Jenelle Evans’ Manager Claims David Eason Is Being “A Good Boy” & Will Star In Her Alleged New Show: More Details

“Who wouldn’t want to see these mugs on their TVs again!?”

Jenelle Evans‘ new manager is working overtime this week, talking to various media outlets about a new “dynamic” show that Jenelle is allegedly getting. In a new interview with People, the manager– August Keen— states that Jenelle’s troublemaking husband David Eason is behaving and will star alongside Jenelle in her new “show.”

(As The Ashley previously reported, despite Jenelle’s managers claims that a “major network” has picked up Jenelle’s new show, The Ashley is hearing that, as of press time, that is not the case.)

Here’s some choice quotes from August’s interview with People.

(Remember, The Ashley is not confirming that what August is saying is true; she’s simply reporting that he said it.)

On Jenelle’s marriage to David:

Fans have come to expect the Easons to deliver a series of 911 calls, social media rants and, of course, straight-from-the-swamp drama, but August insists that Jenelle and David have never been stronger in their marriage.

“Her marriage is stable. They are, I think in every way, pretty healthy right now as a family,” he told People. “”Everything right now seems to be stable with them.”

“But we’ve got 911 on standby just in case!”

“[This is] the healthiest they’ve been in the last five years,” he added.

He even stated that David is refraining from displaying any “toxic” behavior (such as threatening people, shooting dogs, going on homophobic rants, etc.) 

“David is being a good boy. He’s not doing or saying things he shouldn’t. He’s being a good husband, a good father,” August told the magazine.

On what Jenelle’s “dynamic new show” will be about: 

August claims that Jenelle will once again be thrusting her swamp crew into the spotlight.

“It does revolve around her family, but other characters will be included,” he said. “Every single person in her family, and extended family is going to be a part of it. But it’s not going to be like a ‘Teen Mom’ series.”

“Try to refrain from killing household pets, ‘kay?”

He stated that even Jenelle and her mom Barbara Evans are getting along now. (However, less than a month ago, Jenelle called Barb “toxic” and claimed to be taking her to court.) 

According to August, though, everything between mother and daughter is swell!

“Even her relationship with her mother is good. They’re not clashing anymore, they’ve learned to accept each other’s personalities,” he said. “A lot of maturing and growing has been happening in the last few years.”

On why Jenelle turned down MTV’s offer to appear on ‘Teen Mom: The Next Chapter’:

Jenelle stressed that no one— not even a certain mulleted swamp-dweller— helped her come to the decision to turn MTV down. 

“I ALONE decided to decline the terms within the agreement to pursue and further other career choices, based on the terms,” Jenelle said in a statement issued on Wednesday. “It would have not aligned with my current opportunities. No hard feelings. I appreciate MTV and the producers for including me, [and] nothing but great vibes to the girls.”

August made it clear that Jenelle didn’t feel she was being offered enough money to do the show.

“There may or may not be more discussions to this,” he said. “As of right now, we’re definitely not doing the show. They need to come to us with a much better offer.”

“Tell ’em I want a couple six packs– I mean, YOU want a couple six packs added to sweeten the deal!”

Stay tuned…

RELATED STORY: EXCLUSIVE! Jenelle Evans’ New Manager Claims Jenelle Is Not Returning To ‘Teen Mom’ & Is Getting Her Own Show: Here’s What’s Really Happening

(Photos: MTV; Instagram; YouTube)

24 Responses

  1. I haven’t seen someone trying (key word always being “try”) to defend such abusive behaviors this hard since either Lindsey Graham or the Duggar family.

  2. No “major network” is going to sign with them. They’re too much of a liability, especially David and the reports that the MTV crew was scared to film with them. She’s been talking about a show ever since she got fired. I’ll believe it when I see it!

  3. So reportedly, she’s in talks with GAC-Great American Channel, which is essentially MAGA tv. The only issue they have is with her OnlyFans. It’s a channel that has like zero viewership in any important markets or demographics so it’s not as great as she thinks it is.

    1. Had to look up that channel – kind of amusing / sad. Today on GAC Living they will air 5 hours of ‘Father Knows Best’ from waaaay back in the day. So looks like that network is desperate for content. Not really sure how the Eason Swampfest fits in with a network that airs hours upon hours of ‘Father Knows Best’, but maybe very bored viewers will find out on ‘Lurch Don’t Know Shit’. Candace Cameron is a producer for the channel – maybe she’ll produce Jenelle and David’s crapfest. That channel is also desperate enough to produce new movies starring Lori Laughlin so I guess they’re OK dealing with people of questionable ethics.

      At least GAC Family airs 4 hours a day of ‘Facts of Life’ starting at 2am.

  4. Is August a longtime friend of the Eason family, that he knows for a fact that, “This is the healthiest they’ve been in 5 years”? Jenelle has claimed that David is a good husband for their entire marriage, even while Teen Mom was ongoing and viewers could see David punching walls, abusing Kaiser, and just being ignorant on a daily basis.

    I’m going to guess August is just taking Jenelle and David’s word about all of these positive changes, and how they’ve evolved into the Brady Bunch. He’ll find out soon enough that Jenelle’s word is weaker than tissue paper.

  5. sure jan ? what network is gonna wanna be tied to known homophobes and dog killers???? jenelle might as well stick to her “docuseries” on youtube

  6. When Jenelle has a falling out with this manager in 6 months, it is going to be epic.

    August hasn’t even updated an unfinished website for “I Am Media” company (which he apparently runs) since 2016. That should tell you everything you need to know. He also looks high as a kite in the few photos available online.

  7. Key words Manger shopping around meaning she has NO SHOW. Once a dog killer ALWAYS DOG KILLER, there’s no coming back from that period. Janelle is just as bad as him for condoning killing dog. May they both rot in hell.

  8. You’re high high high Jenelle

    No one, and I mean no one believes you’re getting your own show.

  9. I have a feeling that there is a lot more to this than is being said. Probably the deal did NOT include David the dog killer, and as usual, Jenelle isnt allowed to have playdates and sleepovers without him. This has always been how it is, and it’s lost her SO many opportunities to give her a redemption arc.

    Dumbass. Keep on showing the world your naked self on Only Fans instead of doing something like the new Teen Mom series. I’m sure that decision will be really great for your kids in school this year, giving them lots to hear about on the playground.

    Parents of the year.

    1. One of the alleged opportunities is GAC channel.

      They run a lot of Hallmark movies.

      Her OF is holding her back from that.

  10. August must’ve been really desperate for a job to be willing to be Jenelle’s “manager”.
    Over/under on how long it lasts before they have a big blow up and she quits? I give it 3.5 months.

  11. Jenelle will bring the draw that none of the other girls will.

    Jenelle isnt able to curate an image. She’s a walking shit show.

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