’s just SAYING that they’re not together.
My thoughts exactly!! She says a few other things that allude to them already being back together too. Like “if we did get back together “ versus “if we do get back to get”. Past tense versus future tense. She is such a lair….and not even a good one! So transparent ?
Hey here is a theory to solve a lot of your problems… GET A JOB. You actually have to like work for things like the rest of us!
Also “right now my main priority is to keep the kids safe”. If he is not abusive than why are you concerned about having to keep them safe??? She makes no sense
I caught that too! I think she just doesn’t want others to know they’re back together? (Because, you know, her husband is a shitbag and her fans, who are dumber than a bag of rocks, would immediately tell her ‘No, don’t do it!’)
So she’s like lying to them but not herself. I don’t think she will make him get a job (remember when she INSISTED he does have a job when they started dating? LOL) because he will try to make her get on TV, their first thing will be Marriage Boot Camp, which may or may not break their marriage for good (and she finds herself falling for someone in the show like Ambien did, probably another “celebrity”, Jenelle wouldn’t date a camera man imo)
I mean, are we even surprised at this point? She’s dependent, stupid and has no clue on how to raise her kids. Not to mention all the drugs she consumed in her life.
I know a lot has been said about her being Bipolar (i believe she mentioned that she was diagnosed with that after a trip to rehab), but I’m beginning to think she may have Borderline Personality Disorder. Her actions are so erratic & she clearly does not know how to have a healthy relationship with anyone, including her children.
You are spot on. She is the master at word manipulation. I am married to someone like that as well. This way, they cover all of their bases. What a waste.
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I think it’s a mistake going back to David. He’s controlling and is hot headed and doesn’t contribute anything to the family.i find the news disgusting and disturbing.
Two Words – Marriage Bootcamp.
She’s just priming up for that next reality fiasco.
Can you imagine not having job? What do you do all day? Certainly not take care of your children or teach them anything of value. This chic will milk reality TV as much as she can. After Marriage Bootcamp, it’s Love after Lockup when Lurch gets locked up…eventually.
I’m ashamed for Jenelle….. Going back with David.
She is a garbage pig for going back to that piece of trash David after he murdered her puppy. Why are those kids allowed to be with those two pieces of human shits????
How about the abuse of the children more than the dog makes him a piece of trash? Get your priorities straight
this would be hilarious EXCEPT KIDS ARE INVOLVED!
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All of this has been a massive publicity stunt which has once again backfired.
I don’t know why these sites keep on giving her and her trailer trash husband any traction.
I hope Babs and Doris team up and whoop this bitches ass
Trash bag! That piece of shit killed her dog and she is back with him??? Did all of you forget that she is a trash bag for going back to a dog murderer???
A trash bag because she allowed him to abuse her children and then she took them back him. Let’s not care more for a dog than children here
How about you let people decide what they want to care about without your two cents?
When the bills are not getting paid, she’ll turn on the dog murderer child abuser worse than ever. She shoulf let people know about the kids. Is Maryssa still there? How is she? What about Kaiser? Another school change? All she talks about is herself, and no one cares!
Amen!! I hope that someone blows David’s head off for murdering a defenseless puppy. Why are people still giving these TRASH BAGS any attention???
He will kill her one of these days (I predict within the year). She will go missing, he will claim she ran off with some random guy, and they will find parts of her in the woods or the swamp on the land.
He will Fried Green Tomatoes her.
Her new name will be BBQ ( with a side of Baked Beans)
There is no chance that she will hold him to this, and he knows it, too.
Also, is Kaiser in kindergarten? Is he being pulled out of school every other week while she chases dick and whatever meager check she can get?
What a downright terrible human being. Those poor kids.
Anybody who doesn’t have a job in this economy simply doesn’t want to work! But you keep doing you, Jenelle, and David will keep doing David. Two grown ass societal miscreants who can’t see that THEY’RE each individually the problem in all aspects of their own lives (past present and future) whether they’re together or not.
Pssst spoiler alert … nothing in their lives is going to fundamentally change for the better. Jenelle, you should have listened to your mother’s advice all along. You’d be a better person, a better mother, a better EVERYTHING as well as a financially wealthy, independent woman. Instead you are a broke ass clown clinging an even bigger loser who had zero going for him going back to way before you ever met him.
Dumb and Dumber over in NC, your children deserve so much more. It’s time for you to sign the papers and let someone else raise them. Poor Babs. I worry every day, who will Jace go to if something happens to her before he’s of legal age! He sure as hell DOESN’T need to live with those 2 idiots! How are the courts allowing K to bounce from school to school? He’s in public school, right? Not homeschool? Because some of the homeschooling programs carry over from State to State.However, I feel Dumbnelle would be too lazy to get everything switched over until the end of the school year. That’s a big no-no! David is nothing but a HUGE scallywag of man!! He’s been living there since October 31, 2019. I don’t know how will his little knife welding business has been going, but I would say not to good. I do wonder how he’s been keeping the lights on, the water on, (unless it’s well water and I didn’t know that but even well water comes with a lot of maintenance.),food for him and M, gas for the truck, ATV’s, dog food, etc.? This has always been a big question of mine!! I hope someone will finally step in and help those kids get away from these two crazy mubo-jumbo psychopaths!!
First of all…..She pays a mortgage on the house and land in NC? These girls have made enough money to be able to buy a house outright. Is she trying to pretend she is rich now? No way can this girl be paying a mortage on one place and rent on another.
And David has a lot to prove by starting to help pay bills??
Girl how about he has a lot to prove by not abusing Kasier anymore and murdering the family pet in front of your children?
This girl is a moron.
I was thinking the same thing about the mortgage. How does she still owe on that house?! With her salary even if they financed it, wouldn’t it be like a car payment? It’s not a huge house and not a crazy expensive part of the US.
I know?? Isn’t it sinking into the ground too? I can’t imagine paying a mortgage on a sinking house but whatever…this girl is clearly smart.
Wow, so #brave #strong #independent.
It wasn’t INTENTIONAL, you guys! He just has zero self-control.
Ugh she’s pathetic. Just sign the kids over to Barb and Nathan and let them have a chance at a decent life.
isn’t it sad that those two are the best choice for those kids? Ugh…we are going to see history repeat itself in 4-5 yrs, when Jace gets into drugs and goes to jail, and Maryssa gets knocked up…
She’s a piece of ?. I feel so bad for her kids and the false hope she put them through
“[Our breakup] had nothing to do with him intentionally doing something because he hates the kids or him hurting the kids,” Jenelle said. “It had nothing to do with that. It had to do with me and David putting each other down as parents, calling [each other] names in front of the kids and cussing in front of the kids.”
Is it just me or did Jenelle tell on Devilman & herself? She doesn’t say those things never happened, she is just saying it wasn’t the reason the broke up.
Exactly how I read it too
My thoughts exactly!….. “because he hates the kids”
Hahaha, this idiot
Why is he still living there? Give him his camping equipment and let him homestead, live off the land, be a free range mountain man. It’s free and the land will provide, plenty of squirrels and spring is fast approaching.
Just tag him with a tracking device so other hunters can have a chance to “accidentally” shoot him
Where’s Dick Cheney when you need him?!
It’s so sad that this girl would take a beating and also let her kids take a beating rather than learn to live alone.
Or take care of her kid alone.