Kristin Cavallari Calls Her Marriage to Jay Cutler “Toxic”; Says She Hopes He Remarries

“Gee, thanks for talking me up, Kristin… “

Kristin Cavallari and Jay Cutler finalized their divorce in June– more than two years after announcing their split– and though Kristin claims her marriage to the former NFL player was “toxic,” she hopes Jay is able to find love in the future. 

Kristin opened up about the decade she spent with Jay on this week’s episode of the Call Her Daddy podcast, reminding listeners that before walking down the aisle in 2013, she had at one point called the whole thing off. In fact, according to BuzzFeed, Kristin called off the engagement years ago for the same reason she and Jay ultimately divorced.

“I called off the engagement the same reason I got a divorce– same reasons, I should say,” she said. “I guess if there’s any takeaway from that, it’s that you can’t ignore red flags, people don’t change, and you gotta trust your gut.” 

Shortly after announcing their split in 2020, it was reported that Jay and Kristin’s breakup was not the result of an affair, though many suspected it was, based on the wording used in the couple’s divorce paperwork filings. Months later, however, Kristin revealed she and Jay had been struggling privately for years. 

“We totally had the Very Cavallari viewers fooled! Oh, wait…

The end of the couple’s union also led to the end of their E! reality series, Very Cavallari, with Kristin claiming in the fall of 2020 that she decided to stop filming in order to keep her divorce from being exposed on TV and having the three children she and Jay share being able to see the split play out one day. The former Laguna Beach star confirmed this week that she’s still hesitant to speak publicly about certain aspects of her marriage because she wants to protect her children. 

“Because I have three kids with him, I’m very careful about what I say,” Kristin told host Alex Cooper. “If you and I didn’t have microphones in front of us, I’d f**king tell you, but that’s their dad and my oldest [child] Googles us now, and I just want to be very careful. It was toxic. Period, end of story. That’s all I kind of need to say.” 

Kristin went on to talk about the moment she finally realized things between her and Jay needed to end, admitting she was “really unhappy.”


“I was in an unhealthy relationship, and so that, to me, is not worth it,” she said. 

Kristin– who recently launched a ‘Laguna Beach’ rewatch podcast with ex-boyfriend and former co-star Stephen Colletti– said she also didn’t want her kids to grow up thinking the relationship between their parents or their mother’s unhappiness “was normal.” 

“I wanted them to see me happy and see my eventually– not right now– but eventually, see me with someone who really respects me and treats me the way I need to be treated,” she said. 

“Got anyone in mind?”

According to People, Kristin also wants to see her ex find happiness, as well as another woman to marry. 

“One woman’s trash is another woman’s treasure, amiright?”

“I hope that he finds someone, I really do,” she said. “I mean, I want him happy. My kids benefit from that, you know? So I hope that he gets remarried. I mean, I really do.” 

Jay has yet to respond to Kristin’s latest comments.  

RELATED STORY: ‘Laguna Beach’ Stars Kristin Cavallari & Stephen Colletti Reveal They Made Out In 2020; Kristin Ranks Stephen As Her “Best” Ex

(Photos: E!; Instagram) 

4 Responses

  1. She is a walking contradiction. You don’t say you want to protect your kids because they get on the internet and read it. Yet calls him toxic. If she really wanted to protect the kids, she would keep her trap shut after her initial press release

  2. Gotta say, I never much cared for her (or Jay), but I do respect how she handled their split and how she’s dealt with things since then. Too many people in the public eye forget that their kids are going to grow up and see the terrible things they’ve said about their other parent, or they simply care more about getting back at their ex than they care about their kids’ feelings. She’s done well at caring for the kids in their situation, and that’s to be commended. She also wants Jay to be happy and just because she says their marriage to each other was toxic, she does not call HIM a toxic person; she just sees that they didn’t mesh well as a couple.

    I especially love that she says she knew it was important that she model a healthy relationship for her children, and that’s one reason she knew they needed to go their separate ways. So many people believe their kids need parents under the same roof, and so they tolerate bad behavior from their partner in the name of keeping their family together. They forget that kids imitate what they see, and so they grow up to believe that disrespect, constant turmoil, or abuse is normal in a marriage (I’m not implying Jay was abusive towards her – just making a general statement about people). Kids do better when they see parents living apart but co-parenting well, than to see parents together but unhappy as individuals. Much respect to Kristin for her choices. She’s matured a lot.

  3. I actually liked this interview, and all the other Hills cast members that have been on CHD. I like how she won’t bad mouth Jay, but I really liked when she called out Lo Bosworth. I had no idea it was Lo that was spreading rumors about Kristin being a wild party child, I had just heard that producers tried to bribe some cast members with a purse to spread rumors about each other, I didn’t think anyone actually took the bribe. Lo seems like a truly mean, mean spirited, bitter and selfish person. She’s truly hideous on the inside.

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