Former ‘Unexpected’ Star Tylor Strawmyer Reveals He’s Been in a Mental Healthcare Facility for the Past Week Seeking Treatment for “Severe Depression and Anxiety”

Former Unexpected dad Tylor Strawmyer opened up on social media this week about his mental health issues, revealing to followers that he’s been in a mental healthcare facility for the past week after struggling with thoughts of suicide. 

Tylor, who shares sons Lucas and Leo with estranged wife Laura Barron, took to Instagram to share his story, telling his followers his post would be “a very different” one for him and that he was “going to be very vulnerable.”

“First of all. It is not okay to bash people on the internet, because you have no clue how it’s going to affect them,” he wrote. “You have NO clue what the real f**king truth is. Mental illnesses are very serious. 

“For the past 8 months I have been suffering from severe depression and anxiety,” he revealed. “The the past couple months I have been seriously thinking about suicide. And last week I had a plan and I was going to do it. I am more depressed than I have ever been. And for the first time in a long time I talked to someone.” 

Tylor went on to tell his followers “it is okay to be vulnerable,” admitting that he has trouble with doing so himself, often putting up a front “of being hardworking and not needing any help.” 

“I want everyone to know that it is okay to put that front down and be open,” he continued. 

Tylor revealed he has been in a mental healthcare center for the past week and said he is comfortable talking about his experience because he knows other people are going through the same thing. Although he said he is “definitely not cured” he hopes to get his “problems figured out” in order to live a happy and healthy life.

“It is okay to talk,” he added. 

Tylor’s post was met with many supportive comments on social media, with fans commending him for seeking help and for sharing such a personal issue.

“Stand strong, the first step is getting help,” one person wrote. 

“So proud of you for taking that step to know you needed help,” another commented. “It’s okay to not be okay. Your story isn’t over yet and you got two beautiful boys who look up to you that need you.” 

In May, Tylor and Laura revealed they were expecting their third child together, however, Laura reportedly suffered a miscarriage the following month.

Laura and Tylor tied the knot back in 2018, just days after Tylor enlisted in the United States Navy.  

RELATED STORY: Former ‘Unexpected’ Star Hailey “Hailey 2” Tilford Says She Plans to Get Pregnant Again Next Year & Explains Why She Hasn’t Asked Matthew Blevins for Child Support 

(Photos: Instagram) 

6 Responses

  1. I appreciate his raw honesty. So glad he spoke up about his struggle. When we recover loudly we stop others from dying silently… Best of everything to Tyler! You are not alone.

  2. Finally a man who isn’t afraid to show when he is suffering! There is still so much stigma, especially around guys, if they have mental health problems. And even me, a female, have trouble telling it to anyone that I got help. I’m glad he realized he needs help and went in a facility that can help him. Some guys never do and commit suicide like a guy I knew from high school who ended his life when he was just 26. (I think I mentioned it already, I am a regular visitor of his grave because sometimes I think…this could have been me! (sometimes could changes to should))

    Guys, don’t hold it in, it will only get worse! There’s no shame in asking for help.

  3. I’m happy he is getting help. My heart goes out to him, it is a struggle most people don’t understand. A 19 year old father of two that had a YouTube channel named Landon Clifford recently committed suicide. Looking at the videos with his family on their channel, you would never guess the inner torment he was really enduring. My heart goes out to anyone who has lost someone to suicide and anyone struggling with suicidal thoughts and depression.

  4. No one deserves to suffer from the strangulation of mental illness. I know how much it can really drag down every aspect of your life. Hopefully he is doing better in the coming days and weeks.

    1. “The strangulation of mental illness” thats probably the most accurate description i have ever heard.
      Thank god he was man enough to ask & most importantly accept help. If only more people had that strength

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